Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, July 27th, 2024
the Week of Proper 11 / Ordinary 16
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Bible Commentaries
Numbers 29

Hawker's Poor Man's CommentaryPoor Man's Commentary

Verse 1


The same subject is carried on, through this Chapter, which formed a part of the former, namely, the repeating the laws to be observed on the solemn seasons. Here are directions given concerning the festivals of the seventh month; the feast of trumpets; the feast of expiation; and the feast of tabernacles.

Verses 1-6

Concerning this feast of trumpets, which had so much in it of a gospel signification, when the great trumpet of salvation should be blown, and they should come which were ready to perish; I do not think it necessary to swell this Commentary, by repeating observation, which have been already offered in it, I only refer the Reader to what was said on Leviticus 23:0 , from Leviticus 23:23 , and to the Chapter itself, that by comparing scripture with scripture, the instructions conveyed under both may be the better understood.

Verses 7-11

Here also, I refer the Reader to Leviticus 16:29-31 . And also, Leviticus 23:27 .

Verses 12-38

This feast of tabernacles immediately followed the day of atonement, and no doubt in the appointment, a precious doctrine was contained. There is, indeed, cause of joy, even holy joy and rapture ahead, when through the blood of atonement, we have peace with GOD through JESUS. CHRIST our LORD. See GOD'S command to this effect, Isaiah 40:1-2 . I again refer the Reader to what was before said on this solemnity, Leviticus 23:34-44 . But, as the Reader will find in comparing that scripture with this, that here are added directions about the offerings made by fire, it will be proper to observe that the fire of grace, that holy flame in the heart, is the only thing to make every offering acceptable. JESUS is, and must be the sum and substance of the whole. Without me, saith CHRIST, ye can do nothing, John 15:5 . How much of gospel, also, was in that service, that during the people's dwelling in booths, which carried with it an idea of a tabernacle-state, having no certain dwelling-place, but to be put up and taken down as occasion required; I say, how much of gospel was in it, that the daily sacrifice, notwithstanding the inconveniency of it, was by no means to be omitted? Reader! whoever you are, however you are circumstanced, JESUS is; and must be the morning and evening Lamb of your sacrifice and oblation! Yes, dearest LORD! do thou remind my poor forgetful heart, both morning, evening, and throughout the whole day, that thou alone art the High Priest, altar, and sacrifice of my soul: and LORD; grant that I may be accepted in the beloved! Ephesians 1:6 . Was not this daily decrease of the number of the bullocks during the feast of tabernacles, an expressive type of the gradual decline of the Levitical dispensation, in proportion as the gospel was coming forward? The Apostle to the Hebrews seems to have had this idea when comparing the old covenant, as he calls it, with the new: for he saith, that which decayeth and waxed old is ready to vanish away. Hebrews 8:13 : I would have the Reader notice one thing very particularly in the feast of tabernacles, and that is the sin offering enjoined, Numbers 29:19 . And what is offered under this appointment, but this: that, in our highest enjoyments and under all our highest privileges in the covenant mercies of GOD in CHRIST, we derive all from him, and his gracious interposition, who was made sin for us, though he knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of GOD in him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 . It may not be amiss to observe, that if was at this memorable feast of tabernacles, when JESUS stood and cried, "If any man thirst let him come unto me and drink; " sweetly teaching, that if any poor awakened Jew felt, under the HOLY GHOST'S influences, the burden of sin, and the insufficiency of all those legal ordinances to bring comfort, to the soul, and therefore thirsted after a better righteousness to commend his soul to GOD; JESUS stood ready to receive all that came to GOD by him, and would satisfy his desires. John 7:37 .

Verses 39-40

With these verses we have the conclusion of the appointment of ordinances, respecting the services of the temple. And Moses, as a faithful servant in the LORD'S house executed his commission accordingly.

Verse 40


LET neither the Writer nor Reader for a moment be led to suppose that the frequent repetition of these laws concerning the religious services of the LORD'S heritage, are superfluous or unnecessary: but rather let both therefrom be led, to remark, how infinitely important must be that glorious liberty of the gospel to which they all ministered; and how ineffectual all other services are in themselves to bring the heart to GOD. If the Reader and the Writer should, under the blessed teachings of the HOLY GHOST, be directed to this improvement from the whole, every repeated precept and ordinance will be indeed made precious to the soul.

Do thou, my soul, seek grace from above to learn yet more and more, however slightly and inconsiderately viewed by others, the vast, the infinite importance of the full, free, and rich salvation by JESUS, as it must appear in the divine eye, to cause it to be ushered in through so many ages with such a wonderful profusion of sacrifices and offerings. Who indeed, can go through the perusal of so many Chapters concerning sacrifices, and behold them again and again repeated and insisted upon, in such awful terms, for obedience, without being wonderfully struck with the conviction of the infinite importance of the blood and righteousness of JESUS. Oh! thou precious, precious LAMB of GOD! who hast by the one all-sufficient, all-effectual offering of thyself once offered, forever perfected them that are sanctified. Oh! may I feel my heart more powerfully constrained to the love of thee, in every renewed perusal of these sacrifices of the law! Dearest JESUS! in every service, under every ordinance, in the feast days of holy rejoicing, or the fast days of humiliation; both when the gospel trumpet is sounded, of pardon, mercy, and peace, in the blood of thy cross; or when the laws of a broken commandment are read, to show my soul that by a covenant of works no flesh can be justified before GOD: in any and in all be thou my hope, my joy, my confidence, my righteousness, my all in all, to bring my heart to GOD. And do thou, blessed SPIRIT! whose work alone it is, to shed abroad a Saviour's love within me; so incline my every affection into the love of JESUS, that I may henceforth no longer live to myself, but to him that died for me and rose again.

Bibliographical Information
Hawker, Robert, D.D. "Commentary on Numbers 29". "Hawker's Poor Man's Commentary". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/pmc/numbers-29.html. 1828.
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