Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, October 27th, 2024
the Week of Proper 25 / Ordinary 30
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Bible Commentaries
Jeremiah 33

Bell's Commentary on the BibleBell's Commentary

Verses 1-26

  1. Intro:
    1. Outline: Prayer, Promises, Praise, Performance, & Permanence!
  2. PRAYER! (1-3)
    1. Vs.1 – “Still shut up”! {Jeremiah is being held for “treasonable” advice given to Judah, to surrender to Babylon.}
      1. Jeremiah was ignored, rejected, despised, & imprisoned. In the midst of that darkness, God comes to Jeremiah w/a candle of light.
        1. Sometimes God doesn’t rescue us. Sometimes he does. Either way, He extends His love & grace!
      2. Q: When things look dark & depressing, what do you do to gain encouragement & hope?
      3. Jeremiah is imprisoned in Jerusalem w/the Babylonian army at the gate. Q: What will God do to offer him comfort?
    2. Vs.2 – Jehovah’s very name is a pledge of His fidelity to His promises.
      1. Here is a reminder of Him as creator (NIV) "This is what the LORD says, he who made the earth, the LORD who formed it and established it--the LORD is his name: (Also LXX)
    3. Vs.3 – God can make Himself heard, yet He desires a hearer reaching out to Him. Thus the command to “call to me!”
      1. God seeks to speak to an upturned face not a preoccupied back! (Derick Kidner)
      2. Q: What do you feel like when someone is preoccupied while talking to you?
      3. Note: This is not a bare announcement, but an invitation to us as well!
      4. Jeremiah believed he was assured that he only needed to ask in order to receive.
        1. As did Job “Then call, and I will answer; Or let me speak, then You respond to me.”(13:22)
        2. As did David “The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth.” (Ps.145:18)
        3. As did Isaiah “Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer; You shall cry, and He will say, 'Here I am.' (58:9)
        4. As taught Jesus "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
        5. God is always ready to answer the cry of the human heart…Request assistance!
    4. Story - Some fifty years ago, one bitter January night, the inhabitants of the old town of Sleswick were thrown into the greatest distress and terror. A hostile army was marching down upon them, and new and fearful reports of the conduct of the lawless soldiers were hourly reaching the place. In one large, spacious cottage dwelt an aged grandmother with her widowed daughter and her grandson. While all hearts quaked with fear, this aged woman passed her time in crying out to God that he would "build a wall of defense round about" them, quoting the words of an ancient hymn. Her grandson asked why she prayed for a thing so entirely impossible as that God should build a wall about their house, that should hide it; but she explained that her meaning only was that God should protect them. At midnight the dreaded tramp was heard, an enemy came pouring in at every avenue, filling the houses to overflowing. But, while most fearful sounds were heard on every side, not even a knock came to their door; at which they were greatly surprised. The morning light made the matter clear; for, just beyond the house, the drifted snow had reared such a massive wall that it was impossible to get over it to them. "There!" said the good woman triumphantly: "do you not see, my son, that God could raise up a wall around us?"
    5. God makes a promise; faith believes it, hope anticipates it, patience quietly awaits it.
    6. “mighty” = hidden, inaccessible. It pictures an impregnable city protected by high walls(like jerusalem).
      1. You don’t “storm God’s gates” to learn the hidden things, through your strength, but by seeking Him through believing prayer!
