Lectionary Calendar
Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024
the Week of Proper 24 / Ordinary 29
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Bible Commentaries
Hebrews 2

Garner-Howes Baptist CommentaryGarner-Howes

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Verse 1


1) "Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed," (dia touto dei perissoteros prosechein hemas) "Therefore it behooves or becomes us more abundantly (even more diligently) to give heed, (attention);” O, to give heed to the Law and Word of the Lord, as it applies to each of us! The final expression of God’s Love and Mercy has been given thru Jesus Christ, his Son, to be esteemed in word and deed more highly than any man or angel; This is the exhortation of the writer, Deuteronomy 4:9; Acts 3:22-23; Luke 8:12-15; Romans 10:17.

2) "To the things which we have heard," (tois akoustheisen) "to the things heard," spoken to us; men are not only to take heed "what" they hear, but also "how" they hear, Mark 4:24; Luke 8:18. When Paul preached at Mars Hill there were three hearing responses:

1 - Some believed,

2 - Some mocked, and

3 - Some procrastinated, Acts 17:32-34.

3) "Lest at any time we should let them slip," (mepote pararu omen) "Lest we drift away” 1) Lot did, 2) David did, 3) The Prodigal son did, and 4) the Rich man in hell did; How about you? Luke 15:12-32; Luke 16:19-31, etc.

Men should give heed lest salvation be missed or rewards be lost, lest God be dishonored, and lest sorrows and regrets come to be their lot, Hebrews 9:26-27; Ecclesiastes 12:13-14.

One day the Master shall return and require an accounting of life’s decisions and deeds. Of that our Lord warned "take heed lest that day come upon you unaware," Luke 21:34.

Verse 2

1) "For if the word spoken by angels was steadfast," (ei gar ho di’ angelon laiotheis logos egento bebaios) "For if the word spoken through angels was firm or confirmed," Angels were so much inferior to Jesus, the Son of God, thru whom he now speaks. Satan and fallen angels, who steadfastly consorted in conniving collusion to take the throne of God, pursued their leader to his fall, and to their own, Ezekiel 28:11-19; Luke 10:18-20; Judges 1:6.

2) "And every transgression and disobedience," (kai pasa parabasis kai parakon) "And every law-breaking thought or deed and every (act of) disobedience:" Even fallen angels of God’s creation deserted, abandoned, or turned their back on their Divinely appointed habitation, with a view to seizing God’s throne, they were not held guiltless.

3) "Received a just recompence of reward," (elaben endikon misthapodosian) "Received a just (righteous) repayment, or retribution;" Judges 1:6; 2 Peter 2:4; 2 Peter 2:9; These were warnings for us, 2 Corinthians 10:11.

Some believe that this verse also alludes to the voice of angels (good angels) thru whom God spoke in the Law and the Prophets. It is true that words of Gabriel, Michael, and Cherubim and Seraphim were words of truth and that judgments they announced or reported to the prophets were accurate, merited strict respect, Deuteronomy 33:2; ; Galatians 3:19.

Verse 3

1) "How shall we escape," (pos hemeis ekpheuko ometha) "How shall we escape, flee away in fear;” or avoid the punishment corresponding to our offence against or neglect of the word of the Son of God who is greater than angels? This refers first to the chastening hand of judgement on the people of God, Hebrews 10:29; Hebrews 12:25; John 12:48

2) "If we neglect so great salvation," (telikautes amelesantes soterias) "Neglecting (continuously) so great a salvation;” neglect the call of its obligations of a Iife of gratitude and service to Him who saves us and calls, "follow me," Luke 9:23; Mark 8:36-37; Luke 12:45-48.

3) "Which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord," (hetis archen labousa laleisthai dia tou kuriou) "Which received a beginning being spoken of (originating from) the Lord," or "which salvation was first told, communicated by or from the Lord," to Adam, in or at the gate of the garden of Eden, Genesis 3:15-24; This may also allude to our Lord’s declaring himself to be the Saviour, the way, the truth, and the Life, John 8:24; John 14:6.

4) "And was confirmed to us by them that heard him," (hupo ton akousanton eis hermas ebebaiothe) "And the story of it was confirmed to us by the ones who heard," from Adam to Christ and from Christ to this moment. All true prophets preached that this salvation was obtained and retained by belief or trust in the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ, Acts 10:43; Deuteronomy 18:15-18; Isaiah 45:18; Isaiah 45:22; Isaiah 53:4-6; Luke 24:47-48; Acts 1:8; Acts 5:32.

For a sinner to neglect the gospel of salvation is even a greater neglect, 1 Peter 4:17-19.

