Lectionary Calendar
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024
the Week of Proper 24 / Ordinary 29
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Bible Commentaries
Mark 6

Garner-Howes Baptist CommentaryGarner-Howes

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Verse 1


1) "And He went out from thence," (kai ekselthen ekeithen) "And He went out and away from the house of the Synagogue ruler," out from Capernaum.

2) "And came into His own country;- (kai erchetai eis ten patrida autou) "And came into His own native land," into the area of Nazareth of Galilee, about fifteen (15) miles southwest of Capernaum, from where He had begun His Galilean ministry, Luke 4:16-21; Matthew 13:54-58.

3) "And His disciples follow Him." (kai akolouthousin auto hoi mathetai autou) "And His disciples followed Him," went with Him where He went. A true disciple will follow his master, Luke 9:23. And these true disciples constituted His church, companying with Him, "from the baptism of John," "from the beginning," and "from Galilee," John 15:16; John 15:27; Acts 1:21-22; Acts 10:37.

Verse 2

1) "And when the sabbath day was come," (kai genomenou sabbatou) "And when a sabbath came," when the sabbath came around, or arrived, near where He had retreated for rest.

2) "He began to teach in the synagogue:- (erksato didaskein en te sunagoge) "He began to teach in the synagogue," the synagogue of Nazareth, His home town, Luke 4:16-21. Spiritual things frustrate the unspiritual, Acts 2:7-11; Acts 4:13; 1 Corinthians 2:14.

3) "And many hearing Him were astonished, saying," (kai hoi polloi akountes ekseplesonto legontes) "And the masses (upon) hearing Him were astonished, repeatedly inquiring," asking one another, with curiosity.

4) "From whence hath this man these things?" (pothen touto tauta) "Where did this man (learn) these things?" the things He was teaching, these kind of things. They were appalled at the things He knew, but did not know where He had learned them, Luke 2:40; Luke 2:42.

5) "And what wisdom is this which is given unto Him," (kai tis he sophia he dotheisa touto) "And what is (the source of) wisdom given to Him," From where did He receive the kind of wisdom He shows? John 6:42; John 7:15.

6) "That even such mighty works are wrought by His hands?" (kai hai dunameis toiautai dia ton cheiron autou ginomenai) "And from what source is the dynamic deeds, the miracles such as are coming about through His hands?" His wisdom was first acknowledged at the age of twelve years, His miraculous powers through all His ministry, as well as His knowledge, Luke 2:46-47; John 3:2; Matthew 7:28-29; Matthew 22:46.

Verse 3

1) "Is not this the carpenter," (ouch houtos estin to tekton) "Isn’t this man the carpenter, the building technician?" In no other place is Jesus called "the carpenter;- yet is believed that He learned this, as a craft, as Paul did tent-making, Acts 18:3.

2) "The son of Mary," (ho huios tes marias) "The son or heir of Mary," Luke 2:51-52; Galatians 4:4-5.

3) "The brother of," (kai adelphos) "And a brother,"

"James," (lakabou) "Of James," and Joses" (kai lesetos) "And of Joses," and of Juda," (kai louda) "And of Judas," and Simon;- (kai Simonos) "and of Simon?" They affirmed that they knew the family of Jesus, Matthew 13:55-56.

4) "And are not His sisters with us?" (kai ouk eisin hai adelphai autou hode pros hemas) "And are not His sisters here (in this community) with us?" Matthew 13:56.

5) "And they were offended at Him." (kai eukandalizonto en auto) "And they were offended at Him," simply and apparently, because He was not a specifically authorized Jewish teacher, with Synagogue ordination, by an order of the Pharisees or Sadducees, Matthew 11:16; Matthew 13:57-58; 1 Peter 2:7-8.

He should have been received with an ovation, for the good that He was doing, but the formal, religious, pious masses of the Jews rejected Him in life and put Him to death in the end, John 1:11-12; 1 Thessalonians 2:14-15.

Verse 4


1) "But Jesus said unto them," (kai eleben autois ho lesous) "And Jesus said to them," to the murmuring fault-finding Jews, who rejected Him, John 5:40; John 5:43; John 8:24.

2) "A prophet is not without honour," (hoti ouk estin prophetes atimos) "That a prophet is not unhonored," without a degree of honor and respect, which true prophets and ministers of God should have, John 4:44; Matthew 13:57; John 7:3-5.

3) "But in his own country," (ei me en te patridi autou) "Except when in his native country," in the area where he was born and reared, an axiom of life, based on the depravity of man’s nature, Luke 4:24-30.

4) "And among his own kin," (kai em tois sungeneusin autou) "And among his near relatives," His own kinsmen, even as Abraham was told to separate himself from his, Genesis 12:1; Genesis 13:7-11.

5) "And in his own house." (kai en to oikia autou) "And in his own household," His own family, which recognizes his humanity, but far too little his Divine burden, and call, Mark 3:31-35; Jeremiah 1:4-10; Acts 9:20-22; Acts 9:26-29; Acts 22:17-23.

Verse 5

1) "And He could there do no mighty work," (kai ouk edunato ekei poiesai oudemian dunamin) "And He could not there (in the Nazareth area) do any powerful deed," because they did not want Him among them, Mark 5:17; Mark 9:23; Luke 13:34.

2) "Save that He laid His hands upon a few sick folk," (eime oligois arrostois epitheis tas cheiras) "Except that He laid His hands upon a few sick or ill ones," performed a few minor cures.

3) "And healed them." (etherapeusen) "And healed them," or made them to be well. His healing but the few, in the area of Nazareth, was because of the unbelief of the people, so that they brought but a few to Him, Matthew 13:58.

Verse 6

1) "And He marvelled because of their unbelief." (kai ethaumasen dia ten apistian auton) "And He marveled because of their unbelief, or untrusting, skeptical attitude." Only twice is it recounted’ that our Lord marveled, once at their unbelief, once at their belief, Matthew 8:10; Luke 7:9.

2) "And He went round about the villages, teaching." (kai periegen tas komas kuklo didaskon) "And He went round the villages, in circuit like manner, from place to place, continually teaching," for He was ever, always a teacher, even when He could do no mighty miracle because of their unbelief, Matthew 4:23; Matthew 9:35; Luke 23:5.

