Lectionary Calendar
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024
the Week of Proper 24 / Ordinary 29
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Bible Commentaries
John 7

Old & New Testament Restoration CommentaryRestoration Commentary

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Verse 1

Joh 7:1

John 7:1

And after these things Jesus walked in Galilee:—After the conversation narrated in the preceding chapter, he went to Galilee. The Jews in Judea were more zealous as they thought for the law of Moses than those of other sections of the country. They misapprehended what the law taught, and in their misapprehension were bitter against Jesus to prepare for whom the law was given. A false conception of religion frequently hinders the reception of the truth more than a failure to know the truth or to be religious.

for he would not walk in Judaea, because the Jews sought to kill him.—Religion intensifies the feelings and actions of a person. If his feelings and actions are wrongly directed, it intensifies the wrong feelings and actions. So those who mis­understood the law of Moses were more embittered against Jesus than were those who were not very zealous observers of the law.

Verses 1-13

Joh 7:1-13

Jesus Goes to the Feast of Tabernacles - John 7:1-13

Open It

1. Who are some of today’s most controversial personalities?

2. *What dynamic figure from history do you admire? Why?

Explore It

3. Why did Jesus stay away from Judea? (John 7:1)

4. What feast was near? (John 7:2)

5. *What did Jesus’ brothers tell Him to do? (John 7:3-4)

6. Why did Jesus’ brothers tell Him to do this? (John 7:5)

7. How did Jesus respond to His brothers’ words? (John 7:6-8)

8. *Why did Jesus say the world hated Him? (John 7:7)

9. What did Jesus do when His brothers had left? (John 7:9)

10. What were the Jews doing at the feast? (John 7:11)

11. *What were people at the feast saying about Jesus? (John 7:12)

12. Why didn’t the people speak publicly about Jesus? (John 7:13)

Get It

13. What sort of things are people today saying about Jesus?

14. How would you feel if either a family member or friend doubted you or your abilities?

15. *How have you been punished or put down for speaking the truth?

16. How would you feel if you knew that someone hated you?

17. What would you do if you knew that someone hated you?

18. *In what different ways do people react to unwelcome truth?

19. When have you been afraid to openly share your beliefs about Jesus?

20. In what way is the world today evil?

Apply It

21. How will you encourage either a family member or friend today?

22. *In what area of your life do you need to ask God to help you boldly speak the truth?

Verse 2

Joh 7:2

John 7:2

Now the feast of the Jews, the feast of tabernacles, was at hand.—The feast of tabernacles commemorated the camp­ing out of the Jews in their journey from Egypt to Canaan. It was combined with the feast of ingathering and began on the fifteenth day of the seventh month and continued seven days.

Verse 3

Joh 7:3

John 7:3

His brethren therefore said unto him,—There is no proof that Mary and Joseph did not have other children. God ordained the marriage relation for the good of the human family and for his own glory. It is no derogation from the character of Mary as the mother of Jesus for her to have ful­filled the office of wife to Joseph and have borne other chil­dren. Nor is there the least evidence that she did not. Quite a number of expressions in the Bible indicate that she did fulfill the duties of wife and mother.

Depart hence, and go into Judaea,—While these brethren seem to have regarded him as something above ordinary men and were willing to see him show his powers, they yet lacked a strong faith in him and his claims to be the Son of God.

that thy disciples also may behold thy works which thou doest.—They thought if he could do anything he should show it on these occasions of the feasts when the multitudes of the Jews came together at Jerusalem. He had some disciples at Jerusalem who had been made at other visits to the city.

Verse 4

Joh 7:4

John 7:4

For no man doeth anything in secret, and himself seeketh to be known openly.—[No prophet and inspired teacher. The claim that such teachers seek the multitudes, after which, and in their presence, in the most public manner, exhibit their supernatural power.] If a man expects the world to honor him he must keep himself and his work before the world was the idea of these brethren of Jesus. This is the world’s idea.

If thou doest these things, manifest thyself to the world.—[“If” implies that his brethren were doubters and the fol­lowing verse asserts that they were unbelievers.]

Verse 5

Joh 7:5

John 7:5

For even his brethren did not believe on him — [Note that a clear distinction is made between his brethren and his dis­ciples. The distinction is more clear in Matthew 12:47. Later they became believers. (Acts 1:14).]

