Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, October 27th, 2024
the Week of Proper 25 / Ordinary 30
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Bible Commentaries
Revelation 6

Garner-Howes Baptist CommentaryGarner-Howes

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Verse 1

THE SEVEN SEALS CONSIDERED, (Revelation 6:1-8) (Four Horsemen) (FIRST SEAL OPENED) v. 1, 2 White Horse Rides, A Peaceful Conquest.

Note: see also Introduction Revelation

1) "And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals," (kai eidon hote enoiksen to arnion mian ek ton hepta sphragidon) "And I saw (perceived) when the Lamb opened (broke) one of the seven seals;” under the breaking or opening of the seven seals, though disclosed to John from the heavenly throne, the scenes alternate from earth to heaven, as the judgments begin to be poured out or fall upon the earth. Ezekiel 2:9-10; Daniel 12:4.

2) "And I heard, as it were the noise of thunder," (kai ekousa hos phone brontes) "And I heard (a sound)similar to (that of) thunder;" the sound denoted a gathering storm of judgments that were to fall on the earth; the judgments describe, increasing intensity of horrors that are to come upon earth, though not necessarily in sequential or chronological order of separate events, Revelation 6:1-8.

3) "One of the four beasts saying," (henos ek ton tessaron zoon legontes) "One out of (from among) the four living creatures saying;" This living creature, perhaps a seraphim, representing the redeemed from among one of the world Gentile empires, called upon John to behold or witness what was to befall men on earth, as he the beast had given praise and honor and glory to God and the Lamb before the throne, Revelation 4:6-8; Revelation 5; Revelation 8; Ezekiel 1:3-28; Daniel 7:3-7.

4) "Come and see," (erchou) "Come thou, of thine own accord," And see for thyself. The term "and see," is omitted, does not appear, in the original language, yet it appears to be inferred as he was invited or commanded to direct his attention to the following. With this verse, "the things that shall be hereafter," after the church age, begin to be unveiled with gathering intensity of alternative judgments poured out on all creation below and relief glances back at the glory of the throne, Revelation 1:19.

Verse 2

1) "And I saw and behold a white horse," (kai eidon kai idou hippos lukos) "And I saw (I looked) and behold (there was) a white horse;” the horse was in action a symbol of war, and white denoted innocence, purity, and a royal victory cause.

2) "And he that sat on him had a bow," (kai ho kathemenos epi auton tokson) "And the one who was sitting upon it was holding a bow" an instrument of battle, warfare, but he, the rider, had no arrows; If, as it appears, the tribulation here begins, the rider would seem to be the antichrist riding as conquering peacemaker, without bloodshed at the first, Daniel 11:21; Daniel 11:23-24; Daniel 11:35-45.

3) "And a crown was given unto him," (kai edothe auto stepanos) "And a crown was given to him;” a position of rulership as a king; he was recognized as a ruler, Daniel 8:23-27. It appears that this rider is the antichrist coming in his own name with craft, cunning, and deception, John 5:43.

4) "And he went forth conquering," (kai ekselthen nikon) "And he went forth of his own will or accord, in his own behalf conquering," overcoming, as he gathered the masses to follow him. This is the mind of the arch-enemy of Jesus, his church, and Israel; He enters his innocent like reign by effecting a covenant with Israel for seven (7) years for her to restore her worship and temple sacrifice, but will break it in the midst of the time, Daniel 9:27.

5) "And to conquer," (kai hina nikese) "And in order that he might conquer," for the purpose of conquering." Note that deceptive treaties and negotiations (innocent white) in appearance, may become black in judgment; Deuteronomy 7:2-9; Daniel 11:32; Daniel 11:35-45. This antichrist character is first hid as if he were lily-white.

Verse 3

(THE SECOND SEAL DISCLOSED) v. 3, 4 The Red Horse Rides, Killing Begins

1) "And when he had opened the second seal," (kai hote enoiksen ten sphragida ten deuteron) "And when he (the Lamb) opened or broke the second seal;” the second of the seven heretofore concealed judgments, Revelation 5:11; Ezekiel 2:9-10; Daniel 12:4.

2) "I heard the second beast say," (ekousa tou deuterou zoon legantes) ’I heard the second (of the four) living creatures saying, inviting," Commanding or exhorting. These four living creatures, representing the redeemed from among the Gentile nations, who were never either in the church, or Israel’s covenant of worship and service, are used to announce pending deceit, craft, and judgment that is to fall on the earth in the tribulation, Revelation 4:6-8.

