Lectionary Calendar
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024
the Week of Proper 24 / Ordinary 29
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Bible Commentaries
Luke 24

Zerr's Commentary on Selected Books of the New TestamentZerr's N.T. Commentary

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Verse 1

1 They came means the women mentioned in the, last verse of the preceding chapter. For additional comments on this verse, see those at Mat 28:1.

Verse 2

2 They found the stone rolled away because the angel had descended from Heaven and removed it, to open the way into the sepulchre (Mat 28:2).

Verse 3

3 They entered in. The description of ancient sepulchres may be seen in the notes on Mat 23:27-28. They entered the main cavity and looked for the spot where the body had been laid. They had seen when Joseph placed the body there (Mat 27:61; Mar 15:47), and were disappointed at not seeing it as they entered.

Verse 4

4 These men were angels in human form (Mat 28:2).

Verse 5

5. Living among the dead. This was the angel's way of saying the One who was dead was then living, to assure the women they need not be afraid any longer.

Verse 6

7 The conversation referred to is in Mat 17:22-23.

Verse 8

8 They remembered. This is more significant than might be at first realized. One form of evidence relied upon in the Bible, is the accomplishment of predictions that were made some considerable time previously. (See Exo 3:12 with 24:12, 13; Mat 3:11 with Act 11:15-16.)

Verse 9

9 The eleven leaves out Judas who had killed himself.

Verse 10

0 Mary the mother of James was also the mother of Jesus.

Verse 11

1 They believed them not. See the comments at Mar 16:17-18.

Verse 12

2 This event will be commented upon at John twentieth chapter.

Verse 13

3 The most important item in this verse is the words that same day. Verse 1 shows it was the first day of the week, the day of the resurrection of Christ

Verse 14

4 These things refers to the report about the disappearance of Jesus from the tomb, that had been reported by the women returning from it.

Verse 15

6 Holden is from KRATEO, which Thayer defines at this place, "To hold in check, restrain." In Mark's account of this circumstance (chapter 16:12), he says Jesus appeared in another "form." That word is defined in the lexicon, "The form by which a person or thing strikes the vision; the external appearance." The two passages considered together makes the matter clear. The person of Jesus was not literally changed, but since the eyes of the disciples were restrained, it caused Him to look like some other human being with whom they were not acquainted.

Verse 17

7 The changed "form" of Jesus did not make him appear as any unusual creature, for there is no indication that his speaking to them confused them.

Verse 18

8 A stranger is one from the outside, or one lately arrived at any place. Cleopas thought a regular resident would have known about these things.

Verse 19

9 Jesus never had to ask men for information, for He knew all about what was in man (Joh 2:24-25). By asking this question He induced the disciples to express their belief in the One from Nazareth.

Verse 20

0 The disciples correctly placed the blame for the death of Jesus on the chief priests and rulers. They had caused Him to be brought into the Sanhedrin, and there the rulers pronounced a sentence of death upon Him.

Verse 21

1 The disciples still had a temporal kingdom in mind regarding the plans of Jesus. Third day since these things were done; meaning the condemnation and crucifixion of Jesus (verse 20). Since (or after), gives us an important key to the day on which Jesus was crucified. The disciples said today (the day of the resurrection, verse 1), was the third day since the crucifixion. Then Saturady would be the second day since the crucifixion; Friday would be the first day since the crucifixion, and hence, Thursday would be the day of the crucifixion. This disproves the Romanist doctrine of Good Friday as being the day of the crucifixion.

Verse 22

2 Certain women are the ones mentioned in verse 10.

Verse 23

3 These disciples were gradually unfolding their story as it was told by the women. They seemed impressed with the idea that it was a report that could not be questioned, yet was a puzzling circumstance.

Verse 24

4 The story of the women had been confirmed by certain ones who went to the sepulchre afterwards, namely, Peter (verse 12), and John (Joh 20:2; Joh 21:20; Joh 21:24).

Verse 25

6 Jesus then chided them for being so unmindful of what had been foretold, and for speaking as if the whole event was unheard-of.

Verse 27

7 Expounded unto them in all the scriptures, means He cited them to the Scriptures which predicted those things concerning Himself. The pronoun is the word of Luke, for the disciples did not yet recognize Him.