Verse 6

Joh 7:6

John 7:6

Jesus therefore saith unto them, My time is not yet come;—His time for fully manifesting himself to the world had not yet come, so he could not then go up to the feast. [He had by slow degrees and in different ways manifested himself to the people, but the time for the great and final lesson of the cross, the grave, the resurrection, and ascension had not come. His full and complete manifestation to the world will be at his second coming when “every eye shall see him.”]

but your time is always ready.—They with no special mis­sion save to follow the world could go to the feast at any time. [He who has a mission must make ready for it. He who has a message for the world must educate it to receive it.]

Verse 7

Joh 7:7

John 7:7

The world cannot hate you;—[For it would, in that case, hate those who have its spirit and were of it. It will not hate itself. It only hates those who rebuke its sins and oppose its ways.]

but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that its works are evil.—He expected when he went to Jerusalem to call out the hatred of the world by his condemnation of the evil of the world. As they were of the world and did not condemn the world, the world would not hate them. [It has always hated those who expose and denounce its sins. Isaiah, Jeremiah, and John the Baptist all suffered because they rebuked sin in high places. When Jesus came exposing the corruptions of the priests, the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, the worldliness and debauchery of the Sadducees and Herodians, it was in­evitable that he should be hated, persecuted, and put to death. But the world still hates him. The hate of such men as Vol­taire, Tom Paine, and Ingersoll, and of all their followers is due to the fact that Christ and his church are a rebuke to, and condemnation of, their lives.]

Verse 8

Joh 7:8

John 7:8

Go ye up unto the feast: I go not up unto this feast; be­cause my time is not yet fulfilled.—They could go when they pleased. There were reasons why he could not then go. His time was not fully come. [He uses the present, not future tense. The thought is, I am not now going. It would have doubtless defeated his purpose had he gone with those who were determined that he should make an exhibition of him­self. It cannot be determined from this whether he had yet purposed to go at all.]

Verse 9

Joh 7:9

John 7:9

And having said these things unto them, he abode still in Galilee.—What the reasons were are not known, but he re­mained in Galilee.

Verse 10

Joh 7:10

John 7:10

But when his brethren were gone up unto the feast, then went he also up, not publicly, but as it were in secret.—His brethren went to the feast while he for the time tarried in Galilee for a day or two, and then quietly, without showing himself to the world, went up.

Verse 11

Joh 7:11

John 7:11

The Jews therefore sought him at the feast, and said, Where is he?—The report of the works of Jesus was spread abroad, and at such a gathering it was the general expectation that he would be present and do wonders. Both his enemies and his friends inquired concerning him whether he would come to the feast.

Verse 12

Joh 7:12

John 7:12

And there was much murmuring among the multitudes concerning him: some said, He is a good man; others said, Not so, but he leadeth the multitude astray.—He had im­pressed many of the people that he was a good man, sent from God, others that he was a deceiver. [Truth preached always stirs up the opposition and false charges.]

Verse 13

Joh 7:13

John 7:13

Yet no man spake openly of him for fear of the Jews.—This was the talk in a private way among acquaintances, none speaking publicly because the rulers of the Jews had con­demned him. [They feared that open discussion would bring condemnation upon themselves from the rulers.]

Verse 14

Joh 7:14

John 7:14

But when it was now the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and taught.—About the third day of it. Jesus threw off all secrecy or privacy and went into the tem­ple and began openly to teach the people.

Verses 14-24

John 7:14-24

Jesus Teaches at the Feast - John 7:14-24

Open It

1. When have you gotten so caught up with rules and regulations that you missed entirely the joy of living?

2. *When have you judged someone or something on appearance alone only to find out later that you were wrong?