Verse 7


1) "And He called unto Him the twelve," (kai proskaleitai tous dodeka) "And He called to Him, because He wanted them, the twelve," whom He had already ordained as apostles, and set in His church, as the first officials, Mark 3:13-19; 1 Corinthians 12:28.

2) "And began to send them forth by two and two;- (kai erksato autous apostellein duo, duo) "And began to commission (mandate) them to go forth two by two," on their first, limited commission mission, Matthew 10:5-14; They went "two by two" for council, company, and verifiable witness, as in the mouth of two or three witnesses, John 5:31; John 8:14; John 8:17; Numbers 35:30; Deuteronomy 17:6.

3) "And gave them power over unclean spirits;- (kai edidou autois eksousian ton pneumaton ton akathraton) "And gave them administrative authority over unclean, deranged, or demented spirits;- Matthew 10:11; Luke 9:1-6.

Verse 8

1) "And commanded them," (kai paregeilen autois) "And charged them," as He sent them forth.

2) "That they should take nothing for their journey” (hina meden airosin eis hodon) "in order that they should take nothing in their way,’’ or as they went their way. They were to go in faith, with such as they had, at the Lord’s bidding, John 2:5.

3) "Save a staff only”(ei me hrabdon monon) "Except a staff only;- A staff and sandals, Mark 6:9, were the two necessary items for hasty travel, Matthew 10:9; Luke 9:3

a) "No scrip," (me peran) "Not a wallet, or provision bag.

b) ’’No bread," (me arton) "Not any bread or food.’’

c) ’’No money," (chalkon)- "Not even any copper money,’’ but brass, a piece of brass, worth less than a farthing.

d) "In their purse:" (me eis ten zonen) "Not even in the girdle," no money belt.

Verse 9

1) "But be shod with sandals;- (alla hupodedemenous sandalia) "But go well shod with sandals," for dusty and rocky roads, for crossing rough terrain, and rugged travel, Ephesians 6:15.

2) "And not put on two coats." (kai me endusesthe duo chitonas) "And do not put on two tunics," an extra coat. While Matthew and Luke forbid even owning two coats, Matthew 10:10; Luke 9:3.

Verse 10

1) "And He said unto them," (kai legen autois) "And He directed them."

2) "In what place soever ye enter into an house," (hopou ean eis elhete eis oikian) "Wherever you all enter into a residence," place or village in any locality.

3) "There abide till ye depart from that place." (ekei menete heos an ekselthete ekeithen) "Stay there, until you go out to another village place," having first inquired as to the reputation or worthiness of the occupants, Matthew 10:11-13.

Verse 11

1) "And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you” (kai hos en topos me dedsetai humas mede akousosin humon) "And whatever place receives you not, nor will they give heed to you," shall be cut off from future witnessing by you, Acts 3:22-23.

2) "When ye depart thence," (ekporeuomenoi ekeithen) "When you go out of that place, - when you leave it behind, as our Lord did rejecting Jerusalem, Matthew 23:37-39.

3) "Shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them." (ektinaksate ton hupokato ton poson humon eis maturion autois) "Shake the dust off under your feet, a testimony to them," as a testimony against them Luke 10:10-11; Acts 13:51, as Paul did, and again Acts 18:6; Matthew 10:14. Leave even their polluting dust behind.

4) "Verily, I say unto you," (the remainder of this verse does not appear in the original) To the twelve apostles whom He was sending out, on this limited commission, to the house of Israel only, at this time, Matthew 10:5-6.

5) "It shall be more tolerable," more bearable it will be to those who had lesser knowledge of salvation, than these Jews in the Galilean area, Matthew 10:15; Romans 2:12-16; Hebrews 10:31.

6) "For Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgement," Luke 10:14. There is a day of judgment for every city, place and person who rejects the voice and call of God to salvation and service, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; Hebrews 9:27-28.

7) "Than for that city." Whatever or whoever that rejecting city or person or people may be, Proverbs 29:1, Romans 2:16; Romans 14:11-12. Rejection of the gospel is a more serious sin, than the violation of the Law of Moses.

Verse 12

1) "And they went out," (kai ekselthones) "And then going out and away," the twelve, as directed, two by two, Mark 6:7, as He also did the seventy later, Luke 10:1.

2) "And preached that men should repent." (ekerukson hina metanoosin) "They preached in order that men might repent," the main thrust of their message, or that men should repent, even as John the Baptist and their Lord had taught them, of God, Matthew 3:1-2; Matthew 3:8; Mark 1:15; Luke 13:5.

Verse 13

1) "And they cast out many devils," (kai kaimonis polla ekseballon) "And they expelled or tossed out numerous demons," from those who had deranged minds, by virtue of demon influences, as the seventy did, Luke 10:17.

2) "And anointed with oil many that were sick," (kai eleiphon elaio pollous arrostous) "And they anointed many sick persons with oil," They administered, or assisted in administering, medical aid to many. Let it be observed that as alcohol is a primary basis for medicine today, oil was a basis of most all medicine in our Lord’s day, James 5:14. He did not use "magic oil" for healing, or sanction such for any foIlower.

3) "And healed them." (kai etherapeLion) "And they healed them,’’ either by medical means, or by instantaneous miraculous means, perhaps both, under the gifts of miracles given by our Lord, as credentials for His disciples and apostles, till the New Testament was completed Ephesians 4:7-16. Neither apostolic office nor the gift of miraculous healing was given for perpetual continuity in the church.

Verse 14


1) "And king Herod heard of Him” (kai ekousen ho basileus herodes) "And king Herod heard," heard of the name and fame of Jesus. This tetrarch Herod, was the son of the king Herod, who was king at the time of the birth of Jesus, Matthew 2:1-16; Matthew 2:19-22; Matthew 14:1.

2) "(For His name was spread abroad:)" (phaneron gar egeneto to onoma autou) "For His name became manifest," of became known far and near, by the teaching, preaching, and miracles that both He and His apostles had done in all the Galilean area. Even the Herodians and the Pharisees had already consorted to put Him to death, Mark 3:6.

