Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, October 27th, 2024
the Week of Proper 25 / Ordinary 30
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Bible Commentaries
Revelation 17

Garner-Howes Baptist CommentaryGarner-Howes

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Verse 1

THE SEVEN DOOMS Revelation 17:1 to Revelation 20:15 (The Divine View of Babylon) v. 1-18:1-8

Note: see also Introduction Revelation

1) "And there came one of the seven angels," (kai elthen eis ek ton hepta angelon) "and there came out one of the seven angels;” Divine messengers who communicated to John matters of pending judgment and the coming of the Lord Jesus as conqueror, Revelation 8:2; Revelation 15:1; Revelation 16:1; Revelation 21:9.

2) "Which had the seven vials," (ton echonton tas hepta phialas) "which or who was holding one of the seven vial like bowls;” as described in the two previous chapters, Revelation 15:1; Revelation 16:1.

3) "And talked with me, saying unto me," (kai elalesen met’ emou legon) "and conferred with (communicated with) me saying," instructing, imparting the following information:

4) "Come hither; I will shew unto thee," (deuro deikso soil "come thou, and I will show to you," give to you a preview, make you to see, recognize some false religious orders and influences and their final judgment, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14.

5) "The judgment of the great whore," (to krima tes pornes tes megales) "the judgment of the great harlot” as Jesus Christ has his true bride, the church, so Satan has his vulgar woman the whore (the harlot) a religious fornicator and adulterer, perhaps Romanism and Catholicism, both of which pose as, but are unfaithful to, our Lord’s church and his ordinances to her, Revelation 19:2; Nahum 3:4; Hebrews 13:10.

6) "That sitteth upon many waters," (tes kathemenes epi hudaton pollon) "the judgment of the one sitting or placed over many waters;” This appears to be Roman Catholicism or an end time union of a one world church inclusive of religious orders that have come out of and from her and later merged with a one-world program of unbiblical idolatrous worship. The term waters refers to the masses of people on whose back she rides, Revelation 17:15.

Verse 2

1) "With whom the kings of the earth," (meth’ hes hoi baseleis tes ges) "with whom the royal rulers (kings) of the land," have been in immoral, unethical, and corrupt religious collusion, Revelation 18:3.

2) "Have committed fornication," (eporneusan) "have practiced fornication," committed fornication repeatedly, as a pattern of life, in idolatrous and heathen worship, Revelation 18:3; Revelation 18:9. As Babylon, the first one world Gentile heathen fornicating Empire defied God, and as The Roman Empire embraced her heathen worship forms with a Christian veneer, so shall this final beast and whore Empire be a corrupt religious one.

3) "And the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk," (kai emethusthesan hoi katoikountes ten gen) “ and those dwelling on the earth became drunk," inebriated, befuddled, and unstable in their corrupt religious judgment, Jeremiah 51:7; Revelation 14:8; They even teach that by communion in their worship one may drink the literal blood and eat the literal flesh of Jesus, acquiring and retaining saving grace thereby. Such teaching and practice is spiritual fornication, demon worship, condemned in the scriptures, 1 Corinthians 10:20-21; Hebrews 13:10; 1 Corinthians 11:1-2.

4) "With the wine of her fornication," (ek tou oinou tes porneias autes) "from (out of) the wine of her fornication," influenced by the wine-deceiving perversions and practices of the great harlot; and she shall be made to drink of the dregs of judgment, in the cup in the hand of the Lord, (which cup he gave to the church) which Romanism and her Protestant offspring have perverted, teaching that by the ceremony of the cup sins may be remitted, grace conferred or acquired to make one safe from hell. Psalms 75:8; Luke 22:28-30; 1 Corinthians 11:23-29; Hebrews 13:10.

Verse 3

1) "So he carried me away," (kai apenegken me) "and he (one of the seven angels, Revelation 17:1) carried me away," to another scene to observe and recount further matters of judgment that were to fall upon the great whore religious harlot, and her offspring.

