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Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Job 41:30
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span data-lang="eng" data-trans="jps" data-ref="job.41.1" class="versetxt"> Behold, the hope of him is in vain; shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him? None is so fierce that dare stir him up; who then is able to stand before Me? Who hath given Me anything beforehand, that I should repay him? Whatsoever is under the whole heaven is Mine. Would I keep silence concerning his boastings, or his proud talk, or his fair array of words? Who can uncover the face of his garment? Who shall come within his double bridle? Who can open the doors of his face? Round about his teeth is terror. His scales are his pride, shut up together as with a close seal. One is so near to another, that no air can come between them. They are joined one to another; they stick together, that they cannot be sundered. His sneezings flash forth light, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning. Out of his mouth go burning torches, and sparks of fire leap forth. Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot and burning rushes. His breath kindleth coals, and a flame goeth out of his mouth. In his neck abideth strength, and dismay danceth before him. The flakes of his flesh are joined together; they are firm upon him; they cannot be moved. His heart is as firm as a stone; yea, firm as the nether millstone. When he raiseth himself up, the mighty are afraid; by reason of despair they are beside themselves. If one lay at him with the sword, it will not hold; nor the spear, the dart, nor the pointed shaft. He esteemeth iron as straw, and brass as rotten wood. The arrow cannot make him flee; slingstones are turned with him into stubble. Clubs are accounted as stubble; he laugheth at the rattling of the javelin. Sharpest potsherds are under him; he spreadeth a threshing-sledge upon the mire. He maketh the deep to boil like a pot; he maketh the sea like a seething mixture. He maketh a path to shine after him; one would think the deep to be hoary. Upon earth there is not his like, who is made to be fearless. He looketh at all high things; he is king over all the proud beasts.
Job 41:31
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span data-lang="eng" data-trans="jps" data-ref="job.41.1" class="versetxt"> Behold, the hope of him is in vain; shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him? None is so fierce that dare stir him up; who then is able to stand before Me? Who hath given Me anything beforehand, that I should repay him? Whatsoever is under the whole heaven is Mine. Would I keep silence concerning his boastings, or his proud talk, or his fair array of words? Who can uncover the face of his garment? Who shall come within his double bridle? Who can open the doors of his face? Round about his teeth is terror. His scales are his pride, shut up together as with a close seal. One is so near to another, that no air can come between them. They are joined one to another; they stick together, that they cannot be sundered. His sneezings flash forth light, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning. Out of his mouth go burning torches, and sparks of fire leap forth. Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot and burning rushes. His breath kindleth coals, and a flame goeth out of his mouth. In his neck abideth strength, and dismay danceth before him. The flakes of his flesh are joined together; they are firm upon him; they cannot be moved. His heart is as firm as a stone; yea, firm as the nether millstone. When he raiseth himself up, the mighty are afraid; by reason of despair they are beside themselves. If one lay at him with the sword, it will not hold; nor the spear, the dart, nor the pointed shaft. He esteemeth iron as straw, and brass as rotten wood. The arrow cannot make him flee; slingstones are turned with him into stubble. Clubs are accounted as stubble; he laugheth at the rattling of the javelin. Sharpest potsherds are under him; he spreadeth a threshing-sledge upon the mire. He maketh the deep to boil like a pot; he maketh the sea like a seething mixture. He maketh a path to shine after him; one would think the deep to be hoary. Upon earth there is not his like, who is made to be fearless. He looketh at all high things; he is king over all the proud beasts.
Job 41:32
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span data-lang="eng" data-trans="jps" data-ref="job.41.1" class="versetxt"> Behold, the hope of him is in vain; shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him? None is so fierce that dare stir him up; who then is able to stand before Me? Who hath given Me anything beforehand, that I should repay him? Whatsoever is under the whole heaven is Mine. Would I keep silence concerning his boastings, or his proud talk, or his fair array of words? Who can uncover the face of his garment? Who shall come within his double bridle? Who can open the doors of his face? Round about his teeth is terror. His scales are his pride, shut up together as with a close seal. One is so near to another, that no air can come between them. They are joined one to another; they stick together, that they cannot be sundered. His sneezings flash forth light, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning. Out of his mouth go burning torches, and sparks of fire leap forth. Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot and burning rushes. His breath kindleth coals, and a flame goeth out of his mouth. In his neck abideth strength, and dismay danceth before him. The flakes of his flesh are joined together; they are firm upon him; they cannot be moved. His heart is as firm as a stone; yea, firm as the nether millstone. When he raiseth himself up, the mighty are afraid; by reason of despair they are beside themselves. If one lay at him with the sword, it will not hold; nor the spear, the dart, nor the pointed shaft. He esteemeth iron as straw, and brass as rotten wood. The arrow cannot make him flee; slingstones are turned with him into stubble. Clubs are accounted as stubble; he laugheth at the rattling of the javelin. Sharpest potsherds are under him; he spreadeth a threshing-sledge upon the mire. He maketh the deep to boil like a pot; he maketh the sea like a seething mixture. He maketh a path to shine after him; one would think the deep to be hoary. Upon earth there is not his like, who is made to be fearless. He looketh at all high things; he is king over all the proud beasts.
