Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Commentaries
Isaiah 43

Haydock's Catholic Bible CommentaryHaydock's Catholic Commentary

Verse 1

And. Notwithstanding the sins of his people, God will deliver them, that they may be his witnesses, ver. 10. (Calmet) --- Name. As an intimate friend, (Haydock) or slave, chap. xlix. 1. (Calmet) --- God grants grace without any preceding merit. (Worthington) --- Forerius explains this mostly of the Gentile church, though it regards the converted Jews. (Houbigant)

Verse 2

Waters. In every emergency, God will protect thee, (Calmet) as he did the three children. [Daniel iii.] (Haydock) --- He will suffer none to perish, without their own fault. Hence the Church still continues pure. (Worthington)

Verse 3

Ethiopia. Hebrew, "Chus," the isle of Meroe, (Grotius) or the country bordering on the Red Sea, chap. xlv. 14. These were given to indemnify Cyrus. They obtained their liberty to return home, after 40 years, Ezechiel xxix. 11.

Verse 4

Eyes, by a gratuitous choice. --- Men. Chaldeans, &c.

Verse 5

East. Babylon. --- West. The island beyond the Mediterranean.

Verse 6

North. Assyria. --- South. Egypt. The captives returned from these countries under Cyrus, Alexander the Great, &c., so that before the coming of Christ, Judea was as well peopled as ever. (Calmet)

Verse 7

Calleth. Hebrew, "is called by my name." (Protestants) (Haydock) --- My people’s chastisements and liberation prove my divine perfections.

Verse 8

Ears. Yet will not hear, (Calmet) or who are miraculously healed. (Haydock) --- It seems rather to mean idolatrous nations, (ver. 9.; Calmet) or rebellious Jews. (Forerius) (Houbigant)

Verse 9

Former. The pagans were little acquainted with antiquity. Such researches lead to the knowledge of the true religion. (Haydock) --- Truth, if they can produce any true prophecy.

Verse 10

Witnesses. The history of the Israelites was sufficient to shew who was God. (Calmet) --- Thus the establishment of Christianity manifests its truth. (St. Augustine, City of God xxii. 6.) --- Septuagint add, "and I am witness." (Haydock)

Verse 12

One idol, to announce what would happen.

Verse 14

Bars. Septuagint, "fugitives." Theodotion, "strong ones." --- Glorying. Septuagint, "shall be bound in ships," to be sent beyond the Caspian Sea. (Calmet) --- Cyrus was victorious for the sake of God’s people; for he will not neglect his Church. (Worthington)

Verse 16

Waters. of the Jordan and the Red Sea, in the latter of which Pharao perished, ver. 17.

Verse 19

New. I shall work the like miracles as were seen in the wilderness.

Verse 20

Chosen. We know not that rivers were found in Arabia. But the people were equally favoured. Christ facilitates the road to heaven by his example and graces, while the most savage tempers are changed in baptism.

Verse 23

Incense. My kindness is gratuitous. In a strange land, thou couldst not offer sacrifice. See chap. xlviii. 9., and xlix. 1. (Calmet)

Verse 24


Iniquities. Thou hast shewn the greatest ingratitude. (Haydock) --- Yet I will save thee.

Verse 26

Thyself. God condescends to act thus with men, chap. xli. 20., and Osee iv. 1.

Verse 27

First father. Adam, (Lyranus) or rather Abraham sinned, by diffidence, (Genesis xv. 8.; St. Jerome) or was formerly an idolater, Josue xxiv. 2. (Genebrard, the year of the world 2049) (St. Augustine, City of God xvi. 12.) (Calmet) (Tirinus) --- Teachers. Literally, "interpreters," (Haydock) Moses and Aaron, Numbers xx. 9. (Calmet) --- All the patriarchs and teachers sinned, till Christ, the immaculate lamb, appeared. Adam engaged all in guilt. (Worthington)

Verse 28

Profaned, or declared such, (Haydock) Nadab, &c., (Leviticus x. 1.; Calmet) or Moses and Aaron. (Menochius) --- Septuagint, "and the princes defiled my holy things." (Haydock) --- Slaughter. Hebrew, "anathema." Yet I will re-establish all. (Calmet)

Bibliographical Information
Haydock, George Leo. "Commentary on Isaiah 43". "Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/hcc/isaiah-43.html. 1859.
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