2) “In the spirit into the wilderness,” (eis eremon en pneumata) "in (the) spirit unto a desert," wilderness or barren and uninhabited place, so that there were no side distractions. This is a claim of Divine illumination and inspiration by which John made known this revelation of judgment to come upon the harlot wife of Satan or the antichrist, as he later showed him the bride, the Lamb’s wife, Revelation 21:9-10.

3) "And I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast," (kai eidon gunaika kathemenen epi therion) "and I saw perceived, or recognized a woman (the whore) sitting upon a scarlet beast," riding a morally, ethically, and religiously corrupt heathen, Gentile one-world government, that had merged the corruption of both the Babylonian and Roman Empires (the 1st and fourth) of the former Gentile one-world Empires.

4) "Full of names of blasphemy," (gemonta onomata blasphemias) "being filled (full of) names of blasphemy; Even upon the head of the beast that arose out of the sea, Revelation 13:1; and now this beast was "full of names of blasphemy," the whole body support of the woman (whore) was covered with blasphemy, yet she unionized and fraternized it, Revelation 13:5; Revelation 16:9; Revelation 16:11.

5) "Having seven heads and ten horns," (echonta kephalas hepta kai kerata deka) "having, holding, or possessing seven heads and ten horns;” The seven heads and ten horns of the beast order of Gentile heathen government simply indicates completeness of Gentile headship or jurisdiction of satellite heathen governments in disarray, under the one world beast or Gentile antichrist heathen ruler, who comes in his own name, and blasphemes and causes the whore to blaspheme or speak against the truth of God, John 5:43; Revelation 17:9; Revelation 17:12.

Verse 4

1) "And the woman was arrayed," (kai he gene en peribeblemene) "and the woman was having been decked, wrapped around with jeweled clothing," decorated; note, "pride goeth before destruction;" this was an whore proud of her outward, deceitful appearance, Proverbs 16:18.

2) "In purple and scarlet," (porphuroun kai kokkinon) "in purple and scarlet," the color of and decked out like high royalty; full of pride, conceit, and self glory, like the rich man that wound up in hell, Luke 16:19-31; Revelation 18:16.

3) "And decked with gold and precious stones and pearls," (kai kechrusomene chruso kai litho timis kai magaritois) "and -bedecked (she was) with precious (valuable) stones and pearls;” Revelation 18:12; The harlot posed as the Bride of Christ - the espoused, (2 Corinthians 11:1-2), but she was an harlot to the Dragon, the antichrist and the beast, Revelation 17:2.

4) "Having a golden cup in her hand," (echousa poterion chruson en te cheiri autes)"and holding a golden cup (container) in her hand," as she was associated with, in complicity with, the religions of Ancient Babylon, having assimilated her worship with that of Rome, Jeremiah 51:7.

5) "Full of abominations," (gemon bdelugmaton) "being full of (or overflowing with) abominations," moral and spiritual pollutions, just as surely as when Belshazzar led worship to a thousand gods of his province that brought the judgment of God upon him, Daniel 5:1-4; Daniel 5:23-30.

6) "And filthiness of her fornication," (kai ta akatharta tes porneias autes) "and the unclean, or impure, things of (originating from) her fornication;" consorting with, compromising with, becoming party to heathen religions is called fornication, whoredom, and worship of devils, condemned of our Lord, Psalms 115:1-8; 1 Corinthians 10:20-21; Hebrews 13:10.

Verse 5

1) "And upon her forehead," (kai epi to metopon autes) and on (upon) her forehead," identifying her to me and before all as a harlot and the mother, progenitor of harlots. "Like mother - like daughter," was indication of her allegiance.

2) "Was a name written," (onoma gegrammenon) "a name was written," having been inscribed to identify her for pending judgment, for who she was, so that John could recognize and identify her - public laws and customs then demanded that harlots wear a visible mark of identity.

3) "Mystery, Babylon the Great," (musterion, Babulon he megale) "mystery (which is, exists as) Babylon the Great One," an object of sarcasm in her mighty fall, 2 Thessalonians 2:7. The mystery of Iniquity is disclosed as a revelation or unveiling of hidden iniquity, in this passage.

