Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Commentaries
Revelation 22

Peake's Commentary on the BiblePeake's Commentary

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Verses 1-5

Revelation 22:1-5 . ( d ) The River and the Tree of Life.

Revelation 22:1 . a river: the introduction of the river into the scene is suggested by the description of the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2:10.— out of the throne: cf. Ezekiel’ s vision of the healing stream which issues out of the Temple ( Ezekiel 47:1-12).

Revelation 22:2 . the tree of life: the singular form is used; the context shows that there must have been more than one tree. There are trees on “ this side” and on “ that side” of the river. The description of the fruits is suggested by Ezekiel 47:6-12.

Revelation 22:3 . no curse any more: the probable meaning is, “ No accursed person or thing shall enter the city.”— service: “ To the final revelation of God there corresponds a perfected service” (Swete).— on their foreheads: cf. Revelation 7:3 *, and contrast the mark on the right hands or foreheads of the worshippers of the beast ( Revelation 13:16).

Verses 6-21

Revelation 22:6-21 . The Epilogue.— The Epilogue consists of the last words, warnings, and exhortations of the angel and the seer.

Revelation 22:6 . these words: the contents of the book.— shortly come to pass: the author thought his prophecies would be speedily fulfilled.

Revelation 22:7 . I come quickly: “ I” means Christ. The voice of Christ is heard behind the voice of the angel.

Revelation 22:8 . I, John: cf. Revelation 1:9.— I fell down: as in Revelation 19:10.

Revelation 22:10 . seal not: contrast the instructions to the seer in Revelation 10:4.

Revelation 22:13 . Alpha and Omega: Revelation 1:13 *.

Revelation 22:14 . wash their robes: the AV, following a different Greek text, translates “ that do his commandments.” The Greek phrases vary but little, and a change of two or three letters explains the difference. For the idea involved in RV, cf. Revelation 7:14.— tree of life: cf. Revelation 22:2.

Revelation 22:15 . dogs: the word was used as a term of contempt. It signified “ impure or lascivious persons,” and was also applied by Jews to Pagans ( cf. Php_3:2 , Matthew 7:6).

Revelation 22:16 . root . . . David: cf. Revelation 5:5.— morning star: the phrase is used in Revelation 2:28, but in a different sense. The imagery seems to have been suggested by Numbers 24:17.

Revelation 22:17 . The answer of the Church to the words of Jesus in Revelation 22:16.— the bride: i.e. the Church.— Come: addressed to Jesus, beseeching Him to return, as in Revelation 22:20.— he that heareth: i.e. the book read in church or possibly the voice of the Spirit.— he that is athirst: here the parallelism of the clauses ceases. Instead of “ let him say, Come” we have “ Let him come.” The reference is to the inquirer and seeker after truth, who cannot yet join in the Church’ s prayer for the return of Christ.

Revelation 22:18 . If any man shall add: cf. the warnings of Deuteronomy 4:2; Deuteronomy 12:32. We learn from the epistle of Aristeas (§ 311 ) that it was customary to conclude with such an imprecation. After the conclusion of the translation of the LXX “ the whole company . . . bade them pronounce a curse in accordance with their custom upon anyone who should make any alteration either by adding or chauging or omitting anything.”

Revelation 22:19 . from the tree of life: cf. Revelation 22:2 *. This is the reading of the best MSS. The inferior reading, followed by the AV, renders “ book of life.”

Revelation 22:20 . The Apocalypse ends with the final assurance of the Lord, “ Yea, I come quickly,” and the responsive prayer of the Church, “ Amen: come, Lord Jesus.”

Bibliographical Information
Peake, Arthur. "Commentary on Revelation 22". "Peake's Commentary on the Bible ". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/pfc/revelation-22.html. 1919.
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