3) "And he said that John the Baptist was risen from the dead," (kai elegon hoti loannes ho baptizon egegretai ek nekron) "And they said (the masses said) that John the Baptist had been raised out from the dead," and was alive again, because the Pharisees allowed that there was a resurrection, Acts 23:8. His conscience of guilt and shame and fear held him in torments of accountability and waiting judgment for the murder of John the Baptist, Hebrews 2:15; Acts 17:31; Matthew 14:2.

4) "And therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him." (kai dia touto energousin hai dunameis en auto) "And that mighty works, supernatural works, or powerful deeds did operate in and through him," if and since he was alive, Matthew 14:2; Luke 9:7-9.


What a wonderful change,

In my life has been wrought,

Since Jesus came into my heart!

I have light in my soul,

For which long I had sought,

Since Jesus came into my heart!

I’m possessed of a hope,

That is steadfast and sure,

Since Jesus came into my heart!

And no dark clouds of doubt,

Now my pathway obscure,

Since Jesus came into my heart,

I shall go there to dwell,

In that city, I know,

Since Jesus came into my heart!

And I’m happy, so happy,

As onward I go,

Since Jesus came into my heart.

Verse 15

1) "Others said, That it is Elias." (alloi de elegon hoti elias estin) "Yet others said, It is or he is Elias," Matthew 16:14, as also reported to our Lord by the twelve, Mark 8:28.

2) "And others said, That it is a prophet," (alloi de elegon" hoti prophetes) "Yet others said he was a prophet,’’ that Jesus was a prophet, accepting Him as nothing more, even as Islam does today, John 1:11-12; John 1:21.

3) "Or as one of the prophets." (hos eis ton propheton) ’’Or similar to one of the prophets," yet rejected Him as Savior and Lord, John 5:43.

Verse 16

1) "But when Herod heard thereof, he said,’’ (akousas ho herodes elegen) "But when Herod had heard of the fame and name of Jesus he said," gave his judgment with a tormenting conscience of guilt and fear that - - -

2) "It is John, whom I beheaded:”- (hon ego apekephalisa loannen) "John whom I beheaded," that is what it means, Numbers 32:23; Matthew 14:8-12. Herod apparently connected the work of Jesus, as an act of retribution to him, by which John had been reincarnated in Jesus and His work.

3) "He is risen from the dead." (leutos egerthe) "He is risen or has been raised from the dead," Luke 9:9; Luke 23:8. Yes, Herod felt "his sins had found him out," overtaken him in life, in his conscience, even before the hour of judgment, Ecclesiastes 12:14, and that John the Baptist had come back to work miracles.

Verse 17

1) "For Herod himself had sent forth and laid hold upon John,’’ (autos gar ho Herodes aposteilas ekratesen ton loannen) "For Herod had himself mandated or commissioned that John be seized," as also recounted, Matthew 14:3-5.

2) "And bound him in prison for Herodias’ sake," (kai edesen auton en phulake dia Herodiada) "And had bound him in prison because of Herodias," in response to the wish of Herodias, where he was detained till his murder by Herod.

3) ’’His brother Philip’s wife: for he had married her.’’ (ten gunaika Philippou tou adelphou hoti auten egamesen) "Who was the wife of Philip, the brother of Herod, because he had married her," Matthew 14:6-11.

Verse 18

1) "For John had said unto Herod," (elegen gar ho loannes to Herode) "For John had said to Herod," directly, without apology or timidity, had repeatedly, emphatically said, that it was immoral and unethical for him to do what he had done.

2) "It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother’s wife.’’ (hoti ouk eksestin soi echein ten gunaika tou adelphou sou) ’’That it is not a lawful thing (morally or ethically) for you to have (consort with) your brother’s wife,’’ based on Leviticus 18:16. Like Elijah and Nathan this John the Baptist was a brave and honest prophet who reproved sin in high places, to the shock of Herod and his adulterous wife, whom he had taken from his own brother, and married, 2 Samuel 12:7-14; 1 Kings 18:18.

Verse 19

1) "Therefore Herodias had a quarrel against him,"(he de Herodias eneichen auto) "Now Herodias had a grudge against him," against John the Baptist. She held. this grudge, with malice, until John’s execution, Mark 6:28, until she saw his head cut off and on a platter before her, Ephesians 4:31-32.

2) ’’And would have killed him," (kai ethelen auton apokteinai) ’’And wished strongly, emotionally, to kill him herself.’’ She kept in mind a fixed hate for John, and held a covert desire for revenge, to kill him.

3) ’’But she could not:" (kai ouk edunato) ’’And she was not able to do so,’’ to accomplish her end, for a time; Yet the cunning of her malice and old grudge burned in her, until she vented it in the demand for the head of John the Baptist.

Verse 20

1) "For Herod feared John," (ho gar Herodes ephobeito ton loannen) "For Herod feared John the Baptist," with a sense of guilt and reverential fear and dread of John’s frank, but honest, reprimand of him, for his known sin of adultery,

2) ’’Knowing that he was a just man and an holy,’’ (eidos

auton andra dikaion kai hagion) "Realizing or perceiving him to be a mature man, both just and holy," a man of God, which he was, John 1:6; Yet, he was ashamed to stand up for him, in the face of a vengeful, adulteress companion, Mark 8:38.

3) "And observed him,’’ (kai suneterei auton) "And he kept him safe," Matthew 14:9. Herod was shiftless, drawn by two emotions, a respect for the teachings of John, and a passion for Herodias, his adulterous wife.

4) ’’And when he heard him, he did many things,’’ (kai akousas autou polla eporei) "And when he heard him he was in much difficulty,’’ (great difficulties), because of the old grudge his wife Herodias held against John, and himself knowing that John was a prophet, an holy man of God, on whom he was not to lay his hand to do harm, 1 Corinthians 16:22; Psalms 105:15.

5) "And heard him gladly." (kai hedeos autou ekouen) "And he heard him gladly," for himself, Matthew 13:5; Matthew 13:20; He heard him, stealthily, but did nothing about it, Ezekiel 33:31-32; John 5:35.

Verse 21

1) "And when a convenient day was come,’’ (kai genomenes hemeras eukairou hote) "And when a suitable or convenient day came," for Herodias to get her revenge against John the Baptist for having identified her as an adulteress; when the long burning malice against John might be turned -to murder; 0 that men might as quickly find a convenient day to repent! Luke 13:5; Acts 17:30-31.

