Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Commentaries
Zechariah 1

Scofield's Reference NotesScofield's Notes

Verse 1

eighth month

i.e. November.

Verse 7


Eleventh month i.e. February.

Verse 8

I saw

The "man" (Zechariah 1:8) is the "my lord," "the angel that talked with me" (Zechariah 1:9), and "the angel of the Lord" (Zechariah 1:10; Zechariah 1:11). The "man" "stood among the myrtle trees" (Zechariah 1:8). The prophet addresses him as "my lord" (cf) Genesis 19:2 but when the "man" answers he perceives that he has addressed an angel--"the angel that talked with me" (Zechariah 1:9). In Zechariah 1:10 the being of the vision is again "the man that stood among the myrtle trees." In Zechariah 1:11 he is called "the angel of the Lord," and to him the (riders on the) "red horses, speckled with white" say: "We have walked to and fro," etc. Then (Zechariah 1:12) "the angel of the Lord" (i.e. the "man," "my lord," "the angel that talked with me") intercedes for the land against a world at ease. The date of the intercession was at the end of the 70 years' captivity of Judah. Zechariah 1:9-12.

Taken as a whole Zechariah 1:8-17 Zechariah's first vision reveals Judah in dispersion; Jerusalem under adverse possession; and the Gentile nations at rest about it. This condition still continues, and Jehovah's answer to the intercession of the angel sweeps on to the end-time of Gentile domination, when "the Lord shall yet comfort Zion," etc. (Zechariah 1:16; Zechariah 1:17).

Isaiah 40:1-5. See "Kingdom (O.T.)" (See Scofield "Isaiah 40:1-23.40.5- :") See Scofield "Isaiah 40:1-23.40.5- :".

red horse Cf. Revelation 6:4. The whole Gentile period is characterized by the red horse, i.e. "sword." ; Daniel 9:26; Matthew 24:6; Matthew 24:7.

Verse 9


(See Scofield " :-") .

Verses 11-14


(See Scofield " :-")

Verse 18


A "horn" is the symbol of a Gentile king Daniel 7:24; Revelation 17:12 and the vision is of the four world empires ; Daniel 2:36-44; Daniel 7:3-7 which have "scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem" (v.19)

Verse 19


(See Scofield " :-")

Verse 20

And the Lord

The word charash, trans. "carpenter," is lit. carver, engraver. Zechariah 1:21 makes it plain that, whatever the four carvers may be, they are used to "fray," or carve away (Heb. charad) in the sense of diminishing, enfeebling, the great Gentile world-powers. They may stand for Jehovah's "four sore judgments," the sword, famine, evil beasts, and pestilence Ezekiel 14:21 the four horses of Revelation 6:0.

Bibliographical Information
Scofield, C. I. "Scofield Reference Notes on Zechariah 1". "Scofield Reference Notes (1917 Edition)". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/srn/zechariah-1.html. 1917.
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