Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, October 27th, 2024
the Week of Proper 25 / Ordinary 30
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Bible Commentaries
Psalms 148

Scott's Explanatory Notes, Practical Observations on the book PsalmsScott on the Psalms

Verses 1-14

Psalms 148:1-14.

V. 1, 2. (Notes, Psalms 103:20-22. Job 38:4-7. Luke 2:8-14. Revelation 4:6-11.v. 11-14. Revelation 19:1-6.) ’ Finding how short his own praises were, he ’ wishes all creatures in heaven and earth would conspire in a sweet symphony ... of singing hymns unto him. ... First let the celestial choir begin, and sing their thankful hymns to him, who hath raised them so high.’ Bp.

Patrick. ( From the heavens and those unutterable ’ heights, where hosts of immortal spirits, admitted to the sight of their King, enjoy unfading pleasures, the song is ’ to begin. And when the strain is thus set by the celestial part of the choir, it is to be taken up, and echoed ’ back, by the creatures of this lower world, animate and 1 inanimate, which have all their several parts assigned ’ them, in the great work of glorifying their Creator.’ Bp. Home.

V. 3. (Marg. Ref. Notes, Psalms 19:1-6.) ’ The material heavens, ... with the luminaries placed in them, ... ’ by their splendour and magnificence, their motions and ’ their influences, ill regulated and exerted according to { the ordinance of their Maker, do, in a very intelligible ’ and striking manner, declare the glory of God : they call ’ upon us to translate their actions into our language, and ’ copy their obedience in our lives ; that so we may, both ’ in word and deed, glorify, with them, the Creator ... of ’ the universe.’ Bp. Home.

V. 4, 5. Marg. Ref. Notes,Psalms 1:4-6, Psalms 5:6; Psalms 89:5. Genesis 1:6-12. Jeremiah 10:9-15.

V. 6. (Notes, Psalms 104:6-9. Genesis 8:20-22. Job 38:4-11. Is. 54: 6- 10, v: 9 ’ Let all these set forth the ’ adorable wisdom, and power, and goodness of the Lord. ’ For by his omnipotent word these, whom the mistaken ’ world calls gods, were created, not to be worshipped, but ’ perpetually to proclaim his praise, ... who hath made ’ them not only illustrious, but everlasting monuments of ’ his splendour and glory ; having fixed and settled them ’ in an admirable order, which they constantly observe. ’ and prescribed them laws which they never transgress.’

V. 7- 12. From tlie earth. (7) The preceding praises were to be rendered from the heavens above ; the following from the earth beneath. (Marg. Ref.) Dragons.] Whales, and other sea-monsters. (Note,Psalms 74:13-17 - Psalms 104:25-26. Genesis 1:20-25.) Fire and hail, &c. (8) ’Let the ’ lightnings, thunder, and hail ; the snow, hoary frost, and ’ ice ; the winds, storms, and tempests ; all make a part ’ of this song : for they constantly execute his sovereign ’ will, and serve his wise designs.’ Bp. Patrick. The Gentiles had imaginary deities, ruling over winds and storms, to whom they rendered worship ; but the Psalmist pauses as it were to note, that all these should be regarded as "fulfilling the word" of JEHOVAH. All people. (11) Or " peoples," plural. ’This exhortation doth not belong ’ to the Hebrews alone, but to all men absolutely : and so ’ is, as it were, a prelude to the calling of the gentiles. ’ For they cannot praise God in a suitable manner, who do

’ not well know him ; nor know him sufficiently, who have ’ never heard the gospel ; from which especially the praises ’ of God flourish.’ Le Gere in Bp. Home.

V. 13. ’ Let them praise the incomparable wisdom, ’ goodness, and power of the LORD : ... whose most excellent majesty infinitely surpasses all, that the earth or the ’ heavens can tell us of him.’ Bp. Patrick. It ought not ’ to pass unnoticed, that this verse is future : " They shall " praise, &c." and it may be considered as a prediction of that time, when " the eartli shall be full of the knowledge " of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea." (Note, Habakkuk 2:12-14.)

V. 14. He also exalteth, &c.] Or, " He will exalt " a Horn for his people." " He hath raised up a " Horn of Salvation for us, in the house of his servant " David; as he spake by the mouth of hi? holy prophets, " which have been since the world began.’ (Note, Luke 1:67-75.) ’ He hath set over us a powerful prince for the ’defence and safety of his people; Psalms 89:19;) whose

’ fame he hath hereby raised to the highest pitch of honour.’ Bp. Patrick. David however was only a shadow of him, who is " a Light to lighten the Gentiles, and the " Glory of his people Israel." (Marg. Ref. Note, Luke 2:25-32.) This Psalm also opens and concludes with " Hallelujah."


Every effort of the zealous believer to praise the Lord, causes his boundless excellences to unveil themselves more fully, to his enraptured, admiring, thankful heart ; and thus he becomes more find more conscious of his inability to praise his God in a suitable manner. He therefore rejoices to reflect, that there are innumerable hosts of angels before the throne, in the heights of heaven, who are able to praise him in more exalted strains : and though they need no incitement ; yet his desire that God should be worthily glorified, will make him ready to call on them to proceed in their lofty adorations : and he would wish, if it were possible, that the sound of their praises might be heard on earth, and echoed back in responsive chorus by all its inhabitants. Indeed all the works of God, above and below, (fallen angels, and fallen man alone excepted,) without our exhortations, do in their way proclaim the Creator’s praise : and it is worthy of notice, that men, who do not praise the Lord and obey his command, are more ungovernable than the monsters of the deep, than the raging sea itself, than the stormy wind, or the devouring flame ! But how desirable would it be, if kings of the earth, and all princes, nobles, and rulers would count it their honour to lead the chorus of praise to the Lord, and use all their authority in promoting his glory ; and if all people and nations would unite in this service ! How reasonable and becoming would it be, for " young men and maidens " to employ the fire and vigour of their active spirits, and to seek their pleasure and joy, in doing the will and celebrating the praises of the Lord ; and for the aged to shew that they are ripening for heaven, by teaching their infant posterity to lisp thanksgivings unto him, and lead them forwards, as they advance to maturity ! Alas ! how little do any of us feel or express, of this fervent spirit of adoring love and gratitude ! and how few of the human species praise him, in concert with the angels and saints in heaven ! But we are taught to pray, " Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom " come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.’ (Notes, Matthew 6:9-10.) Nor will our fervent prayers be always unanswered : " for all kings shall yet fall down before God our Saviour, all nations shall do him service." In the mean time, let us shew that we are " his saints," by praising his name continually. He is not only our Creator, but our Redeemer, who has made us " a people near unto "him," and will exalt us "above all our enemies. Hi:; " name only is excellent; and his glory is above the earth "and heaven:" and in redemption, those infinite excellences, and that unspeakable glory, are displayed to our view, and form the source of all our hopes and joys. While sinners are invited to draw near to our reconciled God, his believing people, as brought nigh unto him, are called on to rejoice in him ; and the language of joy h praise and thanksgiving. With such a subject and such obligations, what words can be sufficiently expressive, what affections sufficiently ardent ! May the Lord pardon ;md accept our languid praises ; and teach our hearts to love him more, and praise him better : that we may emulate, and be preparing to join, the adorations of the heavenly world !

Bibliographical Information
Scott, Thomas. "Commentary on Psalms 148". Scott's Explanatory Notes, Practical Observations on the book Psalms. https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/tsp/psalms-148.html. 1804.
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