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Old & New Testament Greek Lexical DictionaryGreek Lexicon

Strong's #5484 - χάριν

accusative case of (G5485) as preposition
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  1. in favour of, for the pleasure of
  2. for, for the sake of
  3. on this account, for this cause
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Liddell-Scott-Jones Definitions

χάριν, v. cross χάρις A. VI. I.

χάρις [], , gen. χάρῐτος: acc. χάριν [ in arsi, Il. 5.874 ], etc.; also χάριτα Hdt. 6.41, 9.107, E. El. 61, Hel. 1378, X. HG 3.5.16, Phylarch. 24 J., PGen. 47.17 (iv A.D.), etc. (un-Attic, acc. to Moer.p.414P.): χάριταν Gloss.: pl. χάριτες; dat. χάρισι, χαρίτεσσι, Od. 6.237, Il. 17.51, Pi. O. 7.93: (χαίρω): grace: I in objective sense, outward grace or fauour, beauty, prop. of persons or their portraits, θεσπεσίην δ' ἄρα τῷ γε χάριν κατεχεύατ' Ἀθήνη Od. 2.12, etc.; χάριν ἀμφιχέαι κεφαλῇ Hes. Op. 65; εὐμόρφων δὲ κολοσσῶν ἔχθεται χ. ἀνδρί A. Ag. 417 (lyr.): pl., graces, κάλλεϊ καὶ χάρισι στίλβων Od. 6.237; ὄσσοις χάριτας Ἀφροδίτης ἔχων E. Ba. 236; μετὰ χαρίτων gracefully, Th. 2.41: less freq. of things, χ. δ' ἀπελάμπετο πολλή, of ear-rings, Il. 14.183; of works, ἔργοισι χάριν καὶ κῦδος ὀπάζει Od. 15.320; of words, οὔ οἱ χ. ἀμφιπεριστέφεται ἐπέεσσιν 8.175; πλείστη δὲ χ. κατὰ μέτρον ἰούσης [γλώσσης ] Hes. Op. 720; ταὶ Διωνύσου σὺν βοηλάτα χάριτες διθυράμβῳ Pi. O. 13.19; ἡ τῶν λόγων χ. D. 4.38, cf. D.H. Comp. 23; μῦθοι πληθόμενοι χαρίτων AP 9.186 (Antip.Thess.).

2. glory, Φερενίκου χ. Pi. O. 1.18, cf. 8.57, 80.

II in subjective sense, grace or favour felt, whether on the part of the doer or the receiver (both senses appear in such phrases as ὅτ'.. ἡ χάρις χάριν φέροι S. OC 779; χάρις χάριν γάρ ἐστιν ἡ τίκτουσ' ἀεί Id. Aj. 522, cf. E. Hel. 1234, Arist. Rh. 1385a16):

1 on the part of the doer, grace, kindness, goodwill, τινος for or towards one, Hes. Op. 190; τῶν Μεσσηνίων χάριτι πεισθείς Th. 3.95; οὐ χάριτι τῇ ἐμῇ not for any kind feeling towards me, Antipho 5.41: abs., εἰ δέ τις μείζων χ. A. Supp. 960; τῆς παλαιᾶς χ. ἐκβεβλημένη S. Aj. 808; ἦ μεγάλα χ. δώρῳ σύν ὀλίγῳ Theoc. 28.24; χ. εὑρεῖν ἐναντίον τοῦ θεοῦ LXX Genesis 6:8, al.; χάριν ἔχειν πρὸς τὸν δῆμον Plu. Dem. 7; partiality, favour, μήτε ἔλεον μήτε συγγνώμην μήτε χ. μηδεμίαν περὶ πλείονος ποιήσασθαι τῶν νόμων Lys. 14.40; οὐ συμφωνοῦσιν ὀργαὶ καὶ χάριτες μακαριότητι Epicur. i p.28 U., cf. Pl. Lg. 740c.

