Lectionary Calendar
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024
the Week of Proper 24 / Ordinary 29
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Bible Commentaries
Luke 24

Bullinger's Companion Bible NotesBullinger's Companion Notes

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Verse 1

Now = But, &c. Compare Matthew 28:1 .Mark 16:2-4 . See App-166 .

the first day of the week. Our Saturday sunset to Sunday sunset.

very early in the morning . Greek. orthros bathos, lit, at deep dawn. Compare John 20:1 .

unto = upon. Greek. epi. App-104 .

sepulchre = tomb.

with. Greek. sun. App-104 .

Verse 2

they found, &c. See the question they had asked (Mark 16:3 ).

from = away from. Greek. apo. App-104 . Not the same word as in verses: Luke 24:46 , Luke 24:49 ,

Verse 3

not. Greek. ou. App-105 .

the Lord Jesus. See App-98 . B.C. The first occurrence of this full expression. Rightly found in this connexion. It is the prelude to some forty occurrences in the Epistles.

Jesus . App-98 .

Verse 4

And it came to pass. A Hebraism.

as, &c. = in (Greek. en. App-104 .) their being, &c.

thereabout = concerning this. Greek. peri. App-104 .

behold. Greek idou. App-133 . Figure of speech Asterismos. App-6 .

men . Greek. Plural of aner. App-123 . Not the same word as in Luke 24:7 .

in. Greek. en. App-104 . Not the same word as in verses: Luke 24:12 , Luke 24:47 .

shining = flashing as lightning. Occurs only here, andin Luke 17:24 .

garments = splendid raiment. Only here.

Verse 5

as they were , &c. = becoming filled with fear. to. Greek eis. App-104 .

unto . Greek. pros. App-104 .

the living = the living One.

among . Greek. meta. App-104 . Not the same word as in Luke 24:47 .

the dead. See App-139 .

Verse 6

risen . App-178 .

remember . The true messenger of the Lord recalls His words. Compare Luke 24:8 .

Galilee . App-169 .

Verse 7

The Son of man . See App-98 .

into . Greek. eis. App-104 .

sinful, sinners . Greek. hamartelos. Compare App-128 .

men . Greek. Plural of anthropos. App-123 .

Verse 8

words . Greek. Plural of rhema. See note on Mark 9:32 .

Verse 10

Mary . See App-100 .

and , &c. = and the rest ( App-124 .)

Verse 11

to them = in their sight.

as = like.

idle tales = silly nonsense. Greek leros. Occurs only here. A medical term for delirium.

believed not = disbelieved. Greek. apisteo.

Verse 12

and ran . Note the six things Peter did here, "arose", "ran", "stooped", "beheld", "departed", "wondered,"; and the one thing he did not do, "believed".

beheld . Greek blepo. App-133 .

laid by themselves. Important evidence in view of Matthew 28:12-15 .

departed, &c. = went away to (Greek. pros. App-104 .)his own [house] wondering.

Verse 13

of . Greek. ek. App-101 . Not the same word as in verses: Luke 24:14 , Luke 24:42 .

them . Not apostles.

went = were going

that = in (Greek. en) that.

Emmaus. Now Khan el Khamaseh, eight miles south-west of Jerusalem (Conder), or Urtas, seven miles south (Finn).

furlongs . See App-51 .

Verse 14

talked together = were conversing with (Greek. pros. App-104 .) one another. Same as "communed" in Luke 24:15 .

of = concerning. Greek. peri. App-104 .

Verse 15

while, &c. = in (Greek. en) their communing, &c.

drew near , and = having drawn near.

went = was walking.

Verse 16

not. Greek. me. App-105 .

know = recognize. Greek epiginosko. App-132 .

Verse 17

communications. Greek. Plural of logos. See note on Mark 9:32 .

have = exchange. Only here in N.T. to. Greek. pros. App-104 .

and are sad . According to T Tr. 1 H R (not the Syriac) the question ends at "walk", and reads on: "and they stood still, sad in countenance".