3) "Come and see," (erchou) "Come and observe, behold or see for yourself," come, if you will, or of your own accord. And John beheld and wrote, Revelation 1:19; Revelation 22:16; Revelation 22:18-19.

This chapter describes at length God’s final tribulation judgment upon rebellious man prior to the beginning of the Millennial reign. Tho details of judgment intensity are given on thru Revelation 6:1 to Revelation 19:21; This chapter leads to earthly kings’ confession "The great day of His wrath is come," alluding to his terminating the battle of Armageddon in a rapid moving judgment holocaust, Revelation 6:17.

Verse 4

1) "And there went out another horse that was red," (kai ekselthen allos hippos purros) "And there went forth another horse, one that was red;” crimson, signifying war and bloodshed, violent death.

2) "And power was given to him that sat thereon," (kai to kathemeno ep’ auton edothe auto) "And there was given over to him, delivered to him, that sat upon it" The "him" rider upon this appears to be the same rider of the white horse, who has turned from deception to forthright warfare to establish his dominion, as described by Daniel, Daniel 8:22-26.

3) "To take peace from the earth," (labein ten eirenen ek tes ges) "(administrative power) to take peace out of (away from) the earth," Daniel 11:21-24. The peace and flattery pledged by the first wave of power of the crowned prince white horse rider soon vanishes; Daniel 11:21; Daniel 11:23.

4) "And that they should kill one another," (kai hina allelous sphaksousin) "And or even to the extent that they shall slay (liquidate) one another," to make men slay one another, when he shall incite nation against nation, Matthew 24:7; Zechariah 14:13.

5) "And there was given unto him a great sword," (kai edothe auto machaira megale) "And there was given (delivered over to him) a great sword," an instrument of death. The rider had succeeded in securing the power of death over his enemies as a king absolute, Daniel 11:32-45.

Verse 5

(THE THIRD SEAL OPENED)v. 5, 6 The Black Horse Rides - Sweeping Famine

1) "And when he opened the third seal," (kai hote enoiksen ten sphragida ten triten) "And when he (the Lamb) opened the third seal," because he was worthy, Revelation 5:1-2; Revelation 5:9; He was worthy to open all the seals and is declared to be the one who shall one day judge the living and the dead, 2 Timothy 4:1.

2) "I heard the third beast say," (ekousa tou tritou zoou legontos) "I heard the third (of the four) living creatures saying," calling me to witness another coming calamity to men.

3) "Come and see, and I beheld," (erchou, kai eidon) "Come thou and see for thyself," - "and I saw" and told it like he saw it, Revelation 1:19.

4) "And lo a black horse," (kai idou hippos melas) "And behold, (there was) a black horse;” Black is typical of woe and mourning, with hunger and starvation, Revelation 6:8.

5) "And he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand," (kai ho kathemenos ep’ auton echon zugon en te cheiri autou) "And the one sitting (or riding) upon it (was) holding a balance in his hand;” the pair of balances were scales for careful weighing, denoting scarcity of commodities that the horse-man was dispensing or distributing, a condition so frequently experienced by men following wars; Ezekiel 5:1; all who follow’ this crowned - horse-rider, who switches horses four times, are weighed in the balances and found wanting, Daniel 5:27.

Verse 6

1) "And I heard a voice," (kai ekousa hosphonen)"And I heard a voice (a sounding) as a voice;” There was and is activity in heaven, around about the throne; The God upon the throne yet speaks to men thru his church, his spirit, and his children, Psalms 107:2; 2 Corinthians 5:20; Acts 1:8.

2) "In the midst of the four beasts say," (en meso ton tessaron zoon legousan) "in the midst of the four living creatures," from the central throne area, perhaps the voice of God himself who had warned "I will laugh when your calamity comes," because of their rejection of his mercy, Proverbs 1:22-32.

3) "A measure of wheat for a penny," (choiniks sitou denariou) "A measure (fixed weight) of wheat for a (denarius) a penny;” a time of rationing, restriction in dispensing, under absolute control of the antichrist, as later described, Revelation 13:14-17; Leviticus 26:26. - a measure is a quart - a penny (denarius) was one day of wages, paying enough for one man’s food need a day, not for any of his family.

4) "And three measures of barley for a penny," (kai treis choinikes krithon denariou) "And three measures of barley for a (denarius) penny;” three quarts of barley was for a penny (denarius) a day of wages - much as in the time of famine (starvation in Samaria) 2 Kings 7:1; 2 Kings 7:16; 2 Kings 7:18.

