Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Commentaries
2 Chronicles 10

Hawker's Poor Man's CommentaryPoor Man's Commentary

Verse 1


We enter upon the history of Rehoboam in this chapter. He begins his reign with rejecting the counsel of the elders, and following youthful advice. Ten of the tribes of Israel revolt. He fleeth to Jerusalem.

2 Chronicles 10:1

We have this history almost word for word as it is here, 1 Kings 12:0 . I therefore would refer the Reader to consult what is there said.

Verses 2-15

I have purposely gone through all these verses in one reading before that I offered any Commentary upon them in order to come to this last verse, which explains the whole; the cause was of God. It is of the highest importance in life, amidst all the concerns of it, the smallest, and apparently most inconsiderable, as well as the greatest, and those which carry consequence with them, that we never suffer our minds to lose sight of the Lord's hand. He ordereth all things according to the counsel of his own will. Hence we find Rehoboam following the rash; ill advised counsel of young men, and slighting the ripened judgment of years. And Reader! are there not a thousand Rehoboams in life who prefer the pursuit of things temporal to the grand and momentous concern of things which are eternal; who are wise, according to their judgment of things, for a moment, and foolish for eternity!

Verses 16-19

If we read this spiritually, and with an eye to Jesus, is not the language of every unawakened man similar to this, We have none inheritance in the son of Jesse. Alas! how was this fulfilled in the instance of the Jews at the crucifixion of Jesus! precious Lord Jesus! how did thy prayer bring down mercy to turn many of them from the error of their ways, when those among them who had been most clamorous, crying out, Crucify, crucify him! at the day of Pentecost, were pricked at the heart, and then their language was, Men and brethren, what shall we do? Acts 2:37 .

Verse 19


IF in perusing the page of Rehoboam's folly we stand amazed to see the blindness and infatuation of such conduct; how much more may we be astonished at the folly and infatuation of sinners in rejecting the counsel of God against their own souls, and preferring the pleasures of sin for a season. Oh! ye simple ones (is the language of wisdom in the streets of the city) how long will ye love simplicity, and scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge! Surely the sinner that slights Jesus and his salvation is simple to the utmost possibility of simplicity. He hath no true knowledge to guide him. He prefers the hollow and empty husks of the world to durable riches and righteousness. The sinful pleasures of the earth are to him preferable to Jesus and his grace and glory. Could a man make a mock at sin, if he were not a fool? Could he sport with that which must end in ruin if he were not blind, and ignorant, and senseless, and stupid? Precious Jesus! thou that art wisdom itself. Oh! give us to see, to know, to appreciate rightly thy value, and to be thoroughly convinced of this, that Happy is the man that findeth thee; for thy merchandise is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain of thee more than fine gold.

Bibliographical Information
Hawker, Robert, D.D. "Commentary on 2 Chronicles 10". "Hawker's Poor Man's Commentary". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/pmc/2-chronicles-10.html. 1828.
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