4) "The Mother of harlots," (he meter ton pornon) "the natal mother of the (mass of) harlots;” is disclosed or revealed for what she has long been, as her judgment doom is about to fall; She is the chief or leader of all harlots. The "She" of this and Gentile age seems to be Romanism and her daughters, as Israel corrupted her worship, Ezekiel 16:44-45.

5) "And abominations of the earth," (kai ton bdedlugmaton tes ges) "and the (natal mother) of the abominations (pollutions), moral and spiritual degeneracy, of the earth," Revelation 18:9; Revelation 19:2.

Verse 6

1) "And I saw the woman," (kai eidon ten gunaika) "and I saw (or recognized) the woman," the whore or harlot fornicating woman, who sat upon many waters or religiously ruled over many people, Revelation 17:1; Revelation 17:15.

2) "Drunken with the blood of the saints," (methuiusan ek haimatos ton hagion) "who was drunk from the blood of the saints;” This alludes to the heathen custom still extant among some nations to drink the blood of enemies slain in revenge. 1) The saints are the redeemed of Israel who had given their lives during the tribulation the great, and 2) who had opposed the church of Jesus Christ, slaying so many during the dark ages. Mere believers are not identified as saints, Revelation 13:15; Revelation 16:6; 2 Timothy 4:7-8.

3) "And with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus," (kai ek tou haimatos ton marturon lesou) "and who was also drunk (imbalanced) from the blood of the witnesses of Jesus Christ;” Revelation 17:6; It was to the church Jesus commissioned "you all shall be witnesses unto me;” neither Roman Catholicism nor the Devil seems to seek to slay any person who is not covenanted to a program of worship and service thru the true church or thru Israel’s worship, Matthew 5:11-12; John 15:20-21; Revelation 6:9-10; Revelation 12:16.

4) "And when I saw her," (kai idon auten) "and beholding her," on the red beast, in desolation, in the desert, for a disclosure of what she was and who she was, a primary religious enemy of God, doomed for hell with her daughters, Matthew 7:22-23; 2 Corinthians 11:13-16.

5) "I wondered with great admiration," (ethaumasa thauma mega) "I marvelled (wondered) with a great wonder," at the deceiver and what and how he works to doom and damn the souls and lives of men who try to “climb up some other" way than by Jesus Christ, the way of the cross, that leads home, to glory, John 8:24; John 10:1; John 14:6; Acts 4:12; Romans 1:16; Ephesians 2:8-10; Daniel 11:32-35.

Verse 7

1) "And the angel said unto me," (kai eipen moi ho angelos) "and the angel inquired (to) me," he questioned me in a rhetorical manner.

2) "Wherefore didst thou marvel?" (dia ti ethaumasas) on account of, or by what(reason) do you marvel?" There is no real reason, is there?

3) "I will tell thee the mystery of the woman," (ego ero soi to musterion tes gunaikos) "I will disclose to you the mystery of the woman," a mystery divinely disclosed or explained becomes a revelation; Matthew 13:11. In eleven mysteries revealed in the New Testament each, when disclosed, still has a supernatural element. The first of those eleven mysteries is that of the church, called also "The kingdom of heaven," Matthew 3:2; Matthew 13:11.

4) "And of the beast that carrieth her," (kai tou theriou tou bastazontos auten) "and the mystery of the beast continually carrying (or supporting) her," bearing her up, aiding and abetting her, Revelation 17:1; Revelation 17:3.

5) "Which hath the seven heads and ten horns," (tou echontostas hepta kephalas kai ta deka kerata) "the beast which has the seven heads and ten horns," The mystery of the beast is also about to become a Divine revelation; Neither the scarlet woman, (harlot) and mother of harlots, nor the beast she rides, consorts with in fornication, is a mystery in heaven. The usage of covert mystery has ever been a primary deceiving and deluding element in heathen, religious idolatry, and Roman Catholicism, Daniel 7:7; Daniel 7:20; Daniel 7:24; Revelation 12:3; Revelation 13:1; Revelation 17:3; Revelation 12:16.