Job 41:33
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span data-lang="eng" data-trans="jps" data-ref="job.41.1" class="versetxt"> Behold, the hope of him is in vain; shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him? None is so fierce that dare stir him up; who then is able to stand before Me? Who hath given Me anything beforehand, that I should repay him? Whatsoever is under the whole heaven is Mine. Would I keep silence concerning his boastings, or his proud talk, or his fair array of words? Who can uncover the face of his garment? Who shall come within his double bridle? Who can open the doors of his face? Round about his teeth is terror. His scales are his pride, shut up together as with a close seal. One is so near to another, that no air can come between them. They are joined one to another; they stick together, that they cannot be sundered. His sneezings flash forth light, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning. Out of his mouth go burning torches, and sparks of fire leap forth. Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot and burning rushes. His breath kindleth coals, and a flame goeth out of his mouth. In his neck abideth strength, and dismay danceth before him. The flakes of his flesh are joined together; they are firm upon him; they cannot be moved. His heart is as firm as a stone; yea, firm as the nether millstone. When he raiseth himself up, the mighty are afraid; by reason of despair they are beside themselves. If one lay at him with the sword, it will not hold; nor the spear, the dart, nor the pointed shaft. He esteemeth iron as straw, and brass as rotten wood. The arrow cannot make him flee; slingstones are turned with him into stubble. Clubs are accounted as stubble; he laugheth at the rattling of the javelin. Sharpest potsherds are under him; he spreadeth a threshing-sledge upon the mire. He maketh the deep to boil like a pot; he maketh the sea like a seething mixture. He maketh a path to shine after him; one would think the deep to be hoary. Upon earth there is not his like, who is made to be fearless. He looketh at all high things; he is king over all the proud beasts.
Job 41:34
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span data-lang="eng" data-trans="jps" data-ref="job.41.1" class="versetxt"> Behold, the hope of him is in vain; shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him? None is so fierce that dare stir him up; who then is able to stand before Me? Who hath given Me anything beforehand, that I should repay him? Whatsoever is under the whole heaven is Mine. Would I keep silence concerning his boastings, or his proud talk, or his fair array of words? Who can uncover the face of his garment? Who shall come within his double bridle? Who can open the doors of his face? Round about his teeth is terror. His scales are his pride, shut up together as with a close seal. One is so near to another, that no air can come between them. They are joined one to another; they stick together, that they cannot be sundered. His sneezings flash forth light, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning. Out of his mouth go burning torches, and sparks of fire leap forth. Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot and burning rushes. His breath kindleth coals, and a flame goeth out of his mouth. In his neck abideth strength, and dismay danceth before him. The flakes of his flesh are joined together; they are firm upon him; they cannot be moved. His heart is as firm as a stone; yea, firm as the nether millstone. When he raiseth himself up, the mighty are afraid; by reason of despair they are beside themselves. If one lay at him with the sword, it will not hold; nor the spear, the dart, nor the pointed shaft. He esteemeth iron as straw, and brass as rotten wood. The arrow cannot make him flee; slingstones are turned with him into stubble. Clubs are accounted as stubble; he laugheth at the rattling of the javelin. Sharpest potsherds are under him; he spreadeth a threshing-sledge upon the mire. He maketh the deep to boil like a pot; he maketh the sea like a seething mixture. He maketh a path to shine after him; one would think the deep to be hoary. Upon earth there is not his like, who is made to be fearless. He looketh at all high things; he is king over all the proud beasts.
Job 42:7
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And it was so, that after the LORD had spoken these words unto Job, the LORD said to Eliphaz the Temanite: 'My wrath is kindled against thee, and against thy two friends; for ye have not spoken of Me the thing that is right, as My servant Job hath.
Job 42:9
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So Eliphaz the Temanite and Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite went, and did according as the LORD commanded them; and the LORD accepted Job.
Job 42:12
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So the LORD blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning; and he had fourteen thousand sheep, and six thousand camels, and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she-asses.
Job 42:15
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And in all the land were no women found so fair as the daughters of Job; and their father gave them inheritance among their brethren.
Job 42:17
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So Job died, being old and full of days.
Psalms 1:4
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Not so the wicked; but they are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.
Psalms 5:12
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So shall all those that take refuge in Thee rejoice, they shall ever shout for joy, and Thou shalt shelter them; For Thou dost bless the righteous; O LORD, Thou dost encompass him with favour as with a shield.
Psalms 18:35
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Who traineth my hands for war, so that mine arms do bend a bow of brass.
Psalms 18:39
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I have smitten them through, so that they are not able to rise; they are fallen under my feet.
Psalms 21:13
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For thou shalt make them turn their back, thou shalt make ready with thy bowstrings against the face of them. Be Thou exalted, O LORD, in Thy strength; so will we sing and praise Thy power.
Psalms 26:6
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I will wash my hands in innocency; so will I compass Thine altar, O LORD,
Psalms 30:12
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Thou didst turn for me my mourning into dancing; Thou didst loose my sackcloth, and gird me with gladness; So that my glory may sing praise to Thee, and not be silent; {P}
Psalms 37:4
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So shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and He shall give thee the petitions of thy heart.
Psalms 42:2
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As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after Thee, O God.
Psalms 45:12
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So shall the king desire thy beauty; for he is thy lord; and do homage unto him.
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