2) "That Herod on his birthday made a supper,’’ (Herodes tois genesioio autou deipnon epoiesen) ’’Herod made a festive birthday supper, (a royal supper) on his birthday,’’ with the following, imposing guest-list to come to the feast:

a) "To his lords,’’ (tois megistasin autou) ’’To his courtier- lords," the civil magnates or civil authorities, to the noble people of his kingdom.

b ) "High captains," (kai tois chiliarchois) "And the chiliarchs or captains," the chief military men of the province.

c) And chief estates of Galilee;- (kai tois protois tes Galilaias) "And the chief men of Galilee,’’ that is the socially important people, the prominent people, the upper-crust," of Galilee’s political society.

Verse 22

1) "And when the daughters of the said Herodias came in,’’ (kai eiselthouses tes thugatros autes tes Herodiados) "And when Herodias’ daughter herself entered,"

2) "And danced, and pleased Herod and them that sat with him," (kai orchesamenes eresen to Herode kai tois sunanakeimenois) "And while dancing she pleased Herod and those reclining with him," at or following the birthday feast.

3) "The king said unto the damsel," (ho de basileus eipen to korasio) "Then the king (at that point) said to the girl,’’ the lassie, perhaps a young buxom teenager.

4) "Ask of me whatsoever thou wilt," (aiteson me ho ean theles) "Ask me whatever you want most,’’ your strongest wish or will.

5) "And I will give it to thee.’’ (kai doso soi) "And I will give it to you;- Herod first made a firm promise to the hesitating girl, a foolish and Soul-damning pledge, such as entered by Judas Iscariot, to the torment of his conscience, and sealing his own damnation, Matthew 27:3-5; Proverbs 29:11; Hebrews 4:7.

Verse 23

1) "And he sware unto her," (kai omosen aute) "And he swore to her," after an apparent interval of hesitation on the part of the dancing daughter, he gave a solemn oath to her.

2) "Whatsoever thou shalt ask of me,’’ (hoti ho ean aiteses) "That whatever you ask," or request of me, as a king, not just as your father, in an amorous, passionate, wine-sotten, dancing, sex-incited moment, Matthew 14:6-7.

3) "I will give it thee, unto the half of my kingdom.’’ (doso soi heos hemisous tes basileias mou) "I will give it up (surrender it up) to you, even to half of my kingdom,’’ Like Pilate, he sold his soul in this oath-bound pledge, Matthew 27:17-26.

Verse 24

1)’’And she went forth, and said unto her mother, What shall I ask?’’ (kai ekselthousa eipen te metri autes ti aitesomai) "And she went out (of the banquet hall) and inquired of her mother, what may I ask?" or what should I ask? He offered to give t ’ o me, right before all those guests, up to half of his kingdom. What a sorry mother to have for council, in such an hour. A mother who thought only of her own covetous malice for revenge. She would have asked her daughter to have killed God as quickly, if she could have, Romans 8:7.

2) "And she said, The head of John the Baptist." (he de lipen ten kephalen loannou tou baptizontos) "And she said (ask for) the head of John the Baptist."

This was the council, the advice of an adulteress woman of malice, murder, and revenge bequeathed to her young daughter. The hour of her murder-trial will come up, after long delay, and the final adjudication of this woman’s council will be just, Ecclesiastes 12:14.

Verse 25

1) "And she came in straightway with haste unto the king," (kai eiselthousa euthus meta snoudes pros ton basilea) "And she went in immediately and hastily to the king,’’ as prodded by her mother, on the spot, chief instigator and perpetrator of the murder of John the Baptist.

2) "And asked, saying," (etesato legousa) ’’And requested, saying," impudently, as she had been coached by a licentious, lustful mother, with hate, malice, and murder in her heart, Matthew 15:18.

3) "I will that thou give me by and by in a charger,’’ (thelo hina eksautes dos moi epi pinaki) "I wish more than anything that you would give to me (at once) on a dish,’’ serve to me immediately, before the evening’s birthday feast is over. There is "no hell like the fury of a scorned woman.

4) ’’The head of John the Baptist.’’ (ten kephalen Ioannou tou baptistou) "The head of John the Baptist," The Baptizer, the man Herod both feared and held as an holy and just man Mark 6:20. reads her request as “give me here John Baptist’s head in a charger” or platter. This was a moment of premeditated collusion, of murder aforethought, between a crowd-incited young dancer, and a wicked fallen woman in a high place in Israel. She will one day, with her daughter, reap what she sowed. Numbers 32-23; Galatians 6:7-8.

Verse 26

1) ’’And the king was exceeding sorry," (kai perilupos genomenos ho basileus) ’’And the king became deeply grieved," was shocked that his daughter would be used of the devil and her mother to pry out of him this murderous act, to satisfy their desire for revenge, Romans 6:23; Matthew 27:3-4.

2) ’’Yet for his oath’s sake," (dia tous horkous) "Because of the oaths," promises or pledges that he had made, one by promise, and at least one with a strong public oath, Matthew 15:7; Matthew 15:9; Numbers 30:2; Numbers 30:10; Ecclesiastes 9:2.

3) "And for their sakes which sat with him," (kai tous anakeimonous) "And those who were reclining,’’ with him in the banquet hall, lest failing to keep his promise with an oath to his daughter might cause them to doubt promises or pledges made to them.

4) "He would not reject her." (ouk ethelesen athetesai aute) "He did not wish to reject her request," for the head of John the Baptist, would not attempt to treat her request as a joke, perhaps also because of the wicked adulterous wife Herodias, the hated agitator of the gory request.

Verse 27

1) "And immediately the king sent an executioner,’’ (kai euthus aposteilas ho basileus spekoulatora) "And at once the king sent (commissioned or mandated) an executioner," a military official of the empire, Matthew 14:10.

2) ’’And commanded his head to be brought” epetaksen enegkai ten kephalen autou) "And gave orders to bring his (John the Baptist’s) head.,’’ in conflict with John’s instructions to the soldiers, ’’do violence to no man," Luke 3:14.

3) ’’And he went and beheaded. him in the prison," (kai apelthon apekephalisen auton en te phulake) ’’And he went away from the banquet hall, and beheaded him it). prison," Luke 9:9.