5) "And see thou hurt not the oil and the wine," (kai to elaion kai ton oinon me adikeses) "And do not hurt, harm, or disturb the oil and the wine," harm not the fruit of the vine of the oil - the elements of joy and gladness and peace, which are normally exhausted even before the wheat and the barley - if this be true and the voice that speaks from the throne is that of God, then it is -an example of God’s mocking his deliberate rejectors, Proverbs 1:26-29; Proverbs 21:17; Proverbs 29:1.

Verse 7

(THE FOURTH SEAL DISCLOSED) v. 7, 8 The Pale Horse Rides - Death and Horror

1) "And when he had opened the fourth seal," (kai hote enoiksen ten aphragida ten tetarten) "And when he (the Lamb) had opened, broken, or disclosed the fourth (of the seven) seal," of the sealed book within and without that only he was worthy to open, Revelation 5:1-2; Revelation 5:9.

2) "I heard the voice of the fourth beast say," (ekousa phonen tou tetartou zoou legontos) "I heard a voice of the fourth (the last of the four) living creature saying, inviting;" this is the fourth of the quartet of living creatures that joined the twenty-four elders earlier round about the throne, giving praise to God and the Lamb for creation and redemption, Revelation 4:9-11; Revelation 5:8-10.

3) "Come and see," (erchou) "Come thou and see, observe, or consider." John was called to behold the fourth horse, and last of the four-horsemen, riding the earth to bring divine judgments upon it.

Verse 8

1) "And I looked and behold a pale horse," (kai eidon kai idou hippos chloros) "And I saw, even beheld a pale (chloros) a pale-green horse;” symbolizing famine, pestilence, and death; The livid pale green color (Gk. chloros) is a term that describes the appearance of one who is terror-stricken, deathly sick, dying.

2) "And his name that sat on him was death," (kai ho kathemenos epano autou onoma auto (ho) thanatos) "And the one who sat upon it (the pale green horse) was named Death;” empowered by the Devil, the antichrist, the man of sin who appears to be described as the rider (same rider) of the four horses, his name exists as death, the death-bringing one, Hebrews 2:14.

3) "And hell followed with him," (kai ho hades akolouthei met’autou) "And hell followed (in association) with him;” Hell or hades, that followed (tracked, heeled) like a cow-dog, this "four-hat", horse rider, rider of the white, red, black and pale horses in judgment, is himself trailed by Hell, his eventual destiny, Isaiah 14:9; Matthew 25:41.

4) "And power was given unto him over the fourth part of the earth," (kai edothe autois eksousia epi to tetarton tes ges) "And there was given to them (given over to them) administrative authority over the fourth (part) of the earth;” Though the earthly horrors and judgments inflicted by the warlords or four horsemen seem to cover the earth, it appears that the last or most intense of the judgments, like an earthquake or tornado shall center on one fourth of the populated earth in following form.

a) "To kill," (apokteinai) "To kill," and keep on killing. a) "with the sword," (en hromphaia) "With the instrument of the sword," in a fierce, bloody war.

b) "and with hunger," (kai en limo) "And with the instrument of hunger or starvation," withholding food, as food shortage and famines usually follow wars, Revelation 13:16-17.

c) "And with death," (kai en thanato) "And with a physical, emotional, and mental type of death," stalking the living like a starving lion, 1 Peter 5:8.

d) "And with the beasts of the earth," (kai hupo ton therion tes ges) "And under terror by the vicious wild, carnivorous flesh eating beasts of the earth.

Verse 9

(THE FIFTH SEAL OPENED) v. 9-11 The Martyred Remnant Cry

1) "And when he had opened the fifth seal," (kai hote enoiksen ten pempten sphragida) "And when he (the Lamb) had opened or disclosed the fifth seal;” Let it be remembered that five is the number of grace. So under the fifth of (Grace-Seal) may be expected a vision of the victory of grace, John 1:17; Romans 3:24.

2) "I saw under the Altar," (eidon hupokato tou thusiasteriou) "I saw underneath the altar, the place of sacrifice;” or place of petition, intercession. Note that John’s eyes turned from judgments on earth, under the first four seals, to heaven, before the heavenly alter, Revelation 8:3.

3) "The souls of them that were slain," (tas psuchas ton esphagmenon) "The souls of those that were having been slain;” The souls of the redeemed of those having been slain are here beheld as under the safety or security or protection of the blood of the altar, where Christ with his own blood has entered for his own.

