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Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Genesis 19:8
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Beholde nowe, I haue two daughters, which haue not knowen man: them will I bring out now vnto you, and doe to them as seemeth you good: onely vnto these men doe nothing: for therefore are they come vnder the shadowe of my roofe.
Genesis 19:22
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Haste thee, saue thee there: for I can doe nothing till thou be come thither. Therefore the name of the citie was called Zoar.
Genesis 20:6
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And God saide vnto him by a dreame, I knowe that thou diddest this euen with an vpright minde, and I kept thee also that thou shouldest not sinne against me: therefore suffered I thee not to touche her.
Genesis 21:23
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Nowe therefore sweare vnto me here by God, that thou wilt not hurt me, nor my children, nor my childrens children: thou shalt deale with me, and with the countrey, where thou hast bene a stranger, according vnto the kindnesse that I haue shewed thee.
Genesis 22:17
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Therefore will I surely blesse thee, and will greatly multiplie thy seede, as the starres of the heauen, and as the sand which is vpon the sea shore, and thy seede shall possesse the gate of his enemies.
Genesis 23:15
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My lord, hearken vnto me: ye land is worth foure hundreth shekels of siluer: what is that betweene me and thee? bury therefore thy dead.
Genesis 24:2
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Therefore Abraham saide vnto his eldest seruant of his house, which had the rule ouer all that he had, Put nowe thine hand vnder my thigh,
Genesis 24:14
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Graunt therefore that ye maide, to whom I say, Bowe downe thy pitcher, I pray thee, that I may drinke: if she say, Drinke, and I will giue thy camels drinke also: may be she that thou hast ordeined for thy seruant Izhak: and thereby shall I know yt thou hast shewed mercy on my master.
Genesis 24:49
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Now therefore, if ye will deale mercifully and truely with my master, tell me: and if not, tell me that I may turne me to the right hand or to the left.
Genesis 24:50
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Then answered Laban and Bethuel, and said, This thing is proceeded of the Lorde: we cannot therefore say vnto thee, neither euill nor good.
Genesis 25:22
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But the children stroue together within her: therefore shee sayde, Seeing it is so, why am I thus? wherefore she went to aske the Lord.
Genesis 25:24
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Therefore when her time of deliuerance was fulfilled, behold, twinnes were in her wombe.
Genesis 25:26
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And afterward came his brother out, and his hande helde Esau by the heele: therefore his name was called Iaakob. Nowe Izhak was threescore yeere olde when Rebekah bare them.
Genesis 25:30
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Then Esau sayd to Iaakob, Let me eate, I pray thee, of that pottage so red, for I am wearie. Therefore was his name called Edom.
Genesis 26:14
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For he had flockes of sheepe, and heards of cattell, and a mightie housholde: therefore the Philistims had enuy at him.
Genesis 26:17
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Therefore Izhak departed thence and pitched his tent in the valley of Gerar, and dwelt there.
Genesis 26:20
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But the herdmen of Gerar did striue with Izhaks herdmen, saying, The water is ours: therefore called he the name of the wel Esek, because they were at strife with him.
Genesis 26:22
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Then he remoued thence, and digged an other well, for the which they stroue not: therefore called hee the name of it Rehoboth, and sayde, Because the Lorde hath nowe made vs roome, we shall increase vpon the earth.
Genesis 26:33
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So hee called it Shibah: therefore the name of the citie is called Beer-sheba vnto this day.
Genesis 27:8
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Nowe therefore, my sonne, heare my voyce in that which I command thee.
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