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Sunday, September 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Commentaries
Galatians 4

Bullinger's Companion Bible NotesBullinger's Companion Notes

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Verse 1

as long = for (Greek. epi . App-104 .) such time. child. Greek. nepios . App-108 .

nothing . Greek. oudeis .

servant . Greek. doulos . App-190 .

lord = owner. Greek. kurios . App-98 .

Verse 2

under . Greek. hupo . App-104 .

tutors . Greek. epitropos . Elsewhere, Matthew 20:8 . Luke 8:3 (steward).

governors . Greek. oikonomos . See Luke 16:1 (steward).

time appointed . Greek. prothesmios . Only here. An adjective in feminine agreeing with "day" (understood).

Verse 3

Even so we = So we also.

in bondage = enslaved. Greek. douloo App-190 .

elements = elementary rules. Greek. stoicheion . Here, Galatians 4:9 . Colossians 2:8 , Colossians 2:20 . Hebrews 5:12 . 2Pe 3:10 , 2 Peter 3:12 . Compare Romans 2:14 , Romans 2:15 .

world . Greek. kosmos . App-129 .

Verse 4

fulness . Greek. pleroma . ' First occurance: Matthew 9:16 .

was come = came.

God. App-98 .

sent forth . Greek. exapostello App-174 .

Son. Greek. huios App-108 .

made . See John 1:14

of. Greek. ek . App-104 .

the . Omit.

Verse 5

To = In order that (Greek. hina) He might.

redeem. Greek. exagorazo See Galatians 3:13 .

that . Greek. hina ., as above.

receive = receive in full. Greek. apolambano . See Romans 1:27 .

adoption of sons = sonship. Greek. huiothesia . See Romans 8:15 .

Verse 6

sons . App-108 . By begetting from above. Compare James 1:18 .

hath . Omit,

Spirit . App-101 .

into . Greek. eis . App-104 .

your. The texts read "our".

Abba . See App-94 .:1.

Father . App-98 .

Verse 7

no more = no longer. Greek. ouketi ,

if . App-118 .

then an heir = an heir also.

of God through Christ. The texts read "through God".

through . Greek. dia App-104 .Galatians 4:1 .

Verse 8

knew. Greek. oida , App-132 .

not. Greek. ou . App-105 .

did service. Greek. douleuo . App-190 . Compare Galatians 4:3 .

unto = to.

no = not. Greek. me . App-105 .

gods . App-98 ,

Verse 9

after , &c. = having come to know.

known. Greek. ginosko App-132 .

of . Greek. hupo . App-104 .

to . Greek. epi . App-104 .

beggarly , Greek. ptochoe . App-127 .

whereunto = to which.

desire . Greek. thelo . App-102 .

again . Greek. palin anothen . This is emph. For anothen see Luke 1:3 . The Revised Version reads "over again".

be in bondage. Greek. donleuo , as Galatians 4:8 .

Verse 10

observe . Greek. paratereo . See Acts 9:24 . Compare Colossians 2:16 .

Verse 11

lost = lest by any means. Greek. me pos .

bestowed , &c, Compare Romans 16:6 .

upon . Greek. eis , App-104 .

in vain . See Galatians 3:4 ,

Verse 12

beseech. Greek. deomai . App-134 .

be = become.

for I, &c. Read, for I (was) as ye (are).

have . Omit.

not . . . at all = (in) nothing Greek. oudeis

injured = wronged. Greek. adikeo . See Acts 7:24 .

Verse 13

through = on account of. Greek. dia App-104 .Galatians 4:2 .

preached, &c. Greek. evangelizo . App-121 .

at the first = before. Compare 2 Corinthians 12:7 .

Verse 14

my. The texts read "your". The malady (2 Corinthians 12:7 ) which led to his presence among them was a teat to them, a temptation to reject him and his message.

in. Greek. en . App-104 .

despised. Greek. exoutheneo . See Acts 4:11 .

nor . Greek. oude .

rejected . Literally spat out. Greek. ekptuo . Only here

Christ Jesus . App-98 .

Verse 15

the blessedness , &c. = your blessedness. Greek. makarismos . See Romans 4:6 .

plucked out . Literally dug out. Greek. exorusso Here and Mark 2:4 ,

Verse 16

because , &c. = dealing truly with. Greek. aletheuv , Here and Ephesians 4:15 . Compare App-175 .

Verse 17

zealously affect . Greek. zelov , to be zealous, either for good or for bad.

would = wish to. App-102 .,

exclude . Greek. ekkleiv , See Romans 3:27 .

affect . Greek. zelov , as above.

Verse 18

not . Gr, me App-105 .

when . . . present , Literally in (Gr, en) my being present.

with . Gr, pros . App-104 .

Verse 19

little children . Greek. teknion . App-108 . Only occurance: by Paul. Compare 1 John 2:1 , &c.

travail, &c. Greek. Odino . Here, Galatians 4:27 . Revelation 12:2 ,

Christ . App-98 .

formed. Greek. morphoomai . Only here.

Verse 20

change , Greek. allassv . See Acts 6:14 .

voice = tone,

for = because.

stand in doubt . Greek. aporeomai . See Acts 25:20 .

of . Greek. en . App-104 .

Verse 22

by . Greek. ek . Same as "of", Galatians 4:4 .

bondmaid . Greek. paidiske , as verses: Galatians 4:23 , Galatians 4:30 , Galatians 4:31 , Elsewhere translated "maid "or damsel",

the other = and one.

Verse 23

born = begotten. Greek. gennao

after = according to. Greek. kata . App-104 .

by. Greek. dia . App-104 .Galatians 4:1 .

promise . See Luke 24:49 ,

Verse 24

an allegory . Literally allegorized. Greek. allegereo . Only here. Compare: 1 Corinthians 10:11

these . Supply the Ellipsis by "two women are, i.e. represent. Figure of speech Metaphor , App-6 . Compare John 6:35 ; John 10:9 .

covenants . Greek. diatheke . Seo Matthew 26:28 .

the one = one indeed.

from. Greek. apo . App-104 .

Sinai. See Exodus 16:1 .

gendereth = heareth children. Greek. gennao , as Galatians 4:23 .

to. Greek. eis , as: Galatians 4:6 , Galatians 4:11 .

bondage . Greek. douleia , App-190 .

Agar = Hagar. In Arabic, Hagar (a stone) is a name for Mt. Sinai.

Verse 25

is . i.e. represents.

answereth to = stands in same rank with. Greek. sustoicheo . Only here. Compare Galatians 5:25 .

is in bondage = serves. Greek. douleuo . App-190 .

with . Greek. meta . App-104 ,

children . Greek. teknon . App-108 .

Verse 26

above . Greek. ano See John 8:23 .

all . The texts omit.

Verse 27

the desolate , &c. = many are the children of the desolate rather than of her that hath the husband. Quoted from Isaiah 54:1 .

husband . Greek. aner , App-123 .

Verse 28

as Isaac was = according to (Greek. kata , as Galatians 4:23 )

Isaac , i.e. after the type of Isaac. Compare Romans 4:19 ,

Verse 29

even so it is now = so it is now also.

Verse 30

Cast out . Greek. ekballo . App-174 .

not = by no means. Greek. ou me . App-105 .

be heir = inherit. Greek. kleronomeo . See 1 Corinthians 6:9 , Quoted from Genesis 21:10 .

Verse 31

So then . Tho texts read, "Wherefore. "

Bibliographical Information
Bullinger, Ethelbert William. "Commentary on Galatians 4". "Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/bul/galatians-4.html. 1909-1922.
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