Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, July 27th, 2024
the Week of Proper 11 / Ordinary 16
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Bible Commentaries
Daniel 10

Hawker's Poor Man's CommentaryPoor Man's Commentary

Verse 1


We are here introduced into the acquaintance of another vision of the Prophet's. Daniel is observing a long and solemn fast, when he is suddenly visited by One, who appeared in great glory. The Prophet being exceedingly troubled in the view of the vision, is comforted by an angel.

Verses 1-3

It appears from the date of this vision, that it was about two years after the former. The Lord was about to do great things for his Church, and therefore, was thus preparing the minds both of Prophet and people for his mercies. We have an account of Daniel's long fasting. Oh! for grace to mortify the body by the Spirit, that we may live! Romans 8:11 .

Verses 4-6

I do not presume to say who this glorious person was. But I think, if the Reader will turn to Revelation 1:10-16 he will be led to conclude, that it could be no other than the Lord Jesus Christ. Precious Jesus! how endeared do such visits render thee to thy people. Here a priest also, as there: and all to show, that thou hast an unchangeable and never ceasing priesthood!

Verses 7-9

Reader! observe what solemn effects are both upon Prophet and Apostle, when Christ is seen in his glory! what we might esteem comeliness before, is then, in the view of Jesus turned into corruption. Reader! think what would it be forever, even in heaven itself, if the redeemed were not made comely in Christ's righteousness, and from the comeliness Jesus puts upon his people. Ezekiel 16:14 . I beg the Reader not to overlook what is here said of the trembling of Daniel's companions, and that he alone saw this vision. So was it with Elisha, 2 Kings 6:17 . So also with Paul, Acts 9:7 . And what is all this, but so many proofs of distinguishing grace, by which we plainly see, the Lord doth according to his own promise manifest himself to his people, otherwise than he doeth to the world, John 14:22-23 .

Verses 10-14

I beg the Reader to be particularly attentive to what is said of the silence, fear, and vast humbleness of soul manifested by the Prophet. Think, Reader, what a solemn thing it must be, to have personal communion with the Lord; even when clothed in the Lord's own righteousness! If Daniel, a man greatly beloved, felt all this, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? But, observe the gracious hand touching Daniel! Behold another Prophet so favoured, Isaiah 6:1-7 . And an Apostle, Revelation 1:17 .

Verses 15-21

There is some little difficulty to apprehend the whole of this passage. Daniel had before described a very glorious person, at whose presence he put his face to the ground. And here it should seem, at the first reading, to be another person who touched his lips; for he describes him as one like the similitude of the sons of men, and like the appearance of a man. But, is it not, (for I humbly ask the question, and presume not to decide upon it,) is it not probable to be one and the same person? In the former manifestation, displaying somewhat greater brightness of his glory Mediator. And in the latter, of his human nature? Jesus is always found to make the sweetest and most soul-strengthening manifestations of himself, when he comes down to us under the lovely and endearing character of our brother. We feel encouraged, and we delight to go to him. As to what is said of Michael, the prince of the people, this serves to confirm it more than lessen it. For the battle in heaven is said to have been by Michael against the old serpent the Devil. And though some may be found, who speak of archangels as well as angels; yet, the scriptures uniformly speak only of one archangel, for there is but one; and this one can be no other than the Lord Jesus Christ, the Angel of the covenant. Malachi 3:1 ; 1 Thessalonians 4:16 ; Jude 1:9 .

Verse 21


READER! let our improvement of this blessed Chapter be, to admire the wonderful grace, love, and condescension of our adorable Lord Jesus; in his manifestation to his servant the Prophet: and the solemn effect wrought upon the Prophet's mind, even in the mercy.

Precious Lord! never can thy people sufficiently admire the astonishing love that must be in thine heart, when we behold such evidences of thine attention towards them. Was it not enough, blessed Jesus, when the fulness of time should come, that thou shouldest so readily and freely give thy back to the smiters, and thy cheeks to them that plucked off the hair? And was it not to show thy people in the several ages before the time arrived, how much thy soul was bent to redeem them, and that thine whole heart was towards them, and full of love? And in confirmation of it, didst thou, dearest Emanuel, visit then one and then another of thy saints, and tell them, that they were greatly beloved? Lord! shed abroad a portion of that love in our cold hearts, and cause, us to love thee, who hast so freely and so greatly loved us!

Reader! do not close this Chapter, neither pass away from the contents of it, until that thou hast duly pondered what is here said of Daniel's comeliness, turned into corruption, in the view of the Holy One. Think, my brother sinner, I beseech you, how solemn, how awful, how overwhelming, must be the open view of Christ in his glory; What must be the feelings of the soul, in the moment of death, when departing the body, at the first interview; yea, the first glimpse, of the Lord Jesus? I am speaking now of God's redeemed ones; of souls truly regenerated, and who are clothed in the robe of Jesus's own righteousness. Yet even with them, how solemn, how truly awful and affecting! But, if so, think again, my brother, and ask the heart, what it must be to the soul of him, who cometh up from the bed of death without a surety, without the Redeemer's righteousness, and without Christ as an advocate! What trembling, what paleness, what horror, must then be upon the soul? Lord Jesus! be thou my righteousness now; and then wilt thou be my everlasting confidence, through life, in death, at the day of judgment, and forevermore. Amen.

Bibliographical Information
Hawker, Robert, D.D. "Commentary on Daniel 10". "Hawker's Poor Man's Commentary". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/pmc/daniel-10.html. 1828.
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