    7. Jeremiah shows the hidden things of the future in the rest of the chapter.
  3. PROMISES! (4-8)
    1. 1st the bad news (4,5){of Judah’s defeat} then the good news (6-8){of its restoration}!
    2. Vs.4,5 – The city was destined for judgment.
    3. Vs.6-8 – The defiled nation would be healed & cleansed.
      1. Note the “I wills”. He will!
    4. Q: Have you experienced both good & bad news in your own relationship with God?
  4. PRAISE! (9-11)
    1. Vs.9 – Joy, praise, & honor.
      1. The world will be impressed by these events.
      2. Read vs.9 again. God is concerned w/reputation.
        1. Q: How is that a good thing for both God & His people?
    2. Vs.9-11 – The deserted city 1 day will be filled w/people Praising the Lord & expressing their joy to one another.
      1. The streets will be humming w/cheerful sounds(10).
    3. The sick nation will have health; the defiled will be cleansed; war will give way to peace; truth of God would conquer the lies of the false prophets; there would be wedding songs instead of funeral dirges.
  5. PERFORMANCE! (12-18)
    1. ​​​​​​​Performance – “I will perform…”(14)
    2. Vs.12,13 - The pasture lands would one day be full of flocks & herds, & the little towns will once more enjoy happiness.
    3. Vs.14,15 – The greatest blessing of all will be their promised King reigning in righteousness.
    4. Vs.16 – Jehovah Tsidkenu” (The Lord our Righteousness)
      1. So far Jeremiah has revealed the Lord to us as: The Fountain of Living Waters(2:13); the Good Shepherd(23:4; 31:10); the Righteous branch(23:5); the Redeemer(50:34); the Lord our Righteous(23:6)& David the king(30:9);
      2. In (ch.23:5,6) the promise covered the king; here it expands to cover the city that it was said “this is Zion no one cares for her.”(30:17)
        1. 1st a title given to Messiah & now to Jerusalem. shows she(Jerusalem) is finally showing covenant holiness!
    5. Vs.17 – “Never lack a man on the throne” – will be profoundly fulfilled in Christ.
      1. Rev.11:15 "The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!"
      2. Rev.22:16 “I am the Root and the Offspring of David,”
      3. They’ll always “know some in high places!” – They’ll know the one on the throne!
        1. This is helpful for us to “know someone in high places”, not to get away with something, but to be heard!
    6. Vs.18 - Note: the promise for the city(10,11); the promise for the countryside(12,13); & the promise to Judah & Israel(15-18); & how each of the promises are fulfilled in Jesus Christ(the Branch)!
  6. PERMANENCE! (19-26)
    1. ​​​​​​​The destruction of Israel & Judah could lead to the accusation that God was a “covenant breaker”. How does God answer this?
    2. The promised dynasty will be permanent!
      1. As He kept His promise with Day & Night & the observation of the heavenly bodies.
        1. Gen.8:22 "While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease."
    3. God is the only Real “Promise Keeper!”
      1. What is the difference between a trustworthy God & a god who is fickle & impulsive?
        1. We take this for granted as Judeo Christians. The Greek gods were unsavory & untrustworthy characters who had to be tricked, overpowered or manipulated by magic if humans wanted their help.
        2. Oh, thank you God for your trustworthiness! You’re a Promise Keeper!
    4. God’s people at the time of judgment had a restoration to look forward to. As Christians, what do we have to look forward to in times of trouble?
      1. The hope of heaven; the return of Christ.
      2. “There is a strength in a heavenly hope that allows us to live by our principles w/o being concerned about immediate responses or setbacks.”
      3. God didn't promise an easy voyage, but a safe arrival.
    5. ​​​​​​​Next week we’ll look at a promise breaker in ch.34 & a promise keeper in ch.35.