Verse 4

1) "God also bearing them witness," (sunepimar-turountos tou theou) "With God bearing witness," in close affinity with their testimony, the testimony of the apostles who heard Christ thru all his ministry, and after his resurrection, to the hour of his ascension, Acts 1:20-21; Acts 2:43; Acts 14:3.

2) "Both with signs and wonders," (semeiois te kai terasin) "With both signs and wonders;” with miraculous demonstrations or verifications that they were his messengers, bearing his message, in his way, Acts 15:18-19; John 20:30-31. These certified that testimony of the witnesses was beyond any reasonable dispute, true or trustworthy.

3) "And with divers miracles," (kai poikilais dunamesin) "And by means of various (many kinds of) powerful or dynamic deeds," as recounted Acts 19:11-12. When the devil’s agents attempted to counterfeit this miracle type of Divine confirmation, they were left in naked humiliation, Acts 19:13-17.

4) "And gifts of the holy Ghost," (kai pneumatos hagios merismois) "And by distribution of the Holy Spirit;" 1 Corinthians 2:4-5; These gifts were divers in kind and distributed among church body, or church assembly, members as it pleased God, till the Bible was completed, as a perfect rule and word of confirmation or certification of the Lord’s free salvation, 1 Corinthians 12:12-31; 1 Corinthians 13:1-13.

5) "According to his own will," (kata ten autou thelesin) "According to or on the basis of his superior or divine will." God gave gifts to members of his church according to his own will and wisdom, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11; John 7:17; Ephesians 5:17.

Verse 5


1) "For unto the angels," (ou gar angelois) "For it is not to angels," such as once had jurisdiction over the world, Ezekiel 28:11-19.

2) "Hath he not put in subjection the world to come," (hupetaksen ten oikoumenen ten mellousan) "He subjected the coming (approaching) inhabited earth," the earth during the millennium; He did once make the world the habitation of angels, but they deserted it, hence it shall never again be under their subjection, but under the Lord Jesus Christ, Judges 1:6; Hebrews 2:9-14; 1 Corinthians 15:23-28.

3) "Wherefore we speak," (peri hetis laloumen) "About, (concerning) which we speak" or say these things, the subject about which he now proceeds to speak further, Hebrews 2:6-15; Revelation 11:15. The entire new order of the universe and its restitution, regeneration, and the coming jurisdiction of Christ over it is now introduced as follows:

Verse 6

1) "But one in a certain place testified saying," (diemarturato de pou tis legon) "But somewhere one solemnly witnessed, saying;” The Someone was perhaps David, from whom the direct quotation follows, Psalms 8:4-8; or Job, Job 7:17.

2) "What is man," (ti estin anthropos) "What is a man," a human being, what is he? How unworthy he is of Divine care, mercy, compassion and love; yet when ungodly, God loved him, and his Son gave himself for him, John 3:18; Romans 5:6-8.

3) "That thou art mindful of him?" (hoti mimneske autou) "that thou rememberest him?" With care, compassion, and lengthening of life, he remembers man, La 3:23; Acts 17:28.

4) "Or the son of man that thou visitest him?" (he huios anthropou hoti episkepte) "That thou observest him?" or "dost watch over him," dwelling with him, sustaining him, not giving up on him, Luke 1:68; Luke 1:78-79.

Verse 7

1) "Thou madest him a little lower than the angels," (elattosas auton brochu ti par’ angelous) "Thou madest him a little less than angels” a little less or lower in the sense that man is a creature, limited in his natural body, by time and space, till he returns to the earth, Genesis 3:17-19.

2) "And crownedst him with glory and honor," (dokse kai time estephanosas auton) "And with honor and glory thou didst crown him;" He was given dominion or jurisdiction over the earth by divine order, from his creation, Genesis 1:26-30.

3) "And didst set him over the works of thy hands; as cited above.

Verse 8

1)"Thou hast put aII things in subjection under his feet," (panta hupetaksas hupokato ton podon autou) "Thou subjectest all things under his feet," under his dominion or jurisdiction, Genesis 1:20-30; Genesis 9:23. Man was created to govern the earth, which habitation Satan deserted and cast into chaos, Ezekiel 18:11-18; Romans 8:20-23.

2) "For in that he put all in subjection under him," (ento gar hupotaksai (auto) ta panta) "For in the subjecting to him all things;” All the earth and its lakes, rivers, tributaries, forests, mountains and valleys, and every living creature for food or service was placed or given for man’s use or disposal, Genesis 1:26-30; Genesis 9:2-3; Psalms 8:6.