Verse 8


1) "The beast that thou sawest was," (to therion ho eides en) "the beast which you saw was (once existed)," Once lived, but was then dead, Revelation 13:1.

2) "And is not, and shall ascend," (kai ouk estin) "and is (exists) not," (kai mellei anabainen) "and is about to come up again, to ascend to rise again," Revelation 11:7; Revelation 13:1.

3) "Out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition," (ek tes abussou kai eis apoleian hupagei) "out of the Abyss (bottomless pit) and go into destruction, final ruin," Revelation 17:11; Revelation 13:10.

4) "And they that dwell on the earth shall wonder," (kai thaumasthesontai hoi katoikountes epi tes ges) "and those on the earth who have taken the name and mark of the beast shall marvel," at the rise of the beast, Revelation 13:3.

5) "Whose names were not written," (hon ou gegraptai, to onoma) "those whose name has not (at that time) been written," each whose name has not been written, each whose name has not been inscribed, by that time, Revelation 13:8.

6)"In the book of life from the foundation of the world," (epi-to biblion tes zoes apo kataboles kosmou) "upon the scroll of life (which existed from) the fountain of the world,"

7) "When they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is," (bleponton to therion hoti en kai ouk estin kai parestai) "beholding the beast that existed, exists not, and (yet) is present." These are those who loved not the truth, rejected the Christ, 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12.

Verse 9

1) "And here is the mind which hath wisdom," (hode ho nous ho echon sophian) "here (this is, exists) the mind having or holding wisdom," wisdom from above, true wisdom, to understand the signs of the times and revelation of last things, Proverbs 1:7; Daniel 12:10; 1 Thessalonians 5:4-9; Revelation 13:18.

2) "The seven heads are seven mountains," (hai hepta kephalai hepta ore eisin) "the seven heads (of the beast) are (exist as) seven mountains," governments - seven government establishments, or established provincial governments, Revelation 13:1.

3) "On which the woman sitteth," (hopou he geine kathetai ep’ autou) "where the woman sits, (rests upon)or is supported by them;- This woman is the harlot, whore, and mother of harlots, undergirded by civil governments that have adopted her church-state form of government and thereby financially undergird her continuity.

Verse 10

1) "And there are seven kings," (kai basileis hepta eisin) and there exist seven kings," royal rulers, in this consideration of the revelation; These are rulers of seven satellite Gentile Empires under the Harlot and aligned with the beast.

2) "Five are fallen," (hoi pente epesan) "the five are fallen," their reigns have ceased.

3) "And one is, and the other is yet to come," (ho eis estin, ho allos oupo elthen) "the one is (exists), the other (of the seven) not yet came, (has come);” the last and final of the Gentile Empire Kings or beast.

4) "And when he cometh," (kai hotan elthe) "and when he comes," makes his appearance, comes on the scene of end time judgment events, for forty and two months, Revelation 13:5; John 5:43.

5) "He must continue a short space," (holigon auton dei

meinai) "He must remain (stay on the scene) a little (short) space of time;” obsessing the final king will be the Dragon himself, who knows that he has but a short or little time.

Verse 11

1) "And the beast that was, and is not," (kai to therion ho en kai ouk estin) "and the beast which was and is (exists) not;” The beast is last of the one world Gentile Empires. They had been the 1) Babylonian, 2) Medo Persian, 3) Grecian, and 4) Roman. John beheld the latter (the Roman) with seven heads, as seven kings having passed, Revelation 17:9-10; Revelation 13:1; Revelation 13:3.

2) "Even he is the eighth," (kai autos ogdoos estin) "he even exists as (is) the eighth (beast);” the number of new beginning, or a new start, Ecclesiastes 11:2. He is the one who is yet to come, John 5:43.

3) "And is of the seven," (kai ek ton hepta estin)"and he is out of the seven," he originates from the nature and beast line of the seventh; He is also a Gentile world wide ruler, yet to come, Daniel 11:21-24; Daniel 11:32-35.