Verses 1-26

  1. Intro:
    1. Outline: Prayer, Promises, Praise, Performance, & Permanence!
  2. PRAYER! (1-3)
    1. Vs.1 – “Still shut up”! {Jeremiah is being held for “treasonable” advice given to Judah, to surrender to Babylon.}
      1. Jeremiah was ignored, rejected, despised, & imprisoned. In the midst of that darkness, God comes to Jeremiah w/a candle of light.
        1. Sometimes God doesn’t rescue us. Sometimes he does. Either way, He extends His love & grace!
      2. Q: When things look dark & depressing, what do you do to gain encouragement & hope?
      3. Jeremiah is imprisoned in Jerusalem w/the Babylonian army at the gate. Q: What will God do to offer him comfort?
    2. Vs.2 – Jehovah’s very name is a pledge of His fidelity to His promises.
      1. Here is a reminder of Him as creator (NIV) "This is what the LORD says, he who made the earth, the LORD who formed it and established it--the LORD is his name: (Also LXX)
    3. Vs.3 – God can make Himself heard, yet He desires a hearer reaching out to Him. Thus the command to “call to me!”
      1. God seeks to speak to an upturned face not a preoccupied back! (Derick Kidner)
      2. Q: What do you feel like when someone is preoccupied while talking to you?
      3. Note: This is not a bare announcement, but an invitation to us as well!
      4. Jeremiah believed he was assured that he only needed to ask in order to receive.
        1. As did Job “Then call, and I will answer; Or let me speak, then You respond to me.”(13:22)
        2. As did David “The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth.” (Ps.145:18)
        3. As did Isaiah “Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer; You shall cry, and He will say, 'Here I am.' (58:9)
        4. As taught Jesus "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
        5. God is always ready to answer the cry of the human heart…Request assistance!
    4. Story - Some fifty years ago, one bitter January night, the inhabitants of the old town of Sleswick were thrown into the greatest distress and terror. A hostile army was marching down upon them, and new and fearful reports of the conduct of the lawless soldiers were hourly reaching the place. In one large, spacious cottage dwelt an aged grandmother with her widowed daughter and her grandson. While all hearts quaked with fear, this aged woman passed her time in crying out to God that he would "build a wall of defense round about" them, quoting the words of an ancient hymn. Her grandson asked why she prayed for a thing so entirely impossible as that God should build a wall about their house, that should hide it; but she explained that her meaning only was that God should protect them. At midnight the dreaded tramp was heard, an enemy came pouring in at every avenue, filling the houses to overflowing. But, while most fearful sounds were heard on every side, not even a knock came to their door; at which they were greatly surprised. The morning light made the matter clear; for, just beyond the house, the drifted snow had reared such a massive wall that it was impossible to get over it to them. "There!" said the good woman triumphantly: "do you not see, my son, that God could raise up a wall around us?"
    5. God makes a promise; faith believes it, hope anticipates it, patience quietly awaits it.
    6. “mighty” = hidden, inaccessible. It pictures an impregnable city protected by high walls(like jerusalem).
      1. You don’t “storm God’s gates” to learn the hidden things, through your strength, but by seeking Him through believing prayer!
    7. Jeremiah shows the hidden things of the future in the rest of the chapter.
  3. PROMISES! (4-8)
    1. 1st the bad news (4,5){of Judah’s defeat} then the good news (6-8){of its restoration}!
    2. Vs.4,5 – The city was destined for judgment.
    3. Vs.6-8 – The defiled nation would be healed & cleansed.
      1. Note the “I wills”. He will!
    4. Q: Have you experienced both good & bad news in your own relationship with God?
  4. PRAISE! (9-11)
    1. Vs.9 – Joy, praise, & honor.
      1. The world will be impressed by these events.
      2. Read vs.9 again. God is concerned w/reputation.
        1. Q: How is that a good thing for both God & His people?
    2. Vs.9-11 – The deserted city 1 day will be filled w/people Praising the Lord & expressing their joy to one another.
      1. The streets will be humming w/cheerful sounds(10).
    3. The sick nation will have health; the defiled will be cleansed; war will give way to peace; truth of God would conquer the lies of the false prophets; there would be wedding songs instead of funeral dirges.
  5. PERFORMANCE! (12-18)
    1. ​​​​​​​Performance – “I will perform…”(14)
    2. Vs.12,13 - The pasture lands would one day be full of flocks & herds, & the little towns will once more enjoy happiness.
    3. Vs.14,15 – The greatest blessing of all will be their promised King reigning in righteousness.
    4. Vs.16 – Jehovah Tsidkenu” (The Lord our Righteousness)
      1. So far Jeremiah has revealed the Lord to us as: The Fountain of Living Waters(2:13); the Good Shepherd(23:4; 31:10); the Righteous branch(23:5); the Redeemer(50:34); the Lord our Righteous(23:6)& David the king(30:9);
      2. In (ch.23:5,6) the promise covered the king; here it expands to cover the city that it was said “this is Zion no one cares for her.”(30:17)
        1. 1st a title given to Messiah & now to Jerusalem. shows she(Jerusalem) is finally showing covenant holiness!
    5. Vs.17 – “Never lack a man on the throne” – will be profoundly fulfilled in Christ.
      1. Rev.11:15 "The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!"
      2. Rev.22:16 “I am the Root and the Offspring of David,”
      3. They’ll always “know some in high places!” – They’ll know the one on the throne!
        1. This is helpful for us to “know someone in high places”, not to get away with something, but to be heard!
    6. Vs.18 - Note: the promise for the city(10,11); the promise for the countryside(12,13); & the promise to Judah & Israel(15-18); & how each of the promises are fulfilled in Jesus Christ(the Branch)!
  6. PERMANENCE! (19-26)
    1. ​​​​​​​The destruction of Israel & Judah could lead to the accusation that God was a “covenant breaker”. How does God answer this?
    2. The promised dynasty will be permanent!
      1. As He kept His promise with Day & Night & the observation of the heavenly bodies.
        1. Gen.8:22 "While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease."
    3. God is the only Real “Promise Keeper!”
      1. What is the difference between a trustworthy God & a god who is fickle & impulsive?
        1. We take this for granted as Judeo Christians. The Greek gods were unsavory & untrustworthy characters who had to be tricked, overpowered or manipulated by magic if humans wanted their help.
        2. Oh, thank you God for your trustworthiness! You’re a Promise Keeper!
    4. God’s people at the time of judgment had a restoration to look forward to. As Christians, what do we have to look forward to in times of trouble?
      1. The hope of heaven; the return of Christ.
      2. “There is a strength in a heavenly hope that allows us to live by our principles w/o being concerned about immediate responses or setbacks.”
      3. God didn't promise an easy voyage, but a safe arrival.
    5. ​​​​​​​Next week we’ll look at a promise breaker in ch.34 & a promise keeper in ch.35.
Bibliographical Information
Bell, Brian. "Commentary on Jeremiah 33". "Bell's Commentary". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/cbb/jeremiah-33.html. 2017.
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