3) "He left nothing that is not put under him," (ouden apheken auto anupotakton) "He left not one thing unsubjected to him;” negatively, the writer asserts that nothing in, on, or of the world was withheld from the honor and glory of man’s jurisdiction, dominion, or government of and over it, in the purpose and will of God.

4) "But now we see not yet all things put under him," (nun de oupo horomen auto ta panta hupotetagmena) "But now (and hereafter) we (do) not yet observe all things having been subjected to him;" as they shall be one day after Jesus comes, 1 Corinthians 3:21-23; 1 Corinthians 15:23-28.

Verse 9


1) "But we see Jesus who was made a little lower than the angels," (ton de brachu ti par’ angelous elattomenon blepomen lesoun) "But we see Jesus, the one having been made a little less than angels," John 1:14; John 1:17, yet, who is greater than angels, 2 Corinthians 8:9-11, the writer asserts that, not to angels, but to man has been given the crown-right of earth’s rulership, which man lost thru sin but shall have restored to him thru the consummate redemption and restitution wrought in Jesus Christ.

2) "For the suffering of death," (dia to pathema tou thanatou) "Because of the suffering, (pathos) of death," even death of the soul; Isaiah 53:10-12; John 3:16.

3) "Crowned with glory and honor," (dokse kai time estephanomenon) "Crowned (having been) with glory and honor;” Thru the suffering of humiliation of Jesus he received from the Father restoration of the crown-right of honor and glory for man over all the earth, Philippians 2:7-11; Romans 8:17-18.

4) "That he by the grace of God," (hopos chanti theou) "So that by means, instrument, or provision of the grace of God," Romans 5:17.

5) "Should taste death for every man," (huper pantos geusetai thanatou) "He might taste death on behalf of every human being," or all men, 1 Timothy 2:5-6; 2 Corinthians 5:14; 2 Corinthians 5:21.

Verse 10

1) "For it became him," (eprepen gar auto) "For it was fitting, or proper for him," the creator of all things, John 1:1-3; 1 Corinthians 8:6; Luke 24:46.

2) "For whom are all things," (di honta panta)"Because of whom all things (exist)," and thru whom all things exist or are sustained, 1 Corinthians 3:21-23; Acts 17:28; Romans 11:36.

3) "And by whom are all things," (kai di’ hou ta panta) "And through whom all things (exist)," or hold together, Colossians 1:16-17; Ephesians 3:9.

4) "In bringing many sons unto glory," (pollpus huious eis doksan agagonta) "in leading many heir-sons to glory," to total redemption of soul and body, 2 Corinthians 1:5-10; Romans 8:32; 1 Corinthians 3:21-23; Romans 8:16-17.

5) "To make the captain of their salvation," (ton archegon tes soterias auton) "To make the author or originator of their salvation or (deliverance)" as heirs from the grave, Acts 3:15; Romans 8:11; Romans 8:23; Ephesians 1:13-14; Ephesians 4:30; Luke 13:32.

6) "Perfect through suffering," (dia pathematon teleiosai) "Complete, perfect, or consummated through suffering, Hebrews 12:2; Which was fulfilled in his Victory cry "It is finished," John 19:30; Hebrews 5:8-9; As he finished His Father’s work, so should all his children finish theirs, John 17:4; 2 Timothy 4:7.

Verse 11

1) "For both he that sanctifieth," (ho te gar hagiazon) "For both the one sanctifying," continuously, Hebrews 10:10; Hebrews 10:14. This one was and is Jesus Christ, who progressively sanctifies, "sets apart" his children for special service, Hebrews 13:12.

2) "And they who are sanctified," (kai hoi hagiazomenoi) "And the ones being sanctified," continually, or being made holy continually, by Divine call and by personal obedience to his call by their separated living, Hebrews 9:13-14; 1 John 1:7; Romans 12:1-2.

3) "Are all of one," (eks henos pantes) "Exist out of, or have their origin oi one," from God, the Father, of one new nature or new creation in Christ Jesus, Ephesians 2:10; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 3:28. This new nature is a Spiritual, sinless one, 1 John 3:9.

4) "For which cause he is not ashamed," (di’ hen aitian ouk epaischunetai) "Because of which he is not ashamed," does not blush or hesitate; reads, "go tell my brethren," John 20:17.

5) "To call them brethren," (adelphous autous kalein) "Repeatedly to call them brethren," to refer to or address them as brethren, even in his intercession before the throne of the Father, Psalms 22:22; Hebrews 7:25; ; Romans 8:29.