2. more freq. on the part of the receiver, sense of favour received, thankfulness, gratitude, χάριν καὶ κῦδος ἄροιο Il. 4.95; ἀρέομαι πὰρ Σαλαμῖνος Ἀθαναίων χ. Pi. P. 1.76; τινος for a thing, οὐδέ τίς ἐστι χάρις μετόπισθ' εὐεργέων Od. 4.695, cf. 22.319; ἀντὶ πόνων χ. Th. 4.86: less freq. c. inf., οὐκ ἄρα τις χάρις ἦεν μάρνασθαι one has, it seems, no thanks for fighting, Il. 9.316, 17.147; οἵ οἱ ἀπεμνήσαντο χ. εὐεργεσιάων Hes. Th. 503, cf. Th. 1.137; χάριν φέρειν τινί Pi. O. 10(11).17; χ. τροφεῦσιν ἀμείβων A. Ag. 728 (lyr.); φιλότητος ἀμειβόμεναι χ. S. El. 134 (lyr.); χάριν εἰδέναι τινί to acknowledge a sense of favour, feel grateful, once in Hom., ἐγὼ δέ κέ τοι ἰδέω χ. ἤματα πάντα Il. 14.235; freq. in Prose, Hdt. 3.21, Lys. 2.23, Isoc. 4.175, etc.; τούτων for a thing, X. Cyr. 1.6.11, etc.; τοῖς διαπεπραγμένοις Plu. Alex. 62; μοι χ. οἶδεν ἐπὶ τούτοις Luc. Bis Acc. 17; χ. προσειδέναι Pl. Revelation 20:1-15 a; ἀποδιδόναι Id. R. 338a; τινὰ ἀποστερῆσαι χάριτος Id. Hp.Mi. 372c; later χ. γνῶναι Philostr. VA 2.17; πολλὴν γνοῦσα χ. X.Ephesians 3:5; χ. ἐπίσταμαι πᾶσι Charito 3.4, cf. 8.5, Poll. 5.142, Jul. Or. 8.246c; also τῶν παροιχομένων ἔχειν σφι μεγάλην χ. Hdt. 7.120, cf. 1.71, E. Heracl. 767 (lyr.), IT 847 (lyr.), Lys. 16.1, Hyp. Ath. 5: c. part., χ. ἔχειν σωθέντες X. An. 2.5.14; also χάριτας ἔχων πατρός owing him a debt of gratitude, E. Or. 244: but ἀσπασμάτων χάριν τίν' ἕξει; what thanks will she have for.. ? Id. Hec. 830; χ. ἂν ἐν τούτῳ μείζω ἔτι ἔσχεν Th. 8.87; χ. ὀφείλειν to owe gratitude, be beholden, τοῖς θεοῖς S. Ant. 331, cf. X. Cyr. 3.2.30; προσοφείλειν D. 3.31; χ. οὐδεμία ἐφαίνετο πρὸς Ἀθηναίων Hdt. 5.90; χάριν ἀθάνατον καταθέσθαι to lay up a store of undying gratitude, Id. 7.178, cf. 6.41; τῇ πόλει χ. καταθέσθαι Antipho 5.61, cf. Th. 1.33; χάριν λαβεῖν τινος receive thanks from one, S. OT 1004, etc.; ἀπολαβεῖν παρά τινων Lys. 20.31; τινος for a thing, X. Mem. 2.2.5, Aeschin. 2.4; διπλῆν ἐξ ἐμοῦ κτήσει χάριν S. Ph. 1370; κἀπ' ἐμοῦ κτήσει χ. Id. Tr. 471; κομίσασθαι χ. Th. 3.58; χάριτος τυχεῖν Lycurg. 135; ἀπέχειν χάριτας Call. Epigr. 51.4, etc.; τοῖς θεοῖς χάρις (sc. ἐστί) ὅτι.., thank the gods that.., X. An. 3.3.14, Cyr. 7.5.72; χ. τινί τινος Luc. Tim. 36; τινὶ ὑπέρ τινος Plu. 2.1122a.

3. favour, influence, opp. force, χάριτι τὸ πλέον ἢ φόβῳ Th. 1.9; χ. καὶ δεήσει, opp. ἀπειλῇ, Plu. Sull. 38.

4. love-charm, philtre, Luc. Alex. 5, Merc.Cond. 40.

