Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Commentaries
Joshua 3

Bullinger's Companion Bible NotesBullinger's Companion Notes

Verse 1

early in the morning : i.e. after the command in Joshua 1:2 .

children = sons.

Verse 2

after = at the end of.

host = camp.

Verse 3

the ark . Not the cloud, but the ark; as from Sinai. Compare Numbers 10:33 .

the LORD your God = Jehovah your Elohim . App-4 .

the Levites. Some codices, with three early printed editions, Septuagint, and Syriac, reed "and the Levites". bearing it. Supply the Ellipsis ( App-6 .) by adding "[going before]" from next clause.

Verse 4

a space. This is very significant. Compare Exodus 19:12 , Exodus 13:22 .Leviticus 10:3 .

cubits. See App-51 . About Joshua 1:5 miles.

Verse 7

the LORD (Hebrew. Jehovah. said unto Joshua (or him), at nine sundry times: Joshua 3:7 ; Joshua 5:2 ; Joshua 6:2 ; Joshua 7:10 , Joshua 8:1 , Joshua 8:18 ; Joshua 10:8 ; Joshua 11:6 ; Joshua 13:1 .

as = according as.

Verse 10

living. This title always has a latent reference to idols. Here, to the gods of the idolatrous nations named.

GOD. Hebrew. 'el. App-4 .

and. Note the Figure of speech Polysendeton ( App-6 ), to emphasise the seven nations.

Verse 11

Behold. Figure of speech Asterismos. App-6 .

the Lord of all the earth. Hebrew the Adon. of all the earth. A title connected with sovereignty in the earth. Compare Joshua 3:11 , Joshua 3:13 .Zechariah 6:5 , the only three occurrences of this full title. See App-4 .; and compare Psalms 97:5 .Micah 4:3 .Zechariah 4:14 .

Verse 12

twelve. The number of governmental perfection See App-10 .

men . Hebrew. 'ish. See App-14 .

Verse 13

the LORD. Hebrew. Jehovah . App-4 .

cut off . Three times here, for Israel; 2 Kings 2:8 , for Elijah; and 2 Kings 2:14 , for Elisha.

an heap one heap. Compare Psalms 114:3 .

Verse 15

for. Note the parenthesis.

overfloweth. So to the present day.

banks . Hebrew found only four times in O.T.; here, Jos 4:18 . 1 Chronicles 12:15 .Isaiah 8:7 . All but the last, of the Jordan.

harvest = barley harvest. Compare note on Joshua 2:6 .

Verse 16

Adam. The waters were divided at (or near) the city "Adam", and they were heaped up at (or near) "Zaretun", another city far off from "Adam".

Zaretan in the land of Manasseh. Called Zartanah in 1 Kings 4:12 . The brazen vessels of the temple were cast there in the plain of Jordan (1 Kings 7:46 .

sea of the plain: i.e. the Dead Sea.

salt sea. Figure of speech. Polyonymia. App-6 .

the People passed over. A way cleft through the sea (Exodus 14:0 ), through the river (Joshua 3:0 ), and in the future through the air Philippians 3:14 , 1 Thessalonians 4:17 ).

Verse 17

all the Israelites: better = all Israel.

were passed clean over = finished passing over.

Bibliographical Information
Bullinger, Ethelbert William. "Commentary on Joshua 3". "Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/bul/joshua-3.html. 1909-1922.
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