"How many brothers have you?" said a gentleman to a little boy. The child stated the number, adding, "and one in heaven." No, my son," interposed his mother, "you have no brother in heaven." "Yes, I have," said the boy; did you not tell me that God was my Father, and that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? Then He must be my brother in heaven."

Verse 12

1) "Saying, I will declare thy name," (lego apaggelo to onoma sou) "Saying, I will announce the name of each of you, my brethren, Psalms 22:22; Psalms 22:25.

2) "Unto my brethren," (tois adelphois mou) "To, toward, or unto my brethren," those in my presence, alluding to our Lord’s recognizing his brethren in the church, even after his resurrection, John 20:17; Matthew 28:10.

3) "In the midst of the church," (en meso ekklesias) "In (the) midst of (the) church, assembly, or congregation;" .

4) "Will I sing praise unto thee," (humneso se) "I will sing (a hymn or psalm) to or in thy presence;” This was fulfilled the night of our Lord’s betrayal, immediately after he had instituted His memorial Supper, often referred to as The Lord’s Supper, because it is to be done "in remembrance" of him, till he comes again, Matthew 26:30; Mark 14:22-26; Luke 22:19-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26.

Verse 13

1) "And again, I will put my trust in him," (kai palin ego esomai pepoithos eo’ auto) "And again I will be (exist) having trusted in him," in God the Father, whose will and work the Son came to do, and did, Psalms 18:2; Isaiah 12:2; Proverbs 3:3-5; Job 13:15. As Jesus came to do the will of his Father and "do always the things that please Him," so should his children, Philippians 2:5-7; Hebrews 12:1-2.

2) "And again, behold," (kai palin idou) "and what is more, further, or again, behold," what he has done, or said. Let what Jesus has done for us, to satisfy the Father, be our daily challenge to obedience, Isaiah 5:10-12.

3) "I and the children which God hath given me." (ego kai ta paidia ha moi edoken ho theos) "I and the children (little ones) whom God gave to me;" Isaiah 8:18; . Even though they acted badly at times; all even doubted at times, forsook him and fled; and Peter cursed in denying him; yet he loved, kept, prayed for, trusted men, and called them brethren, even after His resurrection. Then delivered to them (as His church) His Great Commission, and the New Covenant, to be with them to the end of the age, at which time he would come again and receive them to Himself forever, ; Luke 24:44-51, John 14:1-3; Acts 1:8-11.

Verse 14

1) "For as much then as the children," (epei oun ta paidia) "Since therefore the children," the children of age to be disciplined,

2) "Are partakers of flesh and blood," (kekoinoneken haimatos hai sarkos) "Have commonly shared (of) flesh and blood;” as subjects of and certain to have pain, suffering, trials, and eventual death, which depravity of the flesh holds within us, Leviticus 17:11; Romans 5:12-14; Hebrews 9:26-27.

3) "He also himself likewise took part of the same," (kai autos paraplesios meteschen ton auton) "He also himself shared the same things that are experiences of flesh and blood; John 1:14; Romans 8:3; Philippians 2:7. This he did without inherent sin of will or spirit, because God prepared a body for Him in which he might taste the sting of pain, sin, and death for all, Hebrews 2:9; Hebrews 10:5; 1 Timothy 2:5-6.

4) "That through death," (hina dia tou thanatou) "In order that through the experience of flesh and blood death;" John 10:18; 1 Peter 2:24; 1 Corinthians 15:1-3.

5) "He might destroy him that had the power of death," (katargese ton to kratos echonta tou thanatou) "The one having, holding, or possessing the might of death, he might conquer, or bring to defeat, 1 Corinthians 15:54-57; Colossians 2:15; 2 Timothy 1:10; Revelation 1:18. He now holds the keys of death and hell, as conqueror, forever.

6) "That is the devil," (tout estin ton diabolon) "This one is (exists as) the Devil," with unsurpassed earthly jurisdiction, as prince of this world for but a restricted time. It is he who incites or causes death, by impulsive actions and enticement to sin, 1 Peter 5:8; 1 John 3:8.

Verse 15

1) "And deliver them," (kai apallakse toutous) "And release these," the ones, those of flesh and blood, and eventual death, to which it brings all. Praise God there is deliverance, release, freedom from the restraints of sin and death effected thru faith in the resurrected Christ, Romans 8:11; 1 Corinthians 15:51-58.

2) "Who through fear of death," (hosoi phobothanatou) "Even as many as by fear of death;” The antecedent of the “as many" or "those who" are the "brethren" of Hebrews 2:11-12, of whom he is not ashamed to testify. Unbelievers are never released from "inherent fear," that is coexistent with a knowledge and guilt of personal sins unforgiven, Isaiah 57:20-21; Romans 8:15.

