Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Commentaries
Ecclesiastes 11

Bullinger's Companion Bible NotesBullinger's Companion Notes

Verse 1

bread. Put by Figure of speech Metonymy (of Effect), App-6 , for the seed from which it is produced.

upon = upon the surface of.

it = the profit or result of it.

Verse 2

Give: i.e. in charity.

a portion: i.e. a portion of the bread of Ecclesiastes 11:1 .

seven . . . eight. An idiomatic phrase denoting several or many, like the idiom "once . . . twice" = several times (Job 33:14 .Psalms 62:11; Psalms 62:11 ); "twice. . . thrice" = often (Job 33:29 . Isaiah 17:6 ); "three and four" = frequently, or many (Exodus 20:5 ; Exodus 34:7 . Proverbs 30:15 , Proverbs 30:18 , Proverbs 30:21 .Amos 1:3 , Amos 1:6 , Amos 1:9 , Amos 1:11 , Amos 1:13 ; Amos 2:1 , Amos 2:4 , Amos 2:6 ); "four and five" (Isaiah 17:6 ); "six and seven" = many (Job 5:19 ); "seven and eight" (Micah 5:5 ).

what evil. As the verb is Masculine but "evil" is feminine, render "what will prove a misfortune".

evil = misfortune. Hebrew. ra'a'. App-44 .

upon the earth. See note on Ecclesiastes 5:2 .

Verse 4

wind. Hebrew. ruach. App-9 .

shall not sow. shall not reap. The ploughing must be done when the early rains have come, even in the face of storm and tempest; otherwise there will be no reaping after the latter rains.

Verse 5

As = According as. See note on John 3:8 . spirit. Hebrew. ruach. App-9 .

God. Hebrew. Elohim. (with Art.) = the [true] God, or the Deity. App-4 . See note on Ecclesiastes 1:13 .

Verse 6

prosper. Hebrew. kasher: supposed to be a later Hebrew word, but a kindred form seems to be found in Psalms 68:6 , where "with chains" should be rendered "into prosperity". See App-75 .

Verse 8

man. Hebrew. 'adam (with Art.) App-14 . See note on Ecclesiastes 1:13 .

and rejoice = let him rejoice.

Verse 9

Rejoice, &c. A positive command, not irony; qualified by the solemn fact: "but know thou", &c.

young man = a chosen youth, implying beauty and strength.

youth = childhood.

thy youth. Same word as "young man".

judgment = the judgment.

Verse 10

evil = sadness.

youth = dawn of life. Hebrew. shaharuth. Occurs only here

Bibliographical Information
Bullinger, Ethelbert William. "Commentary on Ecclesiastes 11". "Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/bul/ecclesiastes-11.html. 1909-1922.
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