Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Nehemiah 13:2
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Because they met not the children of Israel with bread and with water, but hired Balaam against them, that he should curse them: and our God turned the curse into a blessing.
Esther 1:15
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What shal we do vnto the Queene Vashti according to the law, because she did not according to the worde of the King Ahashuerosh by the commission of the eunuches?
Esther 3:6
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Now he thought it too litle to lay hands onely on Mordecai: & because they had shewed him the people of Mordecai, Haman sought to destroy all the Iewes, that were throughout the whole kingdome of Ahashuerosh, euen the people of Mordecai.
Esther 4:7
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And Mordecai tolde him of all that which had come vnto him, and of the summe of the siluer that Haman had promised to pay vnto the Kings treasures, because of the Iewes, for to destroy them.
Esther 8:7
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And the King Ahashuerosh sayde vnto the Queene Ester, & to Mordecai the Iewe, Behold, I haue giuen Ester the house of Haman, whome they haue hanged vpon the tree, because he layd hand vpon the Iewes.
Esther 9:24
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Because Haman the sonne of Hammedatha the Agagite al the Iewes aduersarie, had imagined against the Iewes, to destroy them, and had cast Pur (that is a lot) to consume and destroy them.
Esther 9:26
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Therfore they called these dayes Purim, by the name of Pur, & because of all the wordes of this letter, & of that which they had seene besides this, and of that which had come vnto them.
Job 3:10
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Because it shut not vp the dores of my mothers wombe: nor hid sorowe from mine eyes.
Job 6:10
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Then should I yet haue comfort, (though I burne with sorowe, let him not spare) because I haue not denyed the wordes of the Holy one.
Job 6:22
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Was it because I said, Bring vnto me? or giue a rewarde to me of your substance?
Job 9:35
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Then will I speake, & feare him not: but because I am not so, I holde me still.
Job 10:15
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If I haue done wickedly, wo vnto me: if I haue done righteously, I will not lift vp mine head, being full of confusion, because I see mine affliction.
Job 11:18
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And thou shalt bee bolde, because there is hope: and thou shalt digge pittes, and shalt lye downe safely.
Job 12:2
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In deede because that ye are the people onely, wisedome must dye with you.
Job 15:27
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Because he hath couered his face with his fatnesse, and hath colloppes in his flancke.
Job 18:15
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Feare shall dwell in his house (because it is not his) and brimstone shalbe scattered vpon his habitation.
Job 30:11
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Because that God hath loosed my corde and humbled mee, they haue loosed the bridle before me.
Job 31:20
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If his loynes haue not blessed me, because he was warmed with the fleece of my sheepe,
Job 31:25
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If I reioyced because my substance was great, or because mine hand had gotten much,
Job 32:1
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So these three men ceased to answere Iob, because he esteemed himselfe iust.
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