Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, July 27th, 2024
the Week of Proper 11 / Ordinary 16
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Bible Commentaries
Daniel 10

Garner-Howes Baptist CommentaryGarner-Howes

Verses 1-10



Verses 1-10:

Verse 1 declares that in the 3rd year of Cyrus, two years after the decree had gone forth to restore the Jews to their homeland, in response to Daniel’s prayer, ch. 9, this vision came to Daniel, whose Babylonian name was Belteshazzar, Daniel 1:7. And the vision, "the thing" revealed, was true, and Daniel was caused by the angel Gabriel to understand it, though not at the first, as in Daniel 8:26. Daniel, now grown very old, was perhaps no longer in the office of the court, as 1:21 states that he "continued (in office) unto the first year of Cyrus." And this vision is in the third year. It is then added that though the thing revealed was true, the "appointed time," was long or great, or as added v. 14, "for many days," an extended, yet definite time in the future, to be ultimately and definitely fulfilled, Psalms 119:160.


As a summary review let it be recalled that the last half of Daniel, chapters 7-12, relate four visions and their interpretations, as given to Daniel:

1) First, the vision of four beasts (empires), ch. 7.

2) Second, the vision of two beasts (kingdoms), ch. 8.

3) Third, the vision of prophecy of 70 weeks (of years), ch. 9.
4) Fourth, as follows, the conflict of kings, ch. 10-12.


This fourth vision of Daniel, ch. 10-12, came two years after the return of the Jewish remnant to Palestine, 534 B.C., Daniel was given of the Lord a vision of angelic intervention in conflicts of the coming ages. These angelic creatures of Supernatural intelligence were some good and some evil. Some sought to protect and some to harm God’s people. Michael is the chief protecting angel of God over Israel, as presented in the Book of Daniel chs. 10, 13, 21; Daniel 12:1, and of the church, as presented in the Book of Revelation, Revelation 12:7-9. While Greece had her angel, Daniel 10:20, and Persia had hers, v. 13, 20; Then in Ephesians 6:12 powers of the unseen world are the chief enemy motivators against which children of God and the church have to fight. Revelation 12:7-9 describes how Satan and his angels shall make war against Michael and his angels. Satan shall then be cast out of heaven, and access to it, for the last time, having but a "little time," a "times and half time," 42 months, an half-week, or 31/2 years, the last half of the 70th week, or The Tribulation The Great, to obsess the Son of Perdition and finish his work on earth, before being bound and cast into the bottomless pit for a thousand years.

See Job 1:6; Job 1:12; Job 2:1; Job 2:7; Revelation 12:7; Revelation 12:9-10; Revelation 12:12; Revelation 12:14; Daniel 9:27; Revelation 20:1-2.

Verses 2, 3 relate that though aged, Daniel was in a state of mourning for three full weeks, 21 days. During that period he ate "no pleasant bread," though hungry; Neither did he take any kind of flesh or wine into his mouth to strengthen or excite him; Nor did he anoint or bathe himself at all till three whole weeks of deep mourning were fulfilled regarding his people Israel and their future. This deep mourning was a sign of his sorrow, as he separated himself to prayer and intercession to God, Matthew 9:14; Acts 13:2; Deuteronomy 16:3.

Verses 4, 5 state that on the 24th day of the first month, April, of the third year, v. 1, of Cyrus king of Persia, Daniel was by the Great river Hiddekel, or the Tigris river. There he lifted up his eyes from 21 days of prayer, mourning, and fasting. And his eyes fell on a man clothed in linen, and girded with fine gold, the raiment of priests, a symbol of purity and sanctity, Exodus 28:42; Jeremiah 13:1; Revelation 15:6 indicate it was also the raiment of prophets and angels. This was evidently the informing angel Gabriel, as in Daniel 8:16; Daniel 9:21; Daniel 12:6-7; Joshua 5:13; Hebrews 1:14.

Verse 6 describes him bodily, as like the Tarshish stone, chrysolite or topaz. The description of his face as lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, with arms and feet like polished brass, and his words were similar in melody to the merging voice of a multitude, Ezekiel 1:16. This description seems to apply, or be applicable to, none other than the uncreated, self-existent angel of the covenant, the Divine Son of God, similar to that described by John the revelator, Revelation 1:13-15.

Verse 7 states that Daniel alone saw or comprehended the vision. Because upon its appearance the men who were with him were so overwhelmed with quaking fear for their lives; They sought to hide themselves to escape some imagined imminent judgment, as they were terrified at the presence of the angelic being; See Romans 6:13-17.

Verse 8 witnesses that Daniel was left alone to see this vision, which left him with no strength in him, sapped of physical stamina. He was himself so affected physically and emotionally that his vigor of strength was gone in a moment, and he was turned into corruption or a death-like paleness, with sticky sweat. Such was the norm for one to whom an heavenly manifestation came in creature form, Daniel 5:6; Daniel 7:28.

Verse 9 adds that in spite of this emotional shock at the appearance of the brilliantly clothed heavenly personage, Daniel never lost use of his senses. He asserts that though he fell prostrate before him upon his face upon the ground; Yet he affirmed that he heard or comprehended the words of his voice, to relate them later, 1 Peter 1:20-21.