4) "For the Word of God," (dia ton logon tou theou) "On account of the word of God," the living Christ and his written word. These appear to be martyr saints of Israel, those who had stood and died for the word of God they were bearing, Hebrews 11:32-40; Acts 7:52; Acts 7:58-60; And martyred Saints of the church in this age, from Stephen, James, etc. until today, Acts 7:60; Acts 12:1.

5) "And for the testimony which they held," (kai dia ten marturian hen eichon) "And on account of (because of) the martyr-testimony or witness which they had or held as redeemed martyr Saints of Israel’s program of worship and service under Israel’s covenant and Martyr Saints for the church of Jesus Christ in this age, and those martyr redeemed from Gentiles of all nations but never became saints or participants in either Israel or the church’s covenant worship, Revelation 7:9-17.

Verse 10

1) "And they cried with a loud voice, saying," (kai ekraksa n phone megale legontes) "And they cried with a great, loud or megaphone-like voice, saying;” The "they" is the redeemed who had been martyred for the testimony of their Lord, who are anxious for righteous judgment vengeance against the wicked murderers of all times, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14.

2) "How long, O Lord, holy and true," (heos pote ho despotes ho hagios kai alethinos) "Until when, at what time, O absolute master, the holy and true one;” the Master who has majestic power of a despot to precipitate or pour out final judgment upon all enemies of truth, Acts 17:30-31; 2 Timothy 4:1; John 5:30; Revelation 3:7.

3) "Dost thou not judge and avenge our blood," (ou krineis kai ekdikeis to hima hemon) "Dost thou not judge and even avenge our blood;” The pouring out of the tribulation the great judgments upon the earth is here referred toas "avenging the blood" of martyrs, as the Lord delays his coming io the earth to end the Battle of Armageddon and to begin his reign, Hebrews 10:36-37; 2 Thessalonians 1:4-10; Matthew 24:30; Luke 21:27; 1 Corinthians 15:24.

4) "On them that dwell on the earth," (ek ton katoikounton epi te ges) "Out upon those dwelling upon the earth," those who have taken the side of the world and the devil against the cause of Jesus Christ, his Word, and his church, Revelation 11:17-18; Revelation 19:2.

Verse 11

1) " And white robes were given unto everyone of them," (kai edothe autois hekassto stole leuke) "And there was doled out to each of them a white (stole) robe; symbol of their righteous fidelity to their Master, even unto death, as individuals; only a remnant (a part) of the redeemed had been slain, Revelation 2:10; Revelation 3:5.

2) "And it was said unto them," (kai errethe autois) "And it was said to them” announced to each and all of them in their impatience, 2 Corinthians 3:8; Revelation 22:12.

3) "That they should rest for a little season," (hina anapausontai eti chromon mikron) "in order that (so that) they might rest (for) yet a short period," until the latter part or last (42 months) of Daniel’s seventieth week was finished, at which time he should return with his saints to begin his reign over all the earth, Daniel 12:10-13; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10; Zechariah 14:1-9.

4) "Until their fellow servants also, and their brethren," (heos hoi sundouloi auton kai hoi adelphoi) "Until their fellow servants and their brethren," their colleague church brethren and their (other) brethren-not colleagues with them in covenant worship and church service, 1 Corinthians 10:32; Ephesians 3:21.

5) "That should be killed as they were," (hoi mellontas apoktennesthai hos kai antoi) "Those about to be killed as also they had been killed;” those redeemed who were on earth but would refuse to take the mark or name of the beast to themselves to worship and follow will be killed during the last part of the tribulation, Revelation 13:15-17; Revelation 20:4; Luke 18:7-8.

6) "Should be fulfilled,"(plerothosin kai) "Might also be fulfilled," or come to be; There seems to be no virtue in our Lord’s warning against the need of his children’s escaping this hour of earth’s great judgment if it were not possible for them to do so; Luke 21:34-36; Revelation 20:4; James 5:8; 1 Peter 4:19.

Verse 12

(THE SIXTH SEAL DISCLOSED) v. 12-17 Pending Judgment and Cries of the Mighty

1) "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal," (kai eidon hote enoiksen ten sphragida ten hekten) "And I saw or recognized when he (the Lamb) had opened or broken the sixth (of the seven) seals;” because he was worthy, Revelation 5:2; Revelation 5:9; Revelation 5:12. Let it be observed that the number “ six" is the number of man in his unregenerate state of enmity against God, Revelation 13:18; Daniel 3:1; 1 Samuel 17:4.

