Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, October 27th, 2024
the Week of Proper 25 / Ordinary 30
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Bible Commentaries
Ephesians 4

Bullinger's Companion Bible NotesBullinger's Companion Notes

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Verse 1

I therefore . Resuming his teaching after the parenthesis of Ephesians 3:1-21 .

prisoner . See Ephesians 3:1 .

Lord . App-98 .

beseech . Greek. parakaleo. App-134 . Compare 1 Thessalonians 4:1 . 1 Timothy 2:1 ; &c.

vocation = calling, as Ephesians 1:18 .

are = were.

Verse 2

With . App-104 .

lowliness = humility of mind. See Acts 20:19 .

meekness . See 1 Corinthians 4:21 .

forbearing = bearing with. See 2 Corinthians 11:1 .

love . App-135 .

Verse 3

Endeavouring . Compare 2 Timothy 2:15 (studying).

unity . Literally oneness. Greek. henotes. Only here and Ephesians 4:13 .

Spirit . App-101 .

bond . See Acts 8:23 .

peace = the peace.

Verse 4

There is . Supply the Ellipsis by " Ye are ".

body . See Ephesians 2:15 , Ephesians 2:16 . Spirit. App-101 .

are called = were called also.

Verse 5

Lord . App-98 .

faith . i.e. doctrine; by Metonymy, App-6 . See App-150 .

baptism . Greek. baptisma. App-115 . The baptism of the Spirit by Whom we are baptized into the one body. (See How to Enjoy the Bible, by the late Dr. E. W. Bullinger, p. 128.)

Verse 6

God . App-98 .

Father . App-98 . Note the seven occurances of "one"; body, Spirit, hope, Lord, faith, baptism. God and Father; three on either side of the Lord Jesus Christ.

through . App-104 .Ephesians 4:1 .

you . The texts omit.

all . The indwelling of God in the members of the body by pneuma theou. See Romans 8:9 .

Verse 7

unto = to.

every = each.

is = was.

grace = the grace. App-184 .

according to . App-104 .

measure . Greek. metron. See Romans 12:3 .

gift . Greek. dorea . See Ephesians 3:7 .

Christ . App-98 .

Verse 8

When, &c . From Psalms 68:18 . See App-107 .

up . Omit.

on . App-104 .

high . See Luke 1:78 . Rendered "height" in Ephesians 3:18 . Revelation 21:16 .

led . . . captive . Greek. aichmaloteuo. Only here and 2 Timothy 3:6 . In Luke 21:24 . Rom 7:23 . 2 Corinthians 10:5 , the word is aichmalotizo.

captivity = a body of captives. See Matthew 27:52 .Romans 1:4 .

gave . Having received according to Psalms 68:18 , He gave .

gifts . Greek. doma. Here; Matthew 7:11 .Luke 11:13 .Philippians 4:17 .

unto = to.

men . App-123 .

Verse 9

(Now . . . ascended = (Now this fact), He ascended.

what is it = what does it imply.

but = except. Greek. ei ( App-118 ) me ( App-105 ).

also descended = descended also.

lower parts . i.e. Hades. App-131 .

earth . App-129 .

Verse 10

also That ascended = That ascended also.

far above . Greek. huperano. See Ephesians 1:21 .

heavens = the heavens. Matthew 6:9 , Matthew 6:10 .

that = in order that. Greek. hina.

fill . See Ephesians 1:23 .

Verse 11

some. Add "indeed" (Greek. men) .

apostles, prophets . App-189 .

pastors = (as) shepherds. So every other occurance (seventeen in all).

teachers . Greek. didaskalos.

Verse 12

perfecting . Greek. katartismos. Only here. For the verb, see App-125 . Compare Romans 9:22 .

saints . See Acts 9:13 .

ministry . App-190 .

edifying . As in Ephesians 2:21 .

the body of Christ . See Ephesians 1:23 .

Verse 13

come = attain. Greek. katantao. Compare Philippians 1:3 , Philippians 1:11 .

and = even.

knowledge = full, or perfect, knowledge. App-132 .

