Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Commentaries
Proverbs 12

Bullinger's Companion Bible NotesBullinger's Companion Notes

Verse 1

instruction = discipline, or correction.

Verse 2

the LORD. Hebrew. Jehovah. App-4 .

man. Hebrew. 'ish . App-14 ,

wicked = lawless. Hebrew. rasha'. App-44 .

will He condemn: or will pronounce him guilty, as Job 40:8 .

Verse 3

man. Hebrew. adam. App-14 .

wickedness = lawlessness. Hebrew. rasha'.

the righteous = righteous ones.

Verse 4

virtuous = worthy. See Proverbs 31:10 and Rth 31:11 .

crown. Always used of a bridal or royal crown.

Verse 5

thoughts = plans.

right = just (as to their character). Illustrations: David (1 Samuel 23:9 ; 1 Samuel 26:8-11 ); Daniel (Daniel 1:8 ; Daniel 6:4 ); Nuthanael (John 1:47 ).

counsels = steerings, or directions. Illustrations: Korah (Numbers 16:0 ); Jeroboam (1 Kings 12:28 . Compare Proverbs 12:26 ); the prophet of Beth-el (1 Kings 13:18 . Compare Proverbs 11:9 ); Sanballat (Nehemiah 6:2 ); Haman (Esther 3:5 , Esther 3:6 , Esther 3:8 ); Ishmael (Jeremiah 40:14 ); Herod (Matthew 2:8 , Matthew 2:16 ); Pharisees (Matthew 22:15 , Matthew 22:16 ); Judas (John 12:4-6 ).

the wicked = lawless ones.

deceit = deception. Hebrew. ramah. See note on Proverbs 11:18 .

Verse 6

words. Hebrew. dabar. App-73 .

the upright = upright ones.

Verse 7

overthrown. Compare Genesis 19:21 , Genesis 19:25 , Genesis 19:29 ; 2Sa 10:3 . 1 Chronicles 19:3 , &c.

and are not = there is nothing of them left.

Verse 8

shall be commended. Illustration: Joseph (Genesis 41:39 ).

wisdom. Hebrew. sakal. See note on Proverbs 1:2 .

shall be despised. Illustrations: Hophni and Phinehas (1 Samuel 1:3 ; 1 Samuel 2:17 , 1 Samuel 2:30 ); Nabal (1 Samuel 25:2 , 1 Samuel 25:17 . Compare Proverbs 28:6 ); Judah (Jeremiah 4:22 , Jeremiah 4:30 . Lamentations 1:8 ); lost son (Luke 15:15 , Luke 15:16 ).

Verse 9

He that is despised, and hath = Better to be little noticed and have, &c.

better. See note on Proverbs 8:11 .

Verse 10

regardeth, &c. = knoweth. Illustrations: Jacob (Genesis 33:13 , Genesis 33:14 ); David (1 Samuel 17:34 , 1 Samuel 17:35 ).

life = soul. Hebrew. nephesh. App-13 .

cruel. Illustrations: Nahash (1 Samuel 11:1 , 1 Samuel 11:2 ); Pilate (Luke 23:16 ).

Verse 11

shall be satisfied. Illustrations: Isaac (Genesis 26:12 ); Jacob (Genesis 31:40 ; Genesis 32:10 ).

he that followeth, &c. Illustrations: Abimelech's followers (Judges 9:0 . Compare Proverbs 24:21 ); Theudas (Acts 5:36 , Acts 5:37 ).

understanding. Hebrew "heart", put by Figure of speech Metonymy (of Subject), App-6 , for sense. Septuagint adds: "He that delighteth himself in the drinking of wine shall leave his own stronghold a disgrace. "

Verse 12

The wicked = a lawless one.

the net. Put by Figure of speech Metonymy (of Cause), App-6 , for what is caught in it.

of evil men: i.e. which evil men use.

evil. Hebrew. ra'a. App-44 : not the same word as in verses: Proverbs 12:13 , Proverbs 12:21 .

yieldeth = giveth [to others]: i.e. instead of taking them as prey.

Verse 13

The wicked = an evil man. Hebrew. ra'a'. Same word as "evil" in Proverbs 12:12 .

transgression. Hebrew. pasha'. App-44 .

lips. Put by Figure of speech Metonymy (of Cause), App-6 , for what is spoken by them. Illustrations: Korah (Numbers 16:1-3 , Numbers 16:31-35 .Psalms 64:8; Psalms 64:8 ); the Amalekite(2 Samuel 1:2-16 ); Adonijah (1 Kings 2:23 ); Daniel's accusers (Daniel 6:24 ); Jews (Matthew 27:25 ).

the just = a righteous one.

shall come out, &c. Illustrations: Joshua and Caleb (Numbers 14:10 , Numbers 14:24 , Numbers 14:30 ); Esther and her People (Esther 7:3 ; Esther 8:3-17 ; Esther 9:25 ); Peter (Acts 11:2-18 ; Acts 12:3-18 ).