2) "And, lo, there was a great earthquake," (kai seismos megas egeneto) "And there became (existed) a great earthquake," seismographic upheaval, Matthew 24:7; Matthew 24:29. While earthquakes occur and recur as natural judgmental causes and results of sin in the created universe they are to increase until the end of the time of the tribulation the great when this mighty, final quake comes, heralding the coming of our Lord to the earth, in power and great glory, Matthew 24:30-31.

3) "And the sun became black as sackcloth of hair," (kai ho helios egeneto megas hos sakkos trichinos) "And the sun became black as (much like) or similar to sackcloth made of hair," apparently resulting from atmospheric disturbances resulting from the mighty earthquake; of this, "The day of the Lord," Joel prophecied, Joel 2:1; Joel 2:10.

4) "And the moon became as blood," (kai he selene hole egeneto hos haima) "And the whole (the entire) moon became as (in appearance like) blood;” a reddening of the moon appears as-a full moon in a time of total eclipse, Joel further described this terrible prelude of earthly upheaval and cataclysmic catastrophe that heralds the coming of our Lord to the earth in judgment, Joel 2:30-31; Isaiah 24:21-23.

Verse 13

1) "And the stars of heaven," (kai hoi asteres tou ouranou) "And the stars of the star-heaven," the heaven or firmament where the stars follow fixed orbits; Isaiah 13:6-11 describes this howling calamity and cry of people who are unprepared for the Day of the Lord in his judgment fury.

2) "Fell unto the earth," (epesan eis ten gen) "Fell into the earth," dropped from the star-studded place of their normal stay in the star heaven to the accursed earth, Ezekiel 32:7-10. The judgments of God are here pronounced on Christ-rejecting Israel, the man of sin, and all who have come under his control.

3) "As a fig tree casteth her untimely figs," (hos suke ballei tous olunthous autes) "As or like a fig-tree throws off its unripe winter figs," from every limb and part of the branches are bare, and the tree is without fruit. In connection with this event, in a later record, the great star’s fall brought death to rivers and fountains of water, Revelation 8:10-11; Jeremiah 9:15.

4) "When she is shaken of a mighty wind," (hupo anemou megalou seiomen) "Being shaken by a very strong wind," a gale, leaving her branches empty, without fruit - In like manner it appears that the former star-heaven is left without stars, in total darkness, following this mighty earthquake, and earthshaking judgment at or about the time of the advent or descent of our Lord to the earth, on the Mount of Olives, Zechariah 14:4; Isaiah 52:7-12.

Verse 14

1) "And the heavens departed," (kai ho ouranos apechoristhe) "and the heaven or firmament unrolled," came loose, unloosed; Isaiah 34:4 describes this awesome event - this time of indignation of the Lord.

2) "As a scroll when it is rolled together," (hos biblion helissomenon) "As (similar to) a rolled up tight scroll.” This appears to describe the termination of the planet heaven as Jesus descends thru it with his bride and the resurrected redeemed of the ages to end Armageddon and begin his thousand year reign on the earth, Luke 1:31-33; Acts 15:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:24-26; Revelation 5:9-13.

3) "And every mountain and island," (kai pan oros kai nesos) "And every mountain and island," all the mountains of the earth and islands of the sea; High places, elevated places and positions of power, and isolated islands and positions of power, were brought low by this mighty earthquake as the presence of Christ rushed forward, Revelation 1:7.

4) "Were moved out of their places," (ek ton topon auton ekinethesan) "Were moved out of their locations;" their positions of imagined stability, Revelation 16:20; Jeremiah 3:23.

Verse 15

1) "And the kings of the earth," (kai hoibasi leis tesges) "Even the kings of the earth," the majestic rulers of earth - Seven types of men with fear-gripped souls, terrified and in panic faced with the indignation of God, cried, but it was too late, Proverbs 1:22-31; Romans 2:4-9.

2) "And the great men," (kai hoi megistanes) "And the great ones," celebrities, persons of earthly prestige and influence, princes, courtiers of high degree in political life.

3) "And the rich men," (kai hoi plousiou) "And the rich or wealthy ones," like the rich man in hell who prayed and pled too late, Proverbs 27:1; Proverbs 29:1; Luke 16:19-31.