III in concrete sense, a favour done or returned, boon, χάριν φέρειν τινί confer a favour on one, do a thing to oblige him, Il. 5.211, 874, 9.613, Od. 5.307, E. IT 14, Or. 239, And. 2.24 (so in Med., of the recipient, ib. 9); ἄλλοις χ. φέροντες Th. 3.54; χάριν θέσθαι or τίθεσθαί τινι, Hdt. 9.60, 107, A. Pr. 782, E. Hec. 1211, etc.; προσθέσθαι S. OC 767; χ. ὑπουργῆσαί τινι A. Pr. 635; παρασχεῖν S. OC 1183; πράσσειν E. Ion 36, 896 (lyr.); δράσας Th. 2.40; ἀνύσαι prob. in S. Tr. 995 (anap.); νέμειν Id. Aj. 1371; χ. δοῦναί τινι A. Pr. 821, S. OC 1489 (but χ. δοῦναι, = χαρίζεσθαι (1.2), indulge, humour, ὀργῇ ib. 855; γαστρί Cratin. 317); χ. χαρίζεσθαι, v. χαρίζομαι 1.1: χ. ἀνθυπουργεῖν return a favour, S. Fr. 339; τίνειν A. Pr. 985, Ag. 821; χάριτας πατρῴας ἐκτίνων E. Or. 453, cf. Pl. Mx. 242c, etc.; χ. ἀποδιδόναι τινί Lys. 12.60, 28.17; ἀντί τινος X. Ages. 2.29; ὑπέρ τινος Isoc. 4.56; τῶν ἔργων τὰς χάριτας ἀποδ. τινί Lys. 31.24; χάριτας ἀντιδιδόναι Th. 3.63; opp. χάριν ἀπαιτεῖν to ask the repayment of a boon, E. Hec. 276, cf. Lys. 18.23, D. 20.156; χάριτας ἀπ. Lycurg. 139; χάριν ἐξαιτεῖσθαι S. OC 586; χ. ἀποστερεῖν withhold a return for what one has received, Pl. Grg. 520c; τὰς αὑτοῦ εἰς τοὺς φίλους χ. the favours one has done them, Id. Lg. 729d; χ. ἄχαρις α thankless favour, one which receives, or deserves, no thanks, A. Pr. 545 (lyr.); χ. ἀχάριτος Id. Ch. 42 (lyr.), E. Ph. 1757 (lyr.). grant made in legal form, POxy. 273.14 (i A.D.), PGrenf. 2.70.5 (iii A.D.), etc.; αἱ τῶν Σεβαστῶν χ. imperial grants, OGI 669.44 (Egypt, i A.D.).

2. esp. in erotic sense, of favours granted (v. χαρίζομαι 1.3), ἀλόχου χάριν ἰδεῖν Il. 11.243, cf. A. Ag. 1206: more freq. in pl., X. Hier. 1.34, 7.6, etc.; βίᾳ δ' ἔπραξας χάριτας ἢ πείσας κόρην; Trag.Adesp. 402; in full, χάριτες ἀφροδισίων ἐρώτων Pi. Fr. 128, cf. Pl. Phdr. 254a, al. gratification, delight, τινος in or from a thing, συμποσίου Pi. O. 7.5; ϝίκας Id. O. 10(11).78; ὕπνου χ. E. Or. 159 (lyr.); even χ. γόων Id. Supp. 79 (lyr.); also concrete, of things, a delight, Pi. I. 2.19 (pl.); τὰν βοτρυώδη Διονύσου χ. οἴνας E. Ba. 535 (lyr.), cf. Ar. Nu. 311 (lyr.), Jul. Or. 3.125b; ἔνοπτρα, παρθένων χάριτας E. Tr. 1108 (lyr.): abs., Ἔρως.. εἰσάγων γλυκεῖαν χ. Id. Hipp. 527 (lyr.); opp. λύπη, S. El. 821, E. Hel. 655 (lyr.); opp. πόνος, S. OC 232 (lyr.); θανεῖν πολλὴ χάρις A. Ag. 550, cf. 1304; βίου χ. μεθεῖσα E. Med. 227; οὐδεμίαν ἔχω τῷ βίῳ χάριν Ar. Lys. 865; τοῖς δὲ σιτίοις χ. οὐδεμίαν οἶδ' ἐσθίων ib. 869; less freq. in Prose, χ. καὶ ἡδονή Pl. Grg. 462c, cf. D. 20.26; τοσαύτην ἔχει χ. Isoc. 9.10.

δαιμόνων χάρις homage due to them, their worship, majesty, A. Ag. 182 (lyr.); ἀθίκτων χ. ib. 371 (lyr.); ὅρκων E. Med. 439 (lyr.).