Verse 28

1) ’’And brought his head in a charger,’’ (kai enegken ten kephalen autou epi pinaki) ’’And brought his head on a platter-dish," into the banquet hall.

2) ’’And gave it to the damsel,’’ (kai edoken auten to korasiol ’And gave it to the girl,’’ right there before the birthday party of prominent political consorts of Herod. For she had said ’’give me here," the head, Matthew 15:8.

3) "And the damsel gave it to her mother," (kai to korasion ekoken auten te metri autes) ’’And the girl (in turn) gave (delivered) it to her mother,’’ who had requested it, and coveted it most, as an hating murderer, party to the gory deed, Matthew 15:19; Matthew 19:18; Romans 1:29; John 8:44.

Verse 29

1) "And when his disciples heard of it,’’ (kai akousantes hoi mathetai autou) "And when his disciples heard what had happened," of his murder, how he had been unlawfully put to death by Herod.

2) "They came and took up his corpse," (elthan kai heran to ptoma autou) "They went and took his corpse," his dead body, his carcass, Whether or not they were also given his head to bury with the body is not known, but we can be certain that the burial was an appropriate one, with sorrow and compassion, much as that given our Lord by Nicodemus and Joseph of Aramathaea, Luke 23:50-53; John 19:38-42.

3) ’’And laid it in a tomb." (kaiethekan auto en mnemeio) ’’And. placed it in a tomb," a burial place, similar perhaps to that in which their Lord was later buried, Matthew 14:12; Matthew 27:60,

Lessons taught by this account are:

1) Depravity of man, even of a girl, of the gentler sex.

2) Banqueting hours of drinking and dancing lead to rash promises and wicked deeds.

3) What begins as a teasing sport may lead to capital crime,

4) Malice, old grudges, and revenge often lead to violence.

5) False honor or fickle promises may lead to bloody murder.

6) Conscience of wrong doing may torment one through life, except he find forgiveness in Christ.

7) Faithful ministers of God may expect to suffer and be hated by the vile whose sins they expose.

Verse 30


1) "And the apostles gathered themselves together unto Jesus," (kai sunagontai hoi apostoloi pros ton lesoun) "And the apostles assembled themselves to where Jesus was," for a church mission report, to Him and His other disciples, perhaps inclusive of or with the seventy, Luke 10:17-20.

2) ’’And told Him all things,’’ (kai apangeilan auto panta) "And recounted to Him all things," Matthew 14:13-14, in which they had been engaged in Galilee, inclusive of their burial of John the Baptist. Happy is the one who can tell all that he does to his Lord.

3) "Both what they had done,’’ (hosa epoie an) "Which they did (had done),’’ in their restricted mission, to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, Matthew 10:5-6. They became 11 messengers" to Jesus and the church of all that they had done; They met Him at a previously appointed place.

4) "And what they had taught,’’ (kai hosa edidaksan) "And which they had taught," Luke 9:10.

They were here, upon their return and report to Jesus, after they had been sent out, first referred to as 11 apostles," more than just disciples," for further study see also Matthew 14:13-21; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-14.

Verse 31

1) "And He said unto them," (kai legei autois) "And He said to them," inviting them for a retreat after their first extended, limited mission tour. Because He saw their wearied exhaustion and need of further instruction, John 16:12.

2) "Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place," (deute humies autoi kat’ idian eis eremon topon) "You all who have been out on the mission trip, come yourselves privately into a desert place," as recounted also Luke 9:10.

3) "And rest a while:" (kai anapausasthe oligon) "And rest a little," take a little rest, into an area near Bethsadia, Matthew 12:15; Matthew 14:13-14. You need a little breathing space in your life of toil.

4) ’’For there were many coming and going," (esahgar hoi erchomenoi kai hoi hupagontes polloi) "Because there were many coming and going as they pleased,’’ for the passover was near and there was a constant stream of people who wanted some help.

5) "And they had no leisure so much as to eat." (kai oude phagein eukairoun) "And they did not even have opportunity to eat," without being interrupted or disturbed, so great was the interest in the work that Jesus His apostles, and the church were doing.

Verse 32


1) "And they departed into a desert place," (kai apelthon eis eremon topon) "And they (the apostles and Jesus) went away into an isolated or desert place,’’ as also related Matthew 14:13, to the North side of the Sea of Galilee.

2) "By ship privately." (kat’ idian en to plois) ’’In a ship, even where there was privacy,’’ perhaps secretly also by boat that was kept privately available for such needed retreats, Mark 3:9.

Verse 33

1) ’’And people saw Him departing," (kai eidon autous hupagontas) "And they (the people) saw them going away," Jesus and the apostles as they left for their retreat near Bethsadia to the North or Northeast part of the Sea of Galilee, Luke 9:10.

2) "And many knew Him,’’ (kai epegonsan polloi) "And many (of the people) knew who Jesus was," recognized Him.

3) "And ran afoot thither out of all cities,’’ (kai peze apo pason ton poleon) ’’And on foot they came from all surrounding cities,’’ judging His destination by the direc­tion the boat was headed.

4) ’’And outwent them,’’ (kai proselthon autous) ’’And came before them," outran them, apparently around the North shore of the Sea of Galilee.

5) "And came together unto Him.’’ (sunedramon ekei) ’’And they ran together out there," into the desert where Jesus and the apostles had gone for rest, near Bethsadia, Luke 9:10.

Verse 34

1) ’’And Jesus, when He came out, saw much people,’’ (kai ekselthon eiden polun ochlon) ’’And going forth (Jesus) saw a great crowd,’’ in the area where He had withdrawn, with the apostles, for a little rest, Mark 6:31.

2) ’’And was moved with compassion toward them," (kai esplagchrristhe ep’autous) "And He had compassion upon them,’’ held affections of compassion for them, La 3:22; Hebrews 4:15-16; Matthew 14:14.

3) "Because they were as sheep not having a shepherd," (hoti esan hos peobata me echonta poimena) "Because they were sheep that had no shepherd," in want, in need, and in danger of food and shelter of spiritual kind, Matthew 9:36-38. They were mental and religious wanderers, without a guide to lead and guide, care for and protect and feed them.

