Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Commentaries
1 Chronicles 8

Poole's English Annotations on the Holy BiblePoole's Annotations



The sons and chief men of Benjamin, 1 Chronicles 8:1-32.

The stock of Saul and Jonathan, 1 Chronicles 8:33-40.

Verse 1

He had spoken something of the tribe of Benjamin before, 1 Chronicles 7:6, but now he treats of it again, and that more, fully and exactly; partly for Saul’s sake, who was of this tribe; and partly because this tribe adhered to David and the kingdom of Judah, and went with Judah into Babylon; and now were returned from thence in greater numbers than the other tribes, except Judah.

Bela; so called by Moses: but the names of the rest vary from those in Moses; either because the same person had two several names, as hath been often noted; or because these were not the immediate sons of Benjamin, but his grandchildren, here mentioned in their parents’ stead, possibly because they were more eminent than their parents.

Verse 6

These are the sons; either those three last mentioned; or rather these following, 1 Chronicles 8:7, because he here speaks of them who were removed, and they are said to be removed, 1 Chronicles 8:7

He describes the sons of Benjamin by the places of their habitation, without an exact account of their parents, because their genealogies were broken by that almost total extirpation of this tribe, Judges 20:0.

They removed them; either their fathers, or their heads and superiors, removed them; or they removed themselves; either because they were too numerous for that place, or because they desired to change their habitation, and hoped it would be for the better, and judged Manahath a more convenient place.

Verse 7

He removed them; either,

1. Their father; or,

2. Gera last mentioned, who, it seems, was the chief counsellor or promoter of this work.

Begat Uzza and Ahihud, when he was seated in Manahath.

Verse 8

In the country of Moab; whither he had removed himself, either at the same time when Elimelech did, Ruth 1:1, &c., or upon the same or like occasion.

After he had sent them away; Ehud or Gera last mentioned.

Hushim and Baara were his wives: others join these words with the former, and render the place thus, after he had sent them (to wit, his sons) away, with Hushim and Baara his wives, i.e. as he also sent his wives away from him; which may be here mentioned as a brand upon him, to show that he was without natural affection to his wives and children. And it seems the more probable that he divorced them, because we find him married to another wife, 1 Chronicles 8:9.

Verse 12

Of which see Ezra 2:33; Nehemiah 7:37; Nehemiah 11:35.

Verse 13

Aijalon; a place formerly belonging to the tribe of Dan, Joshua 19:42; but after the return from Babylon possessed by the Benjamites, because both Dan and the rest of the ten tribes were yet for the generality of them in captivity, and but few of them returned.

Who drove away the inhabitants of Gath; either,

1. At that time when they made such a slaughter among Ephraim’s children, 1 Chronicles 7:21, and were possibly pursuing their victory till they were driven back by these Benjamites, who came to the succour of their brethren. Or,

2. Now when they were returned from the captivity, and found the men of Gath possessed of Aijalon. Or,

3. At some other time not mentioned in Scripture.

Verse 28

All these named from 1 Chronicles 8:14, to this place.

Verse 29

The father of Gibeon, i.e. the chief or ruler of the Benjamites dwelling there.

Verse 32

With their brethren, i.e. with those other Benjamites spoken of 1 Chronicles 8:28.

Over against them; in some street or part of Jerusalem, which was over against that where their brethren dwelt.

Verse 40

Archers, Heb. that tread the bow; for the bows of steel, which these used, required great strength to bend them; which therefore they did by treading the bow with their feet, and pulling the string with both their hands.

Bibliographical Information
Poole, Matthew, "Commentary on 1 Chronicles 8". Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible. https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/mpc/1-chronicles-8.html. 1685.
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