Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Commentaries
2 Samuel 15

Peake's Commentary on the BiblePeake's Commentary

Verses 1-37

2 Samuel 15:1 to 2 Samuel 16:14 . Revolt of Absalom. Flight of David (J).

2 Samuel 15:1-6 . Absalom makes himself popular by professing an interest in the litigation of the people.

2 Samuel 15:7-12 . After four years (so read with Syr. and some texts of LXX), having obtained the king’ s permission on a false pretext, Absalom goes to Hebron and organises revolt.

2 Samuel 15:12 . Giloh: Joshua 15:51.

2 Samuel 15:13-29 . 2 Samuel 15:17 f. should be emended on the basis of LXX (so Driver and others), giving the following: David leaves Jerusalem with his ministers and officers, “ servants” ; they take their stand by the last house E. of the city, that the rest of David’ s partisans may pass before them. The general body come first, then the bodyguard of foreign mercenaries, the rear of the latter being brought up by a recent reinforcement under Ittai of Gath. David offers Ittai the opportunity of leaving him; he refuses. The fugitives pass on amidst the lamentation of the people; David stands by the brook Kidron and watches them pass on toward the olive-tree in the wilderness; 2 Samuel 15:23 should be read thus, with SBOT, etc. 2 Samuel 15:24 must be emended to read, “ And behold, also Zadok and Abiathar carrying the ark of God, and they set down the ark until all the people had done passing out of the city.” David bids them take the Ark back to the city. Yahweh could give him victory without this talisman, just as well as with it. This act shows that David had reached a more spiritual view of religion than that which had been generally held; his example would tell on others. At any rate, we hear nothing more of the Ark being carried to war; little importance need be attached to the obscure passage, 2 Chronicles 35:3. David arranges with the priests for their two sons to act as spies.

2 Samuel 15:27 . Art thou not a seer: read, “ Behold do thou.”

2 Samuel 15:30-37 . David arranges for Hushai the Archite ( Joshua 16:2), “ David’ s friend” (so LXX), his confidential adviser, an official title, to remain in Jerusalem as his secret agent and to attach himself to Absalom— become Absalom’ s “ Friend.”

Bibliographical Information
Peake, Arthur. "Commentary on 2 Samuel 15". "Peake's Commentary on the Bible ". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/pfc/2-samuel-15.html. 1919.
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