4) "And He began to teach them many things." (kai erksato didaskein autous polla) ’’And He began to teach them numerous (many) things," though weary of toil, as He was above all a teacher and preacher, such as men never heard before or since, Matthew 7:28-29; Matthew 13:54; Luke 4:31-32. The spiritually hungry and needy masses moved Jesus, in compassion, to forego or put aside His time of privacy and rest, to meet their immediate needs, Galatians 6:9.

Verse 35

1) "And when the day was now far, spent," (kai ede horas polles genomens) "And now already when it was being late,’’ in the day, when the evening was near, the sun was about to go down.

2) "His disciples came unto Him and said,’’ (proselthontes auto hoi mathetai autou elegon) "Approaching Him, His disciples said," a thing that was obvious to Him already out there in the desert, Matthew 14:13.

3) "This is a desert place,’’ (hoti eremos estin ho topos) "This is (exists as) a desert place," a deserted, uninhabited place the very place they had come to rest, Mark 6:32;

4) "And now the time is far passed:" (kai ede hora polle) "And already it is late,’’ that is it is already very late for teaching and for them to go back to their own villages, before nightfall.

Verse 36

1) "Send them away," (apoluson autous) "Dismiss them,’’ or send them away from us, Matthew 14:15. The disciples recognized the hunger of the people, but did not have faith to believe that they could meet those needs, and they were determined to avoid such a responsibility!

2) "That they may go into the country round about," (hina apelthontes eis tous kuklo agrous) "in order that they may go into the fields round about.’’ They would not go away unless sent, So needy were they of spiritual help that they were not, or were little conscious of their hunger, as one in a time of deep grief, Job 23:12.

3) "And into the villages," (kai komas) ’’And into the villages or the sleeping places," places where they might sleep for the night.

4) "And buy themselves bread:" (agorasosin heautois) "And buy bread for themselves” These people had a need for food that the disciples did not think they could meet or were not willing to meet.

5) ’’For they have nothing to eat." (ti phagosm) ’’To buy what they may then eat,’’ Luke 9:12. Wherever there is a need, disciples of the Lord must recognize that their Lord can supply when they do all that they can to meet it, 1 Corinthians 10:13; Philippians 4:19.

Verse 37

1) "He answered and said unto them," (ho de apokrithes eipen autois) "Then He replied to them," responded to their request or suggestion to Him.

2) "Give ye them to eat.’’ (dote autois humeis phagem) "You all give them to eat," something to eat, to satisfy their hunger, before they begin plodding away to find a resting place for the night, Matthew 10:8 b; John 6:5-14.

3) "And they say into Him," (kai legousin auto) "And they responded to Him," to His instructions to them, Matthew 14:15-21; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-14.

4) "Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread,’’ (apelthontes agorasomen denarion diakosion artous) "Shall we go out and buy two hundred denarii (pennyworth) of bread?" This is apparently all the money they had in their expense account at the time, about thirty dollars.

5) "And give them to eat?" (kai dosomen autois phagein) ’’And just dole it out to them to eat?’’ Our lord had already taught them to "ask day by day" (one day at a time) for daily bread from the Father. Freely they had received what they had, of food, clothing, money, and spiritual blessings, "freely they were to share,’’ Luke 6:38; 2 Corinthians 9:6-8.

Let it be observed that in compassionate physical and social sharing with the needy the world may see Jesus Christ in true disciples, Matthew 5:15-16; John 13:34-35.

Verse 38

1) "He saith unto them, How many loaves have ye?’’ (ho de legei autois posous echete artous) "And He asked them, how many loaves do you all have, all together?’’ He secured a commitment from these disciples, not because He did not know, but for emphasis relating to their own selfishness and greed, to teach them a lesson of trust in and obedience to Him, even relating to material things, Proverbs 3:3-5; 1 Peter 5:7.

2) ’’Go and see.’’ (hupagete idete) "You all go and determine, find out,’’ verify for yourselves for the record, that they might realize the greatness of His miracle.

3) "And when they knew, they say," (kai gnontes legousm) "And when they knew they said,’’ or reported to Him, what they could verify. And Philip said that the food and money was insufficient to feed the crowd, but Andrew told him of a little lad who was willing to share five loaves and two fishes, John 6:7-9.

4) "Five, and two fishes.’’ (pente kai duo ichthunas) "Five and two fishes,’’ and apparently the additional funds to buy two hundred pennyworth more, if necessary, Mark 6:37. Yet they had the very God present with them who had increased the oil and food of the widow who waited on Elisha, 2 Kings 4:2-7.

Verse 39

1) ’’And He commanded them to make all sit down,"(kai epetaksen autois aniklithenat pantas) ’’And He instructed. them to cause all to sit down,’’ or recline. They brought the loaves; they brought the fishes; they caused the people to sit down, at His command. When they obeyed, God did the rest to meet their needs of the hour, John 14:15; John 15:14; 1 Samuel 15:22; Jeremiah 7:23.

2) "By companies upon the green grass.’’ (sumposia epi to chloro chorto) "In symphonic companies, upon the chlorophyl-like (green) grass," the best, at passover season, reclining place in the area. It appears to have been on the North end of the Sea of Galilee in a reedy, marshy area, near where the Jordan River flows into the upper Sea of Galilee, Mark 6:31-32.

Verse 40

1) "And they sat down in ranks," (kai anepesan prasiai) "And they reclined in ranks," in symphonic or orderly ranks, like flower plots, as directed by the Lord and His disciples, presided over or assisted by the disciples and apostles, as they also later did, Mark 8:6.

2) "By hundreds, and fifties.’’ (kata hekaton kai kata pentakonta) "By ranks of hundreds and by ranks of fifties," in the separate groups, so that they might be served in a more rapid and orderly manner, as nightfall was rapidly coming, Mark 6:35; Matthew 14:15. The description of the sitting is peculiar to Mark, unlike any other descrip­tion in the New Testament.

Verse 41

1) "And when He had taken the five loaves and the two fishes," (kai labon tous pente artous kai tous duo ichthuas) ’’And taking the five loaves and the two fishes,’’ of the little lad, John 6:7-9. After having seated the throngs of hungry people, having taken only what He had at hand.