Explore It

3. What did Jesus do halfway through the Feast? (John 7:14)

4. How did the Jews respond to Jesus’ teaching? (John 7:15)

5. From where did Jesus’ teaching come? (John 7:16)

6. *How did Jesus say someone could discover whether or not His teaching came from God? (John 7:17)

7. What quality did Jesus say a person of truth possesses? (John 7:18)

8. What questions did Jesus ask the Jews? (John 7:19)

9. *What did the crowd accuse Jesus of being? (John 7:20)

10. Why did Jesus say the Jews were astonished? (John 7:21)

11. Why did Jesus comment on circumcision? (John 7:22-23)

12. What evidence did Jesus use to show that the Jews also believed in doing good on the Sabbath? (John 7:22-23)

13. How did Jesus compare His healing with circumcision? (John 7:23)

14. *What did Jesus instruct His audience to do? (John 7:24)

Get It

15. *How do people today respond to the teaching of Jesus?

16. What gives you the confidence to believe that what Jesus taught is true?

17. How can we become men and women of truth?

18. *What rules do we force on others while overlooking our own violations?

19. What are the important issues in today’s society about which the Church should be concerned?

20. Why do we tend to judge things and people based solely on appearances?

Apply It

21. What hypocritical standard do you need to change in your life this week?

22. *How can you put aside a prejudice in order to get to know a person you have misjudged?

Verse 15

Joh 7:15

John 7:15

The Jews therefore marvelled, saying, How knoweth this man letters, having never learned?—The familiarity of Jesus with the Jewish law and his readiness in applying it and ex­plaining the teachings were matters of wonder and surprise to all, as these things were usually learned in some of the schools. As Paul attended the school of Gamaliel, Jesus at­tended none of these schools, hence his teaching in these things was a surprise to all who knew it.

Verse 16

Joh 7:16

John 7:16

Jesus therefore answered them, and said, My teaching is not mine, but his that sent me—The teaching of Jesus was not from himself. It did not originate with him. It was not derived from studying and learning of men. It was bestowed upon him by God who sent him. Jesus again brings out that he brought no theory or system or will of his own, but he came to do the will of his Father who sent him.

Verse 17

Joh 7:17

John 7:17

If any man willeth to do his will, he shall know of the teaching, whether it is of God, or whether I speak from my­self.—If any one really desires to do the will of God, he shall be enabled to know that this doctrine is from God and did not originate with Jesus. Does it not involve the conclusion that if any one in the world really desires to do the will of God, he will be brought to know that will and that it is of God and not of man. Is it possible that God would give his Son to die to open the way of salvation to man and then leave one to die in ignorance of that way who would accept it if he knew it? The great hindrance to many knowing the truth is they do not desire the truth and will not walk in it when they know it.

Verse 18

Joh 7:18

John 7:18

He that speaketh from himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh the glory of him that sent him, the same is true,—One reason by which he will know the truth is of God is that he who speaks from himself as the author of his teaching seeks his own glory. In doing the will of God it will be so manifest that there is such a complete self-denial and glorification of God that he will know that the teaching did not originate with man.

and no unrighteousness is in him.—The one who denies self and seeks the glory of him sending him gives undeniable testimony that he did not originate his teaching, and that he is righteous.

Verse 19

Joh 7:19

John 7:19

Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you doeth the law? Why seek ye to kill me?—The leaders of the Jews had determined to kill him for breaking the law of Moses. Moses did not make that law. He received it from God and gave it to the Jews, as Jesus received it from God and gave it to them. None of them kept the law, yet sought to kill him on a charge of breaking the law in healing a man on the Sabbath.

Verse 20

Joh 7:20

John 7:20

The multitude answered, Thou hast a demon: who seek­eth to kill thee?—At this time they were keeping their pur­pose to kill him secretly until an opportunity to do it should occur. Some perhaps did not know of it, and they charge him with having a demon in cherishing such a thought.

Verse 21

Joh 7:21

John 7:21

Jesus answered and said unto them, I did one work, and ye all marvel because thereof.—Jesus referred to the healing of the impotent man on the Sabbath day.

Verse 22

Joh 7:22

John 7:22

Moses hath given you circumcision (not that it is of Moses, but of the fathers); and on the sabbath ye circumcise a man.—Moses whom they claimed to honor had commanded them to circumcise their children as it had come down from Abraham. In obedience to Moses’ law they circumcise a child on the eighth day, even if it fell on the Sabbath. Why should setting aside the Sabbath law to heal an afflicted man be worse than setting it aside to circumcise a child?

