Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Commentaries
Revelation 10

Edwards' Family Bible New TestamentFamily Bible NT

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Verse 1

The tenth and eleventh chapters of the Apocalypse may be regarded as an episode, referring to the history and sufferings of Christ’s church during the time of the preceding woe-trumpets, and until the sounding of the seventh trumpet.

Angel ; this angel seems to be the Son of God, or an emblematical representation of his glory. Compare chap Revelation 1:13-16 ; Revelation 14:14 .

Clothed with a cloud ; chap Revelation 1:7 ; Revelation 14:14 ; Matthew 24:30 ; Acts 1:9 ; 1 Thessalonians 4:17 .

Verse 2

A little book open ; containing the revelations of this and the following chapter to Revelation 11:15 , the seventh trumpet.

Upon the sea , and-on the earth ; in token of supreme dominion over both.

Verse 3

Seven thunders uttered their voices ; each thunder containing, like each of the preceding trumpets, a revelation of some coming event.

Verse 4

Write them not ; we cannot therefore know their contents, unless, as some suppose, they are coincident with the seven last plagues. Christ graciously communicates to his people, or gives them the means of learning, all that it is here best they should know; and the knowledge which would only injure them he wisely withholds.

Verse 6

That there should be time no longer ; or, that there should be delay no longer; that is, as immediately explained, no longer after the sounding of the seventh angel. No one of the preceding trumpets has brought a fulfilment of the mystery of God, but the seventh trumpet shall finish it.

Verse 7

The mystery of God ; his glorious plan for overthrowing the kingdom of Satan, and establishing the kingdom of Christ, which is the great theme of the Apocalypse. Though many things which God has promised by his prophets are for a time delayed, yet in due season they will all be perfectly accomplished. Till then his people should labor, and if need be suffer, with patience and in hope.

Verse 9

Eat it up ; a symbol for attentively reading, thoroughly understanding, and diligently considering what it foretold.

Verse 10

Sweet as honey-bitter ; the reception of the revelation was pleasant, but its contents filled him with distress, for they related to the afflictions of God’s people. Compare, for this whole symbol of eating the book, Ezekiel’s eating the roll, Ezekiel 3:1-3 . Joys and sorrows will be intermingled in coming events. They should be met as they occur, with submission and gratitude; and if rightly improved, they will both conspire to work out an exceeding and eternal weight of glory.

Verse 11

Before many peoples ; concerning them, and what should in future befall them. John in his writings was to reach many and remote lands that he himself never visited.

Bibliographical Information
Edwards, Justin. "Commentary on Revelation 10". "Edwards' Family Bible New Testament". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/fam/revelation-10.html. American Tract Society. 1851.
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