Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Genesis 6:21
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And thou shalt take vnto the all maner of meate that maye be eaten, and shalt laye it vp in stoare by the, that it maye be meate for the and them.
Genesis 7:1
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And ye LORDE sayde vnto Noe: Go in to the Arcke thou & thy whole house: for the haue I sene righteous before me at this tyme.
Genesis 7:4
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For yet after seuen dayes, I wil sende raine vpon the earth fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes, and wyll destroye all maner of thinges that I haue made, from of the face of the earth.
Genesis 7:7
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And he wente in to the Arcke, with his sonnes, his wyfe, and his sonnes wyues, for the waters of the floude.
Genesis 8:5
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And the waters wete awaye and decreased vntyll the tenth moneth: for the first daye of the tenth moneth, the toppes of the mountaynes appeared.
Genesis 8:9
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But when ye doue coude fynde no restynge place for hir fete, she came agayne vnto him in to the Arcke, for the waters were yet vpon the face of all the earth. And he put out his hande, and toke her to him in to the Arke.
Genesis 8:17
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As for all the beastes that are with the, what so euer flesh it be (both foule & catell and all maner of wormes that crepe vpon the earth) let them go out with the, and be ye occupied vpon the earth, growe and multiplye vpon the earth.
Genesis 8:21
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And ye LORDE smelled the swete sauor, & sayde in his hert: I wyl hence forth curse the earth nomore for mas sake, for the ymaginacion of mans hert is euell, euen from the very youth of him. Therfore from hece forth I wil nomore smyte all that lyueth, as I haue done.
Genesis 9:5
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For the bloude of you wherin youre soule is, wyll I requyre of the hande of all beastes: and the soule of ma wyll I requyre of mans hande, yee euery mans soule of anothers hande.
Genesis 9:6
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He that sheddeth mas bloude, his bloude shal be shed by man agayne, for God made man after his owne licknesse.
Genesis 9:7
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As for you, be ye frutefull, and increase, and be occupied vpon the earth, that ye maye multiplye therin.
Genesis 9:12
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And God sayde: This is the token of my couenaunt which I haue made betwene me and you, and all lyuynge creatures amonge you for euermore:
Genesis 9:18
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The sonnes of Noe which wente out of the Arke, are these: Sem, Ham and Iaphet. As for Ham, he is the father of Canaa.
Genesis 11:3
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& saide one to another: Come on, let vs make bryck & burne it. And they toke bryck for stone, & slyme for morter,
Genesis 12:6
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And whe they were come in to the same londe, he wente thorow, tyll he came vnto the place of Sichem, and vnto the Okegroue of More: for ye Cananites dwelt in ye lode at ye same time.
Genesis 12:10
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But there came a derth in the londe. Then wente Abram downe in to Egipte to kepe himself there as a straunger, for the derth was sore in the londe.
Genesis 12:11
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And whan he was come nye for to entre in to Egipte, he sayde vnto Sarai his wife: Beholde, I knowe yt thou art a fayre woman to loke vpon.
Genesis 12:13
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Therfore (I pray ye) saye thou art my sister, that I maye fare the better by reason of the, and that my soule maye lyue for thy sake.
Genesis 12:16
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and Abram was well intreated for hir sake: and he had shepe, oxe, and he Asses, seruauntes, maydes, she Asses and Camels.
Genesis 13:6
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so yt the londe was not able to receaue them, that they might dwell together: for the substaunce of their riches was so greate, that they coude not dwell together.
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