Verse 23

Joh 7:23

John 7:23

If a man receiveth circumcision on the sabbath, that the law of Moses may not be broken; are ye wroth with me, because I made a man every whit whole on the sabbath?—If God through Moses could set aside the Sabbath law to circumcise a child, why may not God through Jesus set aside the same law to heal an afflicted man? [The law of mercy was older than either circumcision or the Sabbath. His accusers were, therefore, inconsistent in their indignation against him because he had performed an act of mercy in healing a man. Mercy was God’s eternal law.]

Verse 24

Joh 7:24

John 7:24

Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment.—Do not judge by the external appearance, but by the real standard of righteousness. [The Jews judged by “appearance” when they condemned Christ for healing the man on the Sabbath, and forgot the eternal principles of right­eousness. Some times one law is broken in order to obey a higher law. They should have asked whether this was the case or not before they condemned Jesus, and then “judge with righteous judgment.”]

Verse 25

Joh 7:25

John 7:25

Some therefore of them of Jerusalem said, Is not this he whom they seek to kill?—Some from Jerusalem not of the ruling order knew of their purpose to kill him and were as­tonished at his boldness.

Verses 25-44

Joh 7:25-44

Is Jesus the Christ? - John 7:25-44

Open It

1. In what do people today put their faith?

2. *What ideas tend to cause division among the people you know?

Explore It

3. *What questions did the people begin asking about Jesus? (John 7:25-26)

4. Why was it significant that people knew where Jesus was from? (John 7:27)

5. What did Jesus cry out in the temple court? (John 7:28-29)

6. What did the people try to do? (John 7:30)

7. Why were the people unsuccessful in trying to seize Jesus? (John 7:30)

8. *What reason did some of the people give for putting their faith in Jesus? (John 7:31)

9. What did the Pharisees do when they heard the crowd talking about Jesus? (John 7:32)

10. How long did Jesus say He would be with His audience? (John 7:33)

11. What did Jesus say the people would be unable to do? (John 7:34)

12. How did the Jews respond to what Jesus said? (John 7:35-36)

13. What invitation did Jesus offer on the last day of the Feast? (John 7:37)

14. What result did Jesus promise for those who believed in Him? (John 7:38)

15. Why hadn’t the Spirit been given yet? (John 7:39)

16. *What conclusions did the people come to about Jesus? (John 7:40-41)

17. Why did the people get confused over Jesus’ identity? (John 7:41-42)

18. What effect did Jesus have on these people? (John 7:43)

19. What did some of the people want to do? (John 7:44)

Get It

20. What has the world as a whole concluded about Jesus?

21. What can you tell about a person from his or her hometown?

22. How has your background shaped you into the person you are today?

23. When do you feel most refreshed in your relationship with Christ?

24. *How has Jesus caused division among groups of people with whom you are associated?

25. How has Jesus satisfied your thirsts and longings in life?

26. *In what way do we attempt to satisfy our thirsts and longings in life outside of Christ?

Apply It

27. *What specific thirst or longing do you need to trust Christ to satisfy this week?

28. How can you refresh your relationship with God today?

Verse 26

Joh 7:26

John 7:26

And lo, he speaketh openly, and they say nothing unto him. Can it be that the rulers indeed know that this is the Christ?—[They are bewildered. They neither condemn or approve the purpose of the rulers, but they cannot understand why it is not carried out. Is it possible that the rulers have found out that this is the Christ? Is this the reason for their failure to carry out their purpose?]

Verse 27

Joh 7:27

John 7:27

Howbeit we know this man whence he is: but when the Christ cometh, no one knoweth whence he is.—The difficulty came up that when Christ came none would know whence he came, and they thought they knew whence Jesus had come.

Verse 28

Joh 7:28

John 7:28

Jesus therefore cried in the temple, teaching and saying, Ye both know me, and know whence I am; and I am not come of myself, but he that sent me is true, whom ye know not.—Jesus knew what was passing in their minds and agreed that they knew in one sense whence he was, yet insisted that he had not come of his own will and they did not know him who had sent him. In that sense they did not know whence he was, or did not know God his Father.

Verse 29

Joh 7:29

John 7:29

I know him; because I am from him, and he sent me.—Jesus alone knew the Father and he had come to make known God and his will to the people.