4) "And the chief captains," (kai hoi chiliarchoi) "And the high-standing, ruling, high-ranking captains," as Pharaoh, who in defiance of God, was drowned in the Red Sea, Exodus 14:18-28; Exodus 15:4.

5) "And the mighty men," (kai hoi ischuroi) "And the strong (the olympic or athletic type) ones," those possessing great body strength and agility, who waited too long to flee to God, Hebrews 4:7.

6) "And every bondman," (kai pas doulos) "And all servants," all whose livelihood is from their own toil, who yet, were slaves of Satan and sin; terror gripped their souls too, Proverbs 14:12.

7) "And every free man," (kai eleutheros) "And every free, independent, or earthly liberated person;” free-born in the sense of not being an earthly slave; yet in bondage to sin having rejected the Christ, cry, but too late, Proverbs 1:22-30.

8) "Hid themselves in the dens," (ekrupson heautous eis ta spelaia) "Hid themselves in the caves," or "themselves crept into the caves," like wild animals fleeing in fear for their lives, 1 John 4:18; Hebrews 2:14-15.

9) "And in the rocks of the mountains," (kai eis tas petras ton oreon) "And themselves they hid (crept) into the rocks," in fear and terror, as their souls had been all their lives – Hebrews 2:15; Isaiah 57:20-21.

Verse 16

1) "And said to the mountains and rocks," (kai legousin tois oresin kai tois petrais) "And they say to the mountains and to the rocks," the "they" who talk to the rocks and mountains are "they" of the preceding verse, those who were unsaved and unprepared to meet God, Amos 4:12; Acts 17:30-31; Proverbs 29:1.

2) "Fall on us," (pesete eph’ hemas) "Fall ye upon us," "Come heaving down over us;” Facing the wrath of God out of fear these desired to die, preferred to be annihilated, rather than to face God in judgment, yet after fear and death there is a judgment to meet, Hebrews 9:27.

3) "And hide us," (kai krupsate hemas) "And hide”, conceal us;” Hosea 10:8; Luke 23:30; Isaiah 2:10; Isaiah 2:19; Isaiah 2:21. Yet there is no hiding place from God, for the all-seeing all penetrating eye and all knowing God shall be there in wrath, Psalms 139:12; Hebrews 4:13.

4) "From the face of him that sitteth on the throne," (apo prosopou tou kathemenou epi tou thronou) "Away from the face-view of him that sitteth upon the throne; Isaiah 2:19; These rebels against God know that he is on the throne, though they have not heretofore acted that way, Hebrews 1:3; Colossians 3:1; Revelation 4:2; Revelation 4:8-9; Romans 2:4-9; Revelation 20:11.

5) "And from the wrath of the Lamb," (kai apo tes orges tou arniou) "And from the wrath or fury of the Lamb," or his rejected mercy, offered pardon, and salvation, Proverbs 1:22; Proverbs 1:30; The Lamb whose call to personal salvation from eternal wrath had been rejected, Proverbs 29:1; Isaiah 53:4-6; Jeremiah 11:14; 2 Thessalonians 1:6-9.

Verse 17

1) "For the great day of his wrath is come," (hoti he hemera he megale tes orges auton) "Because the great day of their wrath came," has come - as John sees and describes it in awe; It is great because of 1)the number of people involved, 2) the fear, terror and panic in them, 3) the Lamb upon the throne, once their Savior, but now their Judges , , 4) because of the issue they faced - who should be able to stand? The final destiny of the earthly living is to be sealed in their Armageddon death as Christ rejectors, Isaiah 13:6; Matthew 24:8.

2) "And who shall be able to stand?" (kai tis dunatai stathenai) "And who is dynamic, (powerful enough) to stand," or to bear-up under it? This is a rhetoric question, expressing a cry of total futility and helplessness on the part of the cave-hiding and mountain-hiding unsaved and or unprepared, at the hour of this great tribulation judgment that is to come on all the earth. The final, tribulation, Armageddon, judgment-wrath of God, in physical manifestation, will usher most of earth’s unregenerate rebels through death, into hell to await the white throne judgment, following the Millennial reign of Christ on the earth, Isaiah 2:10-22; Malachi 3:2; 2 Thessalonians 1:6-9; Revelation 16:12-17; Revelation 19:11-21; Isaiah 33:14; Psalms 76:7; Nahum 1:6; Romans 14:11-12.

Bibliographical Information
Garner, Albert & Howes, J.C. "Commentary on Revelation 6". Garner-Howes Baptist Commentary. https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/ghb/revelation-6.html. 1985.
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