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Bible Lexicons

Old & New Testament Greek Lexical DictionaryGreek Lexicon

Strong's #5453 - φύω

a primary verb, probably originally, to "puff" or blow, i.e. to swell up
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  1. to beget, bring forth, produce
  2. to be born, to spring up, to grow
  3. to shoot forth, spring up
Hebrew Equivalent Words:
Strong #: 5193 ‑ נָטַע (naw‑tah');  5927 ‑ עָלָה (aw‑law');  6509 ‑ פָּרָה (paw‑raw');  6779 ‑ צָמַח (tsaw‑makh');  
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Liddell-Scott-Jones Definitions


Il. 6.148, etc.; Aeol. φυίω fort. leg. in Alc. 97: impf. ἔφυον, Ephesians 3:1-21 sg. φύεν Il. 14.347: fut. φύσω [ ] 1.235, S. OT 438: aor. ἔφῡσα Od. 10.393, etc.: Pass. and Med., 9.109, Pi. O. 4.28, etc.: fut. φύσομαι A. Pr. 871, Hp. Mochl. 42, Pl. Lg. 831a, etc.: similar in sense are the intr. tenses, pf. πέφῡκα Od. 7.114, etc., Ephesians 3:1-21 pl. πεφύᾱσι Il. 4.484, Od. 7.128; 3 sg. subj. πεφύῃ (ἐμ-) Thgn. 396; part. fem. πεφυυῖα (ἐμ-) Il. 1.513, acc. pl. πεφυῶτας Od. 5.477; Dor. inf. πεφύκειν Epich. 173.3: plpf. ἐπεφύκειν X. Cyr. 5.1.9, Pl. Ti. 69e; πεφύκειν Il. 4.109; Ep 3 1 pl. ἐπέφῡκον Hes. Th. 152, Op. 149: aor. 2 ἔφῡν (as if from φῦμι) Od. 10.397, etc.: Ephesians 3:1-21 sg. φῦ Il. 6.253, etc., 3 pl. ἔφυν (for ἔφῡσαν, which is also 3 pl. of aor. 1) Od. 5.481, etc.; subj. φύω or φυῶ E. Fr. 377.2, Pl. R. 415c, 597c, Hp. Carn. 12; 3 sg. opt. φύη Theoc. 15.94, (συμ-) Sor. 2.89; inf. φῦναι, φύμεναι Theoc. 25.39, φῦν Parm. 8.10; part. φύς Od. 18.410, etc., Boeot. fem. φοῦσα Corinn. 21: ἔφυσεν, = ἔφυ, dub. in IG 14.2126.5 (Rome); conversely ἔφυ, = ἔφυσεν, ib.3.1350, Sammelb. 5883 (Cyrene): later, fut. φυήσω LXX Isaiah 37:31, Pass. φυήσομαι Gp. 2.37.1, Them. Or. 21.248c (in Luc. JTr. 19 ἀναφύσεσθαι is restored): aor. 2 Pass. ἐφύην J. AJ 18.1.1, prob. in BSA 28.124 (Didyma), (ἀν-) Thphr. HP 4.16.2; inf. φυῆναι Dsc. 2.6, (ἀνα-) D.S. 1.7; part. φῠείς Hp. Nat.Puer. 22, Trag.Adesp. 529, PTeb. 787.30 (ii B. C.), Luke 8:6 : aor. 1 Pass. συμ-φυθείς Gal. 7.725. [Generally before a vowel, , Trag. (A. Th. 535, S. Fr. 910.2), etc., before a consonant; but φῡει Trag.Adesp. 454.2, φῡεται S. Fr. 88.4, Trag.Adesp. 543 (= Men. 565); φῡομεν Ar. Av. 106; ἐφῡετο prob. in Ar. Fr. 680, cf. Nic. Al. 14, D.P. 941, 1013; even in thesi, προσφῡονται Nic. Al. 506, φῡουσιν D.P. 1031; also in compds.] trans., in pres., fut., and aor.