Verse 30

Joh 7:30

John 7:30

They sought therefore to take him: and no man laid his hand on him, because his hour was not yet come.—The Jews were anxious to arrest him, but circumstances hindered. These circumstances were controlled by God. [No one could as yet do him harm, for the set time had not come.]

Verse 31

Joh 7:31

John 7:31

But of the multitude many believed on him; and they said, When the Christ shall come, will he do more signs than those which this man hath done?—His teaching, his works, his bearing convinced many that he was divine, and if not the Christ would the Messiah do more miracles than Jesus had done in his mission? [They were convinced that he was a teacher from God and were ready to follow him, yet not sure he was the Christ to come. Jesus did not proclaim himself to be the Christ. He demonstrated it by his works.]

Verse 32

Joh 7:32

John 7:32

The Pharisees heard the multitude murmuring these things concerning him; and the chief priests and the Pharisees sent officers to take him.—The exchange of thoughts concern­ing Jesus was quietly talked among the common people. The Pharisees purposed to arrest him and stop all such talk. [They did not want it to spread.]

Verse 33

Joh 7:33

John 7:33

Jesus therefore said, Yet a little while am I with you, and I go unto him that sent me.—In a short time Jesus would by his death be taken away from them, and after the cruci­fixion and resurrection would ascend to God who had sent him.

Verse 34

Joh 7:34

John 7:34

Ye shall seek me, and shall not find me: and where I am, ye cannot come.—After a time evil would call upon them and then they would seek him. He would be with God and to him they could never come. [This is plain to use in the light of divine history, but it is not strange that his audience on the other side of the cross did not understand his saying.]

Verse 35

Joh 7:35

John 7:35

The Jews therefore said among themselves, Whither will this man go that we shall not find him? will he go unto the Dispersion among the Greeks, and teach the Greeks?—Many Jews were scattered from Judea among the Gentiles, and it was either in ignorance or to ridicule him that they ask this question. [Would he teach them and the Greeks, as well as the Jews of Judea, and the Galileans?]

Verse 36

Joh 7:36

John 7:36

What is this word that he said, Ye shall seek me, and shall not find me; and where I am, ye cannot come?—[They could not comprehend. It seems that this bore on their minds. They were perplexed. See verse 34.]

Verse 37

Joh 7:37

John 7:37

Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink.—The feast lasted eight days and the last day was a holy convocation, and it had come to be the greatest day of the feast. On this day he called to all who thirsted to come to him and drink the waters of salvation. [The eighth or last day of the feast probably was devoted more to rejoicing and thanksgiving for the blessings of the year and for the hope of Israel. It was called “the great day of the feast.”]

Verse 38

Joh 7:38

John 7:38

He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, from within him shall flow rivers of living water.—The Holy Spirit would come as the representative of God on earth after his ascension to his Father and this he foretells under this figure. [“Believing” is equal to “coming” in verse 37, showing that faith is the means that brings us to Christ. It is a live, active faith; not a dead or inactive one.]

Verse 39

Joh 7:39

John 7:39

But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believed on him were to receive:—[This makes Acts 2 the best com­mentary on verse 38. Luther says, “So St. Peter, by one sermon on the day of Pentecost, as by a rushing of water, delivered three thousand men from the devil’s kingdom, wash­ing them in an hour from sin, death, and Satan.”]

for the Spirit was not yet given; because Jesus was not yet glorified.— The Holy Spirit would come to take up his abode in and with men only after the ascension of Jesus to his Father. Jesus said to his disciples; “It is expedient for you that I go away; for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I go, I will send him unto you.” (John 16:7). [Observe (1) that the Holy Spirit was not given until after the death and ascension of Christ; (2) the disciples of Christ did not become “rivers of living water” until the Spirit was sent. This marks Pentecost as the beginning of the preaching of the gospel authoritatively by his disciples. Peter’s sermon on that day was the first sermon under the great commission, the first declaration of the condition of the gospel, the first preaching by men as the Holy “Spirit gave them utterance.” It was after Jesus was glorified that he sent the Spirit, and on Pentecost it was declared, “He hath poured forth this, which ye see and hear.”]

