Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, October 27th, 2024
the Week of Proper 25 / Ordinary 30
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Bible Commentaries
Philippians 2

Gann's Commentary on the BibleGann on the Bible

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Verse 1

Philippians 2:1

The Secret of JOY in Spite of PEOPLE is a Self-Emptying Life (The Submissive Mind.)

Ch. 2 Self-Emptying Life (v.7 ASV) Self-Yielding, Self-Giving;

1) Enquires v. 3-4 "others"

2) Exemplified in Christ - v. 5-11

3) Illustrated in two saints, Timothy and Epaphroditus

Problem today is being "ME deep in self".

Ch. 1 Teaches us to put Christ first.

Ch. 2 Teaches us to put Others before ourselves.

- - - -

If ... Since

Consolation -- encouragement

Bowels -- tender compassion

Verse 2

Philippians 2:2

Fulfil -- Make my joy complete.

Ye be -- present tense Ephesians 4:3

One accord -- united

One mind -- sympsyche

Four examples:

1) Christ - v. 1-11

2) Paul - v.12-18

3) Timothy - v.19-24

4) Epaphroditus - v.25-30

Verse 3

Philippians 2:3

Keyverse (v.3 & 4)

Vainglory -- selfish ambition, conceit

Lowliness --

Each esteem -- thoughtful consideration

Better -- more important

Verse 4

Philippians 2:4

Others -- Key idea of this chapter, see v. 3 and 4.

Serving Others - Matthew 20:26; Matthew 23:11 Mark 10:43

Luke 22:26-27 Philippians 2:4 1 Corinthians 10:24

Verse 5

Philippians 2:5

Four Characteristics of the Self-Emptying Life

1) He thinks of others, not himself - v. 5-6

2) He servers others - v.7

3) He sacrifices - v. 8

4) He glorifies God - v. 9-11

See Ephesians 3:17 note on "Indwelling"

Verse 6

Philippians 2:6

Form -- divine attributes, not shape or size, morphe, essence.

Robbery -- Emptied Himself of His privileges "grasped" by robbery (early definition)

Equal with God -- He was, John 1:1-4

Cf. NASB "did not regard equality with God Almighty a things to be grasped" (He "emptied Himself").

Verse 7

Philippians 2:7

No reputation -- ASV emptied.

Form -- The incarnation

Jesus’ Steps In His Self-Emptying Life

1) He emptied Himself - v. 7

2) He took a human body - v.7

3) He became a servant - v. 7

4) He obeyed all the way to the cross - v.8

verse 7 Not a surrender of Divinity but a self-renunciation, a denial of self and becoming a servant.

He set aside privileges.

Set Aside His Privileges

1) heavenly glory

2) independent authority

3) divine prerogative (attributes)

4) eternal riches

5) a favorable relationship with the Father (Matthew 27:46)

Verse 8

Philippians 2:8

Fashion -- schema, outward form

Humbled himself -- Taking all the attributes of man

Death -- Isaiah 53, the Suffering Servant

Death of the cross -- a criminal’s death

Verse 9

Philippians 2:9

Highly exalted -- 1 Peter 5:6

Given Him a name -- parallel to the idea of giving a title or position. A new identity, that as intercessor, and High Priest.

Verse 10

Philippians 2:10

At -- in

In heaven -- the saved, angels in heaven

In earth -- the living

Under the earth -- the lost - 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9, and demons , 1 Peter 3:18-22

Verse 11

Philippians 2:11

Lord -- Title in O.T. LORD ( YHWH ) "Sovereign Ruler"

Glory -- God, the Father, is glorified in our acknowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord.

Verse 12

Philippians 2:12

Obeyed -- Our response

Work out -- κατεργάζεσθε (καταχθονίων) (2nd person, plural, present middle indicative, (deponent) tense = "continue to" ) = to work to full completion. Working at and finally accomplishing. . Used of working out a mine to get all the valuable ore out. Ephesians 6:13 (same word) "having worked out"

Fear - trembling -- fear of offending God, and out of respect for Him. Acts 2:40 Ephesians 2:8-9

Verse 13

Philippians 2:13

2:12-18 The Ins and Outs of Christian Living

1) There is a purpose to achieve , 2:12, 14-16

2) There is a power to receive 2:13

God -- God produces the good works and spiritual fruits.