4) “And goeth into perdition," (kai eis apoleia n hupagei) and he goes (on) into destruction or ruin," He is the antichrist ruler of obstinate determination against God and his people; His destiny is hell 2 Thessalonians 2:6-9.

Verse 12

1) "And the ten horns which thou sawest," (kai ta deka kerata ha eides) "and the ten horns which thou didst see the Gentile Satellite rulers in consort with the beast (the antichrist), reflecting the moral, ethical and spiritual, corruption and idolatry of Rome and Babylon.

2) "Are ten kings," (deka basileis eisin) "exist as or are ten kings (royal rulers)," peon princedom that are yet to combine and confederate with the beast in the future.

3) "Which have received no kingdom as yet," (oitines basileian aupo elabon) "who have not yet received or (taken to themselves) a kingdom," an administrative government of a province under the final one world ruler who apes the coming King of Kings as ruler of the world, Luke 1:31-35.

4) "But receive power as kings one hour," (alla eksousian hos basileis mian horan lambanousin) "but they receive administrative authority as (like) kings for a period (one hour)," for a short period of time, during the latter forty-two months of the time of Jacob’s trouble or the tribulation the great, Daniel 7:20-28.

5) "With the beast," (meta tou theriou) "with (as associates with) the beast;” These ten kings are bound together with slave-like chains of allegiance to the beast, the final Gentile world Empire and her antichrist leader; Zechariah 1:18-19; Zechariah 1:21; Revelation 13:1. Note that all the cohorts, consorts, and those in collusion with the beast are blasphemers against God - going like swine to the slaughter, willingly.


A gang of royal galley slaves. We have seen more than once, in the neighborhood of convict settlements,, men yoked together, and working under the supervision of armed taskmasters. Here we have ten kings - I. Of royal title without royal liberty;“ II. Independent monarchs yet tributary to a sovereign; Ill. Proud of Divine right, yet ruled by Satan’s might; IV. Unfaithful stewards, using their power and strength not for the popular weal, but to advance the power of the popular oppressor.

Verse 13

1) "These have one mind," (houtoi mian gnomen echousin) "and these ten kings (royal rulers) have or possess hold one mind, disposition of desire;” they are voluntary, willing, willful followers of and slaves to the beast, the antichrist, the Devil incarnate, Romans 2:4-5.

2) "And shall give their power and strength," (kai ten dunamin kai eksousian auton didoasin) "and they give over or surrender both their dynamic and administrative power," their total allegiance as stewardship rulers, to the antichrist, to worship and to follow him, Revelation 13:12; Revelation 13:15. Blinded by the god of this world, even today, men sell themselves soul and body to Satan and sin in forms of wine, women, and song, 2 Corinthians 4:3-4; 2 Peter 3:9.

3) "Unto the beast," (to therio) "to the beast," the leading person of the antichrist rule. They who though often reproved, heed not the Word of God, shall come to sudden, inexcusable judgment, Proverbs 29:1; Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 - Be they rulers or the ruled, each must give account of himself to God for his responsible or irresponsible attitude toward God’s Word and will, Romans 2:1; Romans 14:11-12; Philippians 2:10-11.

Verse 14

1) "These shall make war with the Lamb," (houtoi meta tou arniou polemesousin) "these will make war with (against, encounter in battle) the Lamb;” Psalms 2:1-12, an international conspiracy, these imp-controlled ten kings (in collusion) under the beast, shall marshal armed forces against the Lamb of God; Revelation 16:14; Revelation 19:19.

2) "And the Lamb shall overcome them," (kai to arnion nikesei autous) "and the Lamb will conquer, overcome, or subdue them," Revelation 19:11-16.

3) "For he is Lord of lords and King of kings," (hoti kurios kurion estin kai basileres basileon) "because he is (exists as) Lord of lords and Kings of kings," under whose Lordship all earthly rulers have their temporary, permissive privilege of rule, Daniel 5:18-23; Deuteronomy 10:17; 1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 9:16.