Son of God. See 2 Corinthians 1:19 . App-98 .

unto, unto . App-104 .

perfect = complete, full grown. App-123 .; Eph 125:1 .

man . App-123 .

stature . See Matthew 6:27 .

fulness . Greek. pleroma . Compare Ephesians 3:19 ; Ephesians 3:1 . Eph 3:23 .

Verse 14

be = maybe.

no more = no longer. Greek. meketi.

children . App-108 .

tossed to and fro . Literally "surging about (as waves)". Only here.

carried about = borne hither and thither. See 2 Corinthians 4:10 .

wind . Greek. anemos.

doctrine = the teaching. Greek. didaskalia. The evil teaching of the ruler of the power of the air and of demons. Compare 1 Timothy 4:1 .

by = (or) by. Greek. en . App-104 .

sleight . Greek. kiibeia ; hence our "cube". Only here.

and cunning craftiness = with (Greek. en) subtilty. Greek. panourgia. Compare 2 Corinthians 11:3 .

whereby . . . deceive = with a view to (Greek. pros. App-104 .) the wile, or stratagem (Greek. methodeia : only here and Ephesians 6:11 ), of the error (Greek. plane) . The association of methodeia with Satan (in Ephesians 6:11 ) shows that, here, plane = planos ; i.e. the method or scheme is that of the devil himself, and not merely error.

Verse 15

speaking the truth . Literally truthing it. Greek. aletheuo. Only here and Galatians 4:16 . See App-175Ephesians 1:2; Ephesians 1:2 .

may grow up . See Ephesians 2:21 .

Which = Who.

Head . See Ephesians 1:22 .

Verse 16

From. App-104 .

fitly joined together = being perfectly fitted together. Only here and Ephesians 2:21 .

compacted = knit together. Greek. sumbibazo. See Acts 9:22 . Occurs: Colossians 2:2 .

joint = ligament. Greek. haphe ; only here and Colossians 2:19 . Here the ligament is "the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3 ).

supplieth = of the supply, i.e. from the Head. Greek. epichoregia ; only here and Philippians 1:19 . Genitive of relation. App-17 .

the = an.

effectual working . Gr . energeia. See Ephesians 1:19 .

every = each several.

increase . Greek. auxesis. Only here and Colossians 2:19 .

Verse 17

testify. Greek. marturomai. See Acts 20:26 .

henceforth . . . not = no longer. Greek. meketi.

other . Omit.

Gentiles = the Gentiles. They were Gentiles, but now are members of the church His body. Compare 1 Corinthians 10:32 .

vanity . See Romans 8:20 .

mind . Compare Romans 1:21 .

Verse 18

Having . . . darkened = Having been darkened. Greek. skotizo. See Rom 1:21 . 2 Corinthians 4:4 .

the understanding = in the understanding. See Ephesians 1:18 .

being = having been.

alienated . Greek. apallotrioomai. See Ephesians 2:12 .

the life of God . Only occurrence.

life . Greek. zoe. Only here in Eph. App-170 .

through . App-104 .Ephesians 4:2 .

ignorance . See Acts 3:17 .

because of . App-104 .Ephesians 4:2 .

blindness = hardness. Greek. poro s i s. Compare Romans 11:25 .

Verse 19

past feeling . Literally, hardened. Greek. apalgeo. Only here.

have given . . . over = gave up.

unto = to.

lasciviousness . See Mark 7:22 .

to work = unto (Greek. eis) the working.

work . Greek. ergasia, a word implying regular occupation, craft for gain. Compare Acts 16:16 ; Acts 19:24 , Acts 19:25 .

uncleanness . Compare Romans 1:24 .

greediness = covetousness. Greek. pleonexia. Always "covetousness", except here and 2 Peter 2:14 .

Verse 20

have . . . learned = did . . . learn.

Verse 21

If so be . App-118 .

have . Omit.

have been taught = were instructed.

as the truth is in Jesus . Frequently misquoted. No article. See John 14:6 .

as = even as.

the . Omit.

Jesus . App-98 .

