Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, July 27th, 2024
the Week of Proper 11 / Ordinary 16
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Bible Commentaries
2 Chronicles 9

Hawker's Poor Man's CommentaryPoor Man's Commentary

Verse 1


This chapter, which closes the history of Solomon's reign, gives the most brilliant account of his greatness. His fame brings to his court the Queen of Sheba. Here is the relation of the interview between them; Solomon's riches; his death.

Verses 1-12

The account here given of the visit of the queen of Sheba is so exact with that given in 1 Kings 10:0 that I think it needless to detain the Reader, but rather to refer him to that scripture, and the Commentary upon it. Oh! what a reproach is it now, and what an everlasting condemnation will it be in the world to come, to thousands, and tens of thousands, who so far from taking a long and wearisome journey, as this poor woman did, to hear the wisdom of Solomon, cannot be prevailed upon to hear and regard the wisdom of Solomon's Lord, though held forth in a preached gospel every sabbath-day.

Reader! do not overlook what was pointed at in the account of this woman's conduct, in the former relation of her history, how sweet an emblem she is of the coming sinner, in whose heart the Holy Ghost hath given information, and raised a desire of enquiry concerning the Lord Jesus Christ. Neither let you and I overlook in the view here given of Solomon's condescension, the still greater grace and condescension of our Jesus, in discoursing with poor sinners, and eating with them. How astonished was the queen of the south in that the king of Israel told her all that she desired. But how abundantly more is the sinner overwhelmed with astonishment, when the Lord Jesus opens to his view all that passed within, and removes all his fears, and anxieties, and gives him a confidence in Jesus which he apprehended he should never posses. Reader! what are your thoughts of our almighty Solomon concerning these things? Have you heard, as the queen of the South did, of the fame of our Solomon! are you come to prove him with hard questions! have you indeed been with Jesus! and hath he told you all that was in your heart! oh! then I need not tell you for you can better tell me, your astonishment. Surely you will conclude as she did, and yet infinitely higher will he your conclusion; the half of his greatness and wisdom hath never been told you. And of his love you could have had no conception. Go home then, Reader, as the queen did to her country, go home to thine house, spread abroad his fame, invite thousands and tens of thousands to come to him, and prove him themselves, that he is infinite in council and might. Let the fathers to the children make known his praise.

Verses 13-28

What an astonishing relation is here given of the riches, and splendor, and power, and sovereignty of Solomon. Surely never was there a king among the sons of men of equal grandeur and magnificence. And yet what is all this compared to the durable riches and righteousness of Jesus? All that Solomon possessed, he tells us himself, was but vanity. But Jesus's gifts are solid, and not liable to decay. I will cause those that love me (saith Jesus) to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures. Proverbs 8:21 .

Verses 29-31

Pause, Reader! and in the account of the death of Solomon, learn to make a true estimate of human life. Alas! what can be the real intrinsic value and importance of all things here below, bounded as they are within the transitory existence of threescore and ten years, and those years liable to be cut short by numberless causes every moment! Oh! Lord, teach me, teach every Reader that gracious lesson, so to number our days as to apply our hearts unto wisdom. Psalms 90:12 .

Verse 31


READER! it is truly interesting to behold the queen of the South coming from her own country, excited by the fame of Solomon to seek after his wisdom. But how much more truly interesting is it when we consider that the Holy Ghost herein beautifully represents the coming of the whole gentile church to the light of Jesus, and kings to the brightness of his rising.

It forms a subject in which every intelligent Reader cannot but feel pleased to behold the friendship between Solomon and the queen of Sheba, when he imparted to her of all her heart desired, and she presented to him the treasures of gold of Ophir, and precious stones, and algum trees. But how infinitely higher in delight doth the subject arise in our view, when we behold in this a lively representation of Jesus our Solomon receiving the poor gentile church, and every individual sinner among his redeemed ones, with his poor offerings, and bartering his grace, and wisdom, and love, with all the riches of his redemption in the wonderful exchange!

And Reader! while we look at Solomon in all the splendor in which he is here described, and before we take our farewell of him, shall we not be led from the view of him as far as the shadow goes, to the contemplation of Jesus the substance, of whom in many instances he was a lively type. Our Christ, as well as Solomon after the flesh, was the son of David; and sure I am, that as the Lord sent by Nathan to have Solomon named Jedidiah, beloved of the Lord, a voice from heaven proclaimed our Jesus under this glorious character, the beloved and only begotten Son of God, in whom Jehovah was well pleased. And who can read the account of the wisdom of Solomon, as wiser than all the men of the east, without having their thoughts directed to the contemplation of that Solomon in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge! who can behold the extensiveness of Solomon's empire, of whom it is said that the Lord gave him a largeness of heart, even as the sand which is on the sea shore: without immediately being led to consider the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion and whose power ruleth over all. Solomon was indeed the richest of all princes of the earth; for silver was as the stones of the street in Jerusalem. But what is this in comparison of the unsearchable riches of Christ! Solomon had a reign of peace during his life, and his subjects were happy under his government. But Jesus is himself, by way of emphasis called the prince of peace; for the sceptre of his kingdom is altogether righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. And if Solomon built by divine appointment the temple of the Lord, did not our Jesus himself become both the builder and the temple; for all his people are built on Jesus, the chief corner stone. He it is of whom alone it ever could be said, He shall build the temple of the Lord, and he shall bear the glory! Hail! holy, glorious, gracious, blessed Jesus! a greater indeed than Solomon is here. Thou art higher and more excellent than the kings of any land. Thou art the man whose name is the Branch, Under thee and thy government we shall be safe. All power is thine in heaven and in earth. Thy name shall endure forever. Thy name shall be continued as long as the sun. Men shall be blessed in thee. All nations shall call thee blessed. Blessed be thy glorious name forever; let the whole earth be filled with thy glory. Amen, and amen.

Bibliographical Information
Hawker, Robert, D.D. "Commentary on 2 Chronicles 9". "Hawker's Poor Man's Commentary". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/pmc/2-chronicles-9.html. 1828.
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