Verse 40

Joh 7:40

John 7:40

Some of the multitude therefore, when they heard these words, said, This is of a truth the prophet—[Conflicting views arose among the people. Some said he was “the prophet,” spoken of in Deuteronomy 18:15, and referred to in John 1:15. All agreed that a prophet was to come at the Messianic period, but some held that he was to be the Messiah himself, and others that he was to be the forerunner. Hence three ques­tions were put to John—“Art thou Elijah? Art thou the prophet? Art thou the Christ?”]

Verse 41

Joh 7:41

John 7:41

Others said, This is the Christ. But some said, What, doth the Christ come out of Galilee?—[The opposition denied that he was the Christ, basing their opposition, not upon his character or teaching, but upon the fact that he came from Galilee. Jesus, reared at Nazareth, coming to Jerusalem from Galilee, was supposed by the Jews to have been born there, and they were well aware of the fact Christ was to be born at Bethlehem.]

Verse 42

Joh 7:42

John 7:42

Hath not the scripture said that the Christ cometh of the seed of David, and from Bethlehem, the village where David was?—[The Talmud explains Micah 5:2 as declaring that Bethlehem should be Christ’s birthplace. The wise men who came to Jerusalem seeking the young Babe heard the same thing from the priests. It was prophesied that he should be of the seed of David. (Isaiah 11:1; Jeremiah 23:5; Psalms 89:36).]

Verse 43

Joh 7:43

John 7:43

So there arose a division in the multitude because of him.—[They were rent into two parties and there was sharp contention.] The teaching of Jesus impressed his hearers variously. Some thought he must be a prophet, some that he was the Christ, others could not see how he could be the Christ, for the Christ was to come out of Bethlehem. The very prophecies to which they referred to prove him not the Christ really confirmed that he was the Christ and only their ignorance of where he was born obscured the proof or what really confirmed the truth to those who knew the facts hid the truth from those ignorant of these facts. It is not in­frequently so with men. Their ignorance often changes proof of what is true into evidence against the truth.

Verse 44

Joh 7:44

John 7:44

And some of them would have taken him; but no man laid hands on him.—The division among the people seems to have secured him from arrest.

Verse 45

Joh 7:45

John 7:45

The officers therefore came to the chief priests and Phar­isees; and they said unto them, Why did ye not bring him?—The Pharisees had evidently sent officers to arrest Jesus. While waiting their opportunity to do it privately, they had listened to him and in common with the people were sur­prised and pleased with his preaching.

Verses 45-52

Joh 7:45-52

Unbelief of the Jewish Leaders - John 7:45-52

Open It

1. Why do people join groups, clubs, and associations?

2. *To what groups do you belong? Which is your favorite?

Explore It

3. What explanation did the temple guards give for not bringing Jesus to the chief priests and Pharisees? (John 7:45-46)

4. *How can we infer that the temple guard recognized Jesus’ authority? (John 7:46)

5. Of what did the Pharisees accuse the temple guards? (John 7:47)

6. What groups of people had not believed in Jesus? (John 7:48)

7. Why did the Pharisees claim there was a curse on the mob of people who believed in Jesus? (John 7:49)

8. *To what group did Nicodemus belong? (John 7:50)

9. What question did Nicodemus ask? (John 7:51)

10. What question was Nicodemus asked? (John 7:52)

11. *What claim did the Pharisees make about Galilee? (John 7:52)

Get It

12. *To what groups in your church do you belong?

13. How might your membership in certain groups influence your opinions or beliefs?

14. What religious groups have power and authority in today’s society?

15. *How might today’s religious leaders react to Jesus if He came back today?

16. Why do we tend to judge others before we actually get to know them?

17. How do we sometimes abuse spiritual authority?

Apply It

18.*What groups that further the cause of Christ can you support? How?

19. How can you glorify God in the places of authority you hold?

Verse 46

Joh 7:46

John 7:46

The officers answered, Never man so spake.—When they returned without him, they gave his teaching as the reason of failure to arrest him.

Verses 47-48

Joh 7:47-48

John 7:47-48

The Pharisees therefore answered them, Are ye also led astray? Hath any of the rulers believed on him, or of the Pharisees?—The Pharisees seemed to think if no Pharisee or officer was carried away with the preaching none should. These subordinates ought to defer their faith to those of the honored classes. This spirit prevails largely among religious teachers in this age. [Have any of the rulers believed? By rulers are meant the Sanhedrin. In the matter of deciding on the claims of the Messiah they hold that the judgment of the “rulers” must be decisive.]