Verse 18

Cleopas. Aramaic. See App-94 . An abbreviation of Cleopatros. Not the same as Clopas of John 19:25 .

only a . . . and hast = the only . . . who has.

known = got to know. App-132 .

there = in (Greek. en) it.

Verse 19

What things? = What kind of things? Concerning. Greek. peri. App-104 .

a prophet. See Acts 3:22 .

word. Greek. logos. See note on Mark 9:32 .

Verse 20

be condemned to = the judgment (Greek. krima. App-177 .) of:

Verse 21

trusted = were hoping.

should have redeemed = was about to redeem. In accordance with Luke 2:38 . Compare Acts 1:6 .

beside = with. Greek. sun. App-104 .

this = these things.

the third day . See App-148 and App-166 .

since = from (Greek. apo. App-104 .) the time when.

Verse 22

at. Greek. epi. App-104 .

Verse 23

also. Read "also" after "angels".

seen . Greek. horao. App-133 .

was alive = is living.

Verse 24

to . Greek. epi, as above.

saw. Greek. eidon. App-133 .

Verse 25

Then = And.

O fools = O dullards. Greek. anoetos = without reflection (not aphron = without mind; or asophos = withoutwisdom); i.e. dull is your heart, and slow in believing.

believe. See App-150 .

all = on all. Not some. The Jews believed the prophecies of' the "glory", but not those of the "sufferings", and cast the Lord out, because they thought He was not good enough for the world. Many today do the reverse, and think the world is not yet good enough for Him.

Verse 26

Ought not , &c. . . . ? Behoved it not?

not. Greek. ouchi. App-105 .

Christ = the Messiah. App-98 .

and to enter , &c. This, in God's counsels, was to follow immediately on the sufferings, had the nation repented. See Acts 3:18-26 , and compare 1 Peter 1:11 ; 1Pe 4:13 ; 1 Peter 5:1 . Doubtless this was the subject of Acts 1:3 .

Verse 27

beginning at Moses . Compare Genesis 3:15 ; Genesis 22:18 . Exodus 12:0 .Leviticus 16:0 . Numbers 21:9 . Deuteronomy 18:15 .Numbers 24:17 ; Numbers 20:11 .

at = from. Greek. apo. App-104 .

Moses . See note on Luke 5:14 .

all = from all, &c. Compare Isaiah 7:14 ; Isaiah 9:6 , Isaiah 9:7 ; Isaiah 40:10 , Isaiah 40:11 ; Isaiah 50:6 ; Isaiah 53:4 , Isaiah 53:5 .Jeremiah 23:5 ; Jeremiah 33:14 , Jeremiah 33:15 .Ezekiel 34:23 .Micah 6:2 .Zechariah 6:12 ; Zechariah 9:9 ; Zechariah 12:10 ; Zechariah 13:7 . Malachi 3:1 ; Malachi 4:2 . See also Hebrews 1:1 .

expounded = interpreted.

Verse 28

unto . Greek. eis. App-104 . went = were going. made, &c. i.e. was going farther (but for their constraint). There was no deception. Literally, added to go. Greek. prospoieoniai. Only here.

Verse 29

constrained . Greek. parabiazomai. Occurs only here and Acts 16:15 .

with . Greek. meta. App-104 .

toward. Greek. pros. App-104 .

is far spent = has declined.

Verse 30

as He sat , &c. = in (Greek. en) His sitting down.

sat = reclined.

took bread . He took the part of the host.

bread = the bread.

brake, &c. See note on Matthew 14:19 .

Verse 31

vanished = became invisible. Greek. aphantos. Only here.

out of their sight = from (Greek. apo. App-104 .) them.

Verse 32

Did not, &c. = was not our heart burning.

within = in. Greek. en.

talked = was talking.

by = in. Greek. en.

opened = was interpreting.

Verse 33

gathered = crowded. Only here.

Verse 34

Saying: i.e. the eleven and those with them, being the speakers.