Verse 22

put off = put away. See Romans 13:12 .

concerning . App-104 .

former . Greek. proteros. Only here as adjective

conversation . Greek. anastrophe. Compare Galatians 1:1 , Galatians 1:13 .

the old man . The old (Adam) nature. See Romans 6:6 .

man . App-123 .

corrupt = being corrupted. Greek. phtheiro. Compare 1Cor. Eph 15:33 .

the deceitful lusts = the desires of the deceit (Greek. apate) . Here, the desires of the deceiver, as in Ephesians 4:14 "the error" is used for the cause of it, the devil. Compare Revelation 12:9 ; Revelation 20:3 , Revelation 20:8 , Revelation 20:10 .

Verse 23

renewed . Greek. ananeoo. Only here. Occurs frequently in Apocrypha. Implies that the whole course of life now flows in a different direction. See 2 Corinthians 4:16 ; 2 Corinthians 5:17 .

spirit . App-101 .

Verse 24

put on . Greek. enduo. See Romans 13:12 , Romans 13:14 .Galatians 1:3 , Gal 1:27 .

the new man. The new nature.

which = that which.

after . App-104 .

is = was (Aor.)

created . Greek. ktizo. See Ephesians 2:10 .

righteousness . . . holiness = true holiness and righteousness. Contrast Adam, Genesis 1:27 .

righteousness . App-191 .

true . Literally of the truth. Greek. alstheia, as Ephesians 4:21 .

holiness . Greek. hosiotes. Only here, and Luke 1:75 .

Verse 25

putting = having put. Greek. apotithemi. As Ephesians 4:22 .

lying = the lie. Greek. to pseudos. Compare John 8:44 . Rom 1:25 . 2 Thessalonians 2:11 .

speak, &c . From Zechariah 8:16 .

for = because.

members . Compare Ephesians 5:30 .

Verse 26

angry . Greek. orgizo, imperative. Positive command, the context showing that "righteous indignation" is referred to.

and = yet.

sin not . Literally be not sinning. Compare 1 John 2:1 . Greek. hamartano. App-128 . The anger is to be transitory. The quotation is from Psalms 4:4 (Septuagint), where Hebrew reads, "tremble, and sin not", the meaning of which is shown by the use here, for it is as easy to tremble from anger as from other powerful emotions.

go down . Greek. epiduo. Only here.

upon . App-104 .

wrath . Greek. parorgismos. Only here. The verb occurs Ephesians 6:4 , and compare Romans 10:19 , the only other occ

Verse 27

Neither . Gi. mede.

place = opportunity.

devil . The ruler of the darkness, Compare Ephesians 6:12 ; the deceiver of verses: Ephesians 4:14 , Ephesians 4:22 ; the "lie" of Ephesians 4:25 . Now revealed as the devil. See Revelation 12:9 .

Verse 28

labour . As Acts 20:35 .

the thing = that.

give . See Romans 12:8 .

Verse 29

corrupt . Literally putrid.

communication = word. App-121 .

out of . App-104 .

the . . . edifying . See Revised Version margin Some ancient texts, including the vulgate, read "of the faith", instead of "to the use".

minister = give.

grace . App-184 .

unto = to.

Verse 30

grieve . Greek. lupeo, occurs frequently; compare Romans 14:15 .

the holy Spirit. App-101 .

whereby = by (Greek. en) Whom. The Giver here is the Sealer.

are = were.

sealed . Compare Ephesians 1:13 , where the sealing is the gift.

the = a.

redemption . Final deliverance; now we have the earnest. See Ephesians 1:14 .

Verse 31

bitterness . Greek. pikria. See Romans 3:14 and Figure of speech Polysyndeton. App-6 .

wrath . Luke 4:28 .

anger . Greek. orge .

clamour = uproar. See Acts 23:9 .

evil speaking = railing. Greek. blasphemia. See 1 Timothy 6:4 .

from . App-104 .

with . App-104 .

malice . As Romans 1:29 . App-128 .

Verse 32

kind = gracious. Greek. chrestos. App-184 .

tenderhearted = tenderly compassionate. Greek. eusplanchnos. Only here and 1 Peter 3:8 .

forgiving , forgiven. App-184 .

one an other = each other.

for Christ's sake = also in (Greek. en) Christ ( App-98 . IX).

hath forgiven = forgave.

Bibliographical Information
Bullinger, Ethelbert William. "Commentary on Ephesians 4". "Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/bul/ephesians-4.html. 1909-1922.
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