1 Act.: bring forth, produce, put forth, φύλλα.. ὕλη τηλεθόωσα φύει Il. 6.148; τοῖσι δ' ὑπὸ χθὼν δῖα φύεν νεοθηλέα ποίην 14.347, cf. 1.235, Od. 7.119, etc.; ἄμπελον φύει βροτοῖς E. Ba. 651; so τρίχες.., ἃς πρὶν ἔφυσεν φάρμακον made the hair grow, Od. 10.393, cf. A. Th. 535; φ. χεῖρε, πόδε, ὀφθαλμὰ ἀνθρώποις X. Mem. 2.3.19; of a country, καρπόν τε θωμαστὸν φύειν καὶ ἄνδρας ἀγαθούς Hdt. 9.122; ὅσα γῆ φύει Pl. R. 621a, cf. Anaxag. 4.

2. beget, engender, E. Ph. 869, etc.; Ἄτλας.. θεῶν μιᾶς ἔφυσε Μαῖαν E. Ion 3, cf. Trag.Adesp. 454.2; so of God creating man, Antipho 4.1.2, cf. Plu. 2.1065c; ὁ φύσας the begetter, father (opp. ὁ φύς the son, v. infr. B. 1.2), S. OT 1019, Ar. V. 1472 (lyr.); ὁ φ. πατήρ E. Hel. 87; ὁ φ. χἠ τεκοῦσα Id. Alc. 290; τὴν τεκοῦσαν ἢ τὸν φύσαντα Lys. 10.8; of both parents, γονεῦσι οἵ σ' ἔφυσαν S. OT 436; οἱ φύσαντες E. Ph. 34, cf. Fr. 403.2; φ. τε καὶ γεννᾶν Pl. Plt. 274a; ὦ γάμοι γάμοι, ἐφύσαθ' ἡμᾶς S. OT 1404; ἥδ' ἡμέρα φύσει σε will bring to light thy birth, ib. 438; χρόνος φύει τ' ἄδηλα καὶ φανέντα κρύπτεται Id. Aj. 647.

3. of individuals in reference to the growth of parts of themselves, φ. πώγωνα, γλῶσσαν, κέρεα, grow or get a beard, etc., Hdt. 8.104, 2.68, 4.29; φ. πτερά Ar. Av. 106, Pl. Phdr. 251c; σάρκα Id. Ti. 74e; φ. τρίχας, πόδας καὶ πτερά, etc., Arist. HA 518a33, 554a29, etc.: for the joke in φύειν φράτερας, v. φράτηρ.

4. metaph., φρένας φῦσαι get understanding, S. OC 804, El. 1463 (but also θεοὶ φύουσιν ἀνθρώποις φρένας Id. Ant. 683): prov., ἁλιεὺς πληγεὶς νοῦν φύσει 'once bit, twice shy', Sch. Pl. Smp. 222b; γέροντα τὸν νοῦν σάρκα δ' ἡβῶσαν φύει A. Th. 622; δόξαν φῦσαι get glory or to form a high opinion of oneself, Hdt. 5.91; θεὸς.. αἰτίαν φύει βροτοῖς A. Niob. in PSI 11.1208.15; αὑτῷ πόνους φῦσαι S. Ant. 647.