Such is all that anyone need use for or give to the Lord.

2) "He looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves,’’ (anablepsas eis ton ouranon eulogesen kat kateklasen tous artous) ’’While looking up into heaven throne of power and. grace, He blessed and then broke the loaves,’’ looking to His Father in prayer, who always heard Him, and always hears prayers and needs of His children, John 11:41-42; John 15:7; 1 John 3:22; Psalms 16:1.

3) ’’And gave them to His disciples to set before them;" (kai edidou tois mathetais hina paratithosin autos) ’’And gave or doled out to the disciples, in order that they might set the bread before the ranks and companies sitting upon the green grass," as they were to do good works for Him, as well as we, James 1:22.

4) ’’And the two fishes divided He among them all." (kai tous duo ichthuas emerisen pasin) "And He divided and distributed. the two fishes to all the people,’’ among all the people. Sharing in giving is the spirit of wisdom and spirit of Christ in true believers, Ecclesiastes 11:1-4; John 20:21; Acts 1:8.

Blessing or giving thanks should always precede a regular meal, 1 Samuel 9:13; Matthew 26:26; Luke 24:30; 1 Timothy 4:4-5. One has well said "Thanksgiving is good and Godly, but Thanks ’’giving’’ is even better.’’

Verse 42

1) "And they did all eat,’’ (kai ephagon pantes) ’’And they all ate,’’ all the much people or the multitude, and all the disciples ate. To do good, to meet a need, is not to waste. 1 Kings 17:16.

2) ’’And were filled.’’ (kai echortasthesan) ’’And were satisfied,’’ had all they wanted, were filled with food and thanksgiving. Let it be observed that Jesus will do "exceeding above that we are able to ask or think," as we have a need, trust, and ask Him, Ephesians 3:20; Proverbs 3:3-5.

Verse 43

1) "And they took up twelve baskets full,’’ (kai eran dodeka kophinon pleromata) "And they gathered up twelve full baskets," more than twelve times the original quantity, or baskets that they had filled, when the much people or the multitude had finished eating, or filling themselves, Mark 6:34.

2) "Of the fragments, and of the fishes." (klasmata kata apo ton ichtuon) "As fragments (of bread) and from the fishes," frugal, wasting nothing, as an expression of gratitude for what God had done before and for them, Proverbs 18:9; Luke 15:13.

Verse 44

1) "And they that did eat of the loaves," (kai hoi phagontes tous artous) "And those who ate of the loaves," of bread that was available, and had been blessed and distributed, even as the Word of God must go forth, blessed with prayer and shared, to help the hungry of soul, Isaiah 55:10-11.

2) "Were about five thousand men." (esan pentakischilioi andres) "Were five thousand mature men," Matthew 14:21. The multiplier of this food was the bread and meat of life Himself, who is adequate and came to satisfy the hunger of every needy soul! 0 that His disciples might share and give, bequeath Him to others, knowing that in such they shall not be impoverished, John 6:48-50; John 6:58; Ecclesiastes 11:1-6.

Verse 45


1) "And straightway He constrained His disciples," (kai euthus enagkasen tous mathetas autou) "And immediately He urged His disciples," there was no time to lose. Night was coming rapidly. Their day was near done.

2) “To get into the ship," (embenai eis to ploion) "To enter (get on board) the ship," that stood by, that brought them there privately, when the people had run before, Mark 6:32-33.

4) "Before unto Bethsaida," (pros Bethsaidan) "Before Him to or toward Bethsaida," near their next intended place of rest and service, Matthew 14:22, The word "Bethsaida" means "fish-house’’ or house of fishing.

5) "While He sent away the people." (heos autos apoluei ton ochlon) "While He dismissed or dispersed the crowd,’’ sending them to their homes, Matthew 14:23; John 6:15-16. They would not otherwise have gone away.

Verse 46

1) "And when He had sent them away," (kai apotaksamenos autois) "And when He had said farewell to them," dismissed them, the multitude, on their way home, and the disciples out to sea.

2) "He departed into a mountain to pray." (apelthen eis to oros proseuchsasthai) "He went away into the mountain to pray;" to pray alone, for solitary prayer, in quietness, undisturbed, Matthew 14:23; Matthew 6:6. This He often did, Mark 1:34; Luke 5:16.

Verse 47

1) "And when even was come," (kai opsias genomenes) "And when evening came on," between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. John says it was now dark, John 6:17.

2) "The ship was in the midst of the sea," (en to ploion en meso tes thalasses) "The ship was in the midst of the sea," on the way to Bethsaida, amidst boisterous waves, high winds, Matthew 14:24; Luke 9:16.

3) "And He alone on the land." (kai autos monos epi tes ges) "And He (was) alone upon the land," off the Western shore of the Sea of Galilee, where He had been praying, communing with His Father and theirs, Mark 6:46.

Verse 48

1) "And He saw them toiling in rowing” (kai idon autous basanizomenous en to elaunein) "And when He saw them as they were distressed in rowing," laboring at the oars and sails, for He sees and understands all that men encounter, even in the midst of storms and toil, Hebrews 4:15-16.

2) "For the wind was contrary unto them” (en gar ho anemos enantios autois) "Because the wind was contrary to them," blowing opposite their desired destination, so that they were having to try to row and sail against the wind and waves, two of the earth’s greatest forces. God’s children must encounter winds of resistance against the world, the flesh, and the devil as they sail on to glory, John 2:15-17; James 4:7; 1 Peter 5:8-9.

3) "And about the fourth watch of the night," (peri tetarten phulaken tes nuktos) "Around the fourth watch of the night," Matthew 14:25, between 3 a.m. and 6 a.m., in the morning.

4) "He cometh unto them, walking upon the sea," (erchetai pros autous peripaton epi tes thalasses) "He approached them, of His own accord, walking upon the sea," upon the surface of the water of the sea, super­naturally, against the laws of nature,

5) "And would have passed by them." (kai ethelen parelthein autous) "And wished to pass on (to walk on) by them, or so it appeared to them, James 5:8; Perhaps He did it to teach them patience in times of storm and adversity, Romans 5:3; Hebrews 10:35-36; Luke 24:28.

