Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Commentaries
Ezekiel 7

Dummelow's Commentary on the BibleDummelow on the Bible

Verses 1-27

§ 2. The Overthrow of the Jewish Kingdom Foretold (Ezekiel 4-7)

The great theme of the first part of Ezekiel’s prophetic ministry was the certainty of the complete downfall of the Jewish state. Though Zedekiah had been set on the throne by Nebuchadrezzar after the first captivity, there was no hope for the kingdom. Zedekiah’s reign was viewed by Ezekiel, as well as by Jeremiah, only as a temporary respite, to be followed by a second captivity which would bring the state to an end. Ezekiel 4-7 contain the first group of Ezekiel’s prophecies to this effect. They are to be placed between the date of his prophetic call (June-July, 592 b.c.) and that of the next group of prophecies (August-September, 591 b.c.). The present group includes a series of symbolic prophecies of the siege and captivity of Jerusalem (Ezekiel 4, 5), a prophecy against the mountains of Israel (Ezekiel 6), and a description, partly in the form of a poetic lament or dirge, of the final desolation of the land (Ezekiel 7).

Verses 1-27

The Desolation of the Land of Israel

This is a final message of doom upon the whole land (Ezekiel 7:2). God’s wrath against Israel’s sin is relentless, and the judgment is inevitable and close at hand. Social relations will be broken up (Ezekiel 7:12); preparations for defence will be unavailing (Ezekiel 7:14); wealth, which has been an occasion of sin and an instrument of idolatry, will not avert calamity, but will become the spoil of the heathen (Ezekiel 7:19-21); priests and prophets, king and nobles, will be helpless to deliver (Ezekiel 7:26, Ezekiel 7:17); the Temple will be profaned (Ezekiel 7:22); the remnant will be overwhelmed with sorrow (Ezekiel 7:16). Ezekiel 7:5-7, Ezekiel 7:10-12 are in the poetic metre commonly used for laments or dirges.

7, 10. The morning is come] RV ’Thy doom is come.’

7. Not the sounding again of the mountains] RV ’not of joyful shouting upon the mountains.’ The shouting of harvest or vintage is meant: see Isaiah 16:9-10; Jeremiah 48:33.

9. Ye shall know, etc.] another aspect of the result of God’s judgment. He would be recognised as the God who punishes sin.

10, 11. The meaning here is rather obscure. If the rod in Ezekiel 7:10 is that of chastisement, pride will mean the same thing. Babylon is called ’Pride’ in Jeremiah 50:31 (RM). But the violence in Ezekiel 7:11 seems to be that of Israel, and the rod of wickedness to be a figure for its developed form. Possibly ’the rod’ and ’pride’ in Ezekiel 7:10 may also refer to Israel’s sin.

12. The same kind of social confusion as in Isaiah 24:2.

13. The seller, etc.] This may mean, either that those of Ezekiel’s fellow-exiles of the first captivity who had sold their possessions before leaving Jerusalem would not return to regain them, or that land which ought to have come back to its seller at the year of Jubilee would not do so, since the destruction of the city would obliterate this and all other social institutions. The vision is touching, etc.] A more probable reading is, ’wrath is upon,’ etc., as in Ezekiel 7:12, Ezekiel 7:14.

15. No safety either in Jerusalem or out of it: see Ezekiel 6:12.

18. Baldness] a sign of mourning.

19. Removed] RV ’as an unclean thing.’ Similarly in Ezekiel 7:20.

20. 21. The rendering in AV and RV means that the Temple, profaned already by Israel’s idolatry, would be further polluted by the heathen conquerors. Most scholars, however, take the beauty of his (the people’s) ornament to refer to the silver and gold of Ezekiel 7:19, and render as in RM, ’they turned it to pride and they made the images.. thereof.’ The wealth which had been turned to idolatrous uses would be defiled by passing into heathen hands.

22. Secret place] RM ’secret treasure.’ Not the Holy of Holies specially, but Jerusalern and the Temple viewed as God’s precious possession.

23. A chain] a figure for captivity. Violence must be punished by forcible restraint.

26. Prophets] were consulted for oracles as to God’s will, priests for authoritative decisions as to the law, elders or ancients for general advice: see Jeremiah 18:18.

Bibliographical Information
Dummelow, John. "Commentary on Ezekiel 7". "Dummelow's Commentary on the Bible". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/dcb/ezekiel-7.html. 1909.
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