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Sunday, October 27th, 2024
the Week of Proper 25 / Ordinary 30
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Bible Commentaries
Philippians 2

Bullinger's Companion Bible NotesBullinger's Companion Notes

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Verse 1

If. App-118 .

consolation . Greek. paraklesis. See Luke 6:24 . See App-134 .

in . App-104 .

Christ . App-98 .

comfort . Greek. stimulating force, incentive. Greek. paramuthion. Only here. Compare 1 Corinthians 14:8 . John 11:19 ,

love . App-135 .

Spirit . App-101 . There is no article, and the whole context is an exhortation to being of one mind. Compare Philippians 1:27 .

bowels . See Philippians 1:8 .

mercies . Greek. oiktirmos. See Romans 12:1 .

Verse 2

Fulfil = Complete. App-125 .

that = in order that. Greek. hina .

be likeminded = mind, or think the same thing. Greek. phroneo.

of one accord . Greek. sumpsuchos . Only here.

of one mind = minding (Greek. phroneo, as above) the one thing.

Verse 3

nothing. Greek medeis.

through = according to. App-104 .

strife . Greek. eritheia . See Philippians 1:16 .

vainglory . Greek. kenodoxia. Only here.

in = by. No preposition. Dative case.

lowliness of mind . Greek. tapeinophrosune. See Acts 20:19 .

let each , &c. = reckoning one another.

better . Greek. huperecho, See Romans 13:1 .

Verse 4

Look. Greek. slopeo. See Luke 11:35 .

not . App-105 .

every man = each one.

also , &c. = on the things of others also.

others . App-124 .

Verse 5

Let , &c. Literally Mind, or think, this. Greek. phroneo, as in Philippians 2:2 .

you = yourselves, i, e, your hearts.

also, &c. = in Christ Jesus also.

Christ Jesus . App-98 .

Verse 6

being = subsisting, or being essentially. Greek. huparcho. See Luke 9:48

form = the essential form, including all the qualities which can be made visible to the eye. Greek. morphe. Only here, Philippians 2:7 , and Mark 16:12 .

God. App-98 .

thought = reckoned. Some word as "esteem", Philippians 2:3 .

not . App-105 .

robbery = an act of robbery, or usurpation.

to be equal = the being on an equality.

Verse 7

made Himself of no reputation = emptied Himself. Greek. kenoo. See Romans 4:14 . Of what He divested Himself is not stated, but Geo. Herbert's words, "He laid his glory by", i.e. the outward attributes of Deity, well suggest the meaning here. "It is assumed by some that when taking the form of a bondservant, He not only divested Himself of His Divine powers, but became as His fellows, and limited Himself (or was limited) to the knowledge and "mental status" of the age in which He lived. In support of this Luke 2:52 and Mark 13:32 are adduced, but neither affords any warrant whatever for such assumption. The Lord's wisdom and knowledge were astonishing to the Rabbis (Luke 2:37 ). He came only to accomplish the work the Father gave Him to do (John 17:4 ), so He only spoke the words the Father gave Him (John 3:34 ; John 7:16 ; John 8:28 ; John 12:49 , John 12:50 ; John 14:10 , John 14:24 ; John 17:8 , John 17:14 ). His perfect obedience (as far as death, Philippians 2:8 ) was shown in that He did and said only what was appointed Him to do and say, not His own will, but the will of Him that sent Him (Hebrews 10:5-7 ).

and took, &c. = having taken.

servant . App-190 .

was made. Literally becoming.

likeness Greek. homoioma . See Romans 1:23 .

men . App-123 .

Verse 8

fashion . Greek. schema. Only here and 1 Corinthians 7:31 . The noun morphe ; Occurs thrice and is used only of the Lord; here (verses: Philippians 2:6 , Philippians 2:7 ), and Mark 16:12 , schema Occurs only here and 1 Corinthians 7:31 , as above. For their compounds see the Notes.

humbled. Greek. tapeinoo. See 2 Corinthians 11:7 .

and became . Literally becoming.

obedient . Greek. huperkoos. See Acts 7:39 .

unto = as far as,

cross . That death, the shame of which made it such a stumbling-block to the Jews. Compare Hebrews 12:2 . The seven successive steps of the Lord's humiliation illustrate the Figure of speech Catabasis . App-6 . The seven steps upward in His glorification are given in verses: Philippians 2:9-11 .

Verse 9

hath . Omit.

highly exalted . Greek. huperupsoo. Only here. Compare John 12:32 .

given = gave. App-184 . The texts read the.

above . App-104 .

Verse 10

at = in. App-104 .

Jesus . App-98 .

bow . Greek. kampto. See Romans 11:4 . Compare Isaiah 45:23 , Romans 14:11 .

in heaven . Greek. epouranios. S. Ephesians 3:10 .

in earth . Greek. epigeios . See 1 Corinthians 15:40 (terrestrial).

under the earth . Greek. katachthonios. Only here. Compare Proverbs 15:24 , These are the dead who shall yet be reused to give glory to Him, Compare Revelation 5:13 ; and the angels and demons of the abyss. Luke 8:31 .Revelation 9:11 . And see Psalms 148:0 .