Verse 49

1) "But when they saw Him walking upon the sea, " (hoi de idontes auton epi tes thalasses peripatounta) "Then when they saw Him walking upon the sea," Matthew 14:26. Thus He showed that the laws of nature were under His control, Job 9:8.

2) "They supposed it had been a spirit," (edoksan hoti phantasma estin) "They thought at first that it was a phantom-spirit," which form He never assumed, Luke 24:37.

3) "And cried out:"- (kai anekraksan) "And they cried out," cried aloud with horror, fright, fear, and amazement, John 6:19-20.

Verse 50

1) "For they all saw Him," (pantes gar auton eidan) "Because they all saw Him," all the disciples and apostles who were on the ship, Mark 6:45.

2) "And were immediately troubled.’’ (kai etarachthesan) "And they were disturbed or troubled," in fear and uncertainty, much as they once were when He appeared to them after the resurrection, Luke 24:36-40; John 14:27; John 16:33.

3) "And immediately He talked with them," (ho de euthuselalesen met’ auton) "Then He immediately talked to and with them," Matthew 14:27.

4) "And saith unto them," (kai legei autois) "And said to them all," to quiet their fears, John 6:20.

a) "Be of good cheer” (tharseit) "You all be of good cheer," be encouraged in your disposition, as Paul challenged the storm tossed passengers on board the ship with him after he had talked with the Lord, Acts 23:11; Acts 27:22; Acts 27:25; Acts 27:36.

b) "It is I;" (ego eimi) "it is l," the self-existing, eternal one, the one who makes men free, even from fear of death, John 8:32; John 8:36; Hebrews 2:15.

c) "Be not afraid." (me phobeisthe) "You all be not afraid," in a state of fear, for fear has torments, and the redeemed are not to exist in a fear-state, 1 John 4:18; Romans 8:15.

Verse 51

1) "And He went up unto them into the ship;" (kai anethe pros autous eis to ploion) "And He went up to them, into the ship, " to calm their fears and comfort them, 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. He went up only after Peter had first gone down to walk with Him on the sea, Matthew 14:28-31.

2) "And the wind ceased:" (kai ekopasen ho anemos) "And the wind ceased, quieted down," at His presence, as the master of all things, including the wind and the waves. Psalms 46:8-11; Psalms 107-29, 30.

3) "And they were sore amazed in themselves," (kai en heautois eksistanto) "And they were astonished in them­selves," at the calm obedience of nature to His voice, Matthew 8:26-27.

4) "Beyond measure," (lian ek) "Exceeding," Very much, so that they then and there worshipped Him, Matthew 14:32-33.

5) "And wondered." (perissou) ’’And wondered exceedingly," because the wind and sea obeyed Him, who has His way "in the whirlwind and in the storm," even the seas, Nahum 1:3.

Verse 52

1) "For they considered not the miracle of the loaves”­(ou gar sunekan epi. tois artois) "For they did not understand (grasp the miracle lesson) concerning the loaves.’’ They let the lesson of His care and compassion shown on the Northwestern shore of the last evening slip so soon from their grasp, Hebrews 2:1.

2) "For their heart was hardened." (all’ en auton he kardia peporomena) "But their heart was having been hardened;" They seemed to have resented the Lord’s having fed the crowd the five loaves and two fishes, Mark 8:17-21.

Verse 53


1) "And when they had passed over," (kai dioperasantes) "And when they had crossed over the sea," where they had intended to go.

2) "They came into the land of Gennesaret,’’ (epi ten gen elthon eis Gennesaret) "They came upon the land (landed the ship) into Gennesaret," Matthew 14:34.

3) "And drew to the shore." (kai prosormisthesan) "And there they anchored," they came to anchor their boat on the beach.

Verse 54

1) "And when they were come out of the ship," (kai ekselthon ton auton ek tou ploiou) "As they came out of the ship," as Jesus, the apostles, and the disciples who were with Him came off the ship that had weathered the storm and waves.

2) "Straightway they knew Him," (euthus epignontes auton) "Instantly they (the crowd) the crowd of that district knew Him," recognized who He was, as recounted, Luke 8:40; John 4:45. And they worshipped Him as the Son of God, Matthew 14:33; John 4:24.

Verse 55

1) "And ran through that whole region round about," (periedramon holen ten choran ekemen) "They ran like dromedaries (uncoordinated like) round that whole countryside," in the Gennesaret sea area.

2) "And began to carry about in beds," (kai erksanto peripherein) "And they began to carry around," (epi tois krabatois) "Upon the pallets," the beds that were easily carried or moved, much as the four faithful men brought the palsied paralytic, Mark 2:1-12.

3) "Those that were sick," (tous kakos echontas "Those who were ill," sick or physically afflicted in some manner, those in medical need.

4) "Where they heard He was." (hopou ekouon hoti estin) "Where (to the place) they heard that He was," residing or working, Matthew 14:35.

Verse 56

1) "And whithersoever He entered," (kai hopou an eiseporeuelo) "And wherever He entered," or visited, in any and every territory and place.

2) "Into villages, or cities, or country," (eis komas, e eis poleis e eis agrous) "Into villages, cities, or agricultural areas,’’ never preaching in the streets to try to incite any type of political following, Matthew 8:19.

3) "They laid the sick into the streets,’’ (en tais agorais etithesan tous asthenontas) "They placed the ailing ones in the marketplaces," near where Jesus was expected to pass by. Healing was by the will and power of God, not by mere pieces of clothes.

4) "And besought Him," (kai parekaloun auton) ’’And they appealed to Him," begged, besought, or sought to motivate Him.

5) "That they might touch if it were," (hina kan hapo ontai) ’’In order that they might even touch,’’ as the woman with the 12 year blood flow did, Mark 5:24-34.

6) "But the border of His garment:’’ (tou kraspedou tou himatou autou) "The fringe or hem) of His garment,’’ Matthew 14:36.

7) "And as many as touched Him were made whole." (kai osoi an hepoanto autou esozonto) ’’And as many (all) who touched Him were delivered or healed," saved from their ill condition, Matthew states "were made perfectly whole," Matthew 14:36.

Bibliographical Information
Garner, Albert & Howes, J.C. "Commentary on Mark 6". Garner-Howes Baptist Commentary. https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/ghb/mark-6.html. 1985.
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