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Sunday, September 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Commentaries
2 Timothy 1

Darby's Synopsis of the New TestamentDarby's Synopsis

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Verse 1

1:1 Christ (a-5) Or 'Christ Jesus,' according to some authorities.

Verse 3

1:3 serve (b-8) Latreuo . see Matthew 4:10 .

Verse 5

1:5 mind (c-3) Or, 'I am thankful ... calling to mind.' been] (d-9) A verb is needed in English, and 'has been' is warranted by the apostle's 'calling to mind.'

Verse 6

1:6 rekindle (e-10) 'To revive, rekindle, what is drooping.' see Genesis 45:27 . The whole subject of the epistle is energy in the darkening state of the assembly.

Verse 7

1:7 discretion. (f-20) A quiet, sound or sober mind.

Verse 8

1:8 tidings, (g-23) This personification of the gospel is very common with Paul.

Verse 11

1:11 herald (h-8) Or 'preacher,' as 1 Timothy 2:7 ; 2 Peter 2:5 .

Verse 12

1:12 believed, (i-20) Pisteuo , 'believe,' occurs in different constructions; with the dative, as here, it means, 'to believe a person or thing;' compare Matthew 21:25 ; John 5:24 and 47. Followed by eis with an accusative, as frequently in John, it is to believe on a person as an object of faith, as John 14:1 ('ye believe on God, believe also on me'). Followed by epi with an accusative, it goes on to the idea of confidence. I rest my faith on him, yet with a more general idea of looking to him with this confidence. It is only used thus six times, so far as I am aware. Acts 9:42 ; Acts 11:17 ; Acts 16:31 ; Acts 22:19 ; Romans 4:5 ,Romans 4:24 . Followed by epi with a dative, it is used only in Luke 24:25 , and in the three passages where Isaiah 28:16 is quoted, Romans 9:33 ; Romans 10:11 ; 1 Peter 2:6 , where it is confidence in, or reliance upon, a person or thing. Followed by en with a dative, it occurs more seldom, and refers to believing in the truth of a thing, receiving a statement as true, as Mark 1:15 ('believe in the glad tidings').

Verse 13

1:13 (a-1) Or 'hold fast.' Timothy had heard no form from Paul, but words or doctrines . Hence, he was to have a summary or outline, so as to state clearly and definitely what he did hold. I have added '[words],' because in English 'which' might be thought to refer to outline. The Greek means a systematic expose , in outline, of any system of doctrine or philosophy, as 1 Timothy 1:16 , 'delineation.'

Bibliographical Information
Darby, John. "Commentary on 2 Timothy 1". "John Darby's Synopsis of the New Testament". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/dsn/2-timothy-1.html. 1857-67.
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