Verse 28

8 Jesus did this to test their spirit of hospitality.

Verse 29

9 Their kindness was from a pure motive of hospitality, and not just because of the importance of the person, for they still did not know Him.

Verse 30

0 One part of Thayer's definition of bless, is "to ask God's blessing on a thing, pray Him to bless it to one's use." This act of Jesus was the same as any one of His disciples can do for the good things of life. The main point in this verse is the fact that Jesus changed from being a guest, and took the position of host. The purpose of it will be seen in the next verse.

Verse 31

1 Eyes were opened. This reversed the condition that had been over their eyes which "restrained" them. No physical miracle was performed by the act of Jesus as host. But it was such an unusual procedure for a guest, especially one who had seemed reluctant to visit with them (verses 28, 29), that it aroused their attention and stirred up their memory. they doubtless had been with Him before his death, on various occasions, and had beheld just such a performance. This, together with His conversation on the way, in which the prophecies were cited, brought them "to themselves" and they recognized Him. Having accomplished the purpose of the visit, Jesus disappeared.

Verse 32

2 Robinson defines the original for burn at this place, "to be greatly moved," and Thayer gives virtually the same explanation. These disciples turned to each other after Jesus disappeared, and recalled how they had been impressed by the re marks which he made to them by the way; and that was before they realized the identity of the speaker. The whole subject flowed over their minds and filled them with a restlessness that was born of genuine interest. Under such a condition they could not be still, but must go and contact others with the interesting news.

Verse 33

3 Yes, these happy disciples arose the same hour, and leaving the village of Emmaus, they returned to Jerusalem where they found the eleven (apostles) and others gathered together, engaged in earnest conversation.

Verse 34

4 The two disciples arriving from Emmaus found this group talking about the great subject of the hour, namely, the resurrection of Jesus. They related to the two new arrivals the same news they had themselves heard from the report of the women.

Verse 35

5 Then they (the two) joined in with their story of how Jesus had appeared to them in the way. There could be no mistake about it, for He had sat down with them to a meal, at which He was made known to them.

Verse 36

6 It required only a miracle for Jesus to appear in this way among them, even as a similar feat was performed when he disappeared unobserved (chapter 4:29, 30).

Verse 37

7 The human mind does some strange things. This group had just been rejoicing over the report that Jesus was alive and had been seen of a number of disciples. Now when He actually appeared in their midst they were frightened. In Joh 20:19 is this same event recorded, and it states the doors were closed for fear of the Jews. They evidently had the doors fastened for safety, hence when Jesus appeared in spite of the secured shutters, they considered it was a spirit that entered.

Verse 38

8 Jesus knew their minds and that they thought He was a spirit.

Verse 39

0 The body of Jesus came out of the grave in the same condition it had when it entered therein. That was necessary to furnish evidence that He was the same person who was crucified. An instance of this truth is what is recorded in this paragraph. And He retained that form as long as he was on earth because the disciples were in the flesh and could profit by association with Him only in that form. But we know it was changed before He reached heaven, for Paul says (1Co 15:50) that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. (See notes in the following paragraph about his having no blood.) Also, 1Jn 3:2 says, "It doth not yet appear what we shall be," and later in the verse he says that when He appears we shall be like Him. John knew what His appearance was like while on the earth, which shows that Jesus was changed between the time of the ascension from Mount Olivet and that of His arrival at the gates of heaven. From the above considerations, we know the popular theory about knowing Him "by the prints of the nails in his hand," is an erroneous notion, which should be classed with the materialistic heresies of the Sadducees.

Verse 41

3 Believed not for joy is an accommodative expression, used in the same sense as a familiar phrase, "too good to be true." He called for food and partook thereof, as a further proof that He was in the same form that went into the grave. This raises the question as to how He could live and make use of food when verse 39 indicates He had "flesh and bones" only, but not blood. It is true the Bible teaches that "the blood is the life," and we know also that animal creatures cannot normally live without air. But Jonah lived three days and nights in the body of the whale without normal air conditions; likewise the Father saw to it that the Son could live forty days and forty nights without blood. "Is anything too hard for the Lord?"

