Lectionary Calendar
Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024
the Week of Proper 24 / Ordinary 29
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Bible Commentaries
Joshua 1

Benson's Commentary of the Old and New TestamentsBenson's Commentary


A.M. 2553. B.C. 1451.

In this chapter,

(1,) God appoints Joshua to govern in the stead of Moses, and gives him instructions and encouragement, Joshua 1:1-9 .

(2,) He enters on his office immediately, giving orders to the officers, and to the two tribes and a half, Joshua 1:10-15 .

(3,) The people accept him as their governor, Joshua 1:16-18 .

Verse 1

Joshua 1:1. After the death of Moses Either immediately after it, or when the days of mourning for Moses were expired. Joshua was appointed and declared Moses’s successor in the government before this time; and here he receives confirmation from God therein. The servant of the Lord This title is given to Moses here, and Joshua 1:2, as also Deuteronomy 34:5, and is repeated, not without cause, to reflect honour upon him, to give authority to his laws and writings, in publishing whereof he acted as God’s servant, in his name: and that the Israelites might not think of Moses above what was meet, remembering that he was not the Lord himself, but only the Lord’s servant; and therefore not to be too pertinaciously followed in all his institutions, when the Lord himself should come and abolish part of the Mosaical dispensation; it being but reasonable that he, who was only a servant in God’s house, should give place to him who was the son, and heir, and lord of it. The Lord spake Either in a dream or vision, or by Urim, Numbers 27:21. Moses’s minister Who had waited upon Moses in his great employments, and thereby been privy to his manner of government, and so was prepared for it.

Verse 2

Joshua 1:2. Now therefore arise Let not the withering of the most useful hands be the weakening of ours. When God has work to do, he will either find or make instruments fit to carry it on. Moses the servant is dead, but God the master is not, he lives for ever. This Jordan Which is now near thee, which is the only obstacle in thy way to Canaan. The land which I give That is, I am now about to give thee actual possession of it, as I formerly gave a right to it by promise.

Verses 3-4

Joshua 1:3-4. Every place That is, within the following bounds. This Lebanon Emphatically, as being the most eminent mountain in Syria, and the northern border of the land: or this which is within thy view. Hittites Of the Canaanites, who, elsewhere, are called Amorites, (Genesis 15:16,) and here Hittites, the Hittites being the most considerable and formidable of them all. The greater sea The midland sea, great in itself, and especially compared with those lesser collections of waters, which the Jews called seas. “But the Israelites never possessed all this land.” To which it may be answered, 1st, That was from their own sloth and cowardice, and disobedience to God, and breach of those conditions upon which this promise was suspended: 2d, Though their possessions extended not to Euphrates, yet their dominions did, and all those lands were tributary to them in David’s and Solomon’s time.

Verse 5

Joshua 1:5. I was with Moses To assist him against all his enemies, and in all the difficulties of governing this stiff-necked people, which Joshua might justly fear no less than the Canaanites. Forsake thee I will not leave thee destitute, either of inward support, or of outward assistance.

Verse 6

Joshua 1:6. Be strong and of a good courage Joshua, though a person of great courage and resolution, whereof he had given sufficient proof, yet needed these exhortations, partly because his work was great, and difficult, and long, and in a great measure new; partly because he had a very mean opinion of himself, especially if compared with Moses: and remembering how perverse and ungovernable that people were, even under Moses, he might very well suspect the burden of ruling them would be too heavy for his shoulders.

Verse 7

Joshua 1:7. Commanded thee Remember, that though thou art the commander of my people, yet thou art my subject, and obliged to observe all my commands. To the right hand or to the left That is, in any kind, or upon any pretence; which plainly shows, that God’s assistance, promised to him and the Israelites, was conditional, and might justly be withdrawn upon their breach of the conditions. Whithersoever thou goest That is, whatsoever thou doest. Men’s actions are often compared to ways, or steps, by which they come to the end they aim at. This charge, given by God himself to Joshua, highly deserves our notice. Though Joshua was to be, in his place, as great a man as Moses; though the Lord was to do signs and wonders by him, as he did by the hand of Moses; and though he was to settle the people in the promised land, which Moses was not allowed to do, yet he was to do according to all the law which Moses had commanded. And we find that, amid all his successes, and all the wonders that the Lord did by him, Joshua made the book of the law the guide of his conduct, strictly adhering to it in every point, and always recommending the strict observation of it to the people. In this he is an example worthy of the imitation, as of all professors of Christianity in general, so of all Christian magistrates and generals, in particular, who are under equal obligations to make God’s laws or revealed will the rule of their conduct, in all affairs, public and private. For no man’s dignity or dominion, how great soever, sets him above the law of God.

Verses 8-9

Joshua 1:8-9. This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth That is, thou shalt constantly read it, and upon occasion discourse of it, and the sentence which shall come out of thy month, shall in all things be given according to this rule. Day and night That is, diligently study, and upon all occasions consider what is God’s will and thy duty. The greatness of thy place and employments shall not hinder thee from this work, because this is the only rule of thy private actions and public administrations. I command thee I whom thou art obliged to obey: I who can carry thee through every thing I put thee upon: I of whose faithfulness and almighty power thou hast had great experience!

Verses 10-11

Joshua 1:10-11. The officers of the people Those who commanded under Joshua, in their respective tribes and families, attended him for orders, which they were to transmit to the people. Prepare you victuals For although manna was given them to supply their want of ordinary provisions in the wilderness; yet they were allowed, when they had opportunity, to purchase other provisions, and did so, Deuteronomy 2:6; Deuteronomy 2:28. And now, having been some time in the land of the Amorites, and, together with manna, used themselves to other food, with which that country plentifully supplied them, they are warned to furnish themselves therewith for their approaching march. Within three days These words, though placed here, seem not to have been delivered by Joshua till after the return of the spies, such transpositions being frequent in Scripture. And hence it is, that these three days, mentioned here, are again repeated below, after the history of the spies, Joshua 3:2.

Verses 13-14

Joshua 1:13-14. Which Moses commanded you His charge to you, and your promise to him. Rest That is, a place of rest, as that word signifies. Before your brethren In the front of all of them; which was but reasonable; because they had the advantage of their brethren, having actually received their portion, which their brethren had only in hope; because they were freed from those impediments which the rest were exposed to, their wives, and children, and estates being safely lodged; and to prevent their withdrawing themselves from the present service, which they otherwise would have had temptations to do, because of the nearness of their habitations. Armed For by this time they were well furnished with arms, which they had either from the Egyptians, Amalekites, or Amorites, from whom they had taken them; or, by purchase, from those people by whose borders they passed. Men of valour All such were obliged to go over, if occasion required it, but Joshua took only some of them, because they were sufficient for his purpose, and because it was proper some should be left, both to secure their own wives, children, and possessions, and to prevent their enemies on that side from giving them disturbance while engaged in their enterprise upon Canaan.

Verses 16-17

Joshua 1:16-17. And they answered Not the two tribes and a half only, but the officers of all the people, in their name, concurring with the divine appointment, by which Joshua was set over them. Thus must we swear allegiance to our Lord Jesus, as the captain of our salvation. Will we hearken unto thee The same obedience which we owed to Moses, we promise unto thee. With Moses This is not a limitation of their obedience, as if they would not obey him any longer than he was prosperous, but an additional prayer for him. As we have hereby promised thee our obedience, so our prayer shall be, that God would bless and prosper thee, as he did Moses.

Bibliographical Information
Benson, Joseph. "Commentary on Joshua 1". Benson's Commentary. https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/rbc/joshua-1.html. 1857.
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