2. thank-offering, εὐκταία χ. τινός, opp. a common gift, A. Ag. 1387, cf. X. Hier. 8.4; ἔπεμψε χαίτην κουρίμην χ. πατρός A. Ch. 180, cf. 517; τιμὴ καὶ γέρα καὶ χ. Pl. Euthphr. 15a, cf. La. 187a.

Special usages:

1 acc. sg. as Adv., χ. τινός in any one's favour, for his pleasure, for his sake, χ. Ἕκτορος Il. 15.744; ψεύδεσθαι γλώσσης χ. for one's tongue's pleasure, i.e. for talking's sake, Hes. Op. 709, cf. A. Ch. 266; rarely with Art., τὴν Ἀθηναίων χάριν ἐστρατεύοντο Hdt. 5.99. as Pr, sts. before its case (once in Pi., P. 2.70; χάριν πλησμονῆς Pl. Phdr. 241c; χ. φιλίας Epicur. Sent.Vat. 28; χ. τίνος; LXX 2 Chronicles 7:21, cf. POxy. 743.29 (i B. C.), etc.), but mostly after, for the sake of, on behalf of, on account of, κακά νιν ἕλοιτο μοῖρα δυσπότμου χάριν χλιδᾶς S. OT 888 (lyr.); τοῦ χάριν; for what reason? Ar. Pl. 53; συγχωρῶ τοῦ λόγου χ. Pl. R. 475a; so ἐμὴν χάριν, χάριν σήν, for my, thy pleasure or sake, A. Pers. 1046 (lyr.), E. HF 1238, etc.; κείνου τε καὶ σὴν ἐξ ἴσου κοινὴν χ. S. Tr. 485: less freq. with the Art., τὴν σὴν δ' ἥκω χ. Id. Ph. 1413 (anap.); σοῦ τε τήν τ' ἐμὴν χ. E. Ph. 762: pleon., τίνος χάριν ἕνεκα; Pl. Lg. 701d; also χάριν τινός as far as regards.., as to.., ἔπους σμικροῦ χ. S. OC 443; δακρύων χάριν if tears would serve, Id. Fr. 557.6; χ. θανάτου πόλιν ἀτείχιστον οἰκοῦμεν Epicur. Sent.Vat. 31; also, about, ἔπεμφεν ἐπὶ τὴν πενθεράν σου χ. τοῦ κτήματος about the farm, PFay. 126.5 (ii/iii A. D.). Orig. an acc. in apposition with the sentence, as in Il. 15.744, etc., being a favour, since it is (was) a favour, as is evident in κακῆς γυναικὸς χάριν ἄχαριν ἀπώλετο E. IT 566; τινὸς νίκας ἀκάρπωτον χ. S. Aj. 176 (lyr.).

2. with Preps.: εἰς χάριν to do a pleasure, οὐδὲν ἐς χ. πράσσων Id. OT 1353 (lyr.); ἐς χ. τίθεσθαί τι Plu. Mar. 46; μηδὲ κρίσιν εἰς χ. ἕλκε Ps.-Phoc. 9 (but ἐς τὴν τῶν ξυμμάχων χ. in such a way as to earn thanks.. Th. 3.37); also κατὰ χάριν Pl. Lg. 740c; χάριτος ἕνεκα ib. 771d. πράσσειν τί τινι πρὸς χάριν S. OC 1776 (anap.); δρᾶσαι E. Hel. 1281; τοῖσι πολλοῖς πρὸς χάριν λέγειν τι Id. Hec. 257, cf. X. Mem. 4.4.4, HG 6.3.7, Isoc. 2.18, D. 8.1 (but πρὸς χ. βορᾶς for the sake of it, S. Ant. 30); πρὸς χ., opp. κλαίων, Id. OT 1152: but πρὸς χ. εὐσεβίας, just like χάριν, Pi. O. 8.8; τίνος νόμου ταῦτα πρὸς χ. λέγω; S. Ant. 908; πρὸς ἰσχύος χ. E. Med. 538; πρὸς χ. alone, as a favour, freely, πρὸς χ. τε κοὐ βίᾳ S. Fr. 28; but κορέσαι στόμα πρὸς χ. to their heart's content, Id. Ph. 1156 (lyr.). ἐν χάριτι κρίνειν τινά to decide from partiality to one, Theoc. 5.69; but also, for one's gratification, pleasure, ἐν χάριτι διδόναι or ποιεῖν τινί τι, X. Oec. 8.10, Pl. Phd. 115b: παραλαμβάνειν ἐν χάρισιν gratefully, Id. Lg. 796b. διὰ χαρίτων εἶναι or γίγνεσθαί [τινι ] to be pleasing to one, X. Hier. 9.1, 2. ἐθελοντὶ καὶ μετὰ χάριτος of pure good will, Plb. 2.22.5, etc.; ἐθελούσιοι καὶ χάριτος ἕνεκα ἐξιόντες X. Cyr. 4.2.11. metaph. of the cypress, Gp. 11.4.1; of some kind of myrtle, Sch. Il. 17.51; of salt, ὅτι τὸ ἀναγκαῖον ἡδὺ ποιοῦσιν (sc. ἅλες) Plu. 2.685a. Χάρις, ἡ, as a mythological pr. n. declined like χάρις, save that the acc. is generally Χάριτα (exc. AP 5.148 (Mel.), Luc. DDeor. 15.1, Paus. 9.35.4): poet. dat. pl. Χαρίτεσσι Il. 17.51, Pi. N. 9.54; Χάρισσιν ib. 5.54: Charis, wife of Hephaestus, Il.

