Lectionary Calendar
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024
the Week of Proper 24 / Ordinary 29
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Bible Commentaries
Mark 10

Luscombe's Commentary on Selected Books of the NTLuscombe's NT Commentary

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Verses 1-12

TITLE: The Marriage Rule TEXT: Mar_10:1-12 PROPOSITION: We look for the loophole before we know the rule. QUESTION: What? KEY WORD: Rules SCRIPTURE READING: INTRODUCTION:

1. Marriage and Divorce are difficult issues because:

2. Prevalence - 1 out of 2 marriages end in divorce

3. Emotional issues involved - family, children, grandparents

4. Eternal issue - sin and consequences, heaven or hell

5. Moral issues - fornication, adultery, broken promises

6. Biblical issues - Many are looking for the loophole.

What did Moses allow? (3-5)

1. Study Deu_24:1-22 :

2. Two schools of thought

1. Unclean = fornication

2. Found no favor in her = anything I don't like

What was the original plan of God? (6-9)

1. Beginning - male and female (6)

2. Leave = cut ties of dependence

3. Cleave = glue (Greek - mucilage)

4. God is involved - tri-lateral contract

5. No man can void a contract with God

Private study with apostles (10-12)

1. The Rule (11)

1. Put away wife and marry another = adultery against her

2. Put away husband and marry another = adultery against him

2. Waiting Game

1. One says, “Why don't you just divorce me?”

2. Then justifies self - “I did not divorce, he did.”

3. After divorce many just try to “out wait” the other to remarry

4. Wedding vow - Is to maintain the marriage - to the best of your ability.

5. Keep your promise.


1. We made a contract with God and a spouse to be faithful to that contract until death.

2. It does not expire, can't renegotiate, not a 3 year lease with option to renew

Verses 13-16

TITLE: Who is the child? TEXT: Mar_10:13-16 PROPOSITION: We must learn to accept and become children. QUESTION: What? KEY WORD: Reactions SCRIPTURE READING: Same INTRODUCTION:

1. Children were coming or being brought to Jesus.

2. The apostles sent them away. (Rebuked them.)

3. Notice three things about Jesus in this text.

How Jesus reacted (13-14)

1. He was displeased - indignant, emphasis “much displeased”

2. He rebuked the apostles for rebuking the parents.

What Jesus taught (14-15)

1. Allow them to come

2. Do not forbid them (hinder them)

3. Kingdom = little children

4. Greek word (paidion) refers to a half-grown boy or girl;

5. figuratively, an immature Christian, still growing

6. Of such is the kingdom of heaven (church)

7. Not receive kingdom as a chld - not enter kingdom

8. If you can't accept me (faults and all) then you cannot enter the kingdom

What Jesus did (16)

1. Took them in his arms

2. Put his hands on them

3. Blessed them

4. These terms imply (each one) not in mass as a group

We get this confused

When adults act like children

1. Argue, push, shove, yell, throw things

2.“If I can't pitch, I'll take my ball and go home.”

3. 1Co_14:20 - Do not be children

4. 1Co_13:11 - When I was a child, I spoke like a child

When children are urged to act like adults

1. Fast paced world - many toys (Barbie, for example) encourage adult play

2. Want to drive, wear makeup, stay out late, etc. before they are ready

3. Maturing takes time - don't rush your child through any stage of life

Verses 17-22

TITLE: Attitudes of Teacher and Student TEXT: Mar_10:17-22 PROPOSITION: With the proper attitude of student and teacher, God's Word will be learned and obeyed. QUESTION: What? KEY WORD: Attitudes SCRIPTURE READING: Same INTRODUCTION:

