Lectionary Calendar
Friday, October 25th, 2024
the Week of Proper 24 / Ordinary 29
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Bible Commentaries
Psalms 91

Hawker's Poor Man's CommentaryPoor Man's Commentary

Verse 1


Under several very striking similitudes, the Person of Christ and his redemption work are pointed out. This Psalm is the more remarkable in that the accursed enemy himself, in his temptations of Christ, hesitated not to make quotations from it, as referring to Christ.

Psalms 91:1

I venture to believe that the Holy Ghost had no other object in view, in dictating this Psalm, than to refer the whole of what is here said to the person of Christ, as the great Head and Surety of his people; and, under this idea, it opens with one of the most sublime subjects the church can possibly contemplate; namely, Jehovah's love to the person of Christ, as the Mediator of his church and people!

Verse 2

Is not this the very language of Christ to the Father, to whom he constantly looked, in and through all his vast undertaking?

Verses 3-4

Here come in the promise and the answer to the cry of Jesus. God the Father had engaged to carry his Anointed safely through all difficulties and discouragements; and here are particularized source of the eminent instances of divine truth and faithfulness.

Verses 5-8

These are all so many examples in which distinguishing grace shall manifest covenant-promises. But what I would very particularly request the Reader to remark with me, as eminently fulfilled in the person of Jesus, is, the preservation from the pestilence of darkness, and the destruction of the noon day. How lovely and truly blessed is it to see that though Christ took upon him our nature, he took none of the corruptions of that nature. His holy soul was not susceptible of the impression of the pestilence of sin, nor the defilement of our fallen nature. Such an High Priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens. Reader, this is the sweet consolatory thought of the soul, when pleading for salvation, in and through the Redeemer's righteousness. Hebrews 7:26 .

Verses 9-10

Here is the ground of the believer's confidence. Jesus, as the sinner's Surety, made God his hope, and rested his salvation upon him and his covenant-engagements.

Verses 11-13

Surely we must be senseless indeed, if we do not view Christ here, when the devil himself hesitated not to acknowledge it. Turn, Reader, to the subject of thy Redeemer's temptation, and observe how Christ converted what Satan meant as the trial of his faith into the very source of his thanksgiving and joy; Matthew 4:7 .

Verses 14-16

This is a beautiful repetition of what had been said before. Jesus had engaged his whole heart and soul in the service of Jehovah, for his Father's glory and the everlasting welfare of his church and people: and Jehovah had promised, that, when he had made his soul an offering for sin, he should see of the travail of his soul, and be satisfied. Isaiah 53:10-11 . Here, therefore, the sum and substance of these promises are given. Here the Lord promiseth to be faithful, and we may, I think, without violence to the several glorious things contained in this Psalm, remark, that though short, yet a more interesting account, and of the dialogue kind, between the Father and the Son, can hardly be found within an equally small compass in the Bible. And as we are most highly interested in all and every promise made to Christ, as our glorious Head; so it should seem that we cannot, when reading or singing this Psalm, have our minds more highly instructed than by contemplating Jesus as the one blessed God-man here spoken of, and in whom all the promises are yea and amen to his people.

Verse 16


BLESSED Jesus! how sweet to my soul is it to behold all these gracious promises of God the Father made over to thee, and for the security of thy person and work, as the great Head of thy church and people? Truly was it said of thee, thou holy Lord, that thou didst set thy love upon thy Father. For though thy love to thy church was such that thou gavest thyself for it, an offering and a sacrifice to God, of a sweet smelling savour, yet it was thy love to thy Father which prompted thine infinite mind in the great work of redemption. Yes, blessed Jesus! methinks I still hear thee saying, I delight to do thy will, O my God, yea, thy law is within my heart. And therefore did the Father love thee, as the Surety of thy people, in that thou didst lay down thy life that thou mightest take it again. Hence Jehovah's sweet promises: Neither the lion, nor the adder, the young lion, nor the dragon, shall be able to contend with thee. No weapon formed against thee shall prosper.

And, oh! Lord, how blessed is it to see in thee, and thy great salvation, the everlasting security of thy people also! Yes, almighty Conqueror! in thy strength and power shall the humblest of thy people at length put their feet on the neck of all their enemies. Devils shall be subject to them through thy name; and the God of peace will bruise Satan under their feet shortly. Oh, for grace to go on conquering and to conquer, making mention of Jesus and his righteousness only, until every enemy shall be subdued, and Jesus shall bring home his royal army, victorious, under his almighty banner, to sit down with him on h is throne, and to be made kings and priests to God and the Father.

Bibliographical Information
Hawker, Robert, D.D. "Commentary on Psalms 91". "Hawker's Poor Man's Commentary". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/pmc/psalms-91.html. 1828.
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