II in pres. seemingly intr., put forth shoots, εἰς ἔτος ἄλλο φύοντι Mosch. 3.101; δρύες.. φύοντι Theoc. 7.75, cf. 4.24: so ἀνδρῶν γενεὴ ἡ μὲν φύει ἡ δ' ἀπολήγει one generation is putting forth scions, the other is ceasing to do so, Il. 6.149; ἐν στήθεσι φύει (fort. φυίει) grows up, appears, Alc. 97; ῥίζα ἄνω φύουσα ἐν χολῇ LXX De. 29.18. Pass., with intr. tenses of Act., aor. 2, pf. and plpf., grow, wax, spring up or forth, esp. of the vegetable world, θάμνος ἔφυ ἐλαίης Od. 23.190, cf. 5.481; πρασιαὶ παντοῖαι πεφύασιν 7.128; τά γ' ἄσπαρτα φύονται 9.109, cf. Il. 4.483, 14.288, 21.352; φύεται αὐτόματα ῥόδα Hdt. 8.138, cf. 1.193; ὑπὸ φηγῷ πεφυκυίῃ growing there, Id. 2.56; πεφυκότα δένδρα trees growing there, X. Cyr. 4.3.5; τὰ φυόμενα καὶ τὰ γιγνόμενα Pl. Cra. 410d, cf. Phd. 110d, Plt. 272a; τοῦ κέρα ἐκ κεφαλῆς ἑκκαιδεκάδωρα πεφύκει from his head grew horns sixteen palms long, Il. 4.109, cf. Hdt. 1.108, 3.133; φύονται πολιαί Pi. O. 4.28; κεφαλαὶ πεφυκυῖαι θριξί grown with hair, D.S. 2.50 (s. v.l.); πέφυκε λίθος ἐν αὐτῇ is produced, X. Vect. 1.4: metaph., νόσημα ἐν ὀλιγαρχίᾳ φυόμενον, φυομένη πόλις, Pl. R. 564b, Lg. 757d; ὁ σπέρμα παρασχών, οὗτος τῶν φύντων αἴτιος [κακῶν ] of the things produced, D. 18.159; also κατὰ πάντων ἐφύετο waxed great by or upon their depression, ib. 19. In this sense aor. 2 is rare (v. supr.), exc. in phrases such as ἔν τ' ἄρα οἱ φῦ χειρί (v. ἐμφύω), Od. 2.302.

2. of persons, to be begotten or born, most freq. in aor. 2 and pf., ὁ λωφήσων οὐ πέφυκέ πω A. Proverbs 27:1-27; τίς ἂν εὔξαιτο βροτὸς ὢν ἀσινεῖ δαίμονι φῦναι; Id. Ag. 1342 (anap.); μὴ φῦναι τὸν ἅπαντα νικᾷ λόγον not to be born is best, S. OC 1224 (lyr.); γονῇ πεφυκὼς.. γεραιτέρᾳ ib. 1294; οὐχ ὑπὸ θυσιῶν οὐδ' ὑπὸ εὐχῶν φύς Pl. R. 461a; φύς τε καὶ τραφείς ib. 396c; μήπω φῦναι μηδὲ γενέσθαι X. Cyr. 5.1.7, cf. Pl. Smp. 197a: construed with gen., πεφμκέναι or φῦναί τινος

to be born or descended from any one, τὸ κοινὸν σπλάγχνον οὗ πεφύκαμεν A. Th. 1036, cf. S. OC 1379, etc.; θνατᾶς ἀπὸ ματρὸς ἔφυ Pi. Fr. 61, cf. S. OT 1359 (lyr.), Ant. 562; ἀπ' εὐγενοῦς ῥίζης E. IT 610; ἀπὸ δρυός Pl. Ap. 34d, etc.; φ. ἔκ τινος S. OT 458, E. Heracl. 325, Pl. R. 415c, etc.; ἐκ χώρας τινός Isoc. 4.24, etc.; οἱ μετ' ἐκείνου φύντες, opp. οἱ ἐξ ἐκείνου γεγονότες, Isa 8.30; ἐκ θεῶν γεγονότι.. διὰ βασιλέων πεφυκότι X. Cyr. 7.2.24.