The Lord . App-98 . A.

is risen = has risen. Greek. egeiro. App-178 .

hath appeared. Greek. optomai. App-106 .

Verse 35

told = related,

was known = became known. App-132 .

breaking, &c. = the breaking of the bread.

Verse 37

seen. Greek. theoreo. App-133 .

spirit. Greek. pneuma. App-101 .

Verse 38

thoughts = reasonings.

Verse 39

Behold. Greek. Plural of ide. App-133 .:3.

see. Same as "behold".

Verse 41

for = from. Greek. apo. App-104 .

wondered = were wondering.

any = anything.

meat = eatable. Greek. brosimos. Occurs only here.

Verse 42

broiled . Greek optos. Occurs only here.

of = from. Greek. apo. App-104 .

honeycomb . Common fare. Most texts omit from "and "to end of verse.

Verse 44

words . Plural of logos. See note on Mark 9:32 . must. Same as "ought" (Luke 24:26 ). Compare Acts 17:3 .

were written = have been (and stand) written. Compare Luke 24:26 , Luke 24:27 .

the Law, &c. These are the three great divisions of the Hebrew Bible. See App-1 and note on Matthew 5:17 .

Me. Christ is the one great subject of the whole Bible. Compare Isaiah 40:7 . John 5:39 . Act 17:3 . 1 John 5:20 .

Verse 45

opened, &c. For this important truth, see Matthew 11:27 ; Matthew 13:11 ; Matthew 16:17 . John 16:13 .Acts 16:14 . 1 Corinthians 2:14 . Compare Psalms 119:18 .

Verse 46

rise. App-178 .

from = out from among. Greek. ek. App-104 .

the dead . App-139 . See note on Matthew 17:9 . the third day. See App-148 and App-156 .

Verse 47

repentance . App-111 .

remission of sins . The new Covenant having been made, this could now be proclaimed. Compare Luke 1:17 . Acts 2:38 ; Acts 3:19 ; Acts 10:43 ; Acts 13:38 , Acts 13:39 . Hebrews 9:22 .

sins . Greek. hamartia. App-128 .

preached = proclaimed. App-121 .

in = on (the strength, or foundation of). Greek. epi. App-104 .

among = to. Greek. eis. App-104 .

nations = the nations.

beginning at Jerusalem. Compare Isaiah 2:3 .Micah 4:2 .

at = from. Greek. apo. App-104 . Compare Act 1:81

Verse 48

witnesses = witness-bearers. Compare Acts 1:8 ; Acts 2:32 ; Acts 3:15 ; Acts 4:33 ; Acts 5:30-32 , &c.

Verse 49

send . Greek. apostello, but T Tr. A WH R read exapostello, send out or forth. App-174 .:2.

the : i.e. the gift of pneuma hagion. According to Joel 2:28 (Acts 2:17 , Act 2:78 ). See Isaiah 44:3 .Ezekiel 36:26 .

upon . Greek. epi. App-104 .

power from on high . This defines the meaning of pneuma hagion, which is synonymous with it. See Acts 1:4 , Acts 1:5 .

Verse 50

He led, &c. At the end of the forty days (Acts 1:3-12 ).

as far as to . Until they were at, or opposite to.

Bethany . Now el'Azariyeh.

Verse 51

while : i.e. in (Greek. en) the act, &c.

was parted = stood apart.

heaven. Singular. See note on Matthew 6:9 , Matthew 6:10 .

Verse 52

worshipped = having worshipped. App-137 .

Verse 53

temple = the Temple courts. See note on Matthew 23:16 . Not offering or eating of the sacrifices there, but at home. See Acts 1:14 ; Acts 2:46 ; Acts 3:1 ; Acts 5:42 .

Luke ends his Gospel, and commences the Acts with the Ascension.

Bibliographical Information
Bullinger, Ethelbert William. "Commentary on Luke 24". "Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/bul/luke-24.html. 1909-1922.
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