Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Commentaries
Ecclesiastes 7

Bullinger's Companion Bible NotesBullinger's Companion Notes

Verse 1

name . . . ointment. Note the Figure of speech Paronomasia ( App-6 ), " shem mishshemen".

better. See note on Ecclesiastes 2:24 .

precious = good. Same word as "good" at the beginning of the sentence.

Verse 2

the end. Hebrew. soph . See note on Ecclesiastes 3:11 .

men. Hebrew. 'addm (with Art.) = mankind. App-14 . See note on Ecclesiastes 1:13 .

Verse 4

fools = fat, inert. Hebrew. kesil. Same word as in verses: Ecclesiastes 7:5 , Ecclesiastes 7:6 , Ecclesiastes 7:9 , Ecclesiastes 7:25 ("folly"). Not the same as "foolish "(Ecclesiastes 7:17 ), or "foolishness", Ecclesiastes 7:25 . See note on "poverty", Proverbs 1:7 .

Verse 6

crackling. Same word as "voice" (Genesis 3:8 ), used of any sound.

thorns . . . pot. Note Figure of speech Paronomasia ( App-6 ). Hebrew. hassirim . . . hassir. May be Englished by "nettles . . . kettles".

vanity. See note on Ecclesiastes 1:2 .

Verse 7

oppression = oppressing: i.e. the act of oppressing.

maketh . . . mad. Referring to the madness of folly.

mad = beyond control. See note on Ecclesiastes 1:17 .

a gift = a bribe.

Verse 11

Wisdom. Hebrew. chakmah. See note on Proverbs 1:2 .

with, &c. = like, or as. See Ecclesiastes 2:16 ; Ecclesiastes 8:1 .Genesis 18:23 , Genesis 18:25 . Render:"Wisdom [is as] good as riches, and more advantageous to them that see the sun".

see the sun: i.e. the idiom for "are alive".

Verse 12

life = future life. See note on Leviticus 18:5 .

Verse 13

God. Hebrew. Elohim. (with Art.) = the [true] God: i.e. the Deity. App-4 .

Verse 14

find = discover.

Verse 15

just = righteous.

Verse 16

over much: i.e. depending on the merit of good works.

over wise: i.e. beyond what is necessary.

destroy thyself = make thyself lonely: i.e. forsaken. Compare Job 16:7 .

Verse 17

Be not over much wicked = Be not very wicked: i.e. Be not wicked at all. For violation of nature's laws surely end in premature death.

foolish = stupid. Hebrew. sakal; not the same word as in verses: Ecclesiastes 4:5 , Ecclesiastes 4:6 , Ecclesiastes 4:9 , Ecc 4:25 ("folly"). See note on Proverbs 1:7 .

why . . . ? Figure of speech Erotesis. App-6 .

Verse 18

come forth of them all = make His way with both.

Verse 19

the wise = a wise man.

Verse 21

curse = revile.

Verse 25

the reason . . . madness = in order to know the reason (or cause) of folly's wickedness, and the madness of folly.

Verse 27

counting, &c. Or, supply the Ellipsis thus: "[considering women] one by one", &c.

account = result.

Verse 28

my soul = I myself. Hebrew. nephesh. App-13 .

seeketh = sought.

Verse 29

Lo. Figure of speech Asterismos. App-6 . Same as "Behold" in Ecclesiastes 7:27 .

they = mankind: not merely the above classes. This verse is admittedly the inspired truth of God: so therefore are the other statements in this book. Moreover, "they" is emphatic.

inventions = devices.

Bibliographical Information
Bullinger, Ethelbert William. "Commentary on Ecclesiastes 7". "Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/bul/ecclesiastes-7.html. 1909-1922.
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