Verse 10 adds that as Daniel lay face down upon the ground, listening to the voice of the heavenly personage that had appeared, an hand touched him. It lifted him to his knees and then upon the palm of his hands, upon his all-fours. This was likely the hands of Gabriel who interpreted other dreams for Daniel, though he represented the Son of God, Daniel 8:16.

Verses 11-21

Verse 11 further explains that this heavenly, angelic person, believed to be Gabriel, addressed Daniel as a man "greatly beloved," as also certified Daniel 9:23, much like David who was called a "man after God’s own heart," 1 Samuel 13:14. The angel ordered him to stand up upon his feet, upright, at attention, and understand the words that were spoken to him. For the angelic person asserted "I am sent, commissioned or mandated to bring to you this message. "Daniel adds that when this was said to him he stood trembling, with an humble mind and willing heart, to do heaven’s bidding, Luke 18:14; See also Daniel 8:17-18.

Verse 12 states also that the angelic person said, "Fear not, Daniel," at my presence. The angel added that from the very first day that Daniel set his heart to understand the word and will of the Lord, at the last day, v. 14, and chastened or humbled himself and his people Israel, v. 2, 3, his words had been heard in heaven. It was much as those prayers of Cornelius’ were, Acts 10:4; And they caused God to dispatch Gabriel as an angelic messenger, to bring and explain to him this vision, Daniel 9:17-19; 2 Corinthians 8:12.

Verse 13 explains that this heavenly angelic informer that was sent to Daniel was delayed for 120 days by the prince (demon controlled angel, or Lucifer himself), until Michael commander and chief of heavens defensive, protectorate angelic band came to the rescue of this angel Gabriel, John 7:7; Revelation 13:8. As a patron defender of Israel before God he helped to influence Persia, the Persian kings, to permit the Jews to return to Jerusalem. This angel Gabriel concludes that he refused to leave the Persian kings until he received help from Michael to achieve the release of the remnant Jews to return to their homeland and their city Jerusalem, v. 21; Daniel 12:1; Judges 1:9; Revelation 12:7.

Verse 14 states that this angel explained to Daniel that he had come "to make" him understand or comprehend "what shall befall thy people (the Jews) in the latter days," even to the end of time. Then the angel (Gabriel) added "for yet the vision is (exists) for many days," or an extended period of time, into the far future, the 70th week of which is not yet fulfilled 2,600 years later. But it will be! The day is dawning, even now, Hebrews 10:36-37.

Verse 15 adds that when the angel had concluded those words to Daniel he set his face toward the ground and became dumb, or literally speechless, in awe, dumbfounded at what he had seen and heard as he fell again in humility, with his face upon the ground, See Genesis 19:1; Ezekiel 24:27; Ezekiel 33:22; Daniel 8:18; Luke 1:20; Luke 18:14; James 4:10; 1 Peter 5:5-6.

Verse 16 explains that at this point "one like the sons of men" touched Daniel’s lips, to give him spiritual utterance, as reflected repeatedly, Isaiah 6:7; Jeremiah 1:9; Luke 1:64; Luke 21:15. Then Daniel explains that he opened his mouth and said to the heavenly messenger, who had brought him the message and vision, "O my lord, by reason of the vision my sorrows have burdened or submerged me, as a woman in travail, so that I have no strength," am helpless of myself, in my flesh and old age.

Verse 17 recounts that Daniel asked the majestic angel of strength just how he could, in his weakness or feebleness, even talk with an heavenly person of his holy angelic character. But he could, Hebrews 1:14. Good angels are friends, colleagues, or sentinel helpers of children of God, Psalms 34:7.

Verses 18, 19 relate that again there came one with the appearance of a man and touched Daniel, and gave him strength, that he might hear and learn from the angel, with composure. The angel then said to Daniel, you are "greatly beloved," so "fear not, be at peace, be strong, even exceedingly strong." Let it be observed that God desires His people to be free of hurtful anxiety, be controlled by the spirit, at peace, Romans 8:15; 1 John 4:18; Luke 12:32; See also Judges 6:23; Isaiah 41:10; Isaiah 43:1-2; Luke 24:36; Luke 24:38; John 14:27; John 16:33. Then Daniel certified that he was strengthened and asked the Lordly messenger to "speak on" or continue his message for he was not able to hear and fully receive it.

Verse 20 advised Daniel that since now he knew why the angel’s Lord had come to him, he must now leave Daniel to have another encounter with the prince or evil angel that was motivating the Persian ruler. He added, that after he was gone, the prince of Grecia or evil angel that motivated the Grecian Empire army would swoop down under Alexander to conquer Persia and the Jewish people. This was the third beast, Gentile, heathen, one-world­ Empire that was then soon to come, Daniel 2:39; Daniel 7:6; Daniel 8:20-22; Daniel 11:2-4.

Verse 21 concludes by the angel Gabriel’s declaration that he would show or disclose to Daniel, in this extended vision, chapters 11, 12 "that which is noted (certified) in the scripture of truth," Psalms 119:60; John 17:17. He concluded that there was none that continually held with him in this truth, no other angel, order or help, except "Michael your prince," sentry angel, guardian of Israel, Daniel 12:3; and the church, Revelation 12:7-9; See also Psalms 139:16; Revelation 5:1.

Bibliographical Information
Garner, Albert & Howes, J.C. "Commentary on Daniel 10". Garner-Howes Baptist Commentary. https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/ghb/daniel-10.html. 1985.
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