4) "And they that are with him," (kai hoi met’ autou) and those who are with him," the Lord of lords and King of kings;” when he comes with his church, the saints, and the redeemed of the ages, 2 Thessalonians 1:7; 2 Thessalonians 1:10-11; Revelation 19:7-9.

a) "Are called," (kletoi) "are the ones who have been called," and who have given heed, obeyed, by faith received the Savior, Matthew 11:28-30, Mark 8:34-38; Romans 10:12-13. Note, God calls men to repentance and faith, man must call upon God for personal pardon and salvation to be termed among "the called" according to his purpose, Romans 8:28.

b) "And chosen," (kai eklektoi) "and those who have been chosen," and who have chosen to receive and to follow him; All men are initially chosen in Christ, but to be "The Chosen," they must individually choose him as their Savior and to serve him as his servant or stewards, John 15:16; Isaiah 55:6-7; Revelation 22:17.

c) "And faithful," (kai pistoi) "and who are faithful ones;” loyal to his call and faithful in obedient service; Matthew 25:21; 2 Timothy 4:7-8; Revelation 2:10. True to the faith once delivered, Judges 1:3; Judges 1:20.

Verse 15

1) "And he saith unto me," (kai legei moi) "and he says

(explains) to me," explains, summarizes the vision as follows:

2) "The waters which thou sawest," (ta hudata ha eides) "the waters which thou didst see," Revelation 17:1.

3) "Where the whore sitteth," (hou he porne kathetai) where the harlot sits of her own will, accord, or choosing;" Revelation 17:3 the heathen, idolatrous, Gentile one world Empire over whom the antichrist ruled, Revelation 13:1.

a) "Are peoples," (laoi) "are peoples," masses of subjects, slaves of the harlot woman and the beast, the antichrist, bearing in their foreheads and hands ownership identification marks of allegiance to the two, Revelation 13:7; Revelation 13:15-18.

b) "And multitudes," (kai ochloi) "even crowds of people," innumerable in numbers.

c) "And nation”, (kai ethne) "and nations, even races," aligned as the ten horns, mountains, kings, or satellite provincial governments of the antichrist which supported the whore woman in her fornication, Revelation 17:4-7; Revelation 17:9-13.

d) "And tongues," (kai glossai) "and they are men with many languages;” from various provinces that speak in confused, idolatrous languages, from which the history of Babel and Babylon originated, Genesis 11:9; 1 Corinthians 14:23; For Babylon means confusion, Isaiah 13:1; Isaiah 13:4. The city Babylon is not to be built any more, Isaiah 13:19-22; Jeremiah 51:24-26; Jeremiah 51:62-64; But the Gentile world system like political Babylon, in confusion, is to rise again, as the beast, Revelation 13:1-8.

Verse 16

1) "And the ten horns which thou sawest," (kai ta deka kerata he eides) "and the ten horns which thou didst see, or recognize," representing ten Gentile provinces of the ancient Babylonian and Roman Empire in moral, ethical, and idolatrous conditions of degeneracy.

2) "Upon the beast," (kai to therion) "is even the beast;” constitute the beast the one world antichrist Empire, Revelation 12:3; Revelation 13:1; Revelation 17:3; Revelation 17:9; Revelation 17:12.

3) "These shall hate the whore," (houtoi misesousin ten pornen) "these ten horns (even the beast) will hate the harlot;” with whom they have religiously consorted in spiritual fornication, on whom she has ridden, Revelation 17:1-7; Jeremiah 50:41-42.

4) "And shall make her desolate and naked," (kai eremomenen poiesousin auten kai gumnen) "and will make (cause her to be) both naked and desolate," uncover her for what she is, disclose her moral and ethical and religious corruption, as Jehu against Jezebel, 2 Kings 19:30-37.

5) "And shall eat her flesh," (kai tos sarkas autes phagontai) "and they will consume her fleshes," Ezekiel 16:35-45; as he judged Israel in ancient times because of her fornication and adultery, Jeremiah 3:6-14.

6) "And burn her with fire," (kai auten katakausousin (en) puri) "and they will consume her with of (in) fire," Revelation 18:5. Her judgment shall be complete and final, as that of Babylon, to rise no more, Leviticus 21:9; Isaiah 13:19-22. Spiritual adultery is abominable to God, James 4:4.

