Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, October 27th, 2024
the Week of Proper 25 / Ordinary 30
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Bible Commentaries
Matthew 14

Vincent's Word StudiesVincent's Studies

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Verse 1

Tetrarch. A ruler of a fourth part. Archelaus had obtained two - fourths of his father 's dominions, and Antipas (this Herod) and Philip each one - fourth.

The fame [ακοην] . Better as Rev., report. Lit., hearing.

Verse 3

Put him in prison [εν φυλακη απεθετο] . Lit., "put him away or aside" [απο] . This prison was the fortress of Machaerus on the east side of the Dead Sea, almost on a line with Bethlehem, above the gorge which divided the Mountains of Abarim from the range of Pisgah. Perched on an isolated cliff at the end of a narrow ridge, encompassed with deep ravines, was the citadel. At the other end of this ridge Herod built a great wall, with towers two hundred feet high at the corners; and within this inclosure, a magnificent palace, with colonnades, baths, cisterns, arsenals - every provision, in short, for luxury and for defence against siege. The windows commanded a wide and grand prospect, including the Dead Sea, the course of the Jordan, and Jerusalem. In the detached citadel, probably in one of the underground dungeons, remains of which may still be seen, was the prison of John. "We return through what we regard as the ruins of the magnificent castle - palace of Herod, to the highest and strongest part of the defences - the eastern keep or the citadel, on the steep slope, one hundred and fifty yards up. The foundation of the walls all around, to the height of a yard or two above the ground, are still standing. As we clamber over them to examine the interior, we notice how small this keep is : exactly one hundred yards in diameter. There are scarcely any remains of it left. A well of great depth, and a deep, cemented cistern, with the vaulting of the roof still complete, and - of most terrible interest to us - two dungeons, one of them deep down, its sides scarcely broken in, 'with small holes still visible in the masonry where staples of wood and iron had once been fixed !' As we look down into its hot darkness, we shudder in realizing that this terrible keep had, for nigh ten months, been the prison of that son of the free wilderness, the bold herald of the coming kingdom, the humble, earnest, self - denying John the Baptist" (Edersheim, " Life and Times of Jesus ").

Verse 6

Birthday [γενεσιοις] . Though some explain it as the anniversary of Herod 's accession. The custom of celebrating birthdays by festivities was not approved by the strict Jews; but it is claimed that the Herodian princes adopted the custom. The Roman satirist, Persius, alludes to a festival known as "Herod 's Day," and pictures a banquet on that occasion.

"But when Come Herod 's day, and on the steaming panes The ranged lamps, festooned with violets, pour The unctuous cloud, while the broad tunny - tail Sprawled o'er the red dish swims, and snowy jars Swell with the wine." Sat. 5 180 - 183.

Before [εν τω μεσω] . Rev., in the midst. Wyc., leaped in the middle.

Verse 7

He promised [ωμολογησεν] . Lit., confessed; conveying the idea of acknowledging the obligation of his oath. Salome had degraded herself to perform the part of an almeh or common dancer, and could claim her reward.

Verse 8

Being before instructed [προβιβασθεισα] . Wyc., monestid, with warned in explanation. Both wrong. Rev., rightly, being put forward. Compare Acts 19:33, where the right meaning is, they pushed Alexander forward out of the crowd; and not as A. V., drew out. The correct rendering slightly relieves Salome of the charge of wanton cruelty, and throws it wholly upon Herodias.

Here [ωδε] . She demanded it on the spot, before Herod should have had time to reflect and relent; the more so, as she knew his respect for John (compare was sorry, ver. 9). The circumstances seem to point to Machaerus itself as the scene of the banquet; so that the deed could be quickly done, and the head of the Baptist delivered while the feast was still in progress.

In a charger [επι πινακι] . The Revisers cannot be defended in their retention of this thoroughly obsolete word. A charge is originally a burden; and a charger something loaded. Hence, a dish. Wyc., dish. Tynd., platter.

Verse 9

The oath 's sake [δια τους ορκους] . But the A. V. puts the apostrophe in the wrong place. The word is plural, and the Rev. rightly renders for the sake of his oaths. It is implied that Herod in his mad excitement had confirmed his promise with repeated oaths.

Verse 11

To the damsel [τω κορασιω] . Diminutive, the little girl. Luther gives magdlein, little maid.

Verse 13

On foot [πεζη] . Rev., by land in margin, which is better; for the contrast is between Jesus ' journey by ship and that of the multitude by land.

Verse 15

Desert [ερημος] . In the Greek order standing first as emphatic. The dominant thought of the disciples is remoteness from supplies of food. The first meaning of the word is solitary; from which develops the idea of void, bereft, barren.

Both meanings may well be included here. Note the two points of emphasis. The disciples say, Barren is the place. Christ answers, No need have they to go away.

Give [δοτε] . The disciples had said, "Send them away to buy for themselves." Christ replies, Give ye.

Verse 19

Brake. As the Jewish loaves were thin cakes, a thumb's breadth in thickness, and more easily broken than cut.

Verse 20

Were filled [εχορτασθησαν] . See on Matthew 5:6.

Baskets [κοφινους] . Wyc., coffins, a transcription of the Greek word. Juvenal, the Roman satirist, describes the grove of Numa, near the Capenian gate of Rome, as being "let out to the Jews, whose furniture is a basket [χοπηινυσ] and some hay" (for a bed), "Sat." 3 14. These were small hand - baskets, specially provided for the Jews to carry levitically clean food while travelling in Samaria or other heathen districts. The word for basket used in relating the feeding of the four thousand (Matthew 14:37) is spuriv, a large provision - basket or hamper, of the kind used for letting Paul down over the wall at Damascus (Acts 9:25). In Matthew 16:9, Matthew 16:10, Christ, in alluding to the two miracles, observes the distinctive term in each narrative; using kofinouv in the case of the five thousand, and spuridav in the other. Burgon (" Letters from Rome ") gives a drawing of a wicker basket used by the masons in the cathedral at Sorrento, and called coffano. He adds, "Who can doubt that the basket of the gospel narrative was of the shape here represented, and that the denomination of this basket exclusively has lingered in a Greek colony, where the Jews (who once carried the cophinus as a personal equipment) formerly lived in great numbers?"

Verse 22

Constrained. Implying the disciples ' reluctance to leave him behind.

Verse 24

Tossed [βασανιζομενον] . Rev., better, distressed. See on Matthew 4:24.

Verse 26

A spirit [φαντασμα] . Of which our word phantasm is a transcription. Rev., rather stiffly, apparition. Wyc., phantom.

Verse 29

To go to [ελθειν προς] . But some of the best texts read kai hlqen prov, and went toward.

Verse 30

He was afraid. "Although," says Bengel, "a fisherman and a good swimmer" (John 21:7).

Verse 32

Ceased [εκοπασεν] . A beautiful word. Lit., grew weary; sank away like one who is weary.

Verse 36

Were made perfectly whole [διεσωθησαν] . The preposition dia, through or thorough, indicates complete restoration.

The Rev. omits perfectly, because whole, in itself, implies completeness.

Bibliographical Information
Vincent, Marvin R. DD. "Commentary on Matthew 14". "Vincent's Word Studies in the New Testament". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/vnt/matthew-14.html. Charles Schribner's Sons. New York, USA. 1887.
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