Verse 15

fool. Hebrew. 'evil. See note on Proverbs 1:7 .

Verse 16

is = letteth itself be.

presently = immediately, at once, the same day. Illustrations: Jehoram (2 Kings 6:31 ); Jezebel (1 Kings 19:1 , 1 Kings 19:2 ); Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 3:19 ); synagogue at Nazareth (Luke 4:28 ). covereth = concealeth.

shame = public ignominy. Figure of speech Metonymy (of Effect), App-6 , put for the affront which causes it. Illustrations: Gideon (Judges 8:2 , Judges 8:3 . Compare Proverbs 8:1 ); Hezekiah (Isaiah 36:21 . Compare Proverbs 26:4 ); David (1 Samuel 17:29 , 1 Samuel 17:30 . Compare Proverbs 12:28 ); Saul (1 Samuel 10:27 . Compare Pro 20:30-33 ).

Verse 18

like the piercings, &c. Illustrations: Saul (1 Samuel 20:30 ; and Proverbs 18:21 . Compare Psalms 57:4 , and Proverbs 16:27 ); Doeg (1 Samuel 22:9-19 ); Jews (John 8:48 ); Jeremiah (Lamentations 3:14 .Hebrews 11:36; Hebrews 11:36 ).

piercings = stabs. Occurs only here.

tongue. Put by Figure of speech Metonymy (of Cause), App-6 , for what is spoken by it.

is health. Illustrations: Jethro (Exodus 18:17-26 ); Abigail (1 Samuel 25:24-33 ); the woman (2 Samuel 20:16 ); Stephen (Acts 7:59 . Compare Proverbs 22:20 ).

Verse 19

lip. Put by Figure of speech Metonymy (of Cause), App-6 , for what is spoken. Illustration: Caleb and Joshua (Numbers 14:30 , Numbers 14:38 ).

but for a moment. Illustrations: Ahab ( 1Ki 22:30 , 1 Kings 22:37 ; Hananiah (Jeremiah 28:2 , Jeremiah 28:11 . Compare verses: Proverbs 12:15-17 ); Gehazi ( 2Ki 5:22 , 2 Kings 5:25 , 2 Kings 5:27 . 2 Kings 10:9 ); Ananias (Acts 5:5 , Acts 5:10 . Acts 21:6 ).

Verse 21

no evil = nothing in vain. Hebrew. 'aven . App-44 .

mischief. Hebrew. ra'a'. Same word as "evil" in verses: Proverbs 12:12 , Proverbs 12:20 .

Verse 22

abomination, &c. See note on Proverbs 3:32 .

they that deal truly are, &c. Some codices, with Septuagint, read "is" (singular) = he that dealeth, &c.

Verse 23

concealeth knowledge. Illustrations: Samuel (1 Samuel 9:27 . Compare Proverbs 10:16 ); Nehemiah (Nehemiah 6:2 , Nehemiah 6:3 ).

fools. Hebrew. kesil. See note on Proverbs 1:7 . Not the same word as in verses: Proverbs 12:15 , Proverbs 12:16 , Proverbs 12:24

shall bear rule. Illustrations: Eleazar (Genesis 24:2 , Genesis 24:10 ); Joseph (Genesis 39:4 , Genesis 39:22 ); Jeroboam (1 Kings 11:28 ).

Verse 25

Heaviness = Anxiety (feminine)

stoop = bowed down. Illustrations: Ezra (Ezra 9:3 Ezra 10:6 ); Nehemiah (Nehemiah 1:4 ); David (Psalms 40:12 ); Jeremiah (Jeremiah 8:18 ).

maketh, &c. = maketh [the man] glad [by driving it (feminine), the anxiety (feminine), away].

Verse 26

the righteous = a righteous one, is more excellent than his neighbour = guideth his neighbour.

seduceth them = leadeth them astray. The clauses are not "unrelated", nor is the text "corrupt beyond restoration", when properly translated.

Verse 27

roasteth not, &c. = starteth not his game (see the Oxford Gesenius).

substance: i.e. that which the diligent man "starts" and obtains is substantial. The proverb is not "humorous".

Verse 28

life: i.e. life eternal. See note on Leviticus 18:5 .

no death = immortality. Or take nethebah (as in Judges 5:6 . Isaiah 59:8 ) as denoting, with derek, no devious winding by-path. In this case we must read 'el, "to", instead of 'al, "no". This avoids the necessity of the italics.

Bibliographical Information
Bullinger, Ethelbert William. "Commentary on Proverbs 12". "Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/bul/proverbs-12.html. 1909-1922.
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