1. Many are noticing a decline in knowledge of the Bible.

2. How can one attend SS for 18 years and be so ignorant?

3. Is it the teacher, the material, the student, or the attitudes?

4. Look at Jesus and the Rich young ruler from a new perspective.

Student Attitudes


1. I could preach a sermon here about being on time.

2. Are you “anxious” to get to Bible Class?

3. Do you “try” to be on time? Awake, ready to study?


1. This man was coming in reverence.

2. I am not suggesting that you kneel before your teacher.

3. This is part custom of that part of the world and that time.

4. However, we should show respect to the teacher.


1. Did not ask for personal gain - rich, famous, powerful

2. Did not ask for now - healing, material blessings

3. But for eternal life - I am trying, what lack I yet, anything missing?

Teacher Attitudes


1. Do not just look at the externals - hair a mess, shoes on wrong feet, etc.

2. Do not just look at the behavior - talkative, quiet, won't sit down

3. Learn to look - inside, look deeply at the spirit, heart, soul, mind


1. The Greeks word is “agape”

2. This word means - I will seek what is best for another

3. This love has nothing to do with looks, emotions, feelings

4. It is a calculated decision about how to treat another person

When the Bell Rings (class is over)


1. At the end - he rejected the message he was seeking

2. He was not prepared to make the sacrifice required

3. Teachers can not force acceptance of the message

4. We must teach, preach, and encourage obedience to the truth

5. We are the watchmen of Eze_3:17-21

Verses 23-27

TITLE: Impossible made Possible TEXT: Mar_10:23-27 PROPOSITION: While man is able to do many things, salvation is not in his ability. QUESTION: Which? KEY WORD: Impossibilities SCRIPTURE READING: Same INTRODUCTION:

1.“Difficult we do right away, Impossible takes a little longer.”

2. There are things which man cannot do.

3. We cannot save ourselves. Impossible.

4. Only God can make our salvation possible.

5. God does not owe me eternal life because I prayed, read my Bible, went to church, was baptized, believed in Jesus, etc.

Man can do many things

1. Medical advances - surgery, drugs, equipment, technology

2. Space travel

3. Electronics - Radio, TV, color, digital, satellite, computers, internet

4. In many fields - major advances in recent years

5. But there are some things man cannot do - IMPOSSIBLE

Some things are impossible (by the nature of the case)

1. Make a rock so big you can't pick it up

2. Create a tall short person, skinny fat, (oxymorons)

3. By definition of terms these things are impossible

1. By the normal understanding of words

2. Try to imply a lack of power

Some things are impossible with men

1. Possess the power and ability of God

2. Obtain salvation (forgiveness of sins)

3. Earn eternal life - Rom_11:6

4. Work you way to heaven - Eph_2:8-9

With God all things are possible

1. Only God can forgive and forget

2. Only God can impute righteousness to us (credit our account as righteous)

3. Only God can change us from mortal to immortal

4. Only God save us in heaven, give us eternal life

Verses 28-31

TITLE: We Left All TEXT: Mar_10:28-31 PROPOSITION: Following Christ has both costs and rewards. QUESTION: What? KEY WORD: SCRIPTURE READING: INTRODUCTION:

1. Previous verses - trust in riches, can't enter heaven

2. Some things are impossible with men, not with God.

3. Peter - thinking of earning heaven - we left all

4. What do we get in return?

The Implication

1. If I sacrifice enough - I can earn heaven.

2. Pray, attend, sing, give, teach, deacon, elder, preacher

3. We must avoid any teaching that would lead people to think heaven can be earned or merited

4. Heaven is a GIFT - period.

The Response

1. Jesus does not deny Peter's statement.

2. Peter (and others) had left all behind to follow Jesus. ( Luk_5:11 )

3. Jesus recognizes that others have also made sacrifices.

4. House, brother or sister, mothers, children, lands

5. AND suffer persecution as a result

The Others

1. Job - lost all, including family

2. Abraham - left family and went out

3. Daniel - risked life in lion's den

4. Paul - 2Co_11:23-28

5. Read - Heb_11:35-40

The Reward

1. Receive a hundred fold - houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, lands

2. AND suffer persecution

3. NOW - in this time, while we are living

4. AND in the next world - eternal life

5. God's order is opposite to the world's

1. First will be last

2. Last will be first

What about you?

