Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, October 6th, 2024
the Week of Proper 22 / Ordinary 27
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Bible Dictionaries
Break, Breaker, Breaking, Brake

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words

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A — 1: κλάω

(Strong's #2806 — Verb — klao | klazo — klah'-o )

"to break, to break off pieces," is used of "breaking bread," (a) of the Lord's act in providing for people, Matthew 14:19; 15:36; Mark 8:6,19; (b) of the "breaking of bread" in the Lord's Supper, Matthew 26:26; Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19; Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 10:16; 11:24; (c) of an ordinary meal, Acts 2:46; 20:11; 27:35; (d) of the Lord's act in giving evidence of His resurrection, Luke 24:30 .

A — 2: ἐκκλάω

(Strong's #1575 — Verb — ekklao — ek-klah'-o )

ek, "off," and No. 1, "to break off," is used metaphorically of branches, Romans 11:17,19,20 .

A — 3: κατακλάω

(Strong's #2622 — Verb — kataklao — kat-ak-lah'-o )

kata, "down," and No. 1, is used in Mark 6:41; Luke 9:16 , of Christ's "breaking" loaves for the multitudes.

A — 4: λύω

(Strong's #3089 — Verb — luo — loo'-o )

"to loosen," especially by way of deliverance, sometimes has the meaning of "breaking, destructively," e.g., of "breaking" commandments, not only infringing them, but loosing the force of them, rendering them not binding, Matthew 5:19; John 5:18; of "breaking" the Law of Moses, John 7:23; Scripture, John 10:35; of the "breaking up" of a ship, Acts 27:41; of the "breaking down" of the middle wall of partition, Ephesians 2:14; of the marriage tie, 1 Corinthians 7:27 . See DESTROY , DISSOLVE , LOOSE , MELT , PUT , Note (5), UNLOOSE.

A — 5: συντρίβω

(Strong's #4937 — Verb — suntribo — soon-tree'-bo )

lit., "to rub together," and so "to shatter, shiver, break in pieces by crushing," is said of the bruising of a reed, Matthew 12:20 (No. 9 is used in the next clause); the "breaking" of fetters in pieces, Mark 5:4; the "breaking" of an alabaster cruse, Mark 14:3; an earthenware vessel, Revelation 2:27; of the physical bruising of a person possessed by a demon, Luke 9:39; concerning Christ, "a bone of Him shall not be broken," John 19:36; metaphorically of the crushed condition of a "broken-hearted" person, Luke 4:18 (AV only); of the eventual crushing of Satan, Romans 16:20 . See BRUISE. This verb is frequent in the Sept. in the Passive Voice, e.g., Psalm 51:17; Isaiah 57:15 , of a contrite heart, perhaps a figure of stones made smooth by being rubbed together in streams. Cp. suntrimma, "destruction."

A — 6: ῥήσσω

(Strong's #4486 — Verb — rhegnumi — hrayg'-noo-mee, hrace'-so )

"to tear, rend, as of garments, etc.," is translated "break" in the AV, of Matthew 9:17 , of wine-skins (RV, "burst"); as in Mark 2:22; Luke 5:37 .; "break forth" in Galatians 4:27 . See BURST , REND , TEAR.

A — 7: διαρρήσσω

(Strong's #1284 — Verb — diarrhegnumi — dee-ar-hrayce'-so )

dia, "through" (intensive), and No. 6, "to burst asunder, to rend, cleave," is said of the rending of garments, Matthew 26:65; Mark 14:63; Acts 14:14; of the "breaking" of a net, Luke 5:6; of fetters, 8:29. See REND.

A — 8: προσρήγνυμι

(Strong's #4366 — Verb — prosrhegnumi — pros-rayg'-noo-mee )

see BEAT , No. 8.

A — 9: κατάγνυμι

(Strong's #2608 — Verb — katagnumi — kat-ag'-noo-mee )

kata, "down" (intensive), and No. 6, is used of the "breaking" of a bruised reed, Matthew 12:20 , and of the "breaking" of the legs of those who were crucified, John 19:31,32,33 .

A — 10: συνθλάω

(Strong's #4917 — Verb — sunthlao — soon-thlah'-o )

sun, "together" (intensive), and thlao, "to break or crush, to break in pieces, to shatter," is used in Matthew 21:44; Luke 20:18 of the physical effect of falling on a stone.

A — 11: συνθρύπτω

(Strong's #4919 — Verb — sunthrupto — soon-throop'-to )

sun, and thrupto, "to crush, to break small, weaken," is used metaphorically of "breaking" one's heart, Acts 21:13 .

A — 12: σχίζω

(Strong's #4977 — Verb — schizo — skhid'-zo )

"to split, to rend open," is said of the veil of the temple, Matthew 27:51; the rending of rocks, Matthew 27:51; the rending of the heavens, Mark 1:10; a garment, Luke 5:36; John 19:24; a net, John 21:11; in the Passive Voice, metaphorically, of being divided into factions, Acts 14:4; 23:7 . See DIVINE , Note, OPEN , REND , RENT.

Note: Cp. schisma (Eng., "schism"), said of the rent in a garment, Matthew 9:16 . See DIVISION , RENT , SCHISM.

A — 13: διορύσσω

(Strong's #1358 — Verb — diorusso — dee-or-oos'-so )

lit., "to dig through" (dia, "through," orusso, "to dig"), is used of the act of thieves in "breaking" into a house, Matthew 6:19,20; 24:43; Luke 12:39 .

A — 14: ἐξορύσσω

(Strong's #1846 — Verb — exorusso — ex-or-oos'-so )

lit., "to dig out" (cp. No. 13), is used of the "breaking up" of part of a roof, Mark 2:4 , and, in a vivid expression, of plucking out the eyes, Galatians 4:15 . See PLUCK.

Note: For aristao, "to break one's fast," see DINE.

B — 1: κλάσις

(Strong's #2800 — Noun Feminine — klasis — klas'-is )

"a breaking" (akin to A, No. 1), is used in Luke 24:35; Acts 2:42 , of the "breaking" of bread.

B — 2: κλάσμα

(Strong's #2801 — Noun Neuter — klasma — klas'-mah )

"a broken piece, fragment," is always used of remnants of food, Matthew 14:20; 15:37 and corresponding passages. See PIECE.

B — 3: παράβασις

(Strong's #3847 — Noun Feminine — parabasis — par-ab'-as-is )

"a transgression" (para, "across," baino, "to go"), is translated "breaking" in Romans 2:23 , AV; RV, "transgression;" AV and RV ditto in Romans 4:15; 5:14; Galatians 3:19; 1 Timothy 2:14; Hebrews 2:2; 9:15 . See TRANSGRESSION.

B — 4: παραβάτης

(Strong's #3848 — Noun Masculine — parabates — par-ab-at'-ace )

"a transgressor" (cp. No. 3), is translated "breaker," Romans 2:25 , AV; RV, "transgressor." In Romans 2:27 the AV turns it into a verb, "dost transgress." See Galatians 2:18; James 2:9,11 .

Bibliography Information
Vines, W. E., M. A. Entry for 'Break, Breaker, Breaking, Brake'. Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words. https://www.studylight.org/​dictionaries/​eng/​ved/​b/break-breaker-breaking-brake.html. 1940.
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