Verse 11

Jesus Christ . App-98 .

Lord . App-98 .

to . App-104 .

Father . App-98 .

Verse 12

beloved. App-135 .

presence . Greek. paroesia. This and Philippians 1:26 (coming) are the only one. of parousia in the epistles written from Paul's prison at Rome. See Matthew 24:3 .

absence . Greek. apousia . Only here.

with . App-104 .

fear and trembling . See 1 Corinthians 2:3 .

Verse 13

worketh . Greek. energeo. Not the same as "work out" (Philippians 2:12 ), katergazomai (see Ephesians 6:13 ).

will . App-102 .

do = work. Greek. energeo .

of . App-104 .

good pleasure . Greek. eudokia . See Romans 10:1 .

Verse 14

murmurings . Greek. gongusmos. See Acts 6:1 .

Verse 15

be . Literally become.

blameless . Greek. amemptos. Only here; Philippians 3:6 . Luke 1:6 . 1 Thessalonians 3:13 .Hebrews 8:7 .

harmless . Greek. akeraios. See Romans 16:19

sons . App-108 .

without rebuke. Greek. amometos. Only here and 2 Peter 3:14 , but the texts read amomos (as Ephesians 1:4 ), Both words are akin to amemptos.

crooked . Greek., skolios . See Acts 2:40 .

perverse . See Acts 13:8 .

nation = generation.

among . App-104 .

shine = appear. App-106 .

lights . App-130 .

world . App-129 . Compare Matthew 5:14 .

Verse 16

Holding forth . Greek. epecho. See Acts 3:5 ,

word . App-121 .

life , App-170 .

that I may , &c. = for ( App-104 ) rejoicing to me. Compare 1 Thessalonians 2:19 , 1 Thessalonians 2:20 .

in . App-104 .

in vain . Greek. eis kenon , See Galatians 4:11 .

Verse 17

and if = even if ( App-118 )

offered = poured out (as a drink offering). Greek. spendomai. Only here and a Tim Philippians 4:6 .

upon . App-101 .

service . App-190 .

faith. App-150 .

Verse 18

For the same, &c. = In respect to the same thing do ye also joy.

Verse 19

trust = hope. Greek. elpizo.

send. App-174 .

shortly = quickly.

unto = to,

be, &c. Greek. eupsucheo . Only here,

know. App-132 .

your state = the things concerning ( App-104 .) you.

Verse 20

no man = no one. Greek. oudeis .

likeminded = of equal mind. Greek. isopsuchos. Only here.

naturally . Greek. gnesios. Only here. Compare Philippians 4:3 . 1 Timothy 1:2 .

Verse 22

proof . Greek. dokime. See Romans 5:4 .

hath . Omit.

served . App-190 .

with . App-104 .

gospel . App-140 .

Verse 23

hope . As trust, Philippians 2:19 .

presently = forthwith.

see . Greek. apeidon, used as aorist of aphorao. App-133 .

how . . . me = the things concerning me, as verses: Php 19:20 .

Verse 24

trust. App-150 .

Verse 25

supposed. Same word in Philippians 2:3 (esteem) and Philippians 2:6 (thought).

to. App-104 .

Epaphroditus , See Philippians 4:18 .

companion in labour . Greek. sunergos, fellowlabourer, I as Philippians 4:3 ; &c.

fellowsoldier . Greek. sustratiotes. Only here and Phm. Philippians 1:2 .

messenger = apostle. App-189 .

he that ministered = minister. App-190 .

wants . See Philippians 4:16 (necessity), Philippians 4:19 (need).

Verse 26

longed = was longing, On epipotheo, as Philippians 1:8 .

full of heaviness . Greek. ademoneo, Only here; Matthew 26:37 . Mark 14:33 .

Verse 27

nigh , Greek. paraplesion. Only here.

unto = to.

lest = in order that (Greek. hina) not ( App-105 ).

upon . App-104 .

Verse 28

carefully = diligently. see. App-133 .

less sorrowful = more free from grief. Greek. alupoteros. Only here.

Verse 29

in reputation = as honourable. or esteemed. Greek. entirnos. Here, Luke 7:2 ; Luke 14:8 . 1 Peter 2:4 , 1 Peter 2:6 ,

Verse 30

for . App-104 .Philippians 2:2 .

was = drew.

not regarding = disregarding. Greek. parabouleuomai, The texts read paraboleuomai, to expose to danger.

life. App-110 .

to = that (Greek. hina) he might.

supply = fill up. Greek. anapleroo. See 1 Corinthians 14:16 . Compare App-125 .

service , App-190 .

toward . App-104 . Paul's joy at their kind ministration lacked one thing, their personal presence. This Epaphroditus, their messenger, supplied.

Bibliographical Information
Bullinger, Ethelbert William. "Commentary on Philippians 2". "Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/bul/philippians-2.html. 1909-1922.
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