1. What did it cost you (give up)?

2. See NOTE: (below)

3. Have you lost any blood? ( Heb_12:4 )

4. What did you give up for the sake of the gospel?

5. What did you gain?

Note from Dennis Barnes: I find it thought-provoking that Jesus states that we are not "worthy" if we love anyone on earth more than we love Him. The part that peaks my interest is that few (if any at all) Christians would ever deem themselves "worthy" of Jesus. It is a humbling thought. Ed Harrell (a preacher), told me once that, during a gospel meeting, he baptized a young lady in her early twenties. She was very, very excited and bubbling with emotion. A few months later, Ed called her and asked how things were going. She sadly related that she had called her younger sister and parents to share with them her joy of the gospel. Her parents had been most angry at her, and told her to renounce her membership in the Church of Christ and return to their church or else never talk to them again. Ed asked what she decided. She said she had cried and thought about it for several days, until she read this scripture (text for this lesson, mrl). At that point, she sadly but resolutely decided that her parents just were not worthy of Jesus Christ. They had made their decision (their church), and she had made hers (Jesus). It is a humbling thought, and I greatly admire those who have faced such a heartbreaking choice and still chose Jesus.

Verses 32-34

TITLE: Way to Jerusalem TEXT: Mar_10:32-34 PROPOSITION: The death on the cross was necessary. QUESTION: Why? KEY WORD: Reasons SCRIPTURE READING: Same INTRODUCTION:

1. Jesus explains “ again” the plan (This is the 3rd time)

2. Going up to Jerusalem - still don't know the purpose

3. Luk_18:31 - All things written in the prophets will be accomplished

Jesus tells them again

1. We are going to Jerusalem

2. Will be betrayed

3. Turned over to chief priests and scribes

4. Condemn him to death

5. Deliver all nations (peoples)

6. Mock him, scourge him, spit on him

7. Kill him

8. On the 3rd day he will rise again

Why was all this necessary?

1. Fall of man - sin in the garden of Eden (and since then)

2. Imputation of guilt

1. Impute - write to the account - add to the bill

2. Impute = Indictment of the charges

3. Loss of spiritual life, relationship with God

1. Eze_18:4 - Soul that sins, it shall die

2. Isa_59:1-2 - your sins and iniquities separate you from God

4. Cannot save ourselves - earn, merit, deserve

5. Sins demands death

1. Rom_3:23 - wages of sin is death

2. Sin is not a misdemeanor - it is a felony, capital offense

3. Sin is abhorrent to God - nothing less is acceptable

6. Why can't God just forgive and let it go?

1. Parent forgives child - no others involved

2. What if a child takes car, kills bank teller while he robs bank?

3. Parent can't just forgive and let go - Others are involved

4.“God cannot forgive except on a basis that allows the awfulness of sin to remain crystal clear.”

5. Jesus death on the cross accomplishes this.

7. Is atonement immoral? (Innocent suffering for the guilty)

1. This is what parents do for their children.

2. This is what soldiers do for their nation.

3. This is what Christ did for us.

8. Jesus became our substitute

1. Propitiation (paid in full) for our debt to God. ( 1Jn_2:2 )

2. Ransom ( Mar_10:45 )

3. Became sin for us ( 2Co_5:21 )

Conclusion :

1. Will you accept the wonderful offer of salvation?

2. Will you reject the payment for the debt of your sins?

Verses 35-36

TITLE: What do you want from Jesus? TEXT: Mar_10:35-36 PROPOSITION: Jesus can grant our request if we ask for the right things. QUESTION: What? KEY WORD: Requests SCRIPTURE READING: Same INTRODUCTION:

1. James and John come to Jesus privately.

2. Grant our request - seeking a commitment before knowing the request.

3. Jesus did not make any promise.

4.“What do you desire that I do for you?”