Verse 17

1) "For God hath put in their hearts," (ho gar theos edoken eis tas kardias auton) "for (because) God gave (doled unto) their hearts," the hearts of the ten puppet Gentile rulers, Romans 1:24; Romans 1:26; Romans 1:28; 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12; Revelation 18:20.

2) "To fulfill his will,”- (poiesai ten gnomen a utou) "to do his mind, intention, will, or purpose," Romans 1:24; 1 Kings 22:22; Ezekiel 14:9. After personal obstinate willful, chosen rebellion for a long time against God’s Word and will, God gives men over to lying and deception.

3) "And to agree," (kai poiesai mian gnomen) "even to make (them) one (in) mind," in collusion of premeditated malice aforethought against the great whore, mother of harlots.

4) "And give their kingdom unto the beast," (kai dounai ten basileian auton to therio) "and (caused them) to give over or deliver their kingdom to the beast," the dragon, that old serpent, the Devil, perhaps incarnate in the antichrist, apart from consultation with their fornicating paramour, Revelation 17:2.

5) "Until the words of God shall be fulfilled," (achri telesthesontai hoi logoi tou theou) "until the words of God (concerning the judgments) shall be completed," or accomplished, Jeremiah 1:12; Revelation 10:7; Matthew 24:34.

Verse 18

1) "And the woman which thou sawest," (kai he gune en eides) "and the woman whom you saw," whom you observed, the fornicating scarlet harlot, mother of harlots, Revelation 17:1-7.

2) "Is that great city," (estin he polis he megale) "is (has her existence as) the (that) great city," that centralized power as represented in the wicked city of Babylon and later that great city of Rome, center of heathen religious and civil jurisdiction.

3) "Which reigneth over the kings of the earth," (he echousa basileian epi ton basileon tes ges) "the city having or holding a kingdom (one world) over the kings (royal rulers) of the earth," the whole universe at the time of John’s vision and writing, Revelation 17:9.

It appears that both the cities of ancient Rome and Babylon and the first and fourth Gentile, heathen, one world Empires, personify or are used to identify the predominant moral, ethical, and religious traits of the final reunited or restored Gentile world Empire under the antichrist, Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, and Judaism, during the tribulation the great era.

"BABYLON AND JERUSALEM" (Contrast of The Bride and the Harlot)

These prophecies present two broadly contrasted women, identified with two broadly contrasted cities, one reality being in each case doubly represented: as a woman and as a city. The harlot and Babylon are one: the bride and, the heavenly Jerusalem are one. The two women are contrasted in every particular that is mentioned about them: the one is pure as purity itself, "made ready" and fit for heaven’s unsullied holiness; the other foul as corruption could make her, fit only for the fires of destruction. The one belongs to the Lamb, who loves her as the bridegroom loves the bride; the other is associated with a wild beast, and with the kings of the earth, who ultimately hate and destroy her. The one is clothed with fine linen, and in another place is said to be clothed with the sun and crowned with a coronet of stars: that is, robed in Divine righteousness and resplendent with heavenly glory; the other is attired in scarlet and gold, in jewels and pearls, gorgeous indeed, but with earthly splendor only. The one is represented as a chaste virgin, espoused to Christ; the other is mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. The one is persecuted, pressed hard by the dragon, driven into the wilderness, and well-nigh overwhelmed; the other is drunken with martyr blood, and seated on a beast which has received its power from the persecuting dragon. The one sojourns in solitude in the wilderness; the other reigns "in the wilderness" over peoples, and nations, and kindreds, and tongues. The one goes with the Lamb to the marriage supper, amid the glad hallelujahs; the other is stripped, insulted, torn and destroyed by her guilty paramours.

- Exp. Bible

Bibliographical Information
Garner, Albert & Howes, J.C. "Commentary on Revelation 17". Garner-Howes Baptist Commentary. https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/ghb/revelation-17.html. 1985.
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