Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Commentaries
Ezekiel 43

Zerr's Commentary on Selected Books of the New TestamentZerr's N.T. Commentary

Verse 1

Eze 43:1. Ezekiel was not taken to this gate to see it measured this time. The building having been measured and hence officially “checked,” it was ready for use and the prophet was brought here with this in view.

Verse 2

Eze 43:2, If there is any figurative significance in the east as being the direction from which the glory of God came, it is due to the fact that the sunlight comes from that point. This glory of God was destined to show itself in due time on behalf of His people, and it was to have its effect upon the great country that was holding the people of the Lord in subjection at the very time that Ezekiel was writing this.

Verse 3

Eze 43:3. When I came to destroy the city is correctly rendered in the margin, "When I came to prophesy that the city should be destroyed.” (See the comments on a like passage in Jer 1:10.)

Verse 4

Eze 43:4. The glory of the Lord that came from the east entered even into the house that had been measured with the reed.

Verse 5

Eze 43:5. Ezekiel saw the glory of the Lord enter the house, and then he was transported into the inner court where he could behold the greatness of that glory, which was so great that it filled the house.

Verse 6

Eze 43:6. Ezekiel has reference to both the Lord and the man who has been doing the measuring. The latter stood by him and the Lord did the speaking.

Verse 7

Eze 43:7. This verse is a prediction that was to be fulfilled after the captivity had been completed. The land of Palestine with the temple in Jerusalem is that which Is referred to In the forepart of the verse. The personal location of the throne of God is in Heaven, but also wherever His worship is instituted the throne of the Lord is represented. That holy place had been defiled by the idolatry (spiritual whoredom) of Judah, but that was to be ended permanently by the 70-year captivity. See the historical note on this subject at Isa 1:25 in volume 3 of this Commentary. Carcases is from PEUER, which Strong defines, "A carcase (as limp), whether of man or beast; figuratively an idolatrous image." This Indicates that the idolatrous people of Judah may have represented their corrupt devotions by buying some images of their gods in the high places where they had the altars erected.

Verse 8

Eze 43:8. The gist of this verse is that the people tried to mix the true with the false religion, and such a practice was always abominable in the sight of God. (Lev 10:10; Lev 11:47.) Have consumed them means they had lost their national standing by being exiled from their own land.

Verse 9

Eze 43:9, This exhortation came at the time when the great 70-year captivity was fully started, but the greater part of it was in the future. Since the people heeded the admonition given them, the verse may properly be regarded both as a warning and a prediction which was fulfilled according to the note cited at verse 7.

Verse 10

Eze 43:10. Be ashamed of their iniquities is another passage that is both an admonition and a prediction. That they became ashamed of their record is indicated by the language in the 137th Psalm and Eze 37:11. This attitude is also very evident in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah which are a record of things after the captivity.

Verse 11

Eze 43:11. If they 6e ashamed is a very significant phrase. The law of the Lord never has much effect on the life of an unrighteous man as long as he is interested in his evil life. But if and when he becomes ashamed of that life, he will be willing to give his attention to something good. The people of Judah (or Israel) were destined to become ashamed of idolatry and willing to turn back to the true God. Their former temple with its services having been destroyed, it was necessary that a restitution or restoration be made which the T^ord purposed to have done. As an encouraging prediction for these people, Ezekiel was told to show to them the pattern of the restored Institutions. He not only was to write out a report of what bad been revealed to him, hut was to do so in their sight.

Verse 12

Eze 43:12. Some details will be added to the foregoing chapters on the reconstruction of the divine institutions and the laws to regulate them. Strong says the original for mountain is sometimes used figuratively. This verse means the whole territory where the house is to be rebuilt Is to be regarded as holy.

Verse 13

Eze 43:13. The altar meant is the one to be used for animal sacrifices. Cubit is a cubit and an hand breadth is explained at chapter 40: 5.

Verse 14

Eze 43:14. Settle means "a border” or ledge projecting from the face of the altar that would relieve the broad plainness of the instrument and add to its attractiveness. There were two of these borders; the first, one started two cubits from the bottom and it was a cubit wide. Then four cubits up from that border was the next one a cubit wide.

Verse 15

Eze 43:15. After the top ledge the altar extended 6 feet higher, and on the four corners of the altar there were horns, one on each corner.

Verse 16

Eze 43:16. The altar as measured here was 13 cubits or 18 feet square.

Verse 17

Eze 43:17. The altar was 12 cubits long and the settle or ledge was 14 cubits long, which means that the ledge was one cubit in its extension beyond the side of the altar. The ledge had a border about it that was half a cubit, probably something added to gfve it a finished appearance. At the bottom of this altar there was a flange or base all round the piece that was a cubit broad. The stairs means the approach to the altar, not steps as we usually think of the parts, for that was forbidden by the law of Moses (Exo 20:26) which was the basis for the present institution.

Verse 18

Eze 43:18. Having given the details of construction for the altar, the Lord announced to Ezekiel that he would be told about the proper services to be done on it.

Verse 19

Eze 43:19. Priests, Levites; that is to be understood from the fact that while all priests were Levites, not ail Levites were priests. At the time of which the prophet was writing they were restricted to the line of Levites coming down from Zadok (1Ch 24:3). The kind of animals that might be offered was the same as the law of Moses had designated (Exo 29:10).

Verse 20

Eze 43:20. The carcass of a beast was to be burned on the altar, but the blood was to be used as a cleansing agent. It was to be put on the various part3 of the piece of furniture in the services to cleanse and purge it.

Verse 21

Eze 43:21. Appointed place denotes that the sacrificial services could not be performed at just any place that might suit the worshiper. The law of Moses prescribed the procedure that would be accepted and no change would be received and blessed after they returned from the captivity and resumed their religious practices for the Lord.

Verse 22

Eze 43:22. The repetition of animal sacrifices was calculated to impress the worshiper with the necessity of being thorough. The beast to be used must be one that is without blemish the same as required by Moses,

Verse 23

Eze 43:23. Another repetition is required even after the altar had been cleansed, It signified that the fitness of the divine institutions is not all that is required, but the worshiper must also be present with the suitable preparation.

Verse 24

Eze 43:24. Before the Lord means to do It, in the presence of the altar, for the Lord would not recognize the offering if done in another place. See the comments on "appointed place" in verse 21. Salt may be referred to from both a literal and figurative viewpoint. It is a literal preservative, and when considered figuratively it denotes Permanence in the thing with which it is connected.

Verse 25

Eze 43:25. These stipulations were similar to the requirements made in the law of Moses, (See Exo 29:35; Lev 8:33.) The first 5 chapters of Leviticus give the details of many of the principal sacrifices the Jews were required to offer, and other items are to be found in later chapters of that book.

Verse 26

Eze 43:26. Seven is a symbol of completeness and it or a multiple of it is very prominent throughout the Bible The altar was to be purified first, then the people were required to prepare themselves by being sincerely consecrated.

Verse 27

Eze 43:27. The initial service of 7 days was not to be the end of their religious activities. After that and so forward the offerings were to be offered on the altar under the supervision of the priests.
Bibliographical Information
Zerr, E.M. "Commentary on Ezekiel 43". Zerr's Commentary on Selected Books of the New Testament. https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/znt/ezekiel-43.html. 1952.
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