Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Commentaries
1 Kings 18

Bullinger's Companion Bible NotesBullinger's Companion Notes

Verse 1

the Lord. Hebrew. Jehovah. App-4 .

third year: i.e. the third or last full year toward the end of the three and a half years.

Verse 2

famine. One of the thirteen famines mentioned in Scripture. See note on Genesis 12:10 .

Verse 3

governor of = governor over. Now. Figure of speech Parenthesis. App-6 .

Verse 4

Jezebel. The first record of using the civil power against the true religion (and by a woman). See note on Judges 4:21 .

fifty in a cave = fifty men.

Verse 5

Go into = Septuagint and Syriac read "Go and let us pass through".

Verse 9

What. ? Figure of speech Erotesis. App-6 .

wouldest deliver = art giving.

Verse 10

God. Hebrew. Elohim. App-4 .

Verse 12

Spirit. Hebrew. ruach. App-9 .

Verse 13

men. Hebrew. 'ish. App-14 .

Verse 15

before, &c. See note on 1 Kings 17:1 .

Verse 17

troubleth. Compare Joshua 7:25 with Joshua 6:18 , and 1 Chronicles 2:7 ,

Israel. Put by Figure of speech Metonymy (of Cause), App-6 , for Israelitish people.

Verse 19

Carmel. Eighteen miles from Jezreel; sixteen miles from the sea. The Kishon below, but now dry. At the foot a perennial spring, with a roofed reservoir, eight feet deep. Carmel is still called "Mar-Elias".

groves = the' Asherah. See note on Exodus 34:13 .

Verse 20

children = sons.

Verse 21

How long. ? Figure of speech Erotesis. App-6 .

halt = leap. Compare 1 Kings 18:26 .

Verse 22

the People. Some codices read "all the people".

Verse 24

gods = god, as in 1 Kings 18:25 . So Revised Version.

by fire. This was Jehovah's way of showing His acceptance of the offering. See note on Genesis 4:4 .

Verse 26

leaped upon = leaped over. Compare 1 Kings 18:21 .

was made = had been made.

Verse 27

Cry aloud, &c. Figure of speech Eironeia. App-6 .

pursuing. Occurs only here.

Verse 28

lancets = lances. Done by Dervishes to the present day.

Verse 29

evening sacrifice. The usual meal offering. There was also a morning meal offering as well (Numbers 28:8 ). Compare 2 Kings 16:15 .

Verse 30

repaired. Carmel had been a local altar for lay (individual) offerings, but had been broken down. Compare 1 Kings 19:10 . These lay altars had no horns.

broken down: i.e. purposely.

Verse 31

Jacob. Some codices, with one early printed edition, and Septuagint, read "Israel", in harmony with 1 Kings 18:36 .

Israel. See note on Genesis 32:28 .

Verse 33

water. See note on 1 Kings 18:19 .

the wood. Septuagint adds "and they did so".

Verse 36

Israel , not Jacob. See note on Genesis 32:28 .

Verse 38

Then the fire of the LORD fell. Aram, and Septuagint read "Then fire from Jehovah fell". See note on Genesis 4:4 . "Fire of Jehovah" occurs only here and Numbers 11:1 , Numbers 11:3 .

burnt sacrifice. See App-43 .

Verse 40

Take = seize, lay hold of.

one = a man. Hebrew. 'Ish. App-14 .

Kishon. Compare Judges 4:13 ; Judges 5:21 .

slew. Hebrew idiom, caused them to be slain.

Verse 42

cast himself down. A rare word. Only here and 2 Kings 4:34 , 2 Kings 4:35 . = Kneeling, and then placing forehead on the ground.

Verse 43

servant = young man.

Verse 45

wind. Hebrew. ruach. App-9 .

Verse 46

hand. Put by Figure of speech Metonymy (of Cause), App-6 , for power put forth.

girded. Girdles worn by all. Taken off when resting. Put on when preparing for work or journeying. See Exodus 12:11 . 2 Kings 4:29 ; 2 Kings 9:1 .Luke 12:37 ; Luke 17:8 . Acts 12:8 .

ran. For over twenty miles Elijah acted as the royal "runner" across the great plain of Esdraelon. Possibly none at hand in the king's hasty departure.

Bibliographical Information
Bullinger, Ethelbert William. "Commentary on 1 Kings 18". "Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/bul/1-kings-18.html. 1909-1922.
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