Verse 49

Joh 7:49

John 7:49

But this multitude that knoweth not the law are ac­cursed.—In their estimation those who did not thus defer to them were accursed. [They are ignorant of the law and are accursed. On account of their ignorance they are easily led astray.]

Verse 50

Joh 7:50

John 7:50

Nicodemus saith unto them (he that came to him before, being one of them),—Nicodemus who came to Jesus to hear of him (John 3:1-15) appears upon the scene the second time. He was not one of the rulers preparing to arrest Jesus. He was a friend of Jesus, but not one of his worshipers.

Verse 51

Joh 7:51

John 7:51

Doth our law judge a man, except it first hear from him­self and know what he doeth?—The law of the Jews required this fairness as all just and fair laws do and Nicodemus ap­peals to this law as a benefactor to Jesus.

Verse 52

Joh 7:52

John 7:52

They answered and said unto him, Art thou also of Gali­lee? Search, and see that out of Galilee ariseth no prophet.—Without answering his objection as to the law, they assume that he is a disciple of Jesus and object to the claims on the ground that the Christ would not come out of Galilee ignorant of the fact that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. [“Out of Galilee ariseth no prophet” is an untrue statement. Jonah was of Galilee (2 Kings 14:25); Elijah probably so (1 Kings 17:1); and Nahum also (Nahum 1:1).]

Verse 53

Joh 7:53

John 7:53

And they went every man unto his own house.—[The session of the Sanhedrin broke up and each member went to his own home.]

Questions on John Chapter Seven

E.M. Zerr

1. Why did Jesus avoid Judea?

2. What feast was at hand?

3. State the advice of his brethren.

4. Does this mean his religious brethren?

5. What reason given why his works should be public?

6. What prompted this speech of his brethren?

7. Why had he yet not worked more publicly?

8. Whose opportunity was always present?

9. Why did the world hate Jesus?

10. State his direction to his brethren.

11. Why not do this himself?

12. Where did he do this waiting?

13. In what way did he finally attend the feast?

14. Who sought for him?

15. What sentiments were expressed concerning him?

16. Why were they not spoken openly?

17. What did Jesus finally do?

18. At what did the Jews marvel?

19. How did Jesus account for the situation?

20. How might a man test the doctrine?

21. What indicates a man seeks his own glory?

22. State the contrast in the conduct of Jesus.

23. What were these people seeking to do?

24. In so doing what command would be violated?

25. Who did he say had given them this law?

26. How did they resent the accusation of Jesus?

27. What was the "one work" of 21st verse?

28. With whom did circumcision begin?

29. What had Moses done about it?

30. How about circumcision and the sabbath?

31. In what were the Jews inconsistent?

32. What constitutes unrighteous judgment?

33. State the inquiry some made.

34. What were they observing?

35. What did they ask of the rulers?

36. Concerning whom did they express doubt?

37. On what familiarity was this doubt based?

38. What did Jesus say about this common knowledge?

39. Tell whom he said they did not know.

40. Why did Jesus know him?

41. What did they then seek to do?

42. Tell why they failed.

43. How were many of the people affected?

44. State their significant question.

45. Whose ears did these remarks reach?

46. Upon hearing them what did they do?

47. Tell the announcement Jesus made to the officers.

48. Who were confused by this statement?

49. What explanation did they suggest among themselves?

50. On what subject did Jesus now speak?

51. How far along is the feast?

52. Who is antecedent of "his" in John 7:38?

53. What was he going to bestow?

54. Upon whom?

55. Why had this not yet been bestowed?

56. At this saying what did many people remark?

57. Why did others question it?

58. Explain their confusion at this point.

59. On their return what was asked the officers?

60. Give their explanation.

61. What answer did the Pharisees make to this?

62. State their anxious inquiry about the rulers.

63. Upon whom did they pronounce a curse?

64. What counsel did Nicodemus exprcss?

65. With what argument did they reply to him?

Bibliographical Information
"Commentary on John 7". "Old & New Testament Restoration Commentary". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/onr/john-7.html.
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