5. Similar question of blind man ( Mar_10:51 )


Notice the context

1. The request comes right after Jesus tells them he would die.

2. Some families are like this - Learn a friend is dying - “Can I have his _____?”

3. Families in hospital of dying parent argue over who gets the china, jewelry, etc.

James and John answer

1. Put one of us on your right hand, other on your left hand

2. Thinking was: Put us as top two men in charge.

3. Jesus answered in verse 40.

1. Not mine to give

2. Left or right is determined by the individual

3. Goes to those for whom it is prepared

What would you say? Would your request be for:

1. Personal issues - health, happiness, love, patience, self-control

2. Family - better spouse, better children, better in-laws

3. Personal use - fame, wealth, power, patience, more kindness

4. Religious - prayer, worship, kind to others, love neighbor

5. Spiritual - faith, courage, knowledge, understanding, wisdom

6. Eternal - life with Jesus, be with God, heaven, salvation

Verses 37-45

TITLE: Request Denied TEXT: Mar_10:37-45 PROPOSITION: There are valid reasons for being denied our requests. QUESTION: Why? KEY WORD: Reasons SCRIPTURE READING: Same INTRODUCTION:

1. Matthew includes the mother of James and John.

2. We have a request - will you do it?

3. One on your right hand, other on your left.

Request of James and John

Thought they were asking to be “top dog” in the kingdom - 37

Jesus answers:

You do not know what you are asking - 38

1. Right and left = sheep and goats = saved and lost ( Mat_25:1-46 )

2. We often pray for things - we really don't want

3. Grass is always greener on other side of fence.

4. Pray “If it be your will” - according to the will of God

You can't handle the Job - 38-39

1. Can you drink from the cup?

2. Can you be baptized as I am about to be baptized?

3. Baptism = immersion, burial - This is a baptism of suffering.

4. They argue that they are ready.

Not mine to give - 39-40

1. You will suffer - not as Jesus - but suffer nonetheless.

2. Not mine to give - I am not the one who decides this issue.

3. Left or right hand - determined by our lives - not whim of Christ

4. 2Co_5:10 - deeds done in body, good or bad

Worldly rulers - 42

1. Other apostles were angry - didn't think of it first

2. Worldly rulers - Lord it over - control, dictate, order, command

3. They exercise authority OVER them.

Not so among you - 43-45

1. The Harvard business model will not work in the church

2. Want to be “top dog” = be the servant

3. Want to be first = be slave of all

4. Note the example of Jesus

1. Not to be served - as worldly rulers

2. Jesus came to serve - work, sacrifice

3. Give his life a ransom for many

Verses 46-52

TITLE: What do you want from me? TEXT: Mar_10:46-52 PROPOSITION: Jesus can do many things for us. QUESTION: What? KEY WORD: Blessings SCRIPTURE READING: Same INTRODUCTION:

1. A blind man comes to Jesus, at Jesus invitation.

2. Jesus asks, “What do you want me to do for you?”

3. We think - He is blind! What do you think he wants?

4. Today is Mother's Day.

5. What if Jesus asked you this question?

What do you want from MOM?

Love - unconditionally Accept me - weaknesses, faults, and mistakes Support - encourage, motivate, be there when I stumble, pick me up Forgive - willing to forgive, forgive before I ask

What do you want from Jesus?

Help - Providence - Heb_4:15-16 Forgive - Salvation - Mat_1:21 Hear - Mediator - 1Ti_2:5 Raise - Resurrection hope - Joh_5:28-29 Judge - Find me faithful - 2Ti_4:1 Confess - Confess to Father - Mat_10:32-33 Shepherd - Feed, lead, protect - Psa_23:1-6

Will Jesus help me with my request? Yes, if you -

Have Faith - Mar_10:52 ; Heb_11:6 Follow Jesus - Obey - Heb_5:8-9 Remain Faithful - Rev_2:10

Bibliographical Information
Luscombe, Manly. "Commentary on Mark 10". Luscombe's Commentary on Selected Books of the NT. https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/mlc/mark-10.html. 2021.
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