Verse 44

4 Some commentators think this verse goes over the interval of forty days, to the time of the ascen-sion. That idea seems reasonable to me as it applies to most of the remaining verses. However, Act 1:3 tells us He was with his apostles throughout the forty days, during which time He spoke to them about these great subjects. Doubtless Jesus concluded His 40-day period of teaching with the verses from this through the end of the chapter, and I shall comment upon the verses in their order, with our minds centered on the last hours of the Saviour with the apostles. The law and prophets and the Psalms is one classification of the parts of the Old Testament, all of which contained prophecies of Christ. (See Deu 18:18-20 for the law; Isaiah 53 for the prophets, and the Psa 16:8-10 for the Psalms.)

Verse 45

5 Opened he their understanding. This statement does not re quire any miracle upon the minds of the disciples. The scriptures referred to were the Old Testament, with which they were familiar as to its wording. The means Jesus used to get the disciples to understand them consisted in quoting them in connection with facts which they knew had been and were happening. Such an effort was accomplished in Joh 2:22; Paul used this method in Act 17:2-3, and Apollos used it in Act 18:28. The specific passage that Jesus used for this purpose will be considered in connection with the following verse.

Verse 46

6 Thus it is written. We know this refers to Psa 16:8-10, for Peter quotes it in Act 2:25-32, and applies it in the same way that Jesus does in our verse. Since this is the only place in the Old Testament where the prophecy of the third day is said to be written, the question would be raised about how that phrase is connected with it, when the words are not found in that text. The answer is found in the statement that Jesus was not to remain in the grave long enough for his body to begin decaying, or see corruption. In Joh 11:39 we learn that a body would begin to decay after four days, hence Jesus must rise before that many days to prevent his body from decaying. And the other requirement of scripture was that He be in the grave three days and three nights. All of this brings the conclusion that Jesus was to rise from the dead the third day, according to the present verse. Behoved is from a word that means, "it was necessary and proper." In order to fulfill what was written, it was necessary for Christ to accomplish these things.

Verse 47

7 Repentance and remission of sins could not have been preached in the name of Christ, had He not met all the requirements of this important prophecy. Among all nations signifies that Jesus died for the whole world, not the Jews only. Beginning at Jerusalem. That city was the capital of the Jewish kingdom, both religiously and politically, and it was to be the model and beginning place (but not the capital) of the kingdom of Christ.

Verse 48

8 This work of being witnesses for Jesus is stated more fully in Act 1:8. The territory of their operation was to include Jerusalem as the beginning place, then reach unto "the uttermost part of the earth." According to Rom 10:18 and Col 1:23, that commission was finally carried out.

Verse 49

9 The promise of the Father pertained to the outpouring of the Spirit, and it had been made in Joe 2:28-32. The exact date of that event was not stated to them, hence it was necessary to tarry in Jerusalem until it came. Be endued is from enduno, and means "to be clothed with." Power is from DUNAMIS, and means might or strength. This qualification was to be upon the apostles so they would be able to "preach the Gospel to every creature," as Mar 16:15 words it. This is why it must be said that none but the apostles were able to carry out the "Great Commission."

Verse 50

0 Mathew says nothing about the ascension; Mark merely mentions it, and our passage precedes it with the name of the location, which was Bethany, the home town of Lazarus and his sisters (Joh 11:1).

Verse 51

1 Before starting his journey toward heaven, Jesus lifted up his hands to bless the apostles, thereby adding dignity and solemnity to it. He was carried up. Jesus could have soared through space independent of any visible vehicle, but this phrase indicates He did not do so. Act 1:9 states "a cloud received Him out of their sight."

Verse 52

2 They worshiped Him. This was after He had disappeared, which reminds us of the various meanings of the word "worship." (See the note at Mat 2:2.) The great joy was not over the disappearance of Jesus, of course, but for the assurances of the angels that are recorded in Act 1:11.

Verse 53

3 The temple was the headquarters of the Jewish system, and the place where the national worship was conducted. It was natural for them to be spending the time at that place, waiting for the coming of the power promised by Jesus. Their activities consisted in praising and blessing God, because they believed He was the One "From whom all blessings flow."
Bibliographical Information
Zerr, E.M. "Commentary on Luke 24". Zerr's Commentary on Selected Books of the New Testament. https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/znt/luke-24.html. 1952.
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