Worketh -- (Present active masculine participle, thus continual action.) Acts 2:40 Ephesians 2:8-9

1 Thessalonians 2:13 The word of God working in us.

In you.. to will -- to do -- Ephesians 3:20 power, = Christ in our hearts by faith. Philippians 4:13; Philippians 3:17

The Holy Spirit’s tools: a) the Word - 1 Thessalonians 2:13; b) prayer - Ephesians 3:20

(for outline, see note on Philippians 2:12 )

Verse 14

Philippians 2:14

Murmurings -- The cooing of doves. (The word sounds in Greek like it means.) (NIV & NKJV = complaining; RSV = "grumbling or questioning")

Disputings -- Negative criticism of God, like in the OT wilderness. (NIV = arguing;)

Verse 15

Philippians 2:15

Blameless -- A life not criticized of sin or evil, thus "innocent".

Harmless -- Innocent

Without rebuke -- without fault.

Perverse -- Strayed off course.

Shine as lights -- In a dark culture we are to be lights. [Now in our society or culture? Today is giving us an opportunity to shine.]

Verse 16

Philippians 2:16

2:12-18 The Ins and Outs of Christian Living

1) There is a purpose to achieve , 2:12, 14-16

2) There is a power to receive 2:13

3) There is a promise to believe, 2:16-18

Holding fast -- Believers holding something out for others to take ... Ephesians 2:11

Rejoice -- The joy comes from submission, or the Self-emptying life.

A two-fold joy: 1) hereafter, v.16; 2) now, v.17-18

In two verses discussing sacrifice and service, Paul used the words "joy" "rejoice" twice.

In the day of Christ -- Philippians 1:6; Philemon 1:10

Run in vain -- laboured in vain -- Paul’s world.

Verse 17

Philippians 2:17

Offered -- A libration sacrifice (a drink offering) (pres. tense) The topping off of an animal sacrifice. Exodus 29:38-41; 2 Kings 16:13; Jeremiah 7:18

Service -- The Philippians were offering their lives as their sacrifice to the Lord.

Joy -- rejoice -- Key words for this section. (twice again in the next verse, 19 x in book, Philippians 4:4)

Verse 18

Philippians 2:18

Joy -- rejoice -- Key words (Twice also in previous verse, 19 times in book, see Philippians 4:4)

Verse 19

Philippians 2:19

A Priceless Pair 2:19-30 (sermon)

Examples of Self-Emptying Lives - Timothy and Epaphroditus.


1) He had a Servant’s mind - v. 19-21

An unselfish concern for others.

We live in Philippians 1:21 or Philippians 2:21

2) He had a Servant’s training - v.22

1 Timothy 3:6-7

His branches widened as his roots went down.

3) He had a Servant’s reward - v. 23

Matthew 25:21; 1 Corinthians 4:17 ff

Verse 20

Philippians 2:20

Like-minded -- "one-souled" cf. Philippians 2:2. Paul had no other like him.

Verse 21

Philippians 2:21

Verse 22

Philippians 2:22

Timothy proved his ability and loyalty. His life was an open book.

Verse 23

Philippians 2:23

Verse 24

Philippians 2:24

Paul may have been released (Acts 26:32 ; Acts 28:30 ) and visited Philippi again.

Verse 25

Philippians 2:25

II. Epaphroditus 2:25-30

Paul a Hebrew of the Hebrews; Timothy a Jew and Gentile; Epaphroditus - all Gentile

1) He was a balanced Christian - 2.25

"my brother" - in the fellowship of the gospel

"my companion" - in the furtherance of the gospel

"my fellow soldier" - in the faith of the gospel

2) He was a burdened Christian - 2:26-27, 30

Gave himself to carry the offering from his church to Paul. They worried.

2) He was a blessed Christian - 2:28-30

What a tragedy to be a blessing to no one.

He was a blessing to Paul. To the church.

No contradiction between Philippians 2:7 and Philippians 2:28.

There should be on contradiction in us.

* He proves to us that the joyful life is a life of service and sacrifice.

Christ is the pattern.

Paul shows us the power.

Timothy and Epaphroditus are the proof that the Self-Emptying life is best.

Verse 26

Philippians 2:26

Verse 27

Philippians 2:27

Verse 28

Philippians 2:28

Verse 29

Philippians 2:29

Hold ..reputation -- "in high regard" NASB.

Verse 30

Philippians 2:30

Bibliographical Information
Gann, Windell. "Commentary on Philippians 2". Gann's Commentary on the Bible. https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/gbc/philippians-2.html. 2021.
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