II in pres., become, οὐδεὶς ἐχθρὸς οὔτε φύεται πρὸς χρήμαθ' οἵ τε φύντες.. S. Fr. 88.4; πιστοὺς φύσει φύεσθαι X. Cyr. 8.7.13; the pf. and aor. 2 take a pres. sense, to be so and so by nature, κακός, σοφός πέφυκα (-κώς), etc., S. Ph. 558, 1244, etc.; δρᾶν ἔφυν ἀμήχανος Id. Ant. 79; φύντ' ἀρετᾷ born for virtue, i.e. brave and good by nature, Pi. O. 10(11).20; so of things, τὸ μὲν εὖ πράσσειν ἀκόρεστον ἔφυ A. Ag. 1331 (anap.), cf. Pl. Grg. 479d, etc.; εὐχροώτεροι ὁρῷντο ἢ πεφύκασιν X. Cyr. 8.1.41, cf. Oec. 10.2; [ τὸ πῦρ] πέφυκε τοιοῦτον Id. Cyr. 5.1.10; τἄλλα ἕκαστος ἡμῶν, ὅπως ἔτυχε, πέφυκεν D. 37.56: with Advs., ἱκανῶς πεφυκότες of good natural ability, Antipho 2.1.1; δυσκόλως πεφ. Isoc. 9.6; οὕτως πεφ. X. HG 7.1.7; also οἱ καλῶς πεφυκότες S. El. 989, cf. Lys. 2.20; οἱ βέλτιστα φύντες Pl. R. 431c: then, simply, to be so and so, φῦναι Ζηνὶ πιστὸν ἄγγελον A. Pr. 969; θεοῦ μήτηρ ἔφυς Id. Pers. 157 (troch.); γυναῖκε.. ἔφυμεν S. Ant. 62; Ἅιδης ὁ παύσων ἔφυ ib. 575; ἁπλοῦς ὁ μῦθος τῆς ἀληθείας ἔφυ E. Ph. 469: c. part., νικᾶν.. χρῄζων ἔφυν S. Ph. 1052; πρέπων ἔφυς.. φωνεῖν Id. OT 9, cf. 587; τοῦτο ἴδιον ἔφυμεν ἔχοντες Isoc. 4.48, cf. 11.41, X. Smp. 4.54.

2. c. inf., to be formed or disposed by nature to do so and so, τὰ δεύτερα πέφυκε κρατεῖν Pi. Fr. 279; πολλῷ γ' ἀμείνων τοὺς πέλας φρενοῦν ἔφυς ἢ σαυτόν A. Pr. 337; ἔφυν γὰρ οὐδὲν ἐκ τέχνης πράσσειν κακῆς S. Ph. 88, cf. Ant. 688; φύσει μὴ πεφυκότα τοιαῦτα φωνεῖν Id. Ph. 79; πεφύκασι δ' ἅπαντες.. ἁμαρτάνειν Th. 3.45, cf. 2.64, 3.39, 4.61, etc.; πέφυκε.. τρυφὴ.. ἦθος διαφθείρειν Jul. Or. 1.15c.

3. with Preps., γυνὴ.. ἐπὶ δακρύοις ἔφυ is by nature prone to tears, E. Med. 928; ἔρως γὰρ ἀργόν, κἀπὶ τοῖς ἀργοῖς ἔφυ is inclined to idleness, Id. Fr. 322; also ἐπί τι Pl. R. 507e; εἴς τι Aeschin. 3.132; most freq. πρός τι, οἱ ἄνθρωποι πρὸς τὸ ἀληθὲς πεφύκασι Arist. Rh. 1355a16; εὖ πρὸς ἀρετὴν πεφυκότες X. Mem. 4.1.2; πρὸς πόλεμον μᾶλλον.. ἢ πρὸς εἰρήνην Pl. R. 547e; κάλλιστα φ. πρός τι X. HG 7.1.3, etc.; also πρός τινι Id. Ath. 2.19 (s. v.l., cf. Plb. 9.29.10); also εὖ πεφ. κατά τι D. 37.55.

4. c. dat., fall to one by nature, be one's natural lot, πᾶσι θνατοῖς ἔφυ μόρος S. El. 860 (lyr.); χαίρειν πέφυκεν οὐχὶ τοῖς αὐτοῖς ἀεί Id. Tr. 440; ἐφύετο κοινὸς πᾶσι κίνδυνος D. 60.18, cf. X. Cyr. 4.3.19.