Thayer's Expanded Definition

χάριν, accusative of the substantive, χάρις used absolutely; properly, in favor of, for lite pleasure of: χάριν ἑκτορος, Homer, Iliad 15, 744, others; 1 Macc. 9:10; Judith 8:19; like the Latin abl.gratia, it takes on completely the nature of a preposition, and is joined to the genitive, for, on account of, for the sake of; Galatians 3:19 (on which see παραβοσις); 1 Timothy 5:14; Titus 1:11; Jude 1:16; τούτου χάριν, on this account, for this cause, Ephesians 3:1 (Xenophon, mem. 1, 2, 54); τούτου χάριν ἵνα, Ephesians 3:14 (cf. Winer's Grammar, 566 (526)); Titus 1:5; οὗ χάριν, for which cause, Luke 7:47; χάριν τίνος; for what cause? wherefore? 1 John 3:12. Except in 1 John 3:12, χάριν is everywhere in the N. T. placed after the genitive, as it generally is in secular authors (cf. Passow, under the word, I. 3 a., p. 2416{b}; Herm. ad Vig., p. 701); in the O. T. Apocrypha it is placed sometimes before, sometimes after; cf. Wahl, Clavis Apocr., under the word 6 b.; Grimm on 1 Macc. 3:29.

Thayer's Expanded Greek Definition, Electronic Database.
Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2006, 2011 by Biblesoft, Inc.
All rights rserved. Used by permission. BibleSoft.com
Abbott-Smith Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament

χάριν , see χάρις G5485.

Abbott-Smith Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament.
Copyright © 1922 by G. Abbott-Smith, D.D., D.C.L.. T & T Clarke, London.
Vocabulary of the Greek NT

From meaning ";feel,"; ";touch"; (as in Luk. 24:39, cf. Gen. 27:12), ψηλαφάω comes in late Greek to denote ";examine closely,"; as in Polyb. viii. 18. 4 πᾶσαν ἐπίνοιαν ἐψηλάφα, and P Lond IV. 1396.4 (A.D. 709–714) : cf. Thumb Hellen, p. 250. See also an interesting official letter of the Arab period, edited by H. I. Bell in Journ. of Egypt. Archaeology xii. (1926), p. 273 ( = Preisigke III. p. 251) ἐπείπερ ψηλαφήσαντός μου τὸν λόγον τῶν ἐπιζητουμένων δ ̣ι᾽ ὑμῶν ἀπὸ διαγράφου, ";whereas, on my examining the register of sums demanded of you in respect of poll-tax."; For the difficult Heb. 12:18 E. C. Selwyn (JTS xii. p. 133 f.) suggests a conjectural reading πεφεψαλωμένῳ (ὄρει) = ";a calcined volcano.";


The Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament.
Copyright © 1914, 1929, 1930 by James Hope Moulton and George Milligan. Hodder and Stoughton, London.
Derivative Copyright © 2015 by Allan Loder.
List of Word Forms
χαριν χάριν χάρις χάριτα χάριτας χάριτι χάριτί χάριτος χαρίτων charin chárin
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