3) "Were all their lifetime subject to bondage," (dia pantos tou zen enochoi esan douleias) "Were throughout their (lives) involved in bondage or slavery," of fear, regarding death. As Adam confessed "I was afraid," from the first moment of his conscious guilt of personal sin, so do men, women, and little children still experience this soul-monitoring-fear that God sends to them in their conscious guilt. This sense of shame and guilt that brings fear is the voice of God’s compassionate Holy Spirit calling men to repentance for sin and faith in Jesus Christ, his offered redeemer for all. From this fear man never finds rest or release all his life, until and unless he comes to Jesus for it. Matthew 11:28; Romans 5:1; Romans 8:15; 2 Timothy 1:7.

Sin’s shackles are made of fear that has torments, forever and ever, to that person who stays in impenitence in time and eternity, Luke 16:24; Luke 16:28-31.

Verse 16

1) "For verily he took not on him the nature of angels;” (ou gar depou angelon epilambanetai) "For he takes or receives not, of course, (of the nature) of angels;” The nature or course of angels is not redemptive, but of service, Hebrews 1:14. And angels do not have flesh or procreate or reproduce.

2) "But he took on him," (alla epilambanetai) "But (in contrast) he takes hold of the nature or of the flesh-line order," the seed of Abraham’s flesh, according to Divine promise, Genesis 12:1-3.

3) "The seed of Abraham," (spermatos Abraam) "Of the seed-line (family) of Abraham;” from the thrice repeated promise that his seed should become a mighty nation thru whom all earth should be blessed - thru 1) Abraham, 2) Isaac, and 3) Jacob, .

Jesus is that promised redeemer, the redemptive seed of Abraham, Galatians 3:13-18.

Verse 17

1) "Wherefore in all things it behoved him," (hothen opheilen kata panta) "Whence (coming of this flesh line) he ought (or was due) by all means," or according to all things afore prophesied regarding this, Hebrews 4:15.

2) "To be made like unto his brethren," (tois adelphois homiothemai) "To become like to the (his) brethren," of the flesh, except he was without an inherited sin nature. In this he was "separate from sinners," Hebrews 7:26; Philippians 2:7.

3) "That he might become a merciful high priest,"(hina) "In order that or for the purpose that," (eleemon genetai kai pistos archiereus) "he might become a merciful and faithful high priest;" Hebrews 4:15; Hebrews 5:1-2. His priestly work is perpetual, continuous, or unceasing for his children.

4) "In things pertaining to God," (ta pros ton theon) "In things with regards to or relating to God;” in matters of intercessory and advocacy work, Hebrews 7:25; 1 John 2:1-2.

5) "To make reconciliation," (eis to hilaskesthai) "With reference to the making of propitiation," or satisfaction by first offering himself for all men, Isaiah 55:10-11; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21.

6) "For the sins of the people," (tas hamartias tou laou) "The sins of the people," of the masses of humanity, Isaiah 53:6; Isaiah 53:9; Isaiah 53:12; Galatians 3:13; 1 Peter 2:22; 1 Peter 2:24.

Verse 18

1) "For in that he himself hath suffered," (en ho gar peponthen autos) "For in what (the way) he himself suffered;” from the accursed cross, Galatians 3:13; He suffered for sin, "the Just for the unjust," 1 Peter 3:18.

2) "Being tempted," (peirastheis) "being tempted," or tested, Hebrews 4:15-16. On the mount of temptation he was tempted and he overcame by the Word, Matthew 4:1-10; Matthew 26:37-41; Hebrews 12:3.

3) "He is able to succour them that are tempted," (dunatoi tois peirazomenois boethesai) "He is able (dynamically empowered) to help those (who are) being tempted." In compassion, love, and mercy he understands and intercedes to the Father for his brethren in all their weaknesses; He makes a way thru the trials and storms of life, 1 Corinthians 10:13; Hebrews 13:5; Philippians 4:19; 1 Peter 5:7.


A fleet of a hundred vessels lay at anchor in a port of the Mediterranean, when a fearful storm burst upon them, and drove all save one upon the shore. The wonder was how that one could have held its anchorage. It was found that its anchor had grappled into another, which lay firmly embedded in the bottom of the sea. So the soul anchored to Christ will be able to out ride all the storms of temptation.

Bibliographical Information
Garner, Albert & Howes, J.C. "Commentary on Hebrews 2". Garner-Howes Baptist Commentary. https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/ghb/hebrews-2.html. 1985.
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