Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Commentaries
2 Chronicles 31

Garner-Howes Baptist CommentaryGarner-Howes

Verses 1-10

2 Chronicles 31:1

Second Chronicles - Chapter 31

More Reformation-Verses 1-10

When the Passover and feast of unleavened bread were past the people proved they had been truly re-dedicated to the worship of the Lord, by their deeds which followed. They went throughout the cities of Judah and Benjamin breaking down the idol images the previous generations had erected, clearing the pagan groves, destroying the high places. So zealous were they that their efforts at continued reform spilled over into the northern kingdom, and many cities and sites in the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh were rid of their idolatrous shrines. The zealots did not return to their homes until all this was accomplished.

Hezekiah also took further steps to see that the revival continued. He reinstituted the priests and Levites in their courses to make the burnt offerings and peace offerings, and to praise and to give thanks to the Lord in His gates. The king restored the royal portion due the temple, by supplying again the animals for the morning and evening burnt sacrifices. He also contributed for sabbaths, new moons (first days of each month), and set feasts just as the law specified. He further required that the people of Jerusalem give of their substance the portion due to the priests of the Lord, that these ministers of the sanctuary might be encouraged in the work the Lord had given them to do.

The people responded in like manner. They brought the firstfruits of their grain, wine, oil, honey, and everything grown in their fields. It was very great abundance which they brought to the temple. There was not room enough in the storerooms of the house of God for it. Not only did they bring produce, but also such animals as sheep or cattle, for the tithe included them. The produce began to be piled up in the court, a process which continued from the third to the seventh month. The king and his princes were gratified by this willingness of the people. It was much like it was in the days in the wilderness when Israel was building the tabernacle (Exodus 36:5-7).

Hezekiah and the princes came to the temple, saw the heaps the people had piled up there, and offered thanks to the Lord for it. They spoke with the priests concerning the matter and found that ever since the people began to respond, from the efforts of the Passover revival, there had been enough for the sustenance of the Levitical servants of the temple. In fact, there was all this plenteousness which remained, an evidence of the Lord’s blessing on the people which enabled them to give so magnanimously. God has always abundantly blessed those who sincerely worship Him (see Malachi 3:10; Lu 6:38).

Verses 11-21

2 Chronicles 31:11

Services and Servants-Verses 11-21

To solve the problem of the heaps of grain and other produce which the people were bringing to the temple Hezekiah commanded the building of storerooms for them. The seventh month corresponded with October of the modern calendar, and was the time when the rainy season approached. To prevent spoilage it was necessary that the tithes and offerings be stored in shelters. In later times, when a surplus was lacking, these rooms furnished an apartment for Tobiah the Ammonite (Nehemiah 13:4-9).

Men of the Levites were appointed to have charge of these things which had been dedicated to the service of the priests and Levites. These were Levites themselves, and the two brothers, Cononiah and Shimei, were the chief over;rs. Under them were ten others, all were under the commandment of king Hezekiah and the high priest Azariah. In addition to these, other Levites were appointed from among the porters. These were gatemen and guards whose duty it was to accept the things brought in by the people and deliver them to the men who would distribute to those who would consume them.

Since most of the Levites were not always at the temple it was necessary to have men in the various cities where they dwelled to receive and apportion each man’s lot. This was distributed according to the number of males in each household. All males from three years old upward were considered in the genealogy, but the distribution seems to have been determined to the courses of the Levites who actually served. These were determined from the age of twenty years and took into account wives, sons, and daughters. These included both priests and ordinary Levites, but all were expected to maintain their sanctification to participate in the holy things. (Cf. 1 Timothy 3:4-5; 1 Timothy 3:12-13).

Hezekiah’s faithfulness and righteous conduct in things commended him to the Lord, so that it is said, he"wrought that which was good and right before the Lord his God." In everything he did he sought to do according to the law of God with all his heart "and prospered."

Note these points of importance: 1) Real revival may have a far­ reaching effect; 2) a God fearing ruler can be one of the very best things possible in the nation; 3) it is well proven that those who give themselves for the Lord will enjoy increased blessings; 4) God expects His people to be good stewards of those things with which He has blessed them; 5)clean lives are necessary in properly serving the Lord.

Bibliographical Information
Garner, Albert & Howes, J.C. "Commentary on 2 Chronicles 31". Garner-Howes Baptist Commentary. https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/ghb/2-chronicles-31.html. 1985.
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