5. impers., it is natural, it happens naturally, c. inf., D. 14.30, Arist. Pol. 1261b7, Po. 1450a1.

6. abs., ὡς πέφυκε as is natural, X. Cyn. 6.15, al.; ᾗ πέφυκεν Pl. Ti. 81e; also expressed personally, τοῖς ἁπλῶς, ὡς πεφυκασι, βαδίζουσι D. 45.68: also freq. in part., τὰ φύσει πεφυκότα the order of nature, Lys. 2.29; φύντα, opp. ὁμολογηθέντα, Antipho Soph. 44 A i 32 (Vorsokr. 5); ἄνθρωπος πεφυκώς man as he is, X. Cyr. 1.1.3. (Cf. Skt. bhû- 'to be, become', Lith. búti 'to be', Lat. fui, Eng. be, etc.)

Thayer's Expanded Definition

φύω; 2 aorist passive (ἐφυην) participle φυέν (for which the Attic writings more common use the 2 aorist active ἐφυν with the participle φύς, φυν, in a passive or intransitive sense; cf. Alexander Buttmann (1873) Ausf. Spr. ii, p. 321; Krüger, § 40 under the word; Kühner, § 343, under the word; (Veitch, under the word); Winers Grammar, § 15, under the word; (Buttmann, 68 (60))); (cf. Latinfui, fore, etc.; Curtius, § 417); from Homer down;

1. to beget, bring forth, produce; passive, to be born, to spring up, to grow: Luke 8:6, 8;

2. intransitive, to shoot forth, spring up: Hebrews 12:15 (Winer's Grammar, 252 (237). Compare: ἐκφύω,

Thayer's Expanded Greek Definition, Electronic Database.
Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2006, 2011 by Biblesoft, Inc.
All rights rserved. Used by permission. BibleSoft.com
Abbott-Smith Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament


[in LXX: Proverbs 26:9, Ezekiel 37:8 (H5927), etc.;]

1. trans., to bring forth, produce (of men, to beget); pass., to spring up, grow: Luke 8:6; Luke 8:8.

2. Intrans., in 2 aor., pf., plpf., and rarely in pres. (v. LS, s.v., A, II.), to spring up: Hebrews 12:15.†

Abbott-Smith Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament.
Copyright © 1922 by G. Abbott-Smith, D.D., D.C.L.. T & T Clarke, London.
Vocabulary of the Greek NT

";gold,"; is used of (a) ";gold coin,"; as in Act. 3:6 al., in P Cairo Zen III. 59351.2 (B.C. 243) χρυσίου δραχμὰς υ ̄, ";four hundred drachmae of gold,"; P Oxy II. 259.14 (A.D. 23) τῶν χρυσίων μν [α ]ιήων δύο, ";two minae of gold.";

(b) ";gold ornaments,"; as in 1Pe. 3:3, in P Michigan Inv. No. 1367.32 (iii/A.D.) ( = Journ. of Egypt. Arch. xiii. p. 62) ἔνεγκον ἐρχομένη σου τὰ χρυσία ἀλλὰ μὴ αὐτὰ φορέσῃς ἐν τῷ πλο [ ], ";when you come bring your gold ornaments, but do not wear them in the boat,"; P Oxy X. 1273.28 (A.D. 260) τ ̣ ̣ μὲν χρυσία, the gold objects of a dowry.


The Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament.
Copyright © 1914, 1929, 1930 by James Hope Moulton and George Milligan. Hodder and Stoughton, London.
Derivative Copyright © 2015 by Allan Loder.
List of Word Forms
εφύοντο φυεν φυέν φυὲν φύεται φυήσουσι φυόμενον φύονται φυουσα φύουσα φύουσαι phuen phuousa phyen phyèn phyousa phýousa
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