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Sunday, October 6th, 2024
the Week of Proper 22 / Ordinary 27
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Bible Dictionaries
Charge, Chargeable

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words

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A — 1: αἰτία

(Strong's #156 — Noun Feminine — aitia — ahee-tee'-a )

"a cause, accusation," is rendered "charges" in Acts 25:27 (AV, "crimes"); cp. Acts 25:18 . See ACCUSATION , CAUSE.

A — 2: αἰτίαμα

(Strong's #157 — Noun Neuter — aitioma — ahee-tee'-am-ah )

in some texts aitiama, denotes "a charge," Acts 25:7 . See ACCUSATION , A, No. 2.

A — 3: ἔγκλημα

(Strong's #1462 — Noun Neuter — enklema — eng'-klay-mah )

see ACCUSATION , A, No. 3. (b) With the meaning of "something committed or bestowed."

A — 4: κλῆρος

(Strong's #2819 — Noun Masculine — kleros — klay'-ros )

"a lot, allotment, heritage" (whence Eng. "clergy"), is translated in 1 Peter 5:3 , RV, "the charge allotted to you;" here the word is in the plural, lit., "charges." See INHERITANCE , LOT , PART.

A — 5: ὀψώνιον

(Strong's #3800 — Noun Neuter — opsonion — op-so'-nee-on )

from opson, "meat," and oneomai, "to buy," primarily signified whatever is brought to be eaten with bread, provisions, supplies for an army, soldier's pay, "charges," 1 Corinthians 9:7 , of the service of a soldier. It is rendered "wages" in Luke 3:14; Romans 6:23; 2 Corinthians 11:8 . See WAGES.

A — 6: παραγγελία

(Strong's #3852 — Noun Feminine — parangelia — par-ang-gel-ee'-ah )

"a proclamation, a command or commandment," is strictly used of commands received from a superior and transmitted to others. It is rendered "charge" in Acts 16:24; 1 Thessalonians 4:2 , RV (where the word is in the plural); 1 Timothy 1:5 (RV), 18. In Acts 5:28 the lit. meaning is "Did we not charge you with a charge?" See also COMMANDMENT , STRAITLY. Cp. C, No. 8, below.

B — 1: ἀδάπανος

(Strong's #77 — Adjective — adapanos — ad-ap'-an-os )

lit., "without expense" (a, negative, and dapane, "expense, cost"), is used in 1 Corinthians 9:18 , "without charge" (of service in the Gospel).

C — 1: διαμαρτύρομαι

(Strong's #1263 — Verb — diamarturomai — dee-am-ar-too'-rom-ahee )

a strengthened form of marturomai (dia, "through," intensive), is used in the Middle Voice; primarily it signifies to testify through and through, bear a solemn witness; hence, "to charge earnestly," 1 Timothy 5:21; 2 Timothy 2:14; 4:1 . See TESTIFY , WITNESS.

C — 2: διαστέλλω

(Strong's #1291 — Verb — diastellomai — dee-as-tel'-lom-ahee )

lit., "to draw asunder" (dia, "asunder," stello, "to draw"), signifies "to admonish, order, charge," Matthew 16:20; Mark 5:43; 7:36 (twice); 8:15; 9:9. In Acts 15:24 it is translated "gave commandment;" in Hebrews 12:20 , AV, "commanded," RV, "enjoined." See COMMAND , Note (2).

C — 3: διατάσσω

(Strong's #1299 — Verb — diatasso — dee-at-as'-so )

see APPOINT , No. 6.

C — 4: ἐμβριμάομαι

(Strong's #1690 — Verb — embrimaomai — em-brim-ah'-om-ahee )

from en, "in," intensive, and brime, "strength," primarily signifies "to snort with anger, as of horses." Used of men it signifies "to fret, to be painfully moved;" then, "to express indignation against;" hence, "to rebuke sternly, to charge strictly," Matthew 9:30; Mark 1:43; it is rendered "murmured against" in Mark 14:5; "groaned" in John 11:33; "groaning" in John 11:38 . See GROAN , MURMUR.

C — 5: ἐγκαλέω

(Strong's #1458 — Verb — enkaleo — eng-kal-eh'-o )

see ACCUSE , B, No. 2.

C — 6: ἐντέλλω

(Strong's #1781 — Verb — entellomai — en-tel'-lom-ahee )

to order, command, enjoin (from en, in, used intensively, and teleo, to fulfil), is translated by the verb to give charge, Matthew 4:6; 17:9 (AV); Luke 4:10 . See COMMAND , ENJOIN.

C — 7: ἐπιτιμάω

(Strong's #2008 — Verb — epitimao — ep-ee-tee-mah'-o )

signifies (a) to put honour upon (epi, upon, time, honour); (b) to adjudge, to find fault with, rebuke; hence to charge, or rather, to charge strictly (epi, intensive), e.g., Matthew 12:16; Mark 3:12 , "charged much;" Mark 8:30; in Mark 10:48 , RV, "rebuked." See REBUKE.

C — 8: παραγγέλλω

(Strong's #3853 — Verb — parangello — par-ang-gel'-lo )

lit., "to announce beside" (para, "beside," angello, "to announce"), "to hand on an announcement from one to another," usually denotes "to command, to charge," Luke 5:14; 8:56; 1 Corinthians 7:10 (AV, "command"), "give charge," RV; 11:17, "in giving you this charge," RV; 1 Timothy 1:3; 6:13 , RV; 6:17. It is rendered by the verb "to charge" in the RV of Acts 1:4; 4:18; 5:28; 15:5; 1 Thessalonians 4:11 . See Acts 5:28 under A, No. 6. See COMMAND , DECLARE.

C — 9: προαιτιάομαι

(Strong's #4256 — Verb — proaitiaomai — pro-ahee-tee-ah'-om-ahee )

"to accuse beforehand, to have already brought a charge" (pro, "before," aitia, "an accusation"), is used in Romans 3:9 , "we before laid to the charge."

C — 10: τηρέω

(Strong's #5083 — Verb — tereo — tay-reh'-o )

"to keep, to guard," is translated "to be kept in charge," in Acts 24:23; 25:4 , RV (AV, "kept"). See HOLD , KEEP , OBSERVE , PRESERVE , WATCH.

Notes: (1) Martureo, "to testify," translated "charged" in 1 Thessalonians 2:11 , AV, is found there in the most authentic mss. and translated "testifying" in the RV. (2) Enorkizo, "to adjure" (en, "in," used intensively, horkos, "an oath"), is translated "I adjure," in 1 Thessalonians 5:27 , RV, for AV, "I charge." Some mss. have horkizo here. (3) The following are translated by the verb "to charge or to be chargeable" in the AV, but differently in the RV, and will be found under the word BURDEN: bareo, B, No. 1; epibareo, B, No. 2; katanarkao, B. No. 5. (4) Epitasso, "to command," is so translated in Mark 9:25 , RV, for the AV, "charge." (5) Dapanao, "to be at the expense of anything" (cp. B. above), is translated "be at charges," in Acts 21:24 . See CONSUME , SPEND. (6) In 2 Timothy 4:16 , logizomai is rendered "laid to (their) charge," AV; RV, "... account." (7) In Acts 8:27 , the RV translates the verb eimi, "to be," with epi, "over," "was over," AV, "had the charge of." (8) In Acts 7:60 histemi, "to cause to stand," is rendered "lay ... to the charge."

Bibliography Information
Vines, W. E., M. A. Entry for 'Charge, Chargeable'. Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words. https://www.studylight.org/​dictionaries/